Agent Go Back to previous state. AnyLogic - state

I want my agent to change its state and go to a new state called interruption! I want the agent to stay in the interruption state for a while and then go back to the previous state that it comes from! I can use timeout transition if there was only one state leading to this interruption state! But there are three states that can be transit to this interruption state. Lets name them state A, State B, or State C.
For example, I want the agent go back to state A, if it initially came form Sate A! The same for state B, and C.
There are functions that shows the current state of the agent but what if I want to get its previous state not current one?
I think I should use a combination of timeout and condition transitions! But What I should write for the condition?
Looking forward to your help.
Thank You,

You don't need any of that... There's an object in the statechart or agent palette called history state... The help documentation explains the history state pretty well and it has deep and shallow options you can read there..
If you check the statechart above, if your agent is in state "state1" and it moves to state4, then when it get backs to "state3" it goes back through the history state that will take the agent back to its previous state "state1"
This is how you can do it, and you can read the documentation for more info about it


DDD - Concurrency and Command retrying with side-effects

I am developing an event-sourced Electric Vehicle Charging Station Management System, which is connected to several Charging Stations. In this domain, I've come up with an aggregate for the Charging Station, which includes the internal state of the Charging Station(whether it is network-connected, if a car is charging using the station's connectors).
The station notifies me about its state through messages defined in a standardized protocol:
Heartbeat: whether the station is still "alive"
StatusNotification: whether the station has encountered an error(under voltage), or if everything is correct
And my server can send commands to this station:
RemoteStartTransaction: tells the station to unlock and reserve one of its connectors, for a car to charge using the connector.
I've developed an Aggregate for this Charging Station. It contains the internal entities of its connector, whether it's charging or not, if it has a problem in the power system, ...
And the Aggregate, which its memory representation resides in the server that I control, not in the Charging Station itself, has a StationClient service, which is responsible for sending these commands to the physical Charging Station(pseudocode):
class StationAggregate {
stationClient: StationClient
URL: string
connector: Connector[]
unlock(connectorId) {
if this.connectors.find(connectorId).isAvailableToBeUnlocked() {
return ErrorConnectorNotAvailable
error = this.stationClient.sendRemoteStartTransaction(this.URL, connectorId)
if error {
return ErrorStationRejectedUnlock
StationUnlockedEvent(connectorId, now())
return Ok
receiveHeartbeat(timestamp) {
return Ok
I am using a optimistic concurrency, which means that, I load the Aggregate from a list of events, and I store the current version of the Aggregate in its memory representation: StationAggregate in version #2032, when a command is successfully processed and event(s) applied, it would the in version #2033, for example. In that way, I can put a unique constraint on the (StationID, Version) tuple on my persistence layer, and guarantee that only one event is persisted.
If by any chance, occurs a receival of a Heartbeat message, and the receival of a Unlock command. In both threads, they would load the StationAggregate and would be both in version X, in the case of the Heartbeat receival, there would be no side-effects, but in the case of the Unlock command, there would be a side-effect that tells the physical Charging Station to be unlocked. However as I'm using optimistic concurrency, that StationUnlocked event could be rejected from the persistence layer. I don't know how I could handle that, as I can't retry the command, because it its inherently not idempotent(as the physical Station would reject the second request)
I don't know if I'm modelling something wrong, or if it's really a hard domain to model.
I am not sure I fully understand the problem, but the idea of optimistic concurrency is to prevent writes in case of a race condition. Versions are used to ensure that your write operation has the version that is +1 from the version you've got from the database before executing the command.
So, in case there's a parallel write that won and you got the wrong version exception back from the event store, you retry the command execution entirely, meaning you read the stream again and by doing so you get the latest state with the new version. Then, you give the command to the aggregate, which decides if it makes sense to perform the operation or not.
The issue is not particularly related to Event Sourcing, it is just as relevant for any persistence and it is resolved in the same way.
Event Sourcing could bring you additional benefits since you know what happened. Imagine that by accident you got the Unlock command twice. When you got the "wrong version" back from the store, you can read the last event and decide if the command has already been executed. It can be done logically (there's no need to unlock if it's already unlocked, by the same customer), technically (put the command id to the event metadata and compare), or both ways.
When handling duplicate commands, it makes sense to ensure a decent level of idempotence of the command handling, ignore the duplicate and return OK instead of failing to the user's face.
Another observation that I can deduce from the very limited amount of information about the domain, is that heartbeats are telemetry and locking and unlocking are business. I don't think it makes a lot of sense to combine those two distinctly different things in one domain object.
Update, following the discussion in comments:
What you got with sending the command to the station at the same time as producing the event, is the variation of two-phase commit. Since it's not executed in a transaction, any of the two operations could fail and lead the system to an inconsistent state. You either don't know if the station got the command to unlock itself if the command failed to send, or you don't know that it's unlocked if the event persistence failed. You only got as far as the second operation, but the first case could happen too.
There are quite a few ways to solve it.
First, solving it entirely technical. With MassTransit, it's quite easy to fix using the Outbox. It will not send any outgoing messages until the consumer of the original message is fully completed its work. Therefore, if the consumer of the Unlock command fails to persist the event, the command will not be sent. Then, the retry filter would engage and the whole operation would be executed again and you already get out of the race condition, so the operation would be properly completed.
But it won't solve the issue when your command to the physical station fails to send (I reckon it is an edge case).
This issue can also be easily solved and here Event Sourcing is helpful. You'd need to convert sending the command to the station from the original (user-driven) command consumer to the subscriber. You subscribe to the event stream of StationUnlocked event and let the subscriber send commands to the station. With that, you would only send commands to the station if the event was persisted and you can retry sending the command as many times as you'd need.
Finally, you can solve it in a more meaningful way and change the semantics. I already mentioned that heartbeats are telemetry messages. I could expect the station also to respond to lock and unlock commands, telling you if it actually did what you asked.
You can use the station telemetry to create a representation of the physical station, which is not a part of the aggregate. In fact, it's more like an ACL to the physical world, represented as a read model.
When you have such a mirror of the physical station on your side, when you execute the Unlock command in your domain, you can engage a domain server to consult with the current station state and make a decision. If you find out that the station is already unlocked and the session id matches (yes, I remember our previous discussion :)) - you return OK and safely ignore the command. If it's locked - you proceed. If it's unlocked and the session id doesn't match - it's obviously an error and you need to do something else.
In this last option, you would clearly separate telemetry processing from the business so you won't have heartbeats impact your domain model, so you really won't have the versioning issue. You also would always have a place to look at to understand what is the current state of the physical station.

