How to stop a long-running function prematurely? - c++

I am working on a plotting algorithm. To do this I get the data from a DAQ board in my main GUI thread and then I send the data over to a worker thread to be processed, the worker thread emits a signal with the new QImage which I display as a plot in my GUI. The problem is the function, let's call it generateImage(), to calculate and generate the QImage takes a long time (~50-70 milliseconds, depending on data length) and in between this time another set of data might arrive which will require the worker thread to recalculate the plot from the beginning. I want the generateImage() to abandon the calculation and restart from the beginning if the new data arrives while it is still calculating. My approach is to set a member boolean variable, let's call it b_abort_, and check if it is set to true inside generateImage() and return if it's true, outside generateImage() it always remains true and I only set it to false before generateImage() is called.
All this happens in a worker thread, I subclass QObject and use moveToThread() to move it to a worker thread.
The function which starts calculation:
void WorkerThread::startCalc()
b_abort_ = false;
// if b_abort_ is set to true, generateImage() will return prematurely
emit calcFinished();
b_abort_ = true;
Function which does all calculations and generates image:
void WorkerThread::generateImage()
/* Calculation of some parts */
for(int ii = 0; ii < Rawdata.length(); ++ii) // Starting main time consuming loop
/* Perform calculation for one data point from Rawdata */
// data calculation complete, now it's time to generate QImage
// before that I check if b_abort_ is set to true
for(int ii = 0; ii < CalculatedData.length(); ++ii) // plotting calculated data on QImage
/* plot one data point from CalculatedData vector */
// generation of QImage finished, time to send the signal
emit renderedPlot(image); // image is a QImage object
In my worker thread, I have a slot to receive data from the main GUI Thread, it is configured with Qt::QueuedConnection (the default) as the connection type:
void WorkerThread::receiveData(QVector<double> data)
if(!b_abort_) // check if calculation is still running
QEventLoop loop;
connect(this, &WorkerThread::calcFinished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
b_abort_ = true; // set it to true and wait for calculation to stop
// start new calculation
RawData = data;
RawData = data;
When I use this approach in my main GUI Thread, the generateImage() function blocks all event loops, and my GUI freezes, which makes me think that inside a single thread (main GUI thread or a worker thread) only one function can run at a time and so any change in b_abort_ is not applied until the thread's event loop returns to process other functions. When using WorkerThread it is difficult to verify if this is working, some times it works fine while other times it generates bad allocation error which seems like it is not working (although it might be because of a different reason entirely, I am not sure). I would like to ask your opinion, is this the right approach to stop a long-running calculation prematurely? Are there any other methods that I can use which will be more robust than my current approach?

How to stop a long-running function in another thread prematurely?
You're correct that the only sane way to do this is to have the long-running thread check, at regular intervals, whether it should stop early.
Note that the flag you're checking must be atomic, or protected by a mutex, or otherwise somehow synchronized. Otherwise it's entirely legitimate for the worker thread to check the variable and never see the value change (no, you can't use volatile for this).
... which makes me think that inside a single thread (main GUI thread or a worker thread) only one function can run at a time ...
Yes, that's exactly what a thread is! It is a single, linear thread of execution. It can't do two things at once. Doing two things at once is the whole reason for having more than one thread.
The approach should be to have a worker thread waiting for work to do, and a main thread that only ever sends it asynchronous messages (start generating an image with this data, or interrupt processing and start again with this data instead, or whatever).
If the main thread calls a function that should happen in the worker thread instead, well, you've deliberately started executing it in the main thread, and the main thread won't do anything until it returns. Just like every other function.
As an aside, your design has a problem: it's possible to never finish generating a single image if it keeps being interrupted by new data.
The usual solution is double-buffering: you let the worker thread finish generating the current image while the main thread accumulates data for the next one. When the worker has finished one image, it can be passed back to the main thread for display. Then the worker can start processing the next, so it takes the buffer of "dirty" updates that the main thread has prepared for it. Subsequent updates are again added to the (now empty) buffer for the next image.


