NGINX - AWS - LoadBalancer - amazon-web-services

i have to make a web application which a maximum of 10,000 concurrent users for 1h. The web server is NGINX.
The application is a simple landing page with an HTML5 player with streaming video from CDN WOWZA.
can you suggest a correct deployment on AWS?
LoadBalancer on 2 or more EC2?
If so, which EC2 sizing do you recommend? Better to use Autoscaling?

thanks for your answer. The application is 2 page PHP and the impact is minimal because in PHP code i write only 2 functions that checks user/password and token.
the video is provided by Wowza CDN because is live streaming, not on-demand.
what tool or service do you suggest about the stress test of Web Server?

I have to make a web application which a maximum of 10,000 concurrent users for 1h.
Avg 3/s, it is not so bad. Sizing is a complex topic and without more details, constraints, testing, etc. You cannot get a reasonable answer. There are many options and without more information it is not possible to say which one is the best. You just started NGINX, but not what it's doing (static sites, PHP, CGI, proxy to something else, etc.)
The application is a simple landing page with an HTML5 player with streaming video from CDN WOWZA.
I will just lay down a few common options:
Let's assume it is a single static (another assumption) web page referring an external resource (video). Then the simplest and the most scalable solution would be an S3 bucket hosting behind the CloudFront (CDN).
If you need some simple quick logic, maybe a lambda behind a load balancer could be good enough.
And you can of course host your solution on full compute (ec2, beanstalk, ecs, fargate, etc.) with different scaling options. But you will have to test out what is your feasible scaling parameters or bottleneck (io, network CPU, etc.). Please note that different instance types may have different network and storage throughput. AWS gives you an opportunity to test and find out what is good enough.


Amazon Fargate vs EC2 container website hosting

I got a project recently in which I have to build a React / NextJS application which will serve occasional high traffic but will mostly sit idle. We are currently looking for the cheapest option in all categories, but also want to build a scalable and manageable app with a quick and easy CI/CD pipeline. For the development server, we chose Heroku's free plan and pipeline, as I think it's perfectly idle for the job. For production, we decided to use Docker as it's the best way to set up a CD pipeline, and with 2000 minutes of free Github Actions per month, the whole Production/Development pipeline will be essentially free of cost for us. We also were thinking to use AWS because of its features and we want to keep a minimum number of bills to manage. For DB we're thinking of using DynamoDB because of free 25GB lifetime storage which will be enough as the only dynamic data in the site will be user data and blogs. And for object storage, the choice is S3.
Here, we're confused between the two offerings by AWS when it comes to Container hosting, ECS EC2, and ECS Fargate. While Fargate definitely feels like a better choice because of the fact that the application will sit idle most of the time, but we're really confused in resource provisioning for containers in Fargate. The app is running on NextJS, so it'll be server-side rendered.
So my question was, will a combo of 0.5 GB RAM x 0.25 vCPU will be enough for a Server Side Rendered NextJS application? Or should I go for a dedicated EC2? Or another cloud provider maybe?
NextJS is a framework that run on top of nodejs, as there is no such specific requirement (nodejs 10 only) mentioned on the documentation but you can treat them as we treat nodejs.
Node.js with V8 suitable for limited memory device?
So my question was, will a combo of 0.5 GB RAM x 0.25 vCPU will be
enough for a Server Side Rendered NextJS application? Or should I go
for a dedicated EC2? Or another cloud provider maybe?
I will not suggest EC2 type ECS service, you can go for fargate with minimal memory and CPU and set auto-scaling of ECS services whenever required.
But I think we have a better option then fargate that is serverless-nextjs
Serverless deployment dramatically improves reliability and scalability by splitting your application into smaller parts (also called [lambdas]3). In the case of Next.js, each page in the pages directory becomes a serverless lambda.
There are a number of benefits to serverless. The referenced link talks about some of them in the context of Express, but the principles apply universally: serverless allows for distributed points of failure, infinite scalability, and is incredibly affordable with a "pay for what you use" model.
Serverless Nextjs

Stitching Cloud Run microservices into single API gateway

I have my services split into Cloud Run services, say e.g. in a blog application I have user, post and comment services.
For each service I get a separate http endpoint on deploy, but what I want is to have act as a gateway for accessing all of them via their respective routes (/user*, /post*, etc).
Is there a standard (i.e. GCP-managed and serverless-ey) way to do this?
Things I've tried/thought of and their issues:
Firebase hosting with rewrites - this is the 'suggested' solution, but it's not very flexible and more problematically I think this leads to double wrapping CDNs on every request. Correct me if wrong, but Cloud Run endpoints use a CDN already, then you have Firebase hosting running through fastly. Seems silly to be needlessly adding cost and latency like that.
nginx on a constantly running instance - works ok but not managed and not serverless; requires scaling interventions
nginx on Cloud Run - this seems like it would have highly variable performance since there are (a) two possible cold starts, and (b) again double wrapping CDN.
using Cloud LB/CDN directly - seemingly not supported with Cloud Run
Any ideas? For me this kind of makes Cloud Run unusable for microservices. Hopefully there's a way around it.

