CSS Grid unexpected distribution in interactive repro - css-grid

I would think this is a browser bug, but the behavior is identical in Chrome and Firefox current versions tested (on Windows).
Why does long, wrapped text cause the column distribution to be adjusted? Even after wrapping, it continues to adjust as the wrapped text gets longer. You can see it with the fixed selections or with the interactively sizeable textarea (the textarea behavior is slightly more expected, just there for ease of the demonstration - I don't really care much about the textarea working or not.)

Based on a tip in the discussion of this filed bug report the answer is
...your tracks are intrinsically sized, so in order to calculate the grid area, we need the intrinsic contributions of the grid items. So when calculating these, the max-width percentage is cyclic!
...Basically, what you want is to avoid taking the intrinsic contribution
of the textarea when sizing tracks. My suggestion is to take advantage
For the min size properties, as well as for margins and paddings (and gutters), a cyclic percentage is resolved against zero for
determining intrinsic size contributions.
and style the grid item that contains the textarea with:
width: 0; /* Sets intrinsic width to 0 */
min-width: 100%; /* Has no effect during intrinsic sizing, overrides the declaration above when laying out for real */


Having trouble understanding how HStack content works with fluid widths

I've been running into a pretty consistent problem with how views inside HStack work, with a simplified screenshot to exemplify the issue.
My expectation would be for the width of the green to basically be (expressed like an equation):
Section.width - Image.width
The section width is fluid, and the image width is explicit. Surely that means the green should be correctly calculated?
Any help with what seems to be a basic misunderstanding on my part would be hugely appreciated.
Actually you're right, but there are just default List/Form insets, which can be either changed or removed.
So all you need is
that gives on Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5
The height property in your frame for the image is messing with width dimensions. By setting the maxHeight to be infinity, the height property will expand the image to the max possible height, meaning the height of the section, even if it changes the width. You can think of it as, in a way, overriding the ability of the text to stretch its full width.
To fix this, consider changing the maxHeight property by adding a set height, or play around with different types of frames dimensions.
I know this doesn't talk about HStack's specifically, but feel free to check out this video to learn more about layout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zczHBLtpRZo
If you want to launch an app on the app store, you may want to consider learning Geometry Reader to have dynamic dimensions across different screen sizes. This is a tutorial from a really good website, hacking with swift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNO1b58k7zg&t=505s

Firefox inspector: show size of grid areas at edge of window

I’m a big fan of Firefox’s mini grid view in the web inspector, which provides
a small version of the currently overlaid grid, which is in proportion to the real thing.
Hovering over the different areas of the mini grid causes the equivalent area on the grid overlay to also highlight, along with a tooltip containing useful information such as the dimensions of that area, its row and column numbers, etc. [my emphasis]
It bugs me to no end, though, that the tooltip emphasised in the quote does not appear if the highlighted grid row/column is too close to the viewport’s edge. Instead of adjusting for this by moving the tooltip into view, the behaviour seems to be just to not show it at all, which rather defeats the purpose – especially when, as far as I know, this tooltip is the only way to see the calculated size of empty grid tracks.
I can’t find any bugs regarding this on Bugzilla, but then I can virtually never find anything on there, so there’s a decent chance I’m just bad at searching.
Is there some setting I can’t find that will allow me to see the tooltips even for edge rows/columns? Or if this is just a bug, has it been addressed?
I've tested this in Firefox 98.0 and could reproduce it. As this is definitely a bug in the Firefox DevTools and I couldn't find one either in Bugzilla, I now created a bug report for it.

What size of ImageList icons do I need to make & load for my app (considering higher DPI)?