Multithreading Implementation in C++

I am a beginner using multithreading in C++, so I'd appreciate it if you can give me some recommendations.
I have a function which receives the previous frame and current frame from a video stream (let's call this function, readFrames()). The task of that function is to compute Motion Estimation.
The idea when calling readFrames() would be:
Store the previous and current frame in a buffer.
I want to compute the value of Motion between each pair of frames from the buffer but without blocking the function readFrames(), because more frames can be received while computing that value. I suppose I have to write a function computeMotionValue() and every time I want to execute it, create a new thread and launch it. This function should return some float motionValue.
Every time the motionValue returned by any thread is over a threshold, I want to +1 a common int variable, let's call it nValidMotion.
My problem is that I don't know how to "synchronize" the threads when accessing motionValue and nValidMotion.
Can you please explain to me in some pseudocode how can I do that?
and every time I want to execute it, create a new thread and launch it
That's usually a bad idea. Threads are usually fairly heavy-weight, and spawning one is usually slower than just passing a message to an existing thread pool.
Anyway, if you fall behind, you'll end up with more threads than processor cores and then you'll fall even further behind due to context-switching overhead and memory pressure. Eventually creating a new thread will fail.
My problem is that I don't know how to "synchronize" the threads when accessing motionValue and nValidMotion.
Synchronization of access to a shared resource is usually handled with std::mutex (mutex means "mutual exclusion", because only one thread can hold the lock at once).
If you need to wait for another thread to do something, use std::condition_variable to wait/signal. You're waiting-for/signalling a change in state of some shared resource, so you need a mutex for that as well.
The usual recommendation for this kind of processing is to have at most one thread per available core, all serving a thread pool. A thread pool has a work queue (protected by a mutex, and with the empty->non-empty transition signalled by a condvar).
For combining the results, you could have a global counter protected by a mutex (but this is relatively heavy-weight for a single integer), or you could just have each task added to added to the thread pool return a bool via the promise/future mechanism, or you could just make your counter atomic.
Here is a sample pseudo code you may use:
// Following thread awaits notification from worker threads, detecting motion
while(true) { message_recieve(msg_q); ++nValidMotion; }
// Worker thread, computing motion on 2 frames; if motion detected, notify uysing message Q to nValidMotion_woker_Thread
WorkerThread(frame1 ,frame2)
x = computeMotionValue(frame1 ,frame2);
// main thread
// 1. create new message Q for inter-thread communication
msg_q = new msg_q();
// start listening thread
Thread a = new nValidMotion_woker_Thread();
// collect 2 frames
frame1 = readFrames();
frame2 = readFrames();
// start workre thread
Thread b = new WorkerThread(frame1 ,frame2);

c++ pthread conditional signal

I am working on multithreading in C++ using pthread. My problem is I am using frames from webcam to perform feature extraction. The feature extraction routine takes around 4-5 seconds to perform the task. However, I want the video streaming to continue and wait for the signal from the Feature extraction routine telling to send another frame. I think there are 2 functions to use here but I am unsure of its implementation. Functions are : pthread_cond_wait and pthread_cond_signal.
My program outline is as follows:
void *makefeature(void * arg){
// compute future using surf
int main(){
// All video streaming functions and all
pthread_create(); //! call to make feature routine
How can I implement the 2 instance of pthread_cond_wait and pthread_cond_signal.Please help
Independent of which library to use, the idea of condition variables is that 1 thread waits in a blocking state for a condition to change, so it doesn't have to poll it. Since you want your streamer to continue, it might as well poll the condition each time, so you only need a mutex to synchronize the condition.
so extracter:
Ready = true;
mutex.unlock(); // can be avoided with RAII
bool localReady;
localReady = Ready;
Ready = false;
if (localReady) prepareFrame();
You might want to you a condition variable to pass the frame to the extractor thread.

