cannot stub ReactiveMongoRepository using Mockito.when - unit-testing

I'm new to reactive programming. I want to write some test cases for a reactive mongo repository. I tried to stub some query methods and use step-verifier to check the response, but my test gets fail .
public interface ItemReactiveRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<Item, String> {
Mono<Item> findByDescription(String description);
public class Item {
private String id;
private String description;
private Double price;
public class ItemReactiveRepositoryTest {
private ItemReactiveRepository itemReactiveRepository;
public void findById() {
Item itemForTest = new Item("ABC", "Samsung TV", 405.0);
.expectNextMatches(item -> item.getPrice() == 405.0)
Error I receive when running test
when() requires an argument which has to be 'a method call on a mock'.
For example:
Also, this error might show up because:
you stub either of: final/private/equals()/hashCode() methods.
Those methods cannot be stubbed/verified.
Mocking methods declared on non-public parent classes is not supported.
inside when() you don't call method on mock but on some other object.
Are there any limitations to use stubbing when test reactive streams? Or any other standard mechanism to test above scenarios?

Instead of using #Autowired you have to prepare mock for Repository from import org.mockito.Mock;
ItemReactiveRepository itemReactiveRepository;
As #Thomas has mentioned, you are not mocking instead using the actual MongoDB using DataMongoTest instead you have to get rid of this and just mock the methods and test your service layer. Autowired is expecting all default configuration and a bean which is prepared by the container for you to use which is not the case, you have to mock and use.

ItemReactiveRepository itemReactiveRepository=org.mockito.Mockito.mock(ItemReactiveRepository.class);
This worked for me.


Not able to get values from the yaml file using Mock in Groovy test case

I'm writing a unit test case for my functionality using Groovy. But, however I'm not able to configure the values that are available in the class. The values are configured in my yaml file.
Here is my code
class UpdateServiceImplTest extends Specification {
DataSourceRestTemplateConfig dataSourceRestTemplateConfig
def setup() {
dataSourceRestTemplateConfig= Mock(DataSourceRestTemplateConfig )
This DataSourceRestTemplateConfig class is using some properties, which is coming as null while executing the test
public class DataSourceRestTemplateConfig {
RestTemplate restTemplate;
private String userNameNew;
private String passwordNew;
// Method to call DB here
The above values are coming as null when I evaluate the expression. Are there any other configurations am I missing?
Any ideas would be greatly helpful to me.

Spring boot Unit test with #WebMvcTest - execution doesn't enter service layer from controller and returns null without error

I am writing unit test for a controller of my spring boot application.
I have typical MVC classes: ObjectSchemaController, ObjectSchemaService and ObjectSchemaDao.
I have written unit test with #WebMvcTest and mocked my service and dao class with #MockBean. (following this guide:
Below is my unit test :
public class ObjectSchemaControllerTest2 {
private MockMvc mvc;
private ObjectSchemaService service;
private ObjectSchemaDao dao;
ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public void testCreateObjectSchemaPass() throws Exception {
String payload = "{\"some_key\":\"some val\"}";
ObjectSchema objectSchema = objectMapper.readValue(payload, ObjectSchema.class);
below is my service class:
public class ObjectSchemaService {
ObjectSchemaDao objectSchemaDao;
public ObjectSchema createSchema(#Valid ObjectSchema objectSchema)throws Exception {
return objectSchemaDao.createSchema(objectSchema);
The issue I am facing with Unit test is, the service layer doesn't get executed and returns null value.
When I debug, I can see execution reaching in my controller class and ObjectSchemaService as being mockito-mocked in the controller. But the execution never goes in service layer and the value returned by service method is null.
I have referenced other guides- they are doing similar steps. But its not working for me. What am I missing here?
I have also seen this post with similar issue.
Unit Test POST with #WebMvcTest - #MockBean Service returns null
I made sure the input objects to both my actual controller and the one I am passing in unit case are instances of same class.
You are mocking the ObjectSchemaService but no behaviour is expected.
You need to setup the behaviour for the services that are mocked. So depending on the method signature and result somethink like.
At the moment the ObjectSchemaService mock just returns a default value which is null in your case.
In order to be transparent and unobtrusive all Mockito mocks by default return 'nice' values. For example: zeros, falseys, empty collections or nulls.
If you update your answer with details for ObjectSchemaService I could also update my answer.
You mock ObjectSchemaService so you need to tell the service how mock the values from the service when a method is called. If you don't mock the values of the service Mockito don't know what they have to return always give you null. Not need to mock ObjectSchemaDao in this test.
Note: I use Lombok in the code as ObjectSchema.builder() to return the object with the Id when is stored in the database, you can use a constructor. Assuming the service return the object.
The code looks like this:
import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.given;
public void testCreateObjectSchemaPass() throws Exception {
String payload = "{\"some_key\":\"some val\"}";
ObjectSchema objectSchema = objectMapper.readValue(payload, ObjectSchema.class);
.someKey("Some Val")