Can I persist events for other actors?

Using akka-typed I'm trying to create an event-sourced application in which a command on an actor can cause effect on another actor. Specifically I have the following situation:
BranchActor (it's the representation of a child of the Root)
When RootActor is issued a CreateBranch command, validation happens, and if everything is o.k. the results must be:
RootActor will update the list of children of that actor
BranchActor will be initialized with some contents (previously given in the command)
RootActor replies to the issuer of the command with OperationDone
Right now the only thing I could come up with is: RootActor processes the Event and as a side effect issues a command to the BranchActor, which in turn saves an initialization eventt, replies to the RootActor, which finally replies to the original issuer.
This looks way too complicated, though, because:
I need to use a pipe to self mechanism, which implies that
I need to manage internal commands as well that allow me to reply to the original issuer
I need to manage the case where that operation might fail, and if this fails, it means that the creation of a branch is not atomic, whereas saving two events is atomic, in the sense that either both are saved or neither is.
I need to issue another command to another actor, but I shouldn't need to do that, because the primary command should take care of everything
The new command should be validated, though it is not necessary because it comes from the system and not an "external" user in this case.
My question then is: can't I just save from the RootActor two events, one for self, and one for a target BranchActor?
Also, as a bonus question: is this even a good practice for event-sourcing?
My question then is: can't I just save from the RootActor two events, one for self, and one for a target BranchActor?
No. Not to sound trite, but the only thing you can do to an actor is to send a message to it. If you must do what you are doing you are doing, you are on the right path. (e.g. pipeTo etc.)
is this even a good practice for event-sourcing?
It's not a good practice. Whether it's suboptimal or a flat out anti-pattern is still debatable. (I feel like I say say this confidently because of this Lightbend Discussion thread where it was debated with one side arguing "tricky but I have no regrets" and the other side arguing "explicit anti-pattern".)
To quote someone from an internal Slack (I don't want attribute him without his permission, but I saved it because it seemed to so elegantly sum up this kind of scenario.)
If an event sourced actor needs to contact another actor to make the decision if it can persist an event, then we are not modeling a consistency boundary anymore. It should only rely on the state that [it has] in scope (own state and incoming command). … all the gymnastics (persist the fact that its awaiting confirmation, stash, pipe to self) to make it work properly is an indication that we are not respecting the consistency boundary.
If you can't fix your aggregates such that one actor is responsible for the entire consistency boundary the better practice is to enrich the command beforehand: essentially building a Saga pattern.

