Number of seconds between two dates including leap seconds - c++

I'm fiddling around with time representation in C++.
I would like to have a strictly monotonic representation of time, that handles leap seconds well. The utc_clock in C++20 should be able to do that, and since my compiler doesn't support this version yet, I'm using HowardHinnant/date.
To understand the library better I have started making small test cases, but got stuck on one.
I take two dates, before and after insertion of a leap second and check that duration between those two dates actually has the extra second.
This is the test case:
TEST(DateTime, TimeLeap)
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace date;
// Two dates with a leap second in between
auto t1 = clock_cast<utc_clock>(static_cast<sys_days>(2016_y/December/31));
auto t2 = clock_cast<utc_clock>(static_cast<sys_days>(2017_y/January/1));
EXPECT_EQ(duration_cast<seconds>(t2 - t1).count(), 24 * 3600 + 1);
but it fails for me:
common/tests/datetime.cpp:39: Failure
Expected: duration_cast<seconds>(t2 - t1).count()
Which is: 86400
To be equal to: 24 * 3600 + 1
Which is: 86401
It seems that the conversion between sys_clock and utc_clock doesn't add the leap second.
Suspecting that the problem is the resolution of sys_days, I've also tried doing a time_point_cast<seconds>(...) before the clock_cast<utc_clock>, but the result didn't change.
I've also tried using 2017-01-02 as the second date, in case there was an issue with distinction between 2016-12-31 23:59:60 and 2017-01-01 00:00 -- the leap second also didn't appear there.

It looks like you're using the OS supplied timezone database (USE_OS_TZDB=1), and that the leapseconds aren't being read. This can be confirmed with:
cout << get_tzdb().leap_seconds.size() << '\n';
This should output 27 (currently), but for you I imagine it is outputting 0. This means leapsecond data is missing.
With a recent (2020-09-11) commit:, the leapsecond data is read from either one of these files:
Both of these files are IANA-supplied, but have slightly different formats. Either file will do as they have duplicate information in them. tz.cpp will search for both. If your platform doesn't ship either one of these files, you can download it from the IANA data download and copy it into place manually.


How to get nanoseconds from boost::chrono::hight_resolution_clock::time_point?

I am new to boost and chrono. I am writing a logger that logs the timestamps of API calls, entry and exit. I tried using boost::xtime first, but it wasn't giving the high resolution value I needed. Hence was thinking about using Chrono. I declared a boost::chrono::hight_resolution_clock::time_stamp x; variable for getting the timestamp and assigned it to boost::chrono::hight_resolution_clock::now ();. Now, I need to get the nanoseconds from this variable and put it in my log file (thats the requirement). So I cast it boost::chrono::duration_cast (x). But it just wouldn't let me do that. It needs 2 parameters apparently, and I only have one. Is there a way to get around this?. Is it possible to create another time_stamp variable and assign zero to it and use that variable?. I tried assigning zero, but its not working. Kindly help me out.
If tagged c++11, any reason why not to use std::chrono?
// Using std::chrono
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // start timer
/* do some work */
auto diff = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start; // get difference
auto nsec = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(diff);
std::cout << "it took: " << nsec.count() << " nanoseconds" << std::endl;
boost::chrono::duration_cast converts a duration into the specified units, but you've given it a boost::chrono::time_point, not a duration.
There's really no such thing as "the current time in nanoseconds". To get a duration, you need to specify the time since which you want to know how many nanoseconds have elapsed (an "epoch"). Different clocks will measure their time based on different epochs.
boost::chrono::system_clock (currently) uses the Unix epoch (midnight Jan 1, 1970) as its epoch, but it's not steady and it may not have the resolution you need (it's in nanoseconds on my Ubuntu box, but in 1/10,000,000ths of a second on my Windows box).
boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock uses boot up as its epoch, is steady, and measures time in nanoseconds on both boxes I tested on.
Boost also provides other clocks like process_cpu_clock that use other epochs and count in other units.
Thus you can get nanos since Jan 1, 1970 using system_clock, but it may not actually be nanosecond-accurate, and it may go backwards if the user changes the system time or the computer syncs with network time, or you can get nanos since some other point in time using high_resolution_clock.

