AWS RDS Pricing - amazon-web-services

I just followed a tutorial to create an RDS database. Since the time of creating my will I be charged every hour for which my database instance is active or will I be charged for everytime I make a query to the database?.

The simple answer is that you're charged for every hour your RDS instance is running, and (broadly) not how much you actually use it. There may be some small charges for large volumes of queries, but keeping the instance running is the main cost.
However if you're a new customer you can have a small RDS instance free for a year. Look for 'free-tier eligible' on the management console.

AWS has detailed pricing category for different DB which should be clear enough. Taking mysql "On-Demand DB Instances" as an example, it charges based on the type and duration, however for RDS T3 DB instances which uses unlimited mode it may involve extra fees if your average CPU usage exceed baseline.


Does cost of EC2 on AWS increase at the same rate as user count?

I'm getting ready to launch a mobile app that I have hosted on AWS with an EC2 instance. ($0.0464 per On Demand Linux t2.medium Instance Hour).
This past month I was charged $112 for the EC2 usage, but only had a handful of internal users testing the private version of the app. It's a fairly simple app, not anything that should require a lot of computing power.
So what I'm wondering is if 10 users and dev team costs $112/mo, what happens if I get 1,000 users, or 10k users? Would the cost increase 100x, 1000x? I can't imagine getting auto-billed for $112,000 for a month of service with a small user base like 10k users.
Thanks for any help and guidance, I don't know much about AWS.
Here are the details of my billing for last month:
The billing page shows 2219 hours of t2.medium during this billing month.
That is the equivalent of 92 days. So, it might be 3 instances running for a full month.
Amazon EC2 is charged when the instance is in the Running state. If you are not using an instance, you can Stop the instance. The attached disks (EBS) will still be charged, but there will be no charge for the instance itself.
The charge is not based on the number of users, nor how 'busy' the instance is. It is simply charged when the instance is 'running'. This is because computer resources are exclusively assigned to instances (CPU, RAM) that nobody else can use.
Bottom line: Stop instances that you don't need. Use the smallest instance type for your use-case to reduce costs.
If you were not aware of the charges involved, you can contact AWS Customer Service and request a refund.
FYI, the T2 and T3 family are great for workloads that occasionally 'burst' but then have low-usage periods, but they are not great for sustained workloads. See: Burstable performance instances - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Does AWS charge for RDS Instance Startup Time?

I have an app that starts and stops an RDS instance on-demand. I understand how AWS charges for a stopped RDS instance.
Does AWS charge for startup/shutdown compute time?
The pricing documentation for RDS indicates:
Pricing is ... from the time a DB instance
is launched until it is stopped or deleted.
For RDS, more specifically:
RDS is billed in one-second increments for database instances and
attached storage. Pricing is still listed on a per-hour basis, but
bills are now calculated down to the second and show usage in decimal
form. There is a 10 minute minimum charge when an instance is created,
restored or started.
FYI, for regular EC2 instances:
Each time you start a stopped instance we charge a minimum of one
minute for usage. After one minute, we charge only for the seconds you
The most cost efficient solution would be to use aurora serverless. This way you dont have to start and stop the instance.
When you use Aurora Serverless, you pay for only the database resources that you consume, on a per-second basis.

What is Amazon Web Services RDS month-to-date usage?

I have one RDS instance on AWS under the free tier, and I've been monitoring the resources I'm using. Under the free tier, I have 20 GB-Mo of RDS - Storage and 750 Hrs of RDS - Instance. I have just one RDS instance, but my Month-end forecasted usage surpasses the free tier limits, even if I'm not even using it (the RDS Instance is active, but I'm not effectively using it for anything yet).
Since I have just one RDS instance active, it doesn't make sense that I'm surpassing RDS instance free tier usage, I think. I just wanted to clarify if those two services (RDS-Storage and RDS-Instance) actually mean what I think (RDS-Storage is the amount of actual storage I'm using from my RDS database and RDS-Instance is the amount of time the instance has been running since the start of the month, right?).
Am I missing anything? (I know that I'm not giving much information, but I'm new to AWS and I don't know which kind of information would be useful)
AWS only can answer this question and here is their explanation.
The "Forecast" function is designed to be a rough prediction of your
monthly AWS usage, based on your month-to-date charges.
Although most AWS services bill on-demand, meaning your overall bill
steadily increases over the course of a month, some services or
features bill a larger amount once, usually on or near the first of
the month.
This might cause your forecasted usage to appear higher than you
expect at the beginning of a month, because your average daily cost is
higher at the beginning of the month than it will be over the course
of that month. As the month progresses, your usage should normalize,
and the forecast will be a more accurate prediction of your final
monthly bill.
More can be read from :

AWS database operations and hour price

I need to host Accounting desktop application on Windows server. SQL database of this application will be used as a source for ecommerce website, so there will be quite often read/write operations to this database (from different linux server). Is using AWS a good idea here? Does the read/write database operations count for usage? Meaning, if I have a cron that reads DB every 5 minutes, does it mean I will be billed for 24/7 usage?
In databases PaaS = RDS (like in EC2, so with VMs) you're paying per hour of instance that you have available, it doesn't matter if you use it or not.
Answering your question - it doesn't matter if you will be querying the DB every 5 minutes, 1 second or 1 hour. You will pay for the database the same amount (transfer costs are in most cases negligible when compared to EC2/RDS costs) = for the availability you need. If you need it to be available 24x7, you will pay for 24x7. If you need your database to run only during specific hours during the day (or only Mon-Fri) you can automate starting/stopping it (e.g. with CloudWatch Events + AWS Lambda) to lower your cost.
But then I guess if it's ecommerce, you anyway need the database to be available 24x7 :)
Depends. If you want to setup your own SQL server on an EC2 instance or use AWS RDS.
In case of former you SQL server is like any other application running on an EC2 instance and the costs are simply a factor of EC2 pricing
In case of latter refer AWS RDS pricing for SQL Server

Amazon Web service RDS Instance

How do i terminate and delete a RDS Instance that is on Amazon Web services . I successfully deleted the rds instance ystd, however it is still incurring charges on me. is it possible that I deleted it wrongly?
If you see charges even after you deleted an RDS instance, make sure:
That you didn't reserved a particular instance type ( see here for more details )
That you are checking the right region. ( On the UI right top corner, click through them and check if you don't have instances in other regions ).
If something still not clear contact aws support. They are usually pretty good at responding and helping you troubleshoot issues.
One thing to remember is that AWS bills on a monthly basis.
Unless you purchased a reserved instance of some type upfront (which is possible for RDS) you will incur a charge at the end of the month for the actual usage of the instance over the monthly billing period, even if you used it for just a few minutes.