Are timeouts of requests waiting in the queue logged somewhere? - coldfusion

We have had issues reported under heavy load that appear to indicate some requests waiting in CF's queue are being timed out and trying to get more info about this. The IIS log is not showing anything useful as far as I can tell. Is there standard log that would have these listed? If not, is there are place in CF or Tomcat config where logging can be enabled?

Here is one of many references to log files in ColdFusion. Of course you have to know where they are and have permission to see them.
You can find out where the log files are by logging in to your server's ColdFusion Administrator page and looking to see what the path for log files is.
Then you can either map a drive to the server, or remote in, navigate to the location, and look at the appropriate file. The errors might be in exception.log, application.log, or, looking at the screenshot in the link, coldfusion-error.log.


ChromeOS errors in GCP Logging

I'm seeing errors in StackDriver logging for my Compute instance. The logs are showing repeated issues every hour, creating a lot of noise. I have a Spring Boot API deployed in a container to a VM in Compute Engine using latest stable version of Container OS.
I'm relatively new to GCP and don't understand what is causing this issue, searches have come up empty so far.
Failed to call method: org.chromium.SessionManagerInterface.RetrieveActiveSessions: object_path= /org/chromium/SessionManager: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
CallMethodAndBlockWithTimeout(...): Domain=dbus, Code=org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown, Message=The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service file
Error calling D-Bus proxy call to interface '/org/chromium/SessionManager': The name org.chromium.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files
The same 3 lines are repeating every hour. Anyone aware of what might be causing this or how to fix/suppress these?
I looked into this error, and as per my findings:
The error message that you have been receiving is a manifestation of Chrome to reliably exit shortly after starting up.
The UI’s job (which encompasses Chrome, the session_manager and the window manager) gets shut down by upstart because of it's thrashing, and when the test tries to restart the session_manager, the session_manager cannot communicate it over to the D-Bus.
The crash collection software in Container OS was originally for Chromebooks (The laptop using Chrome browser). So the code typically expects Chrome and some other related software on the system.
However, Container OS is a server OS, and does not have Chrome. So if Chrome is missing, the software will report some errors. They are actually not real failures, just some verbose error messages.
Overall, It is safe to ignore these logs and continue using your VM Instances.
Hope this helps.

Suddenly scheduled tasks are not running in coldfusion 8

I am using Coldfusion MX8 server and one of the scheduled task was running from 2 years but now suddenly from 01/12/2014 scheduled tasks are not running. When i browsed the file in browser then the file is running successfully without error.
I am not sure is there any updatation or license expiration problem. I am aware that mid of this year Adobe closed the support for coldfusion 8.
The first most common problem of this problem is external to the server. When you say you browsed to the file and it worked in a browser, it is very important to know if that test was performed on the server desktop. Knowing that you can browse to the file from your desktop or laptop is of small value.
The most common source of issues like this is a change in the DNS or network stack that is interfereing with resolution. For example, if the internal DNS serving your DMZ suddenly starts serving the "external" address - suddenly your server can't browse to your domain. Or if the IP served by the server for the domain in question goes from being to some other IP that the server can't acces correctly due to reverse proxy or LB or some other rule. Finally, sometimes the Apache or IIS is altered so that an IP that previously was serviced ( being the most common example) now does not respond.
If it is something intrinsic to the scheduler service then Frank's advice is pretty good - especially look for "proxy schduler" entries in the log - they can give you good clues. I would also log results of a scheduled task to a file. Then check the file. If it exists then your scheduled tasks ARE running - they are just not succeeding. Good luck!
I've seen the cf scheduling service crash in CF8. The rest of CF is unaffected.
Have you tried restarting the server?
Here are your concerns:
Your File (works since you tested it manually).
Your Scheduled Task (failed).
Your Coldfusion Application (Service) (any changes here)?
Your Server (what about here).
To test your problem create a duplicate task and schedule it. Leave the other one in place (maybe set your new one to run earlier). Use the same file too. See if it completes.
If it doesn't then you have a larger problem. Since the Coldfusion Server sits atop of the JVM there could be something happening there. Things just don't stop working unless something got corrupted or you got compromised. If you hardened your server by rearranging/renaming the file structure to make it more secure...It would break your task.
So going back: if your test schedule works then determine what is different between the two. Note you have logging capabilities. Logging abilities for CF8
If you are not directly incharge of maintaining this server, then I would recommend asking around and see if there was recent maintenance, if so, what was done to the server?

w32time provider dll configured incorrectly? - fails being loaded by w32time with "access denied" error

I'm at my wits end with this super descriptive "Access denied" error. Here's the rundown so far. Please keep in mind there is A LOT of information, so I may leave some out by accident.
I am writing a time provider for the w32time service, this is NOT sysadmin stuff, it's not fixed by registering /unregistering the service
I suspect my dll is not configured correctly in such a way to produce the "Access Denied" error
Here's what I've done to try and figure out what's wrong with my dll:
-Ran it through depends and all required callback functions are exposed (TimeProvOpen, TimeProvClose, TimeProvCmd)
All permissions of the dll and it's whole directory hierarchy are read/write/modify now
Put some logging in the dll - nothing logs, meaning TimeProvOpen doesn't even get called!
I am most definitely administrator
I'm not sure what else to do. I enabled debug logs for the Windows Time Service and it is no more descriptive. Just says:
Starting 'mytimeprovider', dll: 'path'
Logging error: Time Provider 'mytimeprovider' failed to start due to the following error: Access is denied (0x80070005)
What else should I be looking for? What can cause access denied, even when permissions are good, and callback functions are exposed?
Unless you are a fabricator of some atomic time sync device with your computer why go through all this trouble ?.
I mean w32tm.exe can already sync with the tcp time protocol with other ip based time servers on the internet. the protocol is adjusting computer clock time depending on time gap, and can ignore to large gaps (or you can disable that). Just beter just be an ip based time source so you dont need to change the service itself (well i cannt imagine why someone would)
For your device, simply you could let it talk over tcp/ip in the same protocol as used by w32tm.exe service. You probaply could do that with an arduino, or pic, disbanding the whole windows OS and have a smaller clock device to sell.
BTW this service can keep track on multiple time services so its not so easy to fool.
Or wrap around time.exe to simply set the time
So my dll depends on a another static library built by an associate. As far as I can tell, my permissions issues are coming from there. When the other library is excluded, my dll is able to be loaded by the w32time service. I'm still trying to figure out how to include that other dll without errors.
At least it wasn't my fault, yay!

