Async C++ socket - c++

I am trying to write an asynchronous server to handle multiple users at the same time. The server is standing in the main thread listening for receiving data, in the same thread it receives them (large images) and creates a task to process this data, which it sends to the thread pool, and itself listens to the next image. Here is the code (Handle contains data processing that is performed on another thread):
while (true) {
cv::Mat data = ReceiveImage();
m_Pool.AddTask([=]() mutable {
cv::Mat UDPServer::ReceiveImage() const {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i += num_bytes) {
num_bytes = ReceiveData((char*)&buf[0] + i, sz - i, from);
int UDPServer::ReceiveData(char* buf, int len, sockaddr_in& from) const {
socklen_t slen = sizeof(from);
int nReceivedBytes = recvfrom(m_Socket, buf, len, 0, (sockaddr*)&from, &slen);
if (nReceivedBytes == SOCKET_ERROR) {
throw std::runtime_error(;
return nReceivedBytes;
There is a problem with this approach: while accepting data from one user, another user can send his data, which will not be accepted.
A possible solution is to accept the data on a different thread. To do this, I want to receive ONLY a signal in the main thread that data has arrived, and transfer them to another thread to receive and send them to the thread pool. Something like Probe in MPI.
How can this be implemented on C ++ sockets? I tried to find it on the internet, but nothing came of it. Or does anyone have a better solution to the problem?

TCP sockets work this way. There is a listened-to socket, call it P, and an actual communication socket, call it Q. The accept system call does this:
Q = accept(P, ...); // there are other parameters
// which are not important here
As soon as accept returns, you can launch an async task on Q, and continue listening on P. The two jobs will not interfere with each other. If another request comes why you are still grinding away on Q, accept will just return another Q for another async task.
This whole idea doesn't work all that well for UDP because there are no persistent connections. Each packet is a communication session of its own. It doesn't make a lot of sense to asynchronously read a packet from a socket. Reading is an atomic operation, and packets are short enough. You can launch an asynchronous task to process each packet's data, there's nothing wrong with that. You can try to implement asynchronous reading by polling on a socket and launching an async task that reads the data as soon as it's ready, but this won't really simplify or speed up anything.


UDP sendto packet sent signal

I'm developing an application that sends a lot of messages by an UDP connection.
Sometimes some packets were lost and after some tests I conclude that the socket was busy.
Thus I put a tiny sleep between calls to sendto API trying to prevent a new send before the last one ends.
It worked, but I want to use a better approach, like treat a signal or something else which point me that the previous send was done.
Is there anything like that?
I'm using C++ language on a Linux environment.
The below code snippet shows what I'm doing:
#define MAX_SIZE 4096
string long_msg = GetLongMessage();
if (!long_msg.empty()) {
long int to_send = long_msg.size();
while (to_send) {
long int ret = sendto(socket_fd,
&long_msg[long_msg.size() - to_send],
(to_send > MAX_SIZE ? MAX_SIZE : to_send), 0,
reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&addr_client),
if (ret > 0) {
to_send -= ret;
} else {
// Log error
Edit: The intent of this question is to know a way to detect if a UDP socket is busy due a previous send call and not discuss TCP vs UDP advantages/disadvantages.

Passing data to another thread in a C++ winsock app

So I have this winsock application (a server, able to accept multiple clients), where in the main thread I setup the socket and create another thread where I listen for clients (listen_for_clients function).
I also constantly receive data from a device in the main thread, which I afterwards concatenate to char arrays (buffers) of Client objects (BroadcastSample function). Currently I create a thread for each connected client (ProcessClient function), where I initialize a Client object and push it to a global vector of clients after which I send data to this client through the socket whenever the buffer in the corresponding Client object exceeds 4000 characters.
Is there a way I can send data from the main thread to the separate client threads so I don't have to use structs/classes (also to send a green light if I want to send the already accumulated data) and also if I'm going to keep a global container of objects, what is a good way to remove a disconnected client object from it without crashing the program because another thread is using the same container?
struct Client{
int buffer_len;
char current_buffer[5000];
std::vector<Client*> clientBuffers;
DWORD WINAPI listen_for_clients(LPVOID Param)
SOCKET client;
sockaddr_in from;
int fromlen = sizeof(from);
char buf[100];
client = accept(ListenSocket,(struct sockaddr*)&from,&fromlen);
if(client != INVALID_SOCKET)
printf("Client connected\n");
unsigned dwThreadId;
HANDLE hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, &ProcessClient, (void*)client, 0, &dwThreadId);
unsigned __stdcall ProcessClient(void *data)
SOCKET ClientSocket = (SOCKET)data;
Client * a = new Client();
a->current_buffer[0] = '\0';
a->buffer_len = 0;
a->s = ClientSocket;
char szBuffer[255];
if(a->buffer_len > 4000)
a->buffer_len = 0;
a->current_buffer[0] = '\0';
//function below is called only in main thread, about every 100ms
void BroadcastSample(Sample s)
for(std::vector<Client*>::iterator it = clientBuffers.begin(); it != clientBuffers.end(); it++)
(*it)->buffer_len += strlen(s.to_string);
This link has some Microsoft documentation on MS-style mutexes (muticies?).
This other link has some general info on mutexes.
Mutexes are the general mechanism for protecting data which is accessed by multiple threads. There are data structures with built-in thread safety, but in my experience, they usually have caveats that you'll eventually miss. That's just my two cents.
Also, for the record, you shouldn't use strcat, but rather strncat. Also, if one of your client servicing threads accesses one of those buffers after strncat overwrites the old '\0' but before it appends the new one, you'll have a buffer overread (read past end of allocated buffer).
Mutexes will also solve your current busy-waiting problem. I'm not currently near a windows compiler, or I'd try to help more.

