Omit void as function result in C++ - c++

In C/C++ there are two ways to declare a function that returns nothing.
First one is to declare a function without arguments:
// no arguments
void f() {
The second one is to declare a function that takes void:
// still no arguments
void f(void) {
However, this is not true for the function result: we can't omit void at the beginning of the function like this:
// returns nothing
f() {
return; // yay
So, is there absolutely no way to omit void at the beginning of the function like with the function arguments?

So, is there absolutely no way to omit void at the beginning of the function like with the function arguments?
No, there absolutely isn't. There is no function declaration syntax that doesn't have the return type in C++ nor in C99 or later. There used in C prior to C99, but the default return type would have been int rather than void.
Note that declarations void f() and void f(void) are not equivalent in C. Former declares a function with unspecified parameters while the latter declares a function with empty parameter list. In C++, both declare a function with empty parameter list.


Function with 0 arguments - void vs void*?

I know that you can declare a function without any arguments simply like this:
void test()
cout << "Hello world!!" << endl;
But I have also seen
void test(void)
cout << "Hello world!!" << endl;
void test(void*)
cout << "Hello world!!" << endl;
My question is: What is the difference between using void and void* here?
The one an only form for a function with no parameters in C++ should be
void test();
The form:
void test(void)
That is how you define a function with no parameters in c. But in C++ use this form only for interfacing with c:
extern "C"
void test(void);
This form:
void test(void*)
Is not a function with no arguments. It has an argument of type void* that is unnamed. It expects a void* pointer when called.
Have a look here for an explanation of what a void* pointer is: What does void* mean and how to use it?
What is the difference between using void and void* here?
When the argument type is void, the function must be called without any arguments.
When the argument type is void*, the function must be called with an argument that is a void* or can be converted to a void*.
void stands for "nothing" but void* does not stand for "pointer to nothing". In fact, it's quite the contrary. void* stands for pointer to anything except void. It is oxymoronic but that's how the language defines those two.
My question is: What is the difference between using void and void* here?
(void) parameter list is same as empty parameter list. The void here does nothing in C++ and is unnecessary unless compatibility with C is needed - see the second part of the answer.
(void*) does not accept 0 arguments. It accepts 1 argument. The type of the parameter is void* which is a pointer type.
Why is it like this?
Because of backwards compatibility with C. In C, (void) is the only way to declare a function that only accepts empty argument list. () parameter list declares any function without specifying the parameters. The number of parameters could be any, including 0. The use of () parameter list in C is becoming an obsolete feature.
Quote from C11 standard draft N1548:
Function declarators (including prototypes)
An identifier list declares only the identifiers of the parameters of the function. An empty list in a function declarator that is part of a definition of that function specifies that the function has no parameters. The empty list in a function declarator that is not part of a definition of that function specifies that no information about the number or types of the parameters is supplied.
Future language directions
Function declarators
The use of function declarators with empty parentheses (not prototype-format parameter type declarators) is an obsolescent feature.
Function definitions
The use of function definitions with separate parameter identifier and declaration lists (not prototype-format parameter type and identifier declarators) is an obsolescent feature.
C is this way because of backward compatibility with older versions (pre-standard) of C where parameter lists weren't declared.
In C++ these two declarations of a function
void test();
void test(void);
are equivalent and mean that the function does not take any arguments.
In C, the first function declaration declares a function with an empty identifier list, and the second function declaration declares a function with a parameter type list that in fact has no parameters.
According to the C Standard (6.9.1 Function definitions):
5 If the declarator includes a parameter type list, the declaration of
each parameter shall include an identifier, except for the special
case of a parameter list consisting of a single parameter of type
void, in which case there shall not be an identifier. No declaration
list shall follow.
This declaration of the function (that is also its definition)
void test(void*)
has 1 parameter, an object of type void * (pay attention to that pointers are always complete types), that is not used within the function.
This declaration is valid in C++, and is not valid in C, because in C each function parameter in a function declaration with a parameter type list that is at the same time its definition shall have an identifier, except in the case when a void parameter is used, as specified in the quote above.
In C you may use such a declaration only when the declaration is not at the same type its definition.
So in C for example you may write like
void test(void*); // declaratipon
and then
void test( void *ptr ) // declaration and definition

Why can't void parameters exist in functions with more than one argument?

