RSA exponent d is negative - c++

Im trying to encrypt and decrypt various messages with RSA and while it is working flawlessly while d is positive, it obviously breaks when d is negative as d is supposed to be a natural number.
I am using the EXTENDED_EUCLID algorithm to find it and the code is as follows.
void EXTENDED_EUCLID(cpp_int a, cpp_int b, cpp_int&d, cpp_int&x, cpp_int&y) {
cpp_int n_d = d,
n_x = x,
n_y = y;
if(b == 0) {
d = a;
x = 1;
y = 0;
} else {
cpp_int n_a = a % b;
if (n_a < 0) n_a += b;
EXTENDED_EUCLID(b, n_a, n_d, n_x, n_y);
d = n_d;
x = n_y;
y = n_x - a / b * n_y;
The 2 lines of code before the recursive call EXTENDED_EUCLID(b, n_a, n_d, n_x, n_y); are from a solution I found on Obviously I am doing something wrong here, maybe they need to be positioned somewhere else?
The initial call of the EXTENDED_EUCLID is made with the following parameters EXTENDED_EUCLID(a, n, d, x, y); from a function named MODULAR_LINEAR_EQUATION_SOLVER. a in this case is e(public key if I'm not mistaken) and n or b in this case are φ(n).
Thank you for donating your time to this, hopefully not too silly question.

The solution was to move the 2 lines of code that are above the EXTENDED_EUCLID(b, n_a, n_d, n_x, n_y); recursive call to the function MODULAR_LINEAR_EQUATION_SOLVER, below the initial EXTENDED_EUCLID call. Many thanks to President James K. Polk.


modular exponentiation for summation series

I am working on a project for school and I have run into a problem. Our goal is to calculate the last six decimal digits of the series of sums, n, i = 0, i^i using modular arithmetic. I have found a recursive method online to help me better understand how modular exponentiation works.
int exponentMod(int A, int B, int C)
// Base cases
if (A == 0)
return 0;
if (B == 0)
return 1;
// If B is even
long y;
if (B % 2 == 0) {
y = exponentMod(A, B / 2, C);
y = (y * y) % C;
// If B is odd
else {
y = A % C;
y = (y * exponentMod(A, B - 1, C) % C) % C;
return (int)((y + C) % C);
This method works fine when I am just calculating one exponent, however I'm not sure how to make this work for the problem I have been given with the series. The purpose of modular exponentiation is because we are working with large exponents, so I can not just add them up normally then mod by 1000000. I can't add up the numbers output by the above function either because they don't produce the full number that I need, when the numbers get larger, to get the correct summation. Can Someone point me in the right direction for finding the last six digits of the summation using modular arithmetic?

NTRUEncrypt: can't properly find GCD of two polynomials using decribed in open source standard algorithms, fail to define if inverse of poly exists