Handling threads in server application after clients disconnect

I'm currently working on simple HTTP server. I use Winsock and standard threads from C++11. For each connected (accepted) client there is new thread created.
std::map<SOCKET, std::thread> threads;
bool server_running = true;
while(server_running) {
SOCKET client_socket;
client_socket = accept(listen_socket, NULL, NULL);
if(client_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
// some error handling
threads[client_socket] = std::thread(clientHandler, client_socket);
clientHandler function looks generally like this:
while(1) {
while(!all_data_received) {
bytes_received = recv(client_socket, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);
if(bytes_received > 0) {
// do something
} else {
goto client_cleanup;
// do something
client_cleanup: // we also get here when Connection: close was received
And here we come to my problem - how to handle all the threads which ended but haven't been joined with main thread and references to them still exist in threads map?
The simplest solution would be probably to iterate over threads frequently (e.q. from another thread?) and join and delete those which returned.
Please share your expertise. :)
PS. Yes, I know about thread pool pattern. I'm not using it in my app (for better or worse). I'm looking for answer concerning my current architecture.
Simple solution? Just detach() after you start the thread. This will mean that once the thread terminates the resources will be cleaned up and you don't need to keep the std::map<SOCKET, std::thread> threads.
std::thread(clientHandler, client_socket).detach();
Otherwise create a thread-safe LIFO queue where during cleanup you push the socket to it.
Then in the main loop you alternately check accept and that queue and when the queue has sockets in them you do threads.erase(socket); for each socket in the queue.
However if you do that then you may as well putt he LIFO in the other direction and use a thread pool.

Context independent C++ TCP Server Class

I'm coding a TCP Server class based on the I/O multiplexing (select) way.
The basic idea is explained in this chunk of code:
TServer *server = new Tserver(/*parameters*/);
For now the behavior of the server is independent from the context but in a way that i nedd to improove.
Actual Status
receive(sockFd , buffer);
MSGData * msg= MSGFactory::getInstance()->createMessage(Utils::getHeader(buffer,1024));
EventHandler * rightHandler =eventBinder->getHandler(msg->type());
At this version the main loop reads from the socket, instantiates the right type of message object and calls the appropriate handler(something may not work properly because it compiles but i have not tested it).
As you can notice this allows a programmer to define his message types and appropriate handlers but once the main loop is started nothing can be done.
I need to make this part of the server more customizable to adapt this class to a bigger
quantity of problems.
MainLoop Code
void TServer::mainLoop()
int sockFd;
int connFd;
int maxFd;
int maxi;
int i;
int nready;
maxFd = listenFd;
maxi = -1;
for(i = 0 ; i< FD_SETSIZE ; i++) clients[i] = -1; //Should be in the constructor?
FD_ZERO(&allset); //Should be in the constructor?
FD_SET(listenFd,&allset); //Should be in the constructor?
rset = allset;
nready = select (maxFd + 1 , &rset , NULL,NULL,NULL);
if(FD_ISSET( listenFd , &rset ))
cliLen = sizeof(cliAddr);
connFd = accept(listenFd , (struct sockaddr *) &cliAddr, &cliLen);
for (i = 0; i < FD_SETSIZE; i++)
if (clients[i] < 0)
clients[i] = connFd; /* save descriptor */
FD_SET(connFd, &allset); /* add new descriptor to set */
if (connFd > maxFd) maxFd = connFd; /* for select */
if (i > maxi) maxi = i; /* max index in client[] array */
if (--nready <= 0) continue;
for (i = 0; i <= maxi; i++)
/* check all clients for data */
if ( (sockFd = clients[i]) < 0) continue;
if (FD_ISSET(sockFd, &rset))
receive(sockFd , buffer);
MSGData * msg = MSGFactory::getInstance()->createMessage(Utils::getHeader(buffer,1024));
EventHandler * rightHandler =eventBinder->getHandler(msg->type());
if (--nready <= 0) break; /* no more readable descriptors */
Do you have any suggestions on a good way to do this?
Your question requires more than just a stack overflow question. You can find good ideas in these book:
Basically what you're trying to do is a reactor. You can find open source library implementing this pattern. For instance:
If you want yout handler to have the possibility to do more processing you could give them a reference to your TCPServer and a way to register a socket for the following events:
read, the socket is ready for read
write, the socket is ready for write
accept, the listening socket is ready to accept (read with select)
close, the socket is closed
timeout, the time given to wait for the next event expired (select allow to specify a timeout)
So that the handler can implement all kinds of protocols half-duplex or full-duplex:
In your example there is no way for a handler to answer the received message. This is the role of the write event to let a handler knows when it can send on the socket.
The same is true for the read event. It should not be in your main loop but in the socket read handler.
You may also want to add the possibility to register a handler for an event with a timeout so that you can implement timers and drop idle connections.
This leads to some problems:
Your handler will have to implement a state-machine to react to the network events and update the events it wants to receive.
You handler may want to create and connect new sockets (think about a Web proxy server, an IRC client with DCC, an FTP server, and so on...). For this to work it must have the possibility to create a socket and to register it in your main loop. This means the handler may now receive callbacks for one of the two sockets and there should be a parameter telling the callback which socket it is. Or you will have to implement a handler for each socket and they will comunnicate with a queue of messages. The queue is needed because the readiness of one socket is independent of the readiness of the other. And you may read something on one and not being ready to send it on the other.
You will have to manage the timeouts specified by each handlers which may be different. You may end up with a priority queue for timeouts
As you see this is no simple problem. You may want to reduce the genericity of your framework to simplify its design. (for instance handling only half-duplex protocols like simple HTTP)