What is the purpose of stopping actors in Akka?

I have read the Akka docs on fault tolerance & supervision, and I think I totally get them, with one big exception (no pun intended).
Why would you ever want/need to stop a child actor???
The only clue in the docs is:
Closer to the Erlang way is the strategy to just stop children when they fail and then take corrective action in the supervisor...
But to me, stopping a child is the same as saying "don't execute this code any longer", which to me, is effectively the same as deploying new changes to the code which has that actor removed entirely:
Every Actor plays some critical role in the actor system
To simply stop the actor means that actor currently doesn't have a role any longer, and presumes the system can now somehow (magically) work without it
So again, to me, this is no different than refactoring the code to not even have the actor any more, and then deploying those changes
I'm sure I'm just not seeing the forest through the trees on this one, but I just don't see any use cases where I'd have this big complex actor system, where each actor does critical work and then hands it off to the next critical actor, but then I stop an actor, and magically the whole system keeps on working perfectly.
In short: stopping an actor (to me) is like ripping the transmission out of a moving vehicle. How can this ever be a good/desirable thing?!?
The essence of the "error kernel" pattern is to delegate risky operations and protect essential state, it is common to spawn child-actors for one-off operations, and when that operation is completed and its result send off somewhere else, the child-actor or the parent-actor needs to stop it. (otherwise the child-actor will remain active/leak)
If the child actor is doing a longer process that could be terminated safely, such as video coding, or some kind of file transformation and you have to deploy a new build, in that case a terminate sign would be useful to stop running processes gracefully.
Every Actor plays some critical role in the actor system
This is where you are running into trouble, I can create a child actor to do a job, for example execute a query against a database or maintain the state of a connected user and this is its only purpose.
Once the database query is complete or the user has gracefully disconnected the child actor no longer has any role to play and should be stopped so that it will release any resources it holds.
To simply stop the actor means that actor currently doesn't have a role any >longer, and presumes the system can now somehow (magically) work without it
The system is able to continue because I can create new child actors if/when they are needed.

Restart C++ Concurrency Agent?

Can I restart the Concurrency Agent object after it done his work?
Short answer is No.
If you look at the life cycle described here, you'll see the following:
Agents have a set life cycle. The concurrency::agent_status
enumeration defines the various states of an agent. The following
illustration is a state diagram that shows how agents progress from
one state to another. In this illustration, solid lines represent
methods that you call from your application; dotted lines represent
methods that are called from the runtime.
This shows clearly that once your agent has entered the done or cancelled state, there's no way back.
Also, if you look at the agent::start documentation, you see this:
Moves an agent from the agent_created state to the agent_runnable state, and schedules it for execution.
and this:
An agent that has been canceled cannot be started.
Although this doesn't mention the done state, I've found from experience that once it's done, it's done. The state sequence diagram shows a one-way trip for all paths.

How to design a state machine in face of non-blocking I/O?

