Adjust brightness and contrast OpenCV C++ - c++

I am trying to adjust the brightness and contrast of an RGB image but the output is not what I expect.
The function is callbacked from createTrackbar() function with values from 0 to 100.
Please check the image below. I would appreciate some help. Thanks.
void brightness_callback(int brightness, void *userdata)
int height = image_input.rows, width = image_input.cols;
image_output = Mat::zeros(image_input.size(), image_input.type());
int widthStep = image_input.step;
int nChannels = 3;
uchar *pDataInput = (uchar *);
uchar *pDataOutput = (uchar *);
for (int x = 0; x < height; x++, pDataInput += widthStep, pDataOutput += widthStep) {
uchar *pRowInput = pDataInput;
uchar *pRowOutput = pDataOutput;
for (int y = 0; y < width; y++, pRowInput += nChannels, pRowOutput += nChannels) {
uchar B = pRowInput[0];
uchar G = pRowInput[1];
uchar R = pRowInput[2];
pRowOutput[0] = truncate((uchar)(B + brightness));
pRowOutput[1] = truncate((uchar)(G + brightness));
pRowOutput[2] = truncate((uchar)(R + brightness));
imshow(window_original, image_output);
uchar truncate(uchar value) {
if (value < 0) return 0;
else if (value > 255) return 255;
return value;


How to set OpenCV Mat as Tensorflow Lite input and output?

I'm trying to use GPU Delegate in Tensorflow Lite on iOS. My model has inputs and outputs as OpenCV BGR image ([258, 540, 3]). How can I set inputs and outputs in C++ tensorflow lite interpreter? I tried to use this code
int input = interpreter->inputs()[0];
float* out = interpreter->typed_tensor<float>(input);
NSData* slicedData = [self inputDataFromCvMat:slicedImage];
uint8_t* in = (uint8_t*) slicedData.bytes;
ProcessInputWithFloatModel(in, out, WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS);
void ProcessInputWithFloatModel(uint8_t* input, float* buffer, int image_width, int image_height, int image_channels) {
for (int y = 0; y < wanted_input_height; ++y) {
float* out_row = buffer + (y * wanted_input_width * wanted_input_channels);
for (int x = 0; x < wanted_input_width; ++x) {
const int in_x = (y * image_width) / wanted_input_width;
const int in_y = (x * image_height) / wanted_input_height;
uint8_t* input_pixel =
input + (in_y * image_width * image_channels) + (in_x * image_channels);
float* out_pixel = out_row + (x * wanted_input_channels);
for (int c = 0; c < wanted_input_channels; ++c) {
out_pixel[c] = (input_pixel[c] - input_mean) / input_std;
- (NSData *)inputDataFromCvMat:(Mat)image {
NSMutableData *inputData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT + 10; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < WIDTH + 10; col++) {
Vec3b intensity =<Vec3b>(row, col);
int blue = intensity.val[0];
int green = intensity.val[1];
int red = intensity.val[2];
// we need to put pixel values in BGR (model was trained with opencv)
[inputData appendBytes:&blue length:sizeof(blue)];
[inputData appendBytes:&green length:sizeof(green)];
[inputData appendBytes:&red length:sizeof(red)];
return inputData;
but I don't know what is wrong
After some research, I managed to get it working
const int wanted_input_width = 258;
const int wanted_input_height = 540;
const int wanted_input_channels = 3;
Mat image = ...
// write to input
int input = interpreter->inputs()[0];
float* out = interpreter->typed_tensor<float>(input);
uint8_t* in = image.ptr<uint8_t>(0);
ProcessInputWithFloatModel(in, out);
// run interpreter
if (interpreter->Invoke() != kTfLiteOk) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to invoke!";
// get output
int output_idx = interpreter->outputs()[0];
float* output = interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(output_idx);
Mat outputMat = ProcessOutputWithFloatModel(output);
/// Preprocess the input image and feed the TFLite interpreter buffer for a float model.
void ProcessInputWithFloatModel(uint8_t* input, float* buffer) {
for (int y = 0; y < wanted_input_height; ++y) {
float* out_row = buffer + (y * wanted_input_width * wanted_input_channels);
for (int x = 0; x < wanted_input_width; ++x) {
uint8_t* input_pixel = input + (y * wanted_input_width * wanted_input_channels) + (x * wanted_input_channels);
float* out_pixel = out_row + (x * wanted_input_channels);
for (int c = 0; c < wanted_input_channels; ++c) {
out_pixel[c] = input_pixel[c] / 255.0f;
Mat ProcessOutputWithFloatModel(float* input) {
cv::Mat image = cv::Mat::zeros(wanted_input_height, wanted_input_width, CV_8UC3);
for (int y = 0; y < wanted_input_height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < wanted_input_width; ++x) {
float* input_pixel = input + (y * wanted_input_width * wanted_input_channels) + (x * wanted_input_channels);
cv::Vec3b & color =<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(x, y));
color[0] = (uchar) floor(input_pixel[0] * 255.0f);
color[1] = (uchar) floor(input_pixel[1] * 255.0f);
color[2] = (uchar) floor(input_pixel[2] * 255.0f);
return image;