I've implemented algorithms for finding an inverse of a polynomial as described at onboard security resourses, but these algorithms imply that GCD of poly that I want to invert and X^N - 1 is 1.
For proper NTRU implementation I need to randomly generate small polynomials and define if their inverse exist, for now I don't have such functionality.
In order to get it work i tried to implement Euclidean algorithm as described in documentation for NTRU Open Source project. But I found some things very inconsistent which bugs me off.
Division and Euclidean algorithms can be found on page 19 of named document.
So, in division algorithm the inputs are polynomials a and b. It is stated that polynomial b must be of degree N-1.
Pseudocode for division algorithm (taken from this answer):
a) Set r := a and q := 0
b) Set u := (b_N)^–1 mod p
c) While deg r >= N do
1) Set d := deg r(X)
2) Set v := u × r_d × X^(d–N)
3) Set r := r – v × b
4) Set q := q + v
d) Return q, r
In order to find GCD of two polynomials, one must call Euclidean algorithm with inputs a (some polynomial) and X^N-1. These inputs are then passed to division algorighm.
Question is: how can X^N - 1 be passed into division algorithm if it is clearly stated that second parameter should be poly with degree N-1 ?
Ignoring this issue, there's still things I do not understand:
what is N in division algorithm? Is it N from NTRU parameters or is it degree of polynomial b?
either way, how can condition c) ever be true? NTRU operates with polynomials of degree less than N
For the greater context, here is my C++ implementation of Euclidean and Division algorithms. Given the inputs a = {-1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1}, b = {-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1}, p = 3 and N = 11 it enters endless loop inside division algorithm
using tPoly = std::deque<int>;
std::pair<tPoly, tPoly> divisionAlg(tPoly a, tPoly b, int p, int N)
tPoly r = a;
tPoly q{0};
int b_degree = degree(b);
int u = Helper::getInverseNumber(b[b_degree], p);
while (degree(r) >= N)
int d = degree(r);
tPoly v = genXDegreePoly(d-N); // X^(d-N)
v[d-N] = u*r[d]; // coefficient of v
r -= multiply(v, b, N);
q += v;
return {q, r};
struct sEucl
sEucl(int U=0, int V=0, int D=0)
: u{U}
, v{V}
, d{D}
tPoly u;
tPoly v;
tPoly d;
sEucl euclidean(tPoly a, tPoly b, int p, int N)
sEucl res;
if ((degree(b) == 0) && (b[0] == 0))
res = sEucl(1, 0);
res.d = a;
return res;
tPoly u{1};
tPoly d = a;
tPoly v1{0};
tPoly v3 = b;
while ((0 != degree(v3)) && (0 != v3[0]))
std::pair<tPoly, tPoly> division = divisionAlg(d, v3, p, N);
tPoly q = division.first;
tPoly t3 = division.second;
tPoly t1 = u;
t1 -= PolyMath::multiply(q, v1, N);
u = v1;
d = v3;
v1 = t1;
v3 = t3;
d -= multiply(a, u, N);
tPoly v = divide(d, b).first;
res.u = u;
res.v = v;
res.d = d;
return res;
Additionally, polynomial operations used in this listing may be found at github page
I accidentally googled the answer. I don't really need to calculate GCD to pick a random invertable polynomial, I just need to choose the right amount of 1 and 0 (for binary) or -1, 0 and 1 (for ternary) for my random poly.
Please, consider this question solved.

Finding all the ordered pairs of integers lying on a line ax+by=c in better than O(n^2) time complexity [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
What's algorithm used to solve Linear Diophantine equation: ax + by = c
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am trying to write a code which can input 3 long int variables, a, b, c.
The code should find all integer (x,y) so that ax+by = c, but the input values can be up to 2*10^9. I'm not sure how to do this efficiently. My algorithm is O(n^2), which is really bad for such large inputs. How can I do it better? Here's my code-
typedef long int lint;
struct point
lint x, y;
int main()
lint a, b, c;
vector <point> points;
cin >> c >> a >> b;
for(lint x = 0; x < c; x++)
for(lint y = 0; y < c; y++)
point candidate;
if(a*x + b*y == c)
candidate.x = x;
candidate.y = y;
Seems like you can apply a tiny bit of really trivial math to solve for y for any given value of x. Starting from ax + by = c:
ax + by = c
by = c - ax
Assuming non-zero b1, we then get:
y = (c - ax) / b
With that in hand, we can generate our values of x in the loop, plug it into the equation above, and compute the matching value of y and check whether it's an integer. If so, add that (x, y) pair, and go on to the next value of x.
You could, of course, make the next step and figure out which values of x would result in the required y being an integer, but even without doing that we've moved from O(N2) to O(N), which is likely to be plenty to get the task done in a much more reasonable time frame.
Of course, if b is 0, then the by term is zero, so we have ax = c, which we can then turn into x = c/a, so we then just need to check that x is an integer, and if so all pairs of that x with any candidate value of y will yield the correct c.

C++ How do I set the fractional part of a float?

