Postman Mock Server matching algorithm logic for request body param form-data - postman

Is there any option to send mock results depends on form data body value in postman?
I am sending some value in the body as form data and I have two example result and now the mock API return only one example I need to get the result based on the form data value from two examples
I have to call 2 Request with different body values(as form-data) and I need to return json array if the values are correct else I need to return a json object I have saved this two result but while I making mock API it is all ways sending now result only there is no changes in url
Is that possible to send response based on form-data in postman mock api?
I have an api example and i am sending post request wit body form-data and filed check:false or check:true and i need to respond two json based on input filed check false or true how to do it?
When we do with get parameter it is working but not working with body form-data
I added this in header x-mock-match-request-body:true
Post man responding with this error message
"error": {
"name": "mockRequestNotFoundError",
"message": "Double check your method and the request path and try again.",
"header": "No matching requests"
Update I added postman api key but is not working but when i add x-mock-response-name it is working but i need to x-mock-match-request-body only


API GATEWAY not retreiving request body

I'm trying to create a POST endpoint in API gateway with request body in application/json type. Now, in input body mapping template, I want to check if the input is there and if the required fields are present or not. I tried getting input body using $input.body and also tried $input.json('$') and $input.path('$'). Nothing works, input body is always empty, although the $input.body == "" check always returns false. But in the test logs i can see that the body is passed through. I'm using Mock as integration type. What can be an issue?
I found out the answer to this is that, actually the reponse body isn't accessible when we use MOCK integration as provided by AWS, but we can still access body using a hacky method by:
First, in the integration request mapping template you store the body in a path parameter.
#set($context.requestOverride.path.body = $input.body)
"statusCode": 200,
Then, in the integration response mapping template you fetch it back and return it.
#set($body = $context.requestOverride.path.body)
"statusCode": 200,
"body": $body,
And then to parse it:

Getting unexpected '#' error under postman Test tab

I am a learner in postman and do not have much experience in programming/scripting.
Here the issue.
Used POST api request - For getting the access token;
Used POST api request - To create an account;
Used POST api request - To cancel an account with CancellationReason
Need to crosscheck the cancellation details (some fields like cancellationReason) in web application.
In order to avoid manually check, i have used GET request api like below
by passing all the mapped fields (as per web application) in the GET request end url
(i.e. by sending the details in fetch_xml query parameter in the end url) in order to get those required fields returned.
Now i got a successful response with status code.
After that i want to compare the fetched values (from the response body) ... VS.... to the data i passed while cancelling the account (i.e. in POST api request - To cancel the account) and make sure both are same.
After that under Test tab - I have updated query like below, however it throwing an Unexpected '#' error (as the below query contains '#' in middle of the field name)
tests["Verify the CancellationReason matches"] = pm.expect(data._usr_cancellationReason_value#OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue).to.eql("CancellationReason");
Can someone please help me to understand whether i should remove this #symbol or should replace with something else ?
Here is the response body:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#hfrd_workorders(_usr_cancellationchannel_value,usr_CancellationChannel,_usr_workorderreason_value,usr_WorkOrderReason,hfrd_workorderid,usr_cancellationuser,_usr_cancellationsource_value,usr_CancellationSource,hfrd_name,usr_CancellationChannel(),usr_AccountReason(),usr_CancellationSource())",
"value": [
"#odata.etag": "W/\"2345234523\"",
"_usr_cancellationchannel_value#OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue": "Mobile App",
"_usr_cancellationchannel_value": "acefsdflin89-f9jf07-e969f1-a245nk11-00jnfnafn9799fc2a",
"_usr_Accountreason_value#OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue": "Customer Inactive",
"_usr_Accountreason_value": "bde1234522-d45662-e2711-a84561-0007354a2d5c2a",
"hfrd_Accountid": "89025sf3-c668f-e7811-a4331-00asdhh3ab9bd1c",
"usr_cancellationuser": "Testuser08 ABC",
"_usr_cancellationsource_value#OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue": "MOBILE",
"_usr_cancellationsource_value": "6c23asdf-c562-e411-a841-00asdfa",
"hfrd_name": "FP-WK-1000000642"
I want to validate the bold row