Freeimage FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits returns null pointer

I think that in previous versions FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(FIBITMAP*) work ok in any type of FIBITMAP* but in 3.18 it returns nullptr if the FIBITMAP* is a floating point texture.
Is there anything I missed? Anyone has noticed this change too? Should I make a intermediate transform?
Thank you in advance for any tip.
I didn't manage to make it work so I coded my own version I'll put this here for future readers:
inline BYTE LinToSRGB(float C)
C = std::fmin( std::fmax(C, 0.0f), 1.0f);
if (C > 0.0031308f) {
C = 1.055f * (pow(C, (1.0f / 2.4f))) - 0.055f;
} else {
C = 12.92f * C;
return static_cast<BYTE>(C*255.0f);
FIBITMAP* ConvertTo24Bits(FIBITMAP* origImage)
FIBITMAP* modImage = FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(origImage);
return modImage;
const FREE_IMAGE_TYPE src_type = FreeImage_GetImageType(origImage);
const unsigned width = FreeImage_GetWidth(origImage);
const unsigned height = FreeImage_GetHeight(origImage);
modImage = FreeImage_Allocate(width, height,24);
const unsigned src_pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(origImage);
const unsigned dst_pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(modImage);
const BYTE *src_bits = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(origImage);
BYTE *dst_bits = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(modImage);
if(src_type == FIT_RGBAF)
for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) {
const FIRGBAF *src_pixel = (FIRGBAF*) src_bits;
for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) {
// convert and skip alpha channel
*dst_bits = LinToSRGB(src_pixel[x].blue);
*dst_bits = LinToSRGB(src_pixel[x].green);
*dst_bits = LinToSRGB(src_pixel[x].red);
src_bits += src_pitch;
else if(src_type == FIT_RGBF)
for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) {
const FIRGBF *src_pixel = (FIRGBF*) src_bits;
for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) {
// convert and skip alpha channel
*dst_bits = LinToSRGB(src_pixel[x].blue);
*dst_bits = LinToSRGB(src_pixel[x].green);
*dst_bits = LinToSRGB(src_pixel[x].red);
src_bits += src_pitch;
return modImage;

cannot Segment a RGB image by pointer based accessing pixel intensities

I define a function void segRgb(Mat &src, Mat &dst, Rect roi), using which I try to segment the region of region (ROI) of an input RGB image by simply thresholding a lumped pixel intensities derived from R, G and B channels. Here below is the code of the function:
void segRgb(Mat &src, Mat &dst, Rect roi)
uchar *bgrdata =;
uchar *outdata =;
int ystart = roi.y;
int yend = roi.y + roi.height;
int xstart = roi.x;
int xend = roi.x+roi.width;
int step1 = src.cols-roi.width;
int step3 = 3*step1;
int start1 = roi.y*src.cols+roi.x;
int start3 = 3*start1;
bgrdata += start3;
outdata += start1;
uchar r, g, b;
double score=0.0;
for(int i=ystart; i<yend; i++)
qDebug()<<"Rows: "<<i;
for(int j=xstart; j<xend; j++)
b = *bgrdata++;
g = *bgrdata++;
r = *bgrdata++;
score = 0.21*r+0.72*g+0.07*b; //a simple rule to lump RGB values
*outdata = 255;
*outdata = 0;
Following is my test code for the function:
Rect cvRect = Rect(10,50,256,256);
Mat dst;
segRgb(im, dst, cvRect); //im is a loaded Matrix of 427*640*3, CV_8UC3
imshow("Thresholed", dst);
I run the codes above. The function segRgb does not work for some reason. No image is shown. Actually, the loop inside the segRgb does not proceed. Anyone can point to the problem, debug my codes bit? Thanks!
void segRgb(Mat &src, Mat &dst, Rect roi)
uchar *bgrdata =;
uchar *outdata =;
int ystart = roi.y;
int yend = roi.y + roi.height;
int xstart = roi.x;
int xend = roi.x + roi.width;
int step1 = src.cols - roi.width;
int step3 = 3 * step1;
int start1 = roi.y*src.cols + roi.x;
int start3 = 3 * start1;
bgrdata += start3;
outdata += start1;
uchar r, g, b;
double score = 0.0;
for (int i = ystart; i < yend; i++)
cout << "Rows: " << i;
for (int j = xstart; j < xend; j++)
b = *bgrdata++;
g = *bgrdata++;
r = *bgrdata++;
score = 0.21*r + 0.72*g + 0.07*b; //a simple rule to lump RGB values
if (score > 100)
*outdata = 255;
*outdata = 0;
outdata += step1;
bgrdata += step3;
int main() {
Mat im = imread("urimage");
Rect cvRect = Rect(10, 50, 256, 256);
// you have to allocate a size for the dst Mat otherwise the uchar* output you point to above will be garbage
Mat dst(im.size(),im.type());
segRgb(im, dst, cvRect); //im is a loaded Matrix of 427*640*3, CV_8UC3
//Resize you dst or you can change a bit in your function paramters to get it directly
dst=Mat(dst, cvRect);
imshow("Thresholed", dst);