I know how to get the fractional part of a float but I don't know how to set it. I have two integers returned by a function, one holds the integer and the other holds the fractional part.
For example:
int a = 12;
int b = 2; // This can never be 02, 03 etc
float c;
How do I get c to become 12.2? I know I could add something like (float)b \ 10 but then what if b is >= than 10? Then I would have to divide by 100, and so on. Is there a function or something where I can do setfractional(c, b)?
edit: The more I think about this problem the more I realize how illogical it is. if b == 1 then it would be 12.1 but if b == 10 it would also be 12.1 so I don't know how I'm going to handle this. I'm guessing the function never returns a number >= 10 for fractional but I don't know.
Something like:
float IntFrac(int integer, int frac)
float integer2 = integer;
float frac2 = frac;
float log10 = log10f(frac2 + 1.0f);
float ceil = ceilf(log10);
float pow = powf(10.0f, -ceil);
float res = abs(integer);
res += frac2 * pow;
if (integer < 0)
res = -res;
return res;
It's like saying: log10(98 + 1) = log10(99) = 1.995, ceilf(1.995) = 2, powf(10, -2) = 0.01, 99 * 0.01 = 0.99, and then 12 + 0.99 = 12.99 and then we check for the sign.
And let's hope the vagaries of IEEE 754 float math won't hit too hard :-)
I'll add that it would be probably better to use double instead of float. Other than 3d graphics, there are very few fields were using float is a good idea nowadays.
The most trivial method would be counting the digits of b and then divide accordingly:
int i = 10;
while(b > i) // rather slow, there are faster ways
i*= 10;
c = a + static_cast<float>(b)/i;
Note that due to the nature of float the result might not be what you expected. Also, if you want something like 3.004 you can modify the initial value of i to another power of ten.
kindly try this below code after including include math.h and stdlib.h file:
int a=12;
int b=22;
int d=b;
int i=0;
float c;

finding cube root in C++?

