How do you run Drush commands via crontab on Drupal 8 - drupal-8

I am trying to execute drush commands through a crontab for a Drupal 8 site. These commands work when I call them directly, but when run through my user's crontab I get the following error:
\Drupal::$container is not initialized yet. \Drupal::setContainer() must be
called with a real container.
Other posts suggest this is a bug within older versions of Drush, but I am on 10.3.5.
I have tried a number of things over the past few hours including reconfiguring cron, but ultimately it seems Drush is not bootstrapping Drupal correctly, but I need to be able to run the queue from cron
This is a test command I'm running which just adds to the Drupal log...
crontab (my user)
* * * * * /var/www/html/vendor/bin/drush scr /var/www/html/scripts/what.php -r /var/www/html/web
\Drupal::logger('mymod')->info("CHECKING IN FROM CRON CLI...");
Here is another command, closer to what I'm trying to accomplish...
crontab (my user)
* * * * * /var/www/html/vendor/bin/drush queue:run commerce_recurring -r /var/www/html/web >> /var/www/html/private/logs/cron_commerce_recurring.log
The error I get here is:
Command queue:run was not found. Drush was unable to query the database. As
a result, many commands are unavailable. Re-run your command with --debug
to see relevant log messages.
I get this same error when running this command with drupal console.
Any suggestions appreciated.

This turned out to be a database connectivity issue. The tricky part was getting to the error. I had to install an MTA, so that cron could write errors to my local user's mailbox and then add the --debug option, so that I could see the real error.
I'm working on a DDEV instance and for some reason the DDEV settings were not being loaded. An issue for another day...


A clear step by step process for running a periodic task in a django application

I have been trying a long for creating a periodic task in Django but there are lot of version constraints and not a clear explanation.
I recommend Celery. What is Celery?
Celery supports scheduling tasks. Check this doc
First of all, you want to create a management command following this guide.
Say we want to run the closepoll command in the example every 5 minutes.
You'll then need to create a script to run this command.
Linux / MacOS:
#!/bin/bash -e
cd path/to/your/django/project
source venv/bin/activate # if you use venv
python closepoll # maybe you want to >> /path/to/log so you can log the results
store the file as, run chmod +x in command line
Now we can use crontab to run our command
run crontab -e in your command line
add this line:
*/5 * * * * /path/to/
Now the command will run every 5 minutes.
If you're not familiar with crontab, you can use this website
Same content as the above example, but remove the first line and save as run_closepoll.bat
In your start menu, search for Task Scheduler, follow the instructions on the GUI, it should be pretty simple from there.
for more info about the task scheduler, see here:
This blog explains clearly
I'm using django-cron and It works as expected. The only caveat is that you have to set a Cron job in the Linux system to run the command python runcrons.

Meteor(React) - Add cron job for aws meteor project

I have added cron job for my meteor app at aws by using following command:
* * * * * curl -v
But looks like it is not working as I am not getting any results which is visible if I am trying to refresh manually.
Also tried '/usr/bin/curl' instead of curl but no effect.
What to do?
Thanks in advance!
2 things I can think of:
Ensure that curl is installed on the instance and, in your path.
Check the logs and/or enable more verbose logging to see what’s happening with cron.

Getting Data From A Specific Website Using Google Cloud

I have a machine learning project and I have to get data from a website every 15 minutes. And I cannot use my own computer so I will use Google cloud. I am trying to use Google Compute Engine and I have a script for getting data (here is the link: This script gets data every 15 mins and writes it down to csv files. I can run this code by opening an SSH terminal and executing it from there but it stops working when I close the terminal. I tried to run it by executing it in startup script but it doesn't work this way too. How can I run this and save the csv files? BTW I have to install an API to run the code and I am doing it in startup script. There is no problem in this part.
Instances running in Google Cloud Platform can be configured with the same tools available in the operating system that they are running. If your instance is a Linux instance, the best method would be to use a cronjob to execute your script repeatedly at your chosen interval.
Once you have accessed the instance via SSH, you can open the crontab configuration file by running the following command:
$ crontab -e
The above command will provide access to your personal crontab configuration (for the user you are logged in as). If you want to run the script as root you can use this instead:
$ sudo crontab -e
You can now edit the crontab configuration and add an entry that tells cron to execute your script at your required interval (in your case every 15 minutes).
Therefore, your crontab entry should look something like this:
*/15 * * * * /path/to/you/
Notice the first entry is for minutes, so by using the */15, you are telling the cron daemon to execute the script once every 15 minutes.
Once you have edited the crontab configuration file, it is a good idea to restart the cron daemon to ensure the change you made will take place. To do this you can run:
$ sudo service cron restart
If you would like to check the status to ensure the cron service is running you can run:
$ sudo service cron status
You script will now execute every 15 minutes.
In terms of storing the CSV files, you could either program your script to store them on the instance, or an alternative would be to use Google Cloud Storage bucket. File can be copied to buckets easily by making use of the gsutil (part of Cloud SDK) command as described here. It's also possible to mount buckets as a file system as described here.

