Issue with Intel compilation on macOS 10.15 Catalina : catastrophic error: cannot open source file "stdlib.h" - c++

I try desperatly to compile with c++ intel compiler (icpc) a simple code that I was used to compile on my previous macBook 10.14.
Now, since Headers don't exist anymore with 10.15 Catalina, the compiler has difficulties to find stdlib.h. Here the output I get :
icpc -std=c++11 -O3 -xHost -fp-model strict -prec-div -prec-sqrt -fma -ftz -mp1 -qopenmp -Wall -c -I/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.258/mac/mkl/include -mkl=parallel main.cpp -o main.o
In file included from /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/include/c++/v1/math.h(301),
from /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2020.2.258/mac/compiler/include/math.h(177),
from /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/include/c++/v1/cmath(304),
from TSAF.h(1),
from main.cpp(1):
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/include/c++/v1/stdlib.h(20): catastrophic error: cannot open source file "stdlib.h"
#include_next <stdlib.h>
compilation aborted for main.cpp (code 4)
make: *** [Makefile:13: main.o] Error 4
./main_intel.exe: No such file or directory
I tried a lot of potential workarounds from the net but none works. I would like to avoid to create a directory /usr/include/ by removing the security system of my macBook.
I thought maybe this would work by downloading XCode_12.0.1 but same problems remain.
For the moment, I have the version Catalina OS 10.15.7, all has been updated.
EDIT 1: There is something that I don't understand : on my previous macBook 10.14, I didn't need to use the headers of clang c++ for intel compilation.
If anyone could give me a suggestion/clue/track, this would be fine.

Run the command in the Terminal
sudo xcode-select --reset
And then check if proper developer tools are selected instead of the command line tools
xcode-select -p


How can I solve this error on macOS catalina?

I am trying to compile a Cpp program with g++ compiler, but I am getting this error:
Yuliam-MBP:Documents yuliamosh$ g++-9 -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic vector.cpp -o vector
In file included from /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/9.2.0_3/include/c++/9.2.0/bits/postypes.h:40,
from /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/9.2.0_3/include/c++/9.2.0/iosfwd:40,
from /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/9.2.0_3/include/c++/9.2.0/ios:38,
from /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/9.2.0_3/include/c++/9.2.0/ostream:3,
from /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/9.2.0_3/include/c++/9.2.0/iostream:39,
from vector.cpp:1:
/usr/local/Cellar/gcc/9.2.0_3/include/c++/9.2.0/cwchar:44:10: fatal error: wchar.h: No such file or directory
44 | #include <wchar.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
It seems like "wchar.h" was not found.
I would suggest to follow the instructions from this thread.
xcode-select --install
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/
You might need to reset the default location of the compile tools:
xcode-select --reset
These are the usual fixes. SADLY, NONE OF THEM WORKED FOR ME!
Homebrew Solution

Ubuntu 16.04, Nvidia toolkit 8.0 RC, darknet compilation error: expected a ";"

I am compiling Darknet on Ubuntu 16.04 with GPU support.
Nvidial toolkit version 8.0 RC
And I get stuck with error:
nvcc --gpu-architecture=compute_52 --gpu-code=compute_52 -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ --compiler-options "-Wall -Wfatal-errors -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU" -c ./src/ -o obj/convolutional_kernels.o
/usr/local/cuda/include/surface_functions.h(134): error: expected a ";"
/usr/local/cuda/include/surface_functions.h(135): error: expected a ";"
/usr/local/cuda/include/surface_functions.h(136): error: expected a ";"
/usr/local/cuda/include/surface_functions.h at error lines has something like this:
template<> __device__ __cudart_builtin__ char surf1Dread(surface<void, cudaSurfaceType1D> surf, int x, enum cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode mode) asm("__surf1Dread_char") ;
Any advice ?
So it happens when your environment uses different versions of nvcc binary and cuda includes files during compilation process.
Darknet is using /usr/local/cuda/include/ as its include path
but relys on you PATH when executing nvcc binary. And it could belong to your another cuda installation in the system.
To avoid this force your shell to search for nvcc in the /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc.
This could be done either by hacking nvcc path in the Makefile:
replace NVCC=nvcc with NVCC=/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc
or by modyfying PATH variable for make command (simpler and session related)
PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH make
If you have several versions of CUDA installed and need them (like me), I recommend adding the following to your (BASH) RC:
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda8.0/lib64${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}
Source your RC ('. ~/.bashrc') and complilation works!
This error is because of nvcc version 7.5
Looks like Cuda toolkit 8.0 RC installation via deb files does not have nvcc version 8
I have reinstalled cuda via installed and it works for me now