MFC application hangs in thread signaled for termination

I'm writing an app in MFC with a background worker thread (created via _beginthreadex) and UI thread. A button is clicked from the UI thread to begin and end the worker thread. It starts the background thread if the m_threadRunning flag is false, and stops the background thread if it is true. The way I go about stopping the thread is I set the m_threadRunning flag to false and call WaitForSingleObject to let the background thread finish what it is doing.
My app has four different states. I had the first three states working properly, and adding the fourth state is what caused my problem. For the fourth state I want to be able to sample the desktop and send average RGB values to the COM port for processing. When in any of the first three states, if I want to stop execution of sending data to the COM port, it will terminate normally and without problems. If I am in the fourth state and click "stop", the application will hang since I have no time out on my call to WaitForSingleObject.
I also have a custom CEdit box CColorEdit that shows the current RGB values. I update this from the background thread when I'm in either state 3 or 4 (since they both change the colors dynamically). I've narrowed down the problem to a call to when I'm setting the color in which I call either Invalidate or RedrawWindow.
I've come up with a few solutions, but I don't like any of them and would rather understand what is causing the problem since my goal in writing this in MFC is to learn and understand MFC. Here is what has resolved the problem:
I call Sleep() in my worker thread already at about 60 samples/second. Changing this to a lower value, like 30 samples/second, resolved the problem most of the time.
I poll m_threadRunning in my worker thread to check if the thread should be terminated. If I poll it after sampling the screen but before updating the edit control, this resolves the problem most of the time.
I do a timeout of 5 seconds when calling WaitForSingleObject and call TerminateThread to manually kill the thread when it fails to wait, this resolves the problem all of the time. This is my solution in place for now.
Here are the relevant code bits (I lock around any use of outBytes):
void CLightControlDlg::UpdateOutputLabel()
CSingleLock locker(&m_crit);
m_outLabel.SetColor(outBytes[1], outBytes[2], outBytes[3]); //the call to this freezes the program
CString str;
str.Format(L"R = %d; G = %d; B = %d;", outBytes[1], outBytes[2], outBytes[3]);
This section of code is for terminating the worker thread
m_threadRunning = false;
locker.Unlock(); //release the lock...
//omitted re-enabling of some controls
//normally this is just WaitForSingleObject(m_threadHand, INFINITE);
if(WaitForSingleObject(m_threadHand, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
MessageBox(L"There was an error cancelling the I/O operation to the COM port. Forcing a close.");
TerminateThread(m_threadHand, 0);
The code in my derived edit control that updates the text color:
void SetColor(byte r, byte g, byte b)
_r = r;
_g = g;
_b = b;
Invalidate(); //RedrawWindow() freezes as well
And finally, the code for my thread procedure:
unsigned int __stdcall SendToComProc(void * param)
CLightControlDlg *dlg = (CLightControlDlg*)param;
case TransitionColor: //state 3
case ScreenColor: //state 4
//if(!dlg->IsThreadRunning()) break; //second poll to IsThreadRunning()
Sleep(17); // Sleep for 1020 / 60 = 17 = ~60samples/sec
return 0;
Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!
You get a deadlock when the worker thread attempts to access controls that were created in the main thread and the main thread is suspended in WaitForSingleObject. Updating controls from the worker thread can only proceed when the main thread accepts the associated message to the control.
Remove all accesses to the controls from the worker thread. Instead, PostMessage a custom message to a window in the main thread. An example is here:
The same technique could be used to notify the main thread that the worker thread has completed, so you could avoid WaitForSingleObject.

How can I use Boost condition variables in producer-consumer scenario?