Mocking EntityManager (Mockito)

I have the following code in one of my classes:
protected EntityManager entityManager;
public entryPoint() {
for(Animal:getTheAnimals()) {
private List<Animal> getTheAnimals() {
return List<Animal>entityManager.createNamedQuery("myQuery").setParameter("myParam", new Date()).getResultList();
In my test class I have the following:
private EntityManager entityManager;
private Query query;
private ClassToTest classToTest;
public void someTest() {
List<Animal> list = new ArrayList<Animal>();
Mockito.when(query.setParameter(any(String.class), any(java.util.Date.class)).getResultList()).thenReturn(list);
...something more here...
As you can see the expected behavior is that the empty list is returned, and zero animal names get printed. However that is not the case and the actual animals from the db are being returned in the list. What am I missing? I tried several variations of this with the same result.
Thanks for reading.
In your question, you use #Autowired directly on the field for the system under test, which seems to instruct Spring to resolve the dependencies. It likely does so from your actual (production) configuration.
By comparison, a common Mockito annotation is #InjectMocks, which ignores Spring, instantiates the object using as many #Mock objects as possible.
Related SO question: Injecting into #Autowired variable during testing

Unit test custom doctrine repository

I have a custom entity repository. For example, it looks like this:
namespace Foo\Repository;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
class Article extends EntityRepository
public function findRecent($limit)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');
$qb->andWhere('a.publishDate IS NOT NULL')
->orderBy('a.publishDate', 'DESC')
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
I want to test in this case:
There is an ORDER BY in "recent"
There is a limit
The entity must have a publish date
I do not want to validate the SQL output of the query builder, since Doctrine can change the SQL between different versions. That will break my unit test. Therefore, my idea was this:
Create a mock of my repository
Create a mock of the query builder
Make sure $this->createQueryBuilder('a') returns the mocked query builder
Test for method calls on the query builder
In code:
namespace FooTest\Repository;
use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase as TestCase;
class ArticleRepositoryTest extends TestCase
protected $qb;
protected $repository;
public function setUp()
$this->qb = $this->getMockBuilder('Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder')
$this->repository = $this->getMockBuilder('Foo\Repository\Article')
public function testFindRecentLimitsToGivenLimit()
$limit = '1';
public function testFindRecentOrdersByPublishDate()
->with($this->equalTo('a.publishDate'), $this->equalTo('DESC'));
This findRecent() call however never calls createQueryBuilder internally. PhpUnit points out:
Expectation failed for method name is equal to when invoked 1 time(s).
Method was expected to be called 1 times, actually called 0 times.
I think I did something wrong in creating the repository mock. How can I make sure this approach works? Or if there is a better alternative, what is that?
It looks to me like you are mocking the Repository you are trying to test, so findRecent() is indeed mocked and will return null.
You should be able to use the real repository instance.
The solution I found to testing subclassed repositories is to add a call to setMethodsExcept() when building the mock.
So you would modify your code within setUp() above like so:
$this->repository = $this->getMockBuilder('Foo\Repository\Article')
// Insert any overridden/implemented functions here, in your case:

Moq custom IIdentity

I created a custom RoleProvider (standard webforms, no mvc) and I would like to test it. The provider itself integrates with a custom implementation of IIdentity (with some added properties).
I have this at the moment:
var user = new Mock<IPrincipal>();
var identity = new Mock<CustomIdentity>();
user.Setup(ctx => ctx.Identity).Returns(identity.Object);
identity.SetupGet(id => id.IsAuthenticated).Returns(true);
identity.SetupGet(id => id.LoginName).Returns("test");
// IsAuthenticated is the implementation of the IIdentity interface and LoginName
However when I run this test in VS2008 then I get the following error message:
Invalid setup on a non-overridable member: id => id.IsAuthenticated
Why is this happening? And most important, what do I need to do to solve it?
Grz, Kris.
You should mock IIdentity (instead of CustomIdentity - only possible if the variables you are mocking are declared in the interface) or declare the used variables as virtual.
To mark as virtual, do this: In your concrete class CustomIdentity, use
public virtual bool isAuthenticated { get; set; }
instead of
public bool isAuthenticated { get; set; }
Moq and other free mocking frameworks doesn't let you mock members and methods of concrete class types, unless they are marked virtual.
Finally, you could create the mock yourself manually. You could inherit CustomIdentity to a test class, which would return the values as you wanted. Something like:
internal class CustomIdentityTestClass : CustomIdentity
public new bool isAuthenticated
return true;
public new string LoginName
return "test";
This class would be only used in testing, as a mock for your CustomIdentity.
Answer to question in comments.
Are you mocking against the interface IIdentity, or mocking against your custom type?
Without having a fuller code snippet to look at, I am guessing that it is complaining that the IsAuthenticated is not marked as virtual in your custom implementation. However, this could only be the case if you were mocking against the concrete type, not the interface.