Which AWS services for mobile app backend?

I'm trying to figure out what AWS services I need for the mobile application I'm working on with my startup. The application we're working on should go into the app-/play-store later this year, so we need a "best-practice" solution for our case. It must be high scaleable so if there are thousands of requests to the server it should remain stable and fast. Also we maybe want to deploy a website on it.
Actually we are using Uberspace (link) servers with an Node.js application and MongoDB running on it. Everything works fine, but for the release version we want to go with AWS. What we need is something we can run Node.js / MongoDB (or something similar to MongoDB) on and something to store images like profile pictures that can be requested by the user.
I have already read some informations about AWS on their website but that didn't help a lot. There are so many services and we don't know which of these fit our needs perfectly.
A friend told me to just use AWS EC2 for the Node.js server + MongoDB and S3 to store images, but on some websites I have read that it is better to use this architecture:
We would be glad if there is someone who can share his/her knowledge with us!
To run code: you can use lambda, but be careful: the benefit you
don't have to worry about server, the downside is lambda sometimes
unreasonably slow. If you need it really fast then you need it on EC2
with auto-scaling. If you tune it up properly it works like a charm.
To store data: DynamoDB if you want it really fast (single digits
milliseconds regardless of load and DB size) and according to best
practices. It REQUIRES proper schema or will cost you a fortune,
otherwise use MongoDB on EC2.
If you need RDBMS then RDS (benefits:
scalability, availability, no headache with maintenance)
Cache: they have both Redis and memcached.
S3: to store static assets.
I do not suggest CloudFront, there are another CDN on market with better
API gateway: yes, if you have an API.
Depending on your app, you may need SQS.
Cognito is a good service if you want to authenticate your users at using google/fb/etc.
CloudWatch: if you're metric-addict then it's not for you, perhaps standalone EC2
will be better. But, for most people CloudWatch is abcolutely OK.
Create all necessary alarms (CPU overload etc).
You should use roles
to allow access to your S3/DB from lambda/AWS.
You should not use the root account but create a separate user instead.
Create billing alarm: you'll know if you're going to break budget.
Create lambda functions to backup your EBS volumes (and whatever else you may need to backup). There's no problem if backup starts a second later, so
Lambda is ok here.
Run Trusted Adviser now and then.
it'd be better for you to set it up using CloudFormation stack: you'll be able to deploy the same infrastructure with ease in another region if/when needed, also it's relatively easier to manage Infrastructure-as-a-code than when it built manually.
If you want a very high scalable application, you may be need to use a serverless architecture with AWS lambda.
There is a framework called serverless that helps you to manage and organize all your lambda function and put them behind AWS Gateway.
For the storage you can use AWS EC2 and install MongoDB or you can go with AWS DynamODB as your NoSql storage.
If you want a frontend, both web and mobile, you may be want to visit the react native approach.
I hope I've been helpful.

Website with Google cloud compute

Total NOOB question. I want to setup a website on google cloud compute platform with:
static IP/IP range(external API requirement)
simple front-end
average to low traffic with a maximum of few thousand requests a
separate database instance.
I went through the documentation of services offered Google and Amazon. Not fully sure what is the best way to go about it. Understand that there is no right answer.
A viable solution is:
Spawn up an n1-standard instance on GCP (I prefer to use Debian)
Get a static IP, which is free if you don't let it dangling.
Depending upon your DB type choose Cloud SQL for structured data or Cloud Datastore for unstructured data
Nginx is a viable option for web-server. Get started here
Rest is upon you. What kind of stack are you using to build your app? How are you gonna deploy your code to instance? You might later wanna use Docker and k8s to get flexibility between cloud providers and scaling needs.
The easiest way of creating the website you want would be Google App Engine with the Datastore as DB. However it doesn't support static IP's, this is due to a design choice. Is this absolutely mandatory?
App Engine does not currently provide a way to map static IP addresses
to an application. In order to optimize the network path between an
end user and an App Engine application, end users on different ISPs or
geographic locations might use different IP addresses to access the
same App Engine application. DNS might return different IP addresses
to access App Engine over time or from different network locations.

Best options for building a web app with SimpleDB as a data source?

I have seen PHP libraries for SimpleDB but nothing too interesting... are there any best practices or frameworks for this or should I just go at it? Thanks!
Aside from Amazon's basic PHP library for SimpleDB, there are two others that I know of.
Paws is a SimpleDB specific library, and
Tarzan which has support for many Amazon web services and seems to be well documented.
One thing to be aware of is that any individual SimpleDB request may not be as fast as a normal database call, but much of the time you can make your calls in parallel.
If you are able to run your web app on Amazon EC2 (either self hosted or if you can find a hosting company that uses EC2) you will see a much lower latency in SimpleDB requests than you'll get from a PHP host outside of Amazon's cloud. When running on EC2 I typically get round-trip latencies of 2-7ms to SimpleDB (not including the requst processing time).