I "wanted" to use void as a placeholder (or overload disambiguator) or even as a shortcut to have functions with void return type called before entering a specific function like in the following example:
int f(void , int)
return 0;
void g()
int main()
f(g(), 1);
Now, this is not a real world problem (I know that I could just call g() before calling f()) but I was wondering why this is not doable, especially when I can e.g. explicitly return void types i.e. this is legal :
void h()
return g(); // this does a return void
To explain the rationale behind asking this, I first thought that according to C legacy, void would be an incomplete type, so incomplete types cannot appear as function parameters, unlike pointers to incomplete types and hence the void* commonality. Now this would explain void as a "special case" signal for "no parameters" but after C++11 the Standard reads (3.9 [basic.types]) :
A type is a literal type if it is:
void; or
a scalar type; or
Being a literal type, I can't find elsewhere any rationale that would exclude void from candidate types for function parameters, neither the equivalent of old C's (prior to C11) "void is not a type". Now, my search may be lacking the required depth which is what I try to compensate for in this Q
A void parameter means the function has no parameters*. It wouldn't make much sense for a function with no parameters to have some parameters.
* This is inherited from C (and presumably kept for compatibility with that language), where a function declared without a parameter list is a function that can take any number of parameters of any type. In C++, such a function would have no parameters, removing the need to use void parameters.
The only real problem here is your function prototype:
int f(void , int)
You cannot give a void as a parameter. You can set it as a return value, meaning "this function returns nothing", or you can give it as only parameter, like this:
int f(void)
It would means "this function takes no parameter", but not as a parameter.
But to give a parameter of void type would mean you could declare a void variable and give it to your function, which would have no sense.
In your sample:
void h()
return g(); // this does a return void
This does not a return void. This does return nothing. This is as legal as:
void h()
So here, you can clearly see void is just a meaning of nothing.
Try to use functions returning void as arguments, like you did:
f(g(), 1);
Should be avoided as much as possible.
I've wanted a void argument type in order to have a parameter that is zero-cost in release builds:
#ifdef NDEBUG
typedef DebugTracker* Foo;
typedef void Foo;
int SomeFunction(Foo foo, ...) {
I can't find elsewhere any rationale that would exclude void from candidate types for function parameters
#juanchopanza has pointed out one thing, which is that C++ inherited C's f(void) meaning a function that takes no arguments. That being so, C++ still could have the feature but make void parameters act as if they had a default value of having such a default if they were at the end of argument lists.
In language-design space, it's always easy to think of the case you have in mind and say "why not?". And if you look at something like libffi then it seems like prohibiting void for arguments makes the system less "pure". There's a count of bytes for each argument, how hard would it be to allow 0?
But there are questions to answer.
If void parameters are possible, then that posits the existence of void variables. How does a void variable act? What's its address? If you can't take the address of a void variable, how does that impact the compiler...the linker...what's going to happen with name-mangling, etc.
I don't know enough to tell you if the pretzel of the existing C and C++ standard can be untwisted in a way that void parameters do more good than harm. It would be an interesting study to take a compiler and some large body of code and think through the details. I upvoted the question as reasonable to ask, but also voted to close as primarily opinion-based, so... that's my 0.02.

Do I have to specify a '*' before function pointer?

When I'm passing function as parameter to other functions in c++ , do I have to specify it as
void callOtherFunctions(void f());
void callOtherFunctions(void (*f)());
I have no idea what happens under the hood , so I tried running both versions with a simple program as below , replacing the necessary part for 2nd run.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void printHello();
void callOtherFunctions(void f());
int main() {
return 0;
void printHello(){
std::cout<<"\n Hello World";
void callOtherFunctions(void f()){
for (int i=0;i<5;++i){
and to my surprise , both execute with same output and no warnings. So which is the preferred way , or correct way ( in case I'm doing something wrong ). And what actually happens in each case , when I pass pointer - does it executes address function there and when I pass function - does it copies down whole function there? or something else?
Here is Ideone Link
void callOtherFunctions(void f());
void callOtherFunctions(void (*f)());
are identical. Quoting N1570,
§ A declaration of a parameter as "function returning type"
shall be adjusted to "pointer to function returning type", as in
I would prefer the function pointer syntax because more people would be familiar with it and it's explicit what you mean. To answer your second question, a conversion also happens in certain cases (informally known as "decay"):
§ A function designator is an expression that has function
type. Except when it is the operand of the sizeof operator, the
_Alignofoperator,65) or the unary & operator, a
function designator with type "function returning type" is converted to an expression that has type "pointer to function returning type".
Function parameter declarations are somewhat unusual; the compiler will adjust some of the declared types. This is one of them: function parameters of function type are adjusted to the corresponding pointer type.
Other common adjustments to function parameters are array to pointer type, and removing top-level const:
int foo(int a[5]); // a is a pointer
int foo(const int a); // foo() can be called with a non-const int argument.