Error in cross compiling for adding libpcap to mipsel

I compiled C and link libpcap
after adding the library. I use the following line to compile my code.
mipsel-openwrt-linux-gcc -c -Wall -I /home/osboxes/Downloads/OpenWrt-SDK-brcm47xx-for-Linux-i686-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc-,n-mipsel_gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- -o sniffex.o sniffex.c
cc1: error: /home/osboxes/Downloads/OpenWrt-SDK-brcm47xx-for-Linux-i686-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- not a directory
cc1: error: /home/osboxes/Downloads/OpenWrt-SDK-brcm47xx-for-Linux-i686-gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- not a directory
I tried also to do it with Makefile
I did something wrong. I find that the SDK was 32 bit and I have 64bit OS then I downloaded 64bit SDK and everything work well.

Install xgboost under python with 64-bit msys failing

I want to install xgboost using anaconda python. In this process, I am trying to install xgboost. While trying to "make" the xgboost i am getting the below error:
g++ -m64 -c -Wall -O3 -msse2 -Wno-unknown-pragmas -funroll-loops -fopenmp -fPIC
-o updater.o src/tree/updater.cpp
src/tree/updater.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is positio
n independent)
// Copyright 2014 by Contributors
src/tree/updater.cpp:1:0: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in
make: *** [updater.o] Error 1
I understood from the other Stack overflow posts that 32 bit gcc cannot go with the 64bit anaconda that i am using. However when i installed mingw-w64 i could see that it has g++ only for mingw32 and not for mingw-w64. Under the mingw-w64 package, g++ and other applications+folders are present only for mingw32 and not for 64. For mingw-64 only a batch file and a internet short cut is present.
Could you please guide me what is going wrong or guide me to an appropriate place from where i can download for mingw-64.
Thanks in advance.
If you are really using MSYS2, then you should not be downloading separate compilers. You should install 64-bit g++ using MSYS2's package manager, by running pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain. Then make sure that you start the MSYS2 shell using the shortcut that is named something like "MSYS2 Win64 Shell" in your start menu. Type which g++ in Bash and make sure it outputs /mingw64/bin/g++. Then you should be able to compile code for 64-bit Windows.
I'm not sure that this answer is complete. If you need more help with MSYS2, it would be good to post the exact commands you are running to download/extract the source code and build so that others can reproduce the error.

why self built g++ compiler fails to compile my code

I wanted to use latest g++ compiler(4.9.1) on suse linux, but suse only supports an older g++ version. So, I took a latest source code from one of the gnu mirror sites and compiled it myself. Everything went fine. But when I tried to compile my test code using the built g++, the compilation fails with error,
"/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bits/os_defines.h:39:22: fatal error: features.h: No such file or directory".
I can find a "features.h" in "/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/parallel", but I feel that it should be there in "/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/" itself.
I copied "/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/parallel/features.h" to "/root/home/include/c++/4.9.1/" just to see what happens. Now it complains with error "whcar.h" not found.
Have I missed something.
Here are the steps I followed to build g++.
1. /root/home/gcc_build/objdir# ../gcc-4.9.1/configure --prefix=/root/home/ --disable-multilib
2. /root/home/gcc_build/objdir# make -j16
3. /root/home/gcc_build/objdir# make install
4. /root/home/gcc_build/test# /root/home/bin/g++ --sysroot /root/home -m64 test.cpp
I resolved the issue by removing sysroot option and pointing c++ include and library path to my home directory. One thing I noticed was that the g++ source does not come with libc and c header files, and libc has to be installed seperately. But with sysroot option, g++ was trying to look all the header files in my home directory.
Below is the command I used to successfully compile the code.
/root/home/bin/g++ -I /root/home/include/c++/4.9.1 -L /root/home/lib64 -Wl,--rpath=/root/home/lib64 --std=c++0x -m64 test.cpp
Take a look at the GCC Directory Options. It is important to use the correct "specifier" as well (-isystem, -L, -B, -I etc)