How to post a message with an image using Postman

I am trying send an image from POSTMAN. I am able to send a message but image is not getting posted.
Used POST type headers i am passing token, channel and i have an Image URL but not sure how to send that. Can anyone please help me on this.
There are two alternative approaches on how to send your message to the API endpoint chat.postMessage:
Body as form-urlencoded
Here is how to include an image in a message send as x-www-form-urlencoded:
The image has to be send as part of an attachment by setting the property called image_url.
The attachments are set with the attachments key in the API call, which requires you define your attachments as array of attachment object in JSON.
In addition to the image_url your attachment needs to contain a fallback property, which is used to display a text to the user in case the image can not be displayed.
Your attachments object then looks like this in JSON:
"fallback": "this did not work",
"image_url": ""
Now you have to put that into an array (by adding [] around it) and this is what you get as value for your attachments key:
[{"fallback":"did not work","image_url":""}]
In addition you need to add the keys token, channel, text key to your message. Voila.
Body as JSON
An alternative and probably easier approach is to send your data as JSON instead of x-www-form-urlencoded to the API.
This requires you to send the token in the Auth header and switch to JSON for the body.
To do that in Postman put your token as "Bearer Token" under "Authorization".
In "Body" switch to "raw" and select "JSON".
Then you can define the whole message as follows:
"channel": "test",
"text": "Hi there!",
"fallback": "this did not work",
"image_url": ""
Of course you can do the same in your code. Since your are working in JavaScript using JSON would be the natural approach.
Note that not all API methods support sending the body in JSON. Check out this documentation for more info.

How to make post request with params and body in Postman

I have endpoint which takes few parameters and body as input, and I want to test it in Postman. But, when I input data into 'form-data' section in Postman backend throws error that I am missing body. If I try input data into 'raw' (Text) it complains that I forgot about parameters. How can I combine params and body?
'form-data' section
'raw' section
Parameters for that endpoint are following:
#RequestParam("to") String to,
#RequestParam("subject") String subject,
#RequestBody String content,
#RequestParam("isMultipart") Boolean isMultipart,
#RequestParam("isHtml") Boolean isHtml
For the request params you would add them to the end of the URL rather than in the request body, like you have done in the image.
? mailing feature&isMultipart=false&isHTML=true
This can be seen in the Postman UI when you select the Params button, this can be found next to the Send button.
I'm unsure about the string that you need in the request body and in what format the endpoint requires this data.
If it's in a JSON format you could add {"content": "Some new content"} to the raw body and select JSON (application/json) from the dropdown, this will also set the correct request header.
The UI has changed slightly since this answer was given. The Paramstab is now placed in a less confusing place.

Using postman to test POST request, how do I access the form-data inside the request?

I've been googling for a few hours, and I need help. I dont think I'm using the correct words. Anyhow, I'm using Claudia.JS to set up a POST request to my AWS Lambda function. Here's the basics of the function:'/leads', function (request) {
return request;
When I use postman to test the post request, I'm returned the request object. Awesome. Then I try to pass form-data through. I set the key to 'username' and the value to 'this is the username'. This is what request.body is:
"body": "---------------------------
-019178618034620042564575\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data;
name=\"username\"\r\n\r\nthis is the username\r\n----------------------
I thought I could return request.body.username... to key the value of username...but I'm missing something.
How do I access the form data in the request?
update: okay. The website is taking the form data, making a post request...this function is receiving the post request? still-- in postman...if I were to put my own JSON in...why can I not access request.body like... request.body.username?
You should try console.log( to see your request object, ie. in my own case I can see the content of my request's body.
Have a look at to see all the relevant information about your request.
I solved this by looking at the header set in postman. It was set to form-data instead of application/JSON. All gravy now.