OpenCV Mat to array access

I have problem with access to data from I perform operations on picture and I need access to every pixel separately.
I have to necessairly operate on simple types (float, int etc).
The way I am accesing data is like below:
for (int idx = 0; idx < image.rows; idx++) {
for (int idy = 0; idy < image.cols; idy++) {
int color_tid = idx * image.cols * image.channels() + idy * image.channels();
uint8_t blue =[color_tid];
uint8_t green =[color_tid + 1];
uint8_t red =[color_tid + 2];
float pixelVal = (int) blue + (int) green + (int) red;
This approach is working correctly only to square images (NxN pixels), but for NxM there are anomalies outside the square area (smaller edge).
Do anyone know any other way to acces data of the picture Mat?
Example image (correct result):
anomalies (my problem)
I recommend to follow the data layout in a Mat
so your loop becomes:
for (int r = 0; r < img.rows; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < img.cols; ++c)
uchar* ptr = + img.step[0] * r + img.step[1] * c;
uchar blue = ptr[0];
uchar green = ptr[1];
uchar red = ptr[2];
float pixelVal = blue + green + red;
You can eventually perform a little less operations like:
for (int r = 0; r < img.rows; ++r)
uchar* pt = + img.step[0] * r;
for (int c = 0; c < img.cols; ++c)
uchar* ptr = pt + img.step[1] * c;
uchar blue = ptr[0];
uchar green = ptr[1];
uchar red = ptr[2];
float pixelVal = blue + green + red;
The code in your question contains a few flaws:
rows and columns are swapped (row is Y, column is X)
step size between rows (aka "stride") does not always equal to the number of columns
Using Mat::at<> makes the code much simpler:
for(int row = 0; row < image.rows; ++row)
for(int col = 0; col < image.cols; ++col)
const Vec3b& pt =<Vec3b>(row, col);
float pixelVal = pt[0] + pt[1] + pt[2];

How to "Padding" Image in C++

I am running for displaying RGB image from raw in C++ without any library. When I input the square image (e.g: 512x512), my program can display the image perfectly, but it does not in not_square size image (e.g: 350x225). I understand that I need padding for this case, then I tried to find the same case but it didn't make sense for me how people can pad their image.
If anyone can show me how to pad, I would be thanks for this. And below is what I have done for RGB from Raw.
void CImage_MyClass::Class_MakeRGB(void)
m_BMPheader.biHeight = m_uiHeight;
m_BMPheader.biWidth = m_uiWidth;
m_pcBMP = new UCHAR[m_uiHeight * m_uiWidth * 3];
//RGB Image
int ind = 0;
for (UINT y = 0; y < m_uiHeight; y++)
for (UINT x = 0; x < m_uiHeight*3; x+=3)
m_pcBMP[ind++] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y -1][x+2];
m_pcBMP[ind++] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y -1][x+1];
m_pcBMP[ind++] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y -1][x];
You need to pad the number of bytes in each line out to a multiple of 4.
void CImage_MyClass::Class_MakeRGB(void)
m_BMPheader.biHeight = m_uiHeight;
m_BMPheader.biWidth = m_uiWidth;
//Pad buffer width to next highest multiple of 4
const int bmStride = m_uiWidth * 3 + 3 & ~3;
m_pcBMP = new UCHAR[m_uiHeight * bmStride];
//Clear buffer so the padding bytes are 0
memset(m_pcBMP, 0, m_uiHeight * bmStride);
//RGB Image
for(UINT y = 0; y < m_uiHeight; y++)
for(UINT x = 0; x < m_uiWidth * 3; x += 3)
const int bmpPos = y * bmWidth + x;
m_pcBMP[bmpPos + 0] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y - 1][x + 2];
m_pcBMP[bmpPos + 1] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y - 1][x + 1];
m_pcBMP[bmpPos + 2] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y - 1][x];
I also changed the inner for loop to use m_uiWidth instead of m_uiHeight.
#Retired Ninja, Thanks anyway for your answer... you showed me a simple way for this...
But by the way, I have fixed mine as well with different way.. here is it:
void CImage_MyClass::Class_MakeRGB(void)
m_BMPheader.biHeight = m_uiHeight;
m_BMPheader.biWidth = m_uiWidth;
int padding = 0;
int scanline = m_uiWidth * 3;
while ( ( scanline + padding ) % 4 != 0 )
int psw = scanline + padding;
m_pcBMP = new UCHAR[m_uiHeight * m_uiWidth * 3 + m_uiHeight * padding];
//RGB Image
int ind = 0;
for (UINT y = 0; y < m_uiHeight; y++)
for (UINT x = 0; x < m_uiHeight*3; x+=3)
m_pcBMP[ind++] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y -1][x+2];
m_pcBMP[ind++] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y -1][x+1];
m_pcBMP[ind++] = m_pcIBuff[m_uiHeight - y -1][x];
for(int i = 0; i < padding; i++)