I'm using Qt framework which has by default non-blocking I/O to develop an application navigating through several web pages (online stores) and carrying out different actions on these pages. I'm "mapping" specific web page to a state machine which I use to navigate through this page.
This state machine has these transitions;
Connect, LogIn, Query, LogOut, Disconnect
and these states;
Start, Connecting, Connected, LoggingIn, LoggedIn, Querying, QueryDone, LoggingOut, LoggedOut, Disconnecting, Disconnected
Transitions from *ing to *ed states (Connecting->Connected), are due to LoadFinished asynchronous network events received from network object when currently requested url is loaded. Transitions from *ed to *ing states (Connected->LoggingIn) are due to events send by me.
I want to be able to send several events (commands) to this machine (like Connect, LogIn, Query("productA"), Query("productB"), LogOut, LogIn, Query("productC"), LogOut, Disconnect) at once and have it process them. I don't want to block waiting for the machine to finish processing all events I sent to it. The problem is they have to be interleaved with the above mentioned network events informing machine about the url being downloaded. Without interleaving machine can't advance its state (and process my events) because advancing from *ing to *ed occurs only after receiving network type of event.
How can I achieve my design goal?
The state machine I'm using has its own event loop and events are not queued in it so could be missed by machine if they come when the machine is busy.
Network I/O events are not posted directly to neither the state machine nor the event queue I'm using. They are posted to my code (handler) and I have to handle them. I can forward them as I wish but please have in mind remark no. 1.
Take a look at my answer to this question where I described my current design in details. The question is if and how can I improve this design by making it
More robust
Sounds like you want the state machine to have an event queue. Queue up the events, start processing the first one, and when that completes pull the next event off the queue and start on that. So instead of the state machine being driven by the client code directly, it's driven by the queue.
This means that any logic which involves using the result of one transition in the next one has to be in the machine. For example, if the "login complete" page tells you where to go next. If that's not possible, then the event could perhaps include a callback which the machine can call, to return whatever it needs to know.
Asking this question I already had a working design which I didn't want to write about not to skew answers in any direction :) I'm going to describe in this pseudo answer what the design I have is.
In addition to the state machine I have a queue of events. Instead of posting events directly to the machine I'm placing them in the queue. There is however problem with network events which are asynchronous and come in any moment. If the queue is not empty and a network event comes I can't place it in the queue because the machine will be stuck waiting for it before processing events already in the queue. And the machine will wait forever because this network event is waiting behind all events placed in the queue earlier.
To overcome this problem I have two types of messages; normal and priority ones. Normal ones are those send by me and priority ones are all network ones. When I get network event I don't place it in the queue but instead I send it directly to the machine. This way it can finish its current task and progress to the next state before pulling the next event from the queue of events.
It works designed this way only because there is exactly 1:1 interleave of my events and network events. Because of this when the machine is waiting for a network event it's not busy doing anything (so it's ready to accept it and does not miss it) and vice versa - when the machine waits for my task it's only waiting for my task and not another network one.
I asked this question in hope for some more simple design than what I have now.
Strictly speaking, you can't. Because you only have state "Connecting", you don't know whether you need top login afterwards. You'd have to introduce a state "ConnectingWithIntentToLogin" to represent the result of a "Connect, then Login" event from the Start state.
Naturally there will be a lot of overlap between the "Connecting" and the "ConnectingWithIntentToLogin" states. This is most easily achieved by a state machine architecture that supports state hierarchies.
--- edit ---
Reading your later reactions, it's now clear what your actual problem is.
You do need extra state, obviously, whether that's ingrained in the FSM or outside it in a separate queue. Let's follow the model you prefer, with extra events in a queue. The rick here is that you're wondering how to "interleave" those queued events vis-a-vis the realtime events. You don't - events from the queue are actively extracted when entering specific states. In your case, those would be the "*ed" states like "Connected". Only when the queue is empty would you stay in the "Connected" state.
If you don't want to block, that means you don't care about the network replies. If on the other hand the replies interest you, you have to block waiting for them. Trying to design your FSM otherwise will quickly lead to your automaton's size reaching infinity.
How about moving the state machine to a different thread, i. e. QThread. I would implent a input queue in the state machine so I could send queries non blocking and a output queue to read the results of the queries. You could even call back a slotted function in your main thread via connect(...) if a result of a query arrives, Qt is thread safe in this regard.
This way your state machine could block as long as it needs without blocking your main program.
Sounds like you just want to do a list of blocking I/O in the background.
So have a thread execute:
while( !commands.empty() )
command = command.pop_back();
switch( command )