I have a CListCtrl control (or a ListView in Win32) that is created with LVS_REPORT style.
I am intending to display icons in its items as such:
But the question is what size of icons do I need to make and load?
Let me explain. From the old Win32 samples, I can see that everyone creates image lists with 15x15 pixel icons. But the issue with those is that it looks horribly pixelated on any modern PC with higher DPI settings. Thus I was looking for a dynamic way to determine the appropriate size of image lists for the CListCtrl.
And also the first part of the question, what icon size should I make originally?
PS: Since DPI scaling came up, how do you find it out? I'm currently using the following approach:
//No error handling for brevity
HDC hDC = ::GetDC(hAppsMainWindowHandle);
int nCx = ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX);
int nCy = ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY);
::ReleaseDC(hAppsMainWindowHandle, hDC);
//I technically get horizontal & vertical scaling --
//can those be different?
double scalingCx = (double)nCx / 96.0; //1.0 = 100%
double scalingCy = (double)nCy / 96.0;
Is font scaling something different?
A list view uses a "small" or "large" image list depending on its mode. In report mode, it uses the "small" image list. You can use GetSystemMetrics() to get the dimensions of "small" images using the SM_CXSMICON and SM_CYSMICON metrics (use SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON for "large" images).
Note that the returned values will be virtual/scaled if your app is not DPI-aware, so to get accurate values, make sure it is DPI-aware via SetProcessDPIAware(), SetProcessDpiAwareness(), or a DPI manifest.
Update: I just ran across this function, might be useful for you when writing a DPI-aware app:
Make larger images and let the API scale them down to smaller sizes.
The report style list view wants small icons, that is icons with SM_CXSMICON by SM_CYSMICON metrics. Assuming your app is high DPI aware, then the actual value of these metrics depends on the user's chosen font scaling or DPI setting. So up front you cannot know what size icons should be used. You have to query the system metrics at runtime, and use appropriately sized icons.
Now, what size icons you include in your executable depend on what DPI settings you wish to support. Back in XP days you could reasonably expect to encounter 100% and 125% font scaling. These days, high density display panels are common and you really need to support larger ratios. At least 150% and 200%, and quite probably 175%.
The closest I can find to guidelines is in this MSDN article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/windows/desktop/dn742485.aspx
This article was written around the Vista time frame and already shows its age. I think you have to use these articles as a guide and adapt to the hardware of the day.
You will also find that people run their machines at font scaling values in between the round numbers listed above, and in the article I link to. One of my colleagues runs at 120%. Interestingly this has highlighted various bugs in our code so it's always useful to have someone dog-fooding your program.
When you build your image lists at runtime, size them according to system metrics. And try to avoid scaling icons. For instance, if system metrics suggest an 18px icons, and you only have 16px and 20px icons, then make a new 18px icons. Fill the image with transparent pixels, and blit the 16px icon into the middle of this 18px image. Make the icon out of that. This approach will avoid aliasing problems.

foundation zurb change font-size and full width

I use foundation 4 with SASS. but I can't really find how to change default font-size.
For my language, default font-size is too big.
I have tried to change some part. as you may know, it's related full-width as well.
1st of all I have changed full width size : $row-width: em-calc(1200)
1000 to 1200. I need wider. is it correct way to change full-width?
I have tried to change font size.
$base-font-size: 100% !default;
$em-base: 16px !default;
When I change these. it's related full width.
Then How Can I change font-size and full-width? if you have sass, please let me know which file I need modified.
Not 100% clear what you are asking for in your question, but I hope I got it right - you want to know how to change the font without changing the grid size right?
Then the answer can be found in the documentation:
/* Since the typical default browser font-size is 16px, that makes the calculation for grid size. */
/* If you want your base font-size to be a different size and not have it effect grid size too, */
/* set the value of $em-base to $base-font-size ($em-base: $base-font-size;) */
$em-base: 16px !default;
So basically just set:
#import "foundation/variables";
$base-font-size: 4px;
$em-base: $base-font-size;
Change the em-base back to the default and you'll see that the grid also changes accordingly to $base-font-size. You are also doing the right thing by setting the row-width.
If you'r having trouble getting the SASS function em-calc() to work, make sure you call it after #import "foundation/variables"; I don't know why em-calc() is used in the documentation, maybe the sourcecode on git is outdated - but I had to use emCalc(#px) - ie: emCalc(2000px);
This is currently an issue, Github repo.
Until it is fixed in a new version, this changes the font-size without changing the grid.
$base-font-size: 120% !default; // pixels to percent
body { font-size: $base-font-size; } // set the body font size to $base-font-size variable

How to display scrollbar for a list view whose contents keep changing?

I have a ListView-like control that displays a list of items of various heights. The contents of the list, and the heights of the items can change – a background thread is populating the list and calculating the layout of each item, possibly even while the user is scrolling the content.
Which brings me to my question: How do I display a useful vertical scrollbar for this view? I’ve seen cases (notably web browsers) where the slider “jumps away” from the mouse cursor while the user is dragging it, the result of the underlying content growing in height. I don’t want that.
So far
Instead of the slider representing the viewport height relative to the content height, maybe it could represent a point in a timeline instead? (The items are sorted by timestamp). This would at least prevent the scrollbar from changing as item layouts are calculated.
Get rid of the scrollbar altogether and use a forward/backward rocker switch like the one used in Picasa (the further the slider is pulled upwards or downwards, the faster the view is scrolled, until the user releases the slider). If I take this route, are there any controls you can recommend?
I am using Qt, but this applies to UI design in general.
IMO the fundamental problem with a classic scrollbar is that due to background population, the valid range is changing - and thus, the meaning of a scrollbar position changes.
If you can predict the full range of items, you can still provide a scrollbar and replace yet-unknown items with "loading...".
Otherwise, a rocker (is that an official name?) would be the next best thing to use.
However, since you have a dedicated scale (timeline), it might be better to have separate buttons that jump a dedicated time (e.g. one minute, one hour, one day, ..). For a fancier look, you could create a rocker with "hot" areas that jump for a specific time, whereas the areas inbetween are interpolated (linear or or logarithmic, depending on the scale to cover).
i.e. line this (drawing just the "backward" half):
-1h -1m -1s