Strange things happen when i try to find the cube root of a number.
The following code returns me undefined. In cmd : -1.#IND
cout<<pow(( double )(20.0*(-3.2) + 30.0),( double )1/3)
While this one works perfectly fine. In cmd : 4.93242414866094
cout<<pow(( double )(20.0*4.5 + 30.0),( double )1/3)
From mathematical way it must work since we can have the cube root from a negative number.
Pow is from Visual C++ 2010 math.h library. Any ideas?
pow(x, y) from <cmath> does NOT work if x is negative and y is non-integral.
This is a limitation of std::pow, as documented in the C standard and on cppreference:
Error handling
Errors are reported as specified in math_errhandling
If base is finite and negative and exp is finite and non-integer, a domain error occurs and a range error may occur.
If base is zero and exp is zero, a domain error may occur.
If base is zero and exp is negative, a domain error or a pole error may occur.
There are a couple ways around this limitation:
Cube-rooting is the same as taking something to the 1/3 power, so you could do std::pow(x, 1/3.).
In C++11, you can use std::cbrt. C++11 introduced both square-root and cube-root functions, but no generic n-th root function that overcomes the limitations of std::pow.
The power 1/3 is a special case. In general, non-integral powers of negative numbers are complex. It wouldn't be practical for pow to check for special cases like integer roots, and besides, 1/3 as a double is not exactly 1/3!
I don't know about the visual C++ pow, but my man page says under errors:
EDOM The argument x is negative and y is not an integral value. This would result in a complex number.
You'll have to use a more specialized cube root function if you want cube roots of negative numbers - or cut corners and take absolute value, then take cube root, then multiply the sign back on.
Note that depending on context, a negative number x to the 1/3 power is not necessarily the negative cube root you're expecting. It could just as easily be the first complex root, x^(1/3) * e^(pi*i/3). This is the convention mathematica uses; it's also reasonable to just say it's undefined.
While (-1)^3 = -1, you can't simply take a rational power of a negative number and expect a real response. This is because there are other solutions to this rational exponent that are imaginary in nature.^(1/3),+x+from+-5+to+0
Similarily, plot x^x. For x = -1/3, this should have a solution. However, this function is deemed undefined in R for x < 0.
Therefore, don't expect math.h to do magic that would make it inefficient, just change the signs yourself.
Guess you gotta take the negative out and put it in afterwards. You can have a wrapper do this for you if you really want to.
function yourPow(double x, double y)
if (x < 0)
return -1.0 * pow(-1.0*x, y);
return pow(x, y);
Don't cast to double by using (double), use a double numeric constant instead:
double thingToCubeRoot = -20.*3.2+30;
cout<< thingToCubeRoot/fabs(thingToCubeRoot) * pow( fabs(thingToCubeRoot), 1./3. );
Should do the trick!
Also: don't include <math.h> in C++ projects, but use <cmath> instead.
Alternatively, use pow from the <complex> header for the reasons stated by buddhabrot
pow( x, y ) is the same as (i.e. equivalent to) exp( y * log( x ) )
if log(x) is invalid then pow(x,y) is also.
Similarly you cannot perform 0 to the power of anything, although mathematically it should be 0.
C++11 has the cbrt function (see for example so you can write something like
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const double arg = 20.0*(-3.2) + 30.0;
std::cout << cbrt(arg) << "\n";
std::cout << cbrt(-arg) << "\n";
return 0;
I do not have access to the C++ standard so I do not know how the negative argument is handled... a test on ideone seems to confirm that C++ (gcc-4.8.1) extends the cube root with this rule cbrt(x)=-cbrt(-x) when x<0; for this extension you can see
I was looking for cubit root and found this thread and it occurs to me that the following code might work:
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
function double nth-root(double x, double n){
if (!(n%2) || x<0){
throw FAILEXCEPTION(); // even root from negative is fail
bool sign = (x >= 0);
x = exp(log(abs(x))/n);
return sign ? x : -x;
I think you should not confuse exponentiation with the nth-root of a number. See the good old Wikipedia
because the 1/3 will always return 0 as it will be considered as integer...
try with 1.0/3.0...
it is what i think but try and implement...
and do not forget to declare variables containing 1.0 and 3.0 as double...
Here's a little function I knocked up.
#define uniform() (rand()/(1.0 + RAND_MAX))
double CBRT(double Z)
double guess = Z;
double x, dx;
int loopbreaker;
x = guess * guess * guess;
loopbreaker = 0;
while (fabs(x - Z) > FLT_EPSILON)
dx = 3 * guess*guess;
if (fabs(dx) < DBL_EPSILON || loopbreaker > 53)
guess += uniform() * 2 - 1.0;
goto retry;
guess -= (x - Z) / dx;
x = guess*guess*guess;
return guess;
It uses Newton-Raphson to find a cube root.
Sometime Newton -Raphson gets stuck, if the root is very close to 0 then the derivative can
get large and it can oscillate. So I've clamped and forced it to restart if that happens.
If you need more accuracy you can change the FLT_EPSILONs.
If you ever have no math library you can use this way to compute the cubic root:
cubic root
double curt(double x) {
if (x == 0) {
// would otherwise return something like 4.257959840008151e-109
return 0;
double b = 1; // use any value except 0
double last_b_1 = 0;
double last_b_2 = 0;
while (last_b_1 != b && last_b_2 != b) {
last_b_1 = b;
// use (2 * b + x / b / b) / 3 for small numbers, as suggested by willywonka_dailyblah
b = (b + x / b / b) / 2;
last_b_2 = b;
// use (2 * b + x / b / b) / 3 for small numbers, as suggested by willywonka_dailyblah
b = (b + x / b / b) / 2;
return b;
It is derives from the sqrt algorithm below. The idea is that b and x / b / b bigger and smaller from the cubic root of x. So, the average of both lies closer to the cubic root of x.
Square Root And Cubic Root (in Python)
def sqrt_2(a):
if a == 0:
return 0
b = 1
last_b = 0
while last_b != b:
last_b = b
b = (b + a / b) / 2
return b
def curt_2(a):
if a == 0:
return 0
b = a
last_b_1 = 0;
last_b_2 = 0;
while (last_b_1 != b and last_b_2 != b):
last_b_1 = b;
b = (b + a / b / b) / 2;
last_b_2 = b;
b = (b + a / b / b) / 2;
return b
In contrast to the square root, last_b_1 and last_b_2 are required in the cubic root because b flickers. You can modify these algorithms to compute the fourth root, fifth root and so on.
Thanks to my math teacher Herr Brenner in 11th grade who told me this algorithm for sqrt.
I tested it on an Arduino with 16mhz clock frequency:
0.3525ms for yourPow
0.3853ms for nth-root
2.3426ms for curt