EDIT: below
I have one thread responsible for streaming data from a device in buffers. In addition, I have N threads doing some processing on that data. In my setup, I would like the streamer thread to fetch data from the device, and wait until the N threads are done with the processing before fetching new data or a timeout is reached. The N threads should wait until new data has been fetched before continuing to process. I believe that this framework should work if I don't want the N threads to repeat processing on a buffer and if I want all buffers to be processed without skipping any.
After careful reading, I found that condition variables is what I needed. I have followed tutorials and other stack overflow questions, and this is what I have:
global variables:
boost::condition_variable cond;
boost::mutex mut;
member variables:
std::vector<double> buffer
std::vector<bool> data_ready // Size equal to number of threads
data receiver loop (1 thread runs this):
while (!gotExitSignal())
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> ll(mut);
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> ll(mut);
data processing loop (N threads run this)
while (!gotExitSignal())
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> ll(mut);
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> ll(mut);
data_ready[thread_id] = false;
These two loops are in their own member functions of the same class. The variable buffer is a member variable, so it can be shared across threads.
The receiver thread will be launched first. The data_ready variable is a vector of bools of size N. data_ready[i] is true if data is ready to be processed and false if the thread has already processed data. The function any(data_ready) outputs true if any of the elements of data_ready is true, and false otherwise. The set_true(data_ready) function sets all of the elements of data_ready to true. The receiver thread will check if any processing thread still is processing. If not, it will fetch data, set the data_ready flags, notify the threads, and continue with the loop which will stop at the beginning until processing is done. The processing threads will check their respective data_ready flag to be true. Once it is true, the processing thread will do some computations, set its respective data_ready flag to 0, and continue with the loop.
If I only have one processing thread, the program runs fine. Once I add more threads, I'm getting into issues where the output of the processing is garbage. In addition, the order of the processing threads matters for some reason; in other words, the LAST thread I launch will output correct data whereas the previous threads will output garbage, no matter what the input parameters are for the processing (assuming valid parameters). I don't know if the problem is due to my threading code or if there is something wrong with my device or data processing setup. I try using couts at the processing and receiving steps, and with N processing threads, I see the output as it should:
receive data
process 1
process 2
process N
receive data
process 1
process 2
Is the usage of the condition variables correct? What could be the problem?
EDIT: I followed fork's suggestions and changed the code to:
data receiver loop (1 thread runs this):
while (!gotExitSignal())
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> ll(mut);
data processing loop (N threads run this)
while (!gotExitSignal())
// boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> ll(mut);
boost::mutex::scoped_lock ll(mut);
data_ready[thread_id] = false;
It works somewhat better. Am I using the correct locks?
I did not read your whole story but if i look at the code quickly i see that you use conditions wrong.
A condition is like a state, once you set a thread in a waiting condition it gives away the cpu. So your thread will effectively stop running untill some other process/thread notifies it.
In your code you have a while loop and each time you check for data you wait. That is wrong, it should be an if instead of a while. But then again it should not be there. The checking for data should be done somewhere else. And your worker thread should put itself in waiting condition after it has done its work.
Your worker threads are the consumers. And the producers are the ones that deliver the data.
I think a better construction would be to make a thread check if there is data and notify the worker(s).
while (true) {
1. lock mutex
2. is data available
3. unlock mutex
if (dataAvailableVariable) {
4. notify a worker
5. set waiting condition
while (true) {
1. lock mutex
2. do some work
3. unlock mutex
4. notify producer that work is done
5. set wait condition
You should also take care of the fact that some thread needs to be alive in order to avoid a deadlock, means all threads in waiting condition.
I hope that helps you a little.

invoke methods in thread in c++

I have a class which reads from a message queue. Now this class has also got a thread inside it. Depending on the type of the msg in msg q, it needs to execute different functions inside that thread as the main thread in class always keeps on waiting on msg q. As soon as it reads a message from queue, it checks its type and calls appropriate method to be executed in thread and then it goes back to reading again(reading in while loop).
I am using boost message q and boost threads
How can I do this.
Its something like this:
while(!quit) {
ptime now(boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time());
ptime timeout = now + milliseconds(100);
if (mq.timed_receive(&msg, sizeof(msg), recvd_size, priority, timeout))
case collect:
// need to call collect method in thread
case query:
// need to call query method in thread
and so on.
Can it be done?
If it can be done, then what happens in the case when thread is say executing collect method and main thread gets a query message and wants to call it.
Thanks in advance.
Messages arriving while the receiving thread is executing long operations will be stored for later (in the queue, waiting to be processed).
If the thread is done with its operation, it will come back and call the receive function again, and immediately get the first of the messages that arrived while it was not looking and can process it.
If the main thread needs the result of the message processing operation, it will block until the worker thread is done and delivers the result.
Make sure you do not do anything inside the worker thread that in turn waits on the main thread's actions, otherwise there is the risk of a deadlock.