Convert date-time from/to UTC timestamp using time location

I would like to convert between date-times and timestamps on arbitrary time locations (eg. America/New_York)
(Time location, (year, ..., sec)) ==> UTC timestamp
(UTC timestamp, time location) ==> (year, ..., sec, dayOfWeek)
I'm doing to do these conversions on multiple threads and different time zones. The time locations for a given thread are not changing so I can store some time-zone structures for repeated usage.
I know that the first is ambiguous when a DST change happens (2:30 two or zero times in a day). It would be an extra if a situation like that would be reported, but it is absolutely not a priority.
Update: I would like to have a cross platform solution. Linux + Windows is fine. By arbitrary I mean that it comes from the user and has no relation to the processing machine's location.
Try this free, open source, modern parser of the complete IANA timezone database:
It requires C++11 or better. It currently requires you to download and maintain your own copy of the IANA database. This could be a blessing if you don't want to have to wait for OS platforms to update (you can be as responsive as the database maintainers).
Here is sample code:
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include "date.h"
#include "tz.h"
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
using namespace date;
// Dave was born April 24, 1954. 10:03 AM pst
// Want to know when he is 2 Gigaseconds old
auto birthday = make_zoned("America/Los_Angeles",
local_days{apr/24/1954} + 10h + 3min);
std::cout << "born : " << birthday << '\n';
birthday = birthday.get_sys_time() + 2'000'000'000s;
std::cout << "2Gs birthday: " << birthday << '\n';
This finds Dave's 2Gs (gigasecond) birthday, and outputs:
born : 1954-04-24 10:03:00 PST
2Gs birthday: 2017-09-08 14:36:20 PDT
Note that all the arithmetic is done in the (implied) UTC timezone, so that changes in the local timezone ("America/Los_Angeles") are correctly accounted for. I.e. the birthday is during PST, and 2Gs later it is daylight saving time: PDT.
Tested on gcc-5.2, clang, VS-2015, and most recently, gcc-4.8.
You may like to have a look at Google C++ Time Zone Library:
CCTZ (C++ Time Zone) is a library for translating between absolute times and civil times (see the Fundamental Concepts section below for an explanation of these terms) using the rules defined by a time zone.
This library currently works on Linux and Mac OS X, using the standard IANA time zone data installed on the system in /usr/share/zoneinfo.

Timestamp in milliseconds gives me 10 digit in C++?

I am trying to retrieve Current Time in milliseconds using boost library.. Below is my code which I am using to get the current time in milliseconds.
boost::posix_time::ptime time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
boost::posix_time::time_duration duration( time.time_of_day() );
std::cout << duration.total_milliseconds() << std::endl;
uint64_t timestampInMilliseconds = duration.total_milliseconds() // will this work or not?
std::cout << timestampInMilliseconds << std::endl;
But this prints out in 10 digit which is like 17227676.. I am running my code on my ubuntu machine.. And I believe it is always 13 digit long value? Isn't so?
After computing the timestamp in milliseconds, I need to use below formula on that -
int end = (timestampInMilliseconds / (60 * 60 * 1000 * 24)) % 14
But somehow I am not sure whether timestampInMilliseconds which I am getting is right or not?
First of all should I be using boost::posix or not? I am assuming there might be some better way.. I am running code on my ubuntu machine..
As this piece of bash script prints out timestampInMilliseconds which is of 13 digit..
date +%s%N | cut -b1-13
The problem here is that you use time_of_day() which returns (from this reference)
Get the time offset in the day.
So from the value you provided in the question I can deduce that you ran this program at 4:47 am.
Instead you might want to use e.g. the to_tm() to get a struct tm and construct your time in milliseconds from there.
Also note that the %s format to the date command (and the strftime function) is the number of seconds since the epoch, not the number of milliseconds.
If you look at the tm structure, you will see that it has the number of years (since 1900, so subtract 70 here), days into the year, and then hours,, minutes and seconds into the day. All these can be used to calculate the time in seconds easily.
And that in seconds is the problem here. If you look at e.g. the POSIX time function you see that
shall return the value of time in seconds since the Epoch
If you want an accurate millisecond resolution you simply can't use the ptime (where the p stands for POSIX). If you want millisecond resolution you either have to use e.g. system functions that returns the time in higher resolutions (like gettimeofday), or you can see e.g. this old SO answer.


I'm using the Windows::Foundation::DateTime structure at the moment, and the value it's giving me for the UTC time (its UniversalTime member) is not a UNIX timestamp, and I can't find ANY documention on how to read it. So I did a few tests:
A equal 129862800600000000 where A is UniversalTime's value at 23:00 on 11/7/2012
and let
B equal 129862476000000000 where B is UniversalTime's value at 15:00 on 11/7/2012
We can there for assume that 8 hours of time in whatever format UniversalTime takes can be interpreted as A-B. We therefore have
A-B = 3246000000 = 8 hours
(A-B)/8 = 405750000 = 1 hour
((A-B)/8)/60 = 6762500 = 1 minute
(((A-B)/8)/60)/60 = 112708.(3...) = 1 second
This turned out to be completely incorrect. If you add 405750000 to a DateTime object's UniversalTime member, for example, it most certainly does not add an hour to it. Instead, it seems to add only 40 seconds.
Basically I just need to be able to determine the number of days that have passed since the unix epoch.
In any event, if anyone has any advice or help, that would be great.
I've also thought about the possibility that they're using a bitmask to get/set everything. But I'm not sure how to go about checking that, at the moment. (It's 4 AM, and I need to sleep. rofl)
Edit 2:
Example for what I'm currently trying to do:
date_formatter=ref new DateTimeFormatter("{month.abbreviated} {day.integer(1)}, {year.full} at {hour.integer(1)}:{minute.integer(2)}:{second.integer(2)}");
date_formatter=ref new DateTimeFormatter("Today at {hour.integer(1)}:{minute.integer(2)}");
date_string = date_formatter->format(post_date);
The UniversalTime field of a Windows::Foundation::DateTime is the number of 100ns units since 1/1/1601. It's exactly the same as a Windows FILETIME structure. Note that the UniversalTime is UTC, which is often different from the local time.
According to this MS tutorial, you can format the DateTime with a DateTimeFormatter.
Windows::Foundation::DateTime dt = (Windows::Foundation::DateTime) value;
Windows::Globalization::DateTimeFormatting::DateTimeFormatter^ dtf =

