django split data and apply search istartswith = query - django

I have a Project and when searching a query I need to split the data (not search query) in to words and apply searching.
for example:
my query is : 'bot' (typing 'bottle')
but if I use meta_keywords__icontains = query the filter will also return queries with 'robot'.
Here meta_keywords are keywords that can be used for searching.
I won't be able to access data if the data in meta_keywords is 'water bottle' when I use meta_keywords__istartswith is there any way I can use in this case.
what I just need is search in every words of data with just istartswith
I can simply create a model for 'meta_keywords' and use the current data to assign values by splitting and saving as different data. I know it might be the best way. I need some other ways to achieve it.

You can search the name field with each word that istartswith in variable query.
import re
instances = Model.objects.filter(Q(name__iregex=r'[[:<:]]' + re.escape(query)))
Eg: Hello world can be searched using the query 'hello' and 'world'. It don't check the icontains
note: It works only in Python3


How to filter queryset by string field containing json (Django + SQLite)

I have the following situation.
The Flight model (flights) has a field named 'airlines_codes' (TextField) in which I store data in JSON array like format:
["TB", "IR", "EP", "XX"]
I need to filter the flights by 2-letter airline code (IATA format), for example 'XX', and I achieve this primitively but successfully like this:
filtered_flights = Flight.objects.filter(airlines_codes__icontains='XX')
This is great but actually not.
I have flights where airlines_codes look like this:
["TBZ", "IR", "EP", "XXY"]
Here there are 3-letter codes (ICAO format) and obviously the query filter above will not work.
PS. I cannot move to PostgreSQL, also I cannot alter in anyway the database. This has to be achieved only by some query.
Thanks for any idea.
Without altering the database in any way you need to filter the value as a string. Your best bet might be airlines_codes__contains. Here's what I would recommend assuming your list will always be cleaned exactly as you represent it.
As of Django 3.1 JSONField is supported on a wider array of databases. Ideally, for someone else building a similar system from the ground up, this field would be a preferable approach.

How to remove the name "Queryset" from queryset data that has been retrieved in Django Database?

we all know that if we need to retrieve data from the database the data will back as a queryset but the question is How can I retrieve the data from database which is the name of it is queryset but remove that name from it.
maybe I can't be clarified enough in explanation so you can look at the next example to understand what I mean:
this line will back the data like so:
<QuerySet [{'key': 'value'}]
now you can see the first name that is on the left side of retrieving data which is: "QuerySet" so, I need to remove that name to make the data as follows:
[{'key': 'value'}]
if you wonder about why so, the abbreviation of answer is I want to use Dataframe by pandas so, to put the data in Dataframe method I should use that layout.
any help please!!
You don't have to change it from a Queryset to anything else; pandas.DataFrame can take any Iterable as data. So
df = pandas.DataFrame(djangoapp.models.Model.objects.all().values())
Gives you the DataFrame you expect. (though you may want to double check df.dtypes. If there are Nones in your data, the column may end up to be of object type.)
You can use list(…) to convert it to a list of dictionaries:
You will need to serialize it with the json package to obtain a JSON blob, since strings with single quotes are not valid JSON, in order to make it a JSON blob, you can work with:
import json

Filter multiple Django model fields with variable number of arguments

I'm implementing search functionality with an option of looking for a record by matching multiple tables and multiple fields in these tables.
Say I want to find a Customer by his/her first or last name, or by ID of placed Order which is stored in different model than Customer.
The easy scenario which I already implemented is that a user only types single word into search field, I then use Django Q to query Order model using direct field reference or related_query_name reference like:
result = Order.objects.filter(
Piece of a cake, no problems at all.
But what if user wants to narrow the search and types multiple words into search field.
Example: user has typed Bruce and got a whole lot of records back as a result of search.
Now he/she wants to be more specific and adds customer's last name to search.So the search becomes Bruce Wayne, after splitting this into separate parts I'm having Bruce and Wayne. Obviously I don't want to search Orders model because order_id is a single-word instance and it's sufficient to find customer at once so for this case I'm dropping it out of query at all.
Now I'm trying to match customer by both first AND last name, I also want to handle the scenario where the order of provided data is random, to properly handle Bruce Wayne and Wayne Bruce, meaning I still have customers full name but the position of first and last name aren't fixed.
And this is the question I'm looking answer for: how to build query that will search multiple fields of model not knowing which of search words belongs to which table.
I'm guessing the solution is trivial and there's for sure an elegant way to create such a dynamic query, but I can't think of a way how.
You can dynamically OR a variable number of Q objects together to achieve your desired search. The approach below makes it trivial to add or remove fields you want to include in the search.
from functools import reduce
from operator import or_
fields = (
parts = []
terms = ["Bruce", "Wayne"] # produce this from your search input field
for term in terms:
for field in fields:
parts.append(Q(**{field: term}))
query = reduce(or_, parts)
result = Order.objects.filter(query).distinct()
The use of reduce combines the Q objects by ORing them together. Credit to that part of the answer goes to this answer.
The solution I came up with is rather complex, but it works exactly the way I wanted to handle this problem:
search_keys = user_input.split()
if len(search_keys) > 1:
first_name_set = set()
last_name_set = set()
for key in search_keys:
query = reduce(and_, [reduce(or_, first_name_set), reduce(or_, last_name_set)])
search_fields = [
query = reduce(or_, search_fields)
result = Order.objects.filter(query).distinct()

Query Django's HStoreField values using LIKE

I have a model with some HStoreField attributes and I can't seem to use Django's ORM HStoreField to query those values using LIKE.
When doing Model.objects.filter(hstoreattr__values__contains=['text']), the queryset only contains rows in which hstoreattr has any value that matches text exactly.
What I'm looking for is a way to search by, say, te instead of text and those same rows be returned as well. I'm aware this is possible in a raw PostgreSQL query but I'm looking for a solution that uses Django ORM.
If you want to check value of particular key in every object if it contains 'te', you can do:
If you want to check if any key in your hstore field contains 'te', you will need to create your own lookup in django, because by default django won't do such thing. Refer to custom lookups in django docs for more info.
As far as I can remember, you cannot filter in values. If you want to filter in values, you have to pass a column and value you are referencing to. When you want it to be case insensitive use __icontains.
Although you cannot filter by all values, you can filter by all keys. Just like you showed in your code.
If you want to search for 'text' in all objects in key named let's say 'fo' - just do smth like this:
Model.objects.filter(hstoreattr__icontains={'fo': 'text'})

How do I search a db field for a the string after a "#" and add it to another db field in django

I want to have a content entry block. When a user types #word or #blah in a field, I want efficiently search that field and add the string right after the "#" to a different field as a n entry in a different table. Like what Twitter does. This would allow a user to sort by that string later.
I believe that I would do this as a part of the save method on the model, but I'm not sure. AND, if the #blah already exists, than the content would belong to that "blah"
Can anyone suggest samples of how to do this? This is a little beyond what I'm able to figure out on my own.
You can use regex (re) during save() or whenever to check if your field text contains #(?P<blah>\w+) , extract your blah and and use it for whatever you want .