using typedef to wrap functions

One of my teachers use this type declaration:
typedef void (*SortFunction)(int a[], int n);
to create a type that can hold a pointer to a function
and that can be used to call that function later on in a program.
I also know that to pass a function as a parameter you have to
wrap the function name in parenthesis and wrap the function's
parameters in parenthesis after the function name as well like so
function someFunction( (anotherfunction)(type arg1, type arg2,...)){
What I want to know is why must you wrap a function in parenthesis like this? is this a built in function of most c++ compilers or is it simply a trick that we programmers use
in order to enable functions as arguments within our code? also, why does "SortFunction"
in the typedef statement need to be referenced, why can't the variable you use to utilize SortFunction just hold the function instead of pointing to it?
There's nothing special about function arguments. Whenever you declare a function pointer (as a local variable, global variable, class member variable, function parameter, typedef, etc.), it's always declared like so:
return_type (*var_name)(T1 param1, T2 param2, /* etc. */ );
// ^
// |
// This * is very important!
Where var_name is the name of the function pointer variable. The reason the parentheses are needed around *var_name is due to operator precedence: without the parentheses, the * (indicating that something's a pointer) would match with the function's return type, and instead you'd get something like a return type of int* (pointer to int) instead of plain int.
You can't pass a function as an argument because functions are not first-class objects in C and C++. The only way to pass a function is my passing a pointer to the function.
"I also know that to pass a function as a parameter you have to wrap the function name in parenthesis..." You "know " incorrectly.
In order to pass function pointer as a parameter you don't have to wrap the name in parentheses. For example, this will work perfectly fine
void foo(int i) {
void bar(void f(int)) {
int main() {
In the above example function bar receives a pointer to function foo as a parameter and calls foo through that pointer, passing 5 as an argument. As you can see, function name f in the parameter declaration is not wrapped into parentheses.
In this case, once again, the type of parameter f is actually a pointer to a function, even though it is not explicitly declared as a pointer. When function type is used in function parameter declarations, it is automatically implicitly "replaced" with function pointer type by the compiler.
If you wanted to use the function pointer type explicitly, you have to declare bar as
void bar(void (*f)(int)) {
In this case the parentheses in (*f) are necessary to assure that the * will get bound to f and not to void. Without parentheses the void *f(int) declaration would stand for "function returning void *" instead of the desired "pointer to function returning void".
It is a matter of syntax. Your first typedef defines a type which is a function receiving a vector of int and a int and returning nothing (void).
A variable of type SortFunction will be conceptually as any other variable, although it points to some function. The advantage is that you can change the function it points to and/or call the function dynamically.
What I want to know is why must you wrap a function in parenthesis like this?
Because there had to be some way to identify a function pointer to the compiler (or rather, the parser) and that way seemed as good as any. In C++11 land, you might use this instead: std::function<void(std::array<int>&)> instead.
is this a built in function of most c++ compilers or is it simply a trick that we programmers use in order to enable functions as arguments within our code?
Function pointers need a little bit of additional magic, and without compiler support they would be very, very inconvenient to use. I'm also reasonably certain that it is in the nature of programming that almost all programmer tricks are ultimately functions of the compiler!
also, why does "SortFunction" in the typedef statement need to be referenced, why can't the variable you use to utilize SortFunction just hold the function instead of pointing to it?
Hmm. Not totally sure what you mean here. Do you mean "why does this need to be a typedef at all... why couldn't I just write out the whole function pointer prototype in my function arguments"? Cos you can:
void foo(void(*funcptr)()) {}
If you meant "why do function pointers have to point at a function instead of having the code inline" then for that you need C++11 and lambdas:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
void foo(std::function<void(void)> bar) { bar(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
foo([]() { std::cout << "hi!" << std::endl; });
(again, special syntax needed for lambdas, [](){}, just to tell the parser what is going on)

Function overloading with ellipsis

Can i actually use a function overloading like this:
#include <iostream>
void foo(...)
std::cout << "::foo(...) \n";
void foo(int)
std::cout << "::foo(int) \n";
int main()
foo(0, 1);
What standard says about it? And in what kind of situations i'll get ::foo(...)?
void foo(int)
will accept one argument of type int.
void foo(...)
accepts any number of arguments, of any type. It will be selected when the call doesn't have a single int argument. Not very useful, in general.
Also note that it is undefined behavior to pass objects of class type to ....
In N3337 I can see:-
13.3.2 Viable functions
A candidate function having fewer than m parameters is viable only if
it has an ellipsis in its parameter list (8.3.5). For the purposes of
overload resolution, any argument for which there is no corresponding
parameter is considered to “match the ellipsis” ( .
When you declare a function in the following way :
void foo (...)
this mean foo accepts any number of arguments.
So this function will be called when this is the must suitable one.
In your case whenever you won't write :
foo(//Some single int).
In your specific main, this will happen :
foo(0) //Calls foo(int).
foo('A) //Calls foo (int). as you can convert a char to an int.
foo("str") //Calls foo(...) . as you can not convert a string to an int.
foo(1,2) //Calls foo(...) . as this is the only possible function
cause the second foo function only takes one int.
void foo(...) will take variable arguments. And it will be called when there the no or type of argument does not match the provided argument list of other function with the same function name.
foo(0); //This will call void foo(int) function
foo('A'); //This will call void foo(int) function
foo("str"); //This will call void foo(...) function
foo(0, 1); //This will call void foo(...) function
Although the ellipsis works fine with function overloading, it is not highly recommend pursuing variadic functions. At least not until you have significantly more experience in C++ to understand the pitfalls. I would suggest its use only with the try catch block where there are situations when the error cannot be predicted.