Convert historical time to GMT

I need to convert some string times in the format "2011061411322100" into GMT - my first attempt is below. However, the problem is that the times are coming from another PC and is a historical time. So I am not getting the times in real time so I cannot simply get the GMT from the local time on the box that my code is running.
The problem is that if my code is running during a time change, the time change will have occurred on my box but not on the remote box where I am getting the times. I can however, query the box to get the current time at any time.
So, to give more detail:
I start the job on a remote box
The job completes
I get some times related to the job running
I convert the time to GMT
If a time change (daylight savings) occurs between 1. and 2. I am screwed. My GMT conversion will break. I guess after 2) I need to get the current Remote Box time and see if there is a difference of >58 mins and then apply that to the conversion. But I cannot figure out a reliable method of doing this.
string GMTConverter::strToGMT(const string& timeToConvert)
// Set time zone from TZ environment variable.
struct tm tmTime;
//2011 06 14 11 32 21 00
// (strToInt is just a wrapper for atoi)
int year = strToint(timeToConvert.substr(0, 4) );
int month = strToint(timeToConvert.substr(4, 2) );
int day = strToint(timeToConvert.substr(6, 2) );
int hour = strToint(timeToConvert.substr(8, 2) );
int min = strToint(timeToConvert.substr(10, 2) );
int sec = strToint(timeToConvert.substr(12, 2) );
cout<<"Time after parsing: "<<year<<"/"<<month<<"/"<<day<<" "<<hour<<":"<<min<<":"<<sec<<endl;
// add to tm struct and return
tmTime.tm_hour = hour;
tmTime.tm_min = min;
tmTime.tm_sec = sec;
tmTime.tm_mday = day;
tmTime.tm_mon = (month-1);
tmTime.tm_year = (year - 1900);
cout <<"Time in TM: "<<tmTime.tm_year<<"/"<<tmTime.tm_mon<<"/"<<tmTime.tm_mday<<" "<<tmTime.tm_hour<<":"<<tmTime.tm_min<<":"<<tmTime.tm_sec<<endl;
char currDateTime[64];
// For logging
strftime(currDateTime, 63, "%c", &tmTime);
cout <<"Actual time:"<<currDateTime<<endl;
time_t remotePCTime = mktime( &tmTime );
struct tm *gmt = gmtime( &remotePCTime );
cout << "gmt = " << asctime( gmt ) << endl;
char datebuf_2[12];
char timebuf_2[13];
strftime( datebuf_2, 13, "%Y-%m-%d\0", gmt );
strftime( timebuf_2, 13, "%H:%M:%S\0", gmt );
return string(datebuf_2) + "T" + string(timebuf_2) + "." + string("000");
The obvious reliable solution would be to use UTC (which has no daylight savings) for the time stamp you're sending over. Using any time system that has inherent ambiguity (there is one hour of overlap each year where you can get the same time stamps on a different time) will make it impossible to have a fool-proof method, since information is lost.
If you have no control over the time format that the remote machine is sending, you can only try to extrapolate from the information that you do have, for instance, if the end time is lower than the start time, add one hour. This again introduces ambiguity if the job took longer than one hour, but at least time won't move backwards.
Time change appears twice a year - why should you bother? Anyway, can't you change the time format to include the time change event? Or check if job is done during time change by comparing to some fixed time and date at which time change appears?
Get the local time in UTC at the start and end of the remote job. Get the remote job time and covert to UTC at the start and end of the job. Convert the collection "historic" times to GMT/UTC as stated in your original post. Keep this data together in a struct or class and give additional start end times a clear name like LocalDLSValidation etc
We must now checkfor following scenarios:
1. Start and end time delta between Local and Remote is within allowed threshold(50mins?)
This the gold case. No modification is required to our collection of historical times
2. Local start/end time and remote time delta is outside threshold.
This is the second simplest case. It means that we can + or - hour to our entire collection of times.
3.Local start time and remote time delta is within threshold. But end is outside.
This is our worst case scenario as it means change has occurred in the middle of our job. If the job lasts less than hour then it will be easy to see which times in our collection need to be + or - one hour.
If it is greater than 1 hour....mmmmm. This is where we run into problems.
4. Start time between local and remote is different but end time is different
According to use case in OP this should not occur.