Geoserver is unable to accept concurrent requests when processing files

I am trying to set up Geoserver as a backend to our MVC app. Geoserver works great...except it only lets me do one thing at a time. If I am processing a shapefile, the REST interface and GUI lock up until the job is done processing.
I know that there is the option to Cluster a geoserver configuration, but that would only be load balancing, so instead of only one read/write operation, I would have two instead...but we need to scale this up to at least 20 concurrent tasks at one time.
All of the references I've seen on the internet talk about locking down the number of concurrent connections, but only 1 is allowed the whole time.
Obviously GeoServer is used in production environments that have more than 1 request at the same time. I am just stumped about how to make it happen.
A few weeks ago, my colleague sent this email to the Geoserver Development team, the problem was described as a configuration lock...and that by changing a variable we could release it. The only place I saw this variable was in the source code on GitHub.
Is there a way to specify in one of the config files of Geoserver to turn these locks off so I can do concurrent read/writes? If anybody out there has encountered this before PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks!
On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 7:34 PM, Sean Winstead wrote:
We are using GeoServer 2.5 RC2. When uploading a shape file via the REST
API, the server does not respond to other requests until after the shape
file has been processed.
For example, if I start a file upload and then click on the Layers menu
item in the web app, the response for the Layers page is not received until
after the file upload and processing have completed.
I researched the issue but did not find a suitable cause/answer. I did
install the control flow extension and created an
file in the data directory, but this did not appear to have any effect.​
How do I diagnose the cause of this behavior?
Simple, it's the configuration lock. Our configuration subsystem is not
able to handle correct concurrent writes,
or reads during writes, so there is a whole instance read/write lock that
is taken every time you use the rest
api and the user interface, nothing can be done while the lock is in place
If you want, you can disable it using the system variable
but of course we cannot predict what will happen to the configuration if
you do that.
-DGeoServerConfigurationLock.enabled=true is referring to a startup parameter given to the java command when GeoServer is first started. Looking at GeoServer's bin/ and bin\startup.bat the approved way to do this is via an environment variable named JAVA_OPTS. You will see lines like
if [ -z "$JAVA_OPTS" ]; then
export JAVA_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
in and
if "%JAVA_OPTS%" == "" (set JAVA_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=128m)
in startup.bat. You will need to make those
... JAVA_OPTS="-DGeoServerConfigurationLock.enabled=true -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
or define that JAVA_OPTS environment variable similarly before GeoServer is started.
The development team's response of "of course we cannot predict what will happen to the configuration if you do that", however, suggests to me that there may be concurrency issues lurking; which may be likely to surface more frequently as you scale up. Maybe you want to think about disconnecting the backend processing of those shape files from the REST requests to do so using some queueing mechanism instead of disabling GeoServer's configuration lock.
Thank You, I figured it out. We didn't even need to do this because we were only using one login for the REST interface (admin) instead of making a new user for each repository, now the locking issue doesn't happen.

Is this a good canditate for a web-service?

Ok so coming in from a completely different field of software development, I have a problem that's a little out of my experience. I'll state it as plainly as possible without giving out confidential details:
I want to make a server that "does stuff" when requested by a client on the same network. The client will most likely be a back-end to a content management system.
The request consists of some parameters, an input file and several output files.
The files are quite large, from 10MB - 100MB of data that must be processed (possibly more). The client can specify destination for output files.
The client needs to be able to find out the status of the request - eg position in queue, percent complete. And obviously when and where to pick up output.
So, my questions are - What is a good method for the client and server to communicate? Should the client poll the server, or provide a "callback" somehow for status updates?
At this point the implementation platform is completely open - anything from C to scripting languages like Ruby are available (at either end), my main issue is how the communication should occur.
First thought, set up some webservices between the machines. But webservices aren't going to be too friendly or efficient with the large files.
Simple appoach:
ServerA hits a web method on ServerB "BeginProcess". The response give you back a FTP location username/password, and ticket number.
ServerA delivers the files to FTP location.
ServerA regularly polls a webmethod "GetProcessStatus(ticketNumber)", possible return values: Awaiting files, Percent complete, Finished
Slightly more complicated approach, without the polling.
ServerA hits a web method on ServerB "BeginProcess(postUrl)", and you send along a URL you want status updates POSTed to. Response: FTP location username/password, and ticket number.
ServerA delivers the files to FTP location.
ServerB sends thru updates to the POST location on ServerA every XXX% completed.
For extra resilience you would keep the GetProcessStatus in case something gets lost in the ether...
Files that will be up to 100MB aren't a good choice for a webservice, since you run a risk of the HTTP session timing out before you have completed your processing.
Having a webservice for checking the status of these jobs would be more ideal. Handle the file transfers via FTP or whatever file transfer method you choose and poll a webservice for updates on status. When the process is completed, you might have an output file url returned that can be downloaded.