Google cloud compute startup script ignored with no logging

I have a standard Debian 8.9 instance on google cloud compute (GCE) where my startup script is ignored.
In the custom metadata field, for startup-script, I am trying to run an Rscript (which is used for batch execution of R files), followed by a system shutdown, with the following:
#! /bin/bash
sudo /usr/bin/Rscript /home/myuser/launch_script.R
sudo shutdown -h now
Starting the instance is immediately followed by a shutdown and the Rscript is ignored. Removing the last line to shutdown causes the GCE instance to start, but the Rscript to be ignored. Running just "sudo /usr/bin/Rscript /home/myuser/launch_script.R" from the terminal results in the script being run. It has a chmod of 755, so I don't think this is a permissions issue.
In addition to this problem, I have read elsewhere that logging should happen in /var/log/, but there is nothing there. Instead, I have a bunch of log files (that only contain the start-up script and nothing else) in the root of my instance:
I got in touch with Google cloud support, who gave the following response:
script definition is kept under /var/run/google.startup.script
If the script does not run initially, you can force it manually with : $ sudo google_metadata_script_runner --script-type startup # for Debian, or # sudo /usr/share/google/run-startup-scripts # on Ubuntu and older images
I'm posting this information here, because it is not in their documentation (as of August 2017). I'm not sure how helpful it is, since the google.startup.script didn't exist in my case (using the latest Debian image on GCE), but I did run the other commands.
However, I think my main issues were:
I was using autossh to connect to a remote database. The startup-script was running before autossh. Building a 40 second delay into the script and running the script as a user (not sudo-type root) seems to have solved this problem for now. Autossh was being run as the main user, which I think gets loaded before lower-privilege user-defined scripts get loaded.
I was using some gcloud commands from the user account which had its own authentication issues. Running gcloud auth login as the user and ensuring correct permissions on my private key solved this.
Always remember to check the messages and syslog files in /var/log for troubleshooting. This allowed me to see the order of things being loaded at system-boot.

Elastic Beanstalk and Cron tasks not sure if its working with Yii

I am having a problem with getting a simple cron task set up on Elastic Beanstalk. I have found some of the other questions on here useful, but i still can't seem to get the cron to execute. I am unsure if it is an AWS issue, or if the script itself is not executing. The script is set up inside YII as a Console Command. I am not finding any PHP errors, and the ec2 instance is loaded without errors. Here is what i have done so far:
I have created a folder on the root of my application called .ebextensions.
Within that folder i have created a configuration file with the contents
# Installing dos2unix in case files are edited on windows PC
dos2unix: []
command: dos2unix -k
command: chmod 700
command: "cat .ebextensions/cron_task.txt > /etc/cron.d/cron_task && chmod 644 /etc/cron.d/cron_task"
# leader_only prevents problems when EB auto-scales
leader_only: true
the file cron_task.txt exists inside the .ebextensions folder with the contents
# The newline at the end of this file is extremely important. Cron won't run without it.
* * * * * /bin/php /var/www/html/crons.php test > /dev/null
Crons.php is a file at the root of the application that includes the Yii framework
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);
// including Yii
// we'll use a separate config file
// creating and running console application
the config/cron.php file is a setup file for the framework, includes database connection and model inclusions, etc
and the cron script being referenced in the cron_task.txt file is a console command that looks like this
class TestCommand extends CConsoleCommand {
public function run($args) {
$message = new Crontasks();
$message->timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$message->message = "test";
here i am just trying to get a record into the database to prove the cron was executed successfully. And i can't seem to get a record added.
The problem is, i don't know where this is failing. I am not getting any instance errors. And i took a snapshot log and cant seem to find any relevant errors in there either. Should php errors be logged here? OR do i have to set it up myself to log errors? The problem, i am also having trouble getting into ec2 via SSH. I am getting a permission denied (public key) error!! Even though i have set up the security group/key pair and using the correct public DNS for the instance!
If anyone can see anything obvious is what im doing wrong here, please let me know! Otherwise could you give any advice on where to look for any errors that might be preventing this cron task to execute? Many thanks!!