How to correctly read data when using epoll_wait

I am trying to port to Linux an existing Windows C++ code that uses IOCP. Having decided to use epoll_wait to achieve high concurrency, I am already faced with a theoretical issue of when we try to process received data.
Imagine two threads calling epoll_wait, and two consequetives messages being received such that Linux unblocks the first thread and soon the second.
Example :
Thread 1 blocks on epoll_wait
Thread 2 blocks on epoll_wait
Client sends a chunk of data 1
Thread 1 deblocks from epoll_wait, performs recv and tries to process data
Client sends a chunk of data 2
Thread 2 deblocks, performs recv and tries to process data.
Is this scenario conceivable ? I.e. can it occure ?
Is there a way to prevent it so to avoid implementing synchronization in the recv/processing code ?
If you have multiple threads reading from the same set of epoll handles, I would recommend you put your epoll handles in one-shot level-triggered mode with EPOLLONESHOT. This will ensure that, after one thread observes the triggered handle, no other thread will observe it until you use epoll_ctl to re-arm the handle.
If you need to handle read and write paths independently, you may want to completely split up the read and write thread pools; have one epoll handle for read events, and one for write events, and assign threads to one or the other exclusively. Further, have a separate lock for read and for write paths. You must be careful about interactions between the read and write threads as far as modifying any per-socket state, of course.
If you do go with that split approach, you need to put some thought into how to handle socket closures. Most likely you will want an additional shared-data lock, and 'acknowledge closure' flags, set under the shared data lock, for both read and write paths. Read and write threads can then race to acknowledge, and the last one to acknowledge gets to clean up the shared data structures. That is, something like this:
void OnSocketClosed(shareddatastructure *pShared, int writer)
epoll_ctl(myepollhandle, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, pShared->fd, NULL);
if (writer)
pShared->close_ack_w = true;
pShared->close_ack_r = true;
bool acked = pShared->close_ack_w && pShared->close_ack_r;
if (acked)
I'm assuming here that the situation you're trying to process is something like this:
You have multiple (maybe very many) sockets that you want to receive data from at once;
You want to start processing data from the first connection on Thread A when it is first received and then be sure that data from this connection is not processed on any other thread until you have finished with it in Thread A.
While you are doing that, if some data is now received on a different connection you want Thread B to pick that data and process it while still being sure that no one else can process this connection until Thread B is done with it etc.
Under these circumstances it turns out that using epoll_wait() with the same epoll fd in multiple threads is a reasonably efficient approach (I'm not claiming that it is necessarily the most efficient).
The trick here is to add the individual connections fds to the epoll fd with the EPOLLONESHOT flag. This ensures that once an fd has been returned from an epoll_wait() it is unmonitored until you specifically tell epoll to monitor it again. This ensures that the thread processing this connection suffers no interference as no other thread can be processing the same connection until this thread marks the connection to be monitored again.
You can set up the fd to monitor EPOLLIN or EPOLLOUT again using epoll_ctl() and EPOLL_CTL_MOD.
A significant benefit of using epoll like this in multiple threads is that when one thread is finished with a connection and adds it back to the epoll monitored set, any other threads still in epoll_wait() are immediately monitoring it even before the previous processing thread returns to epoll_wait(). Incidentally that could also be a disadvantage because of lack of cache data locality if a different thread now picks up that connection immediately (thus needing to fetch the data structures for this connection and flush the previous thread's cache). What works best will sensitively depend on your exact usage pattern.
If you are trying to process messages received subsequently on the same connection in different threads then this scheme to use epoll is not going to be appropriate for you, and an approach using a listening thread feeding an efficient queue feeding worker threads might be better.
Previous answers that point out that calling epoll_wait() from multiple threads is a bad idea are almost certainly right, but I was intrigued enough by the question to try and work out what does happen when it is called from multiple threads on the same handle, waiting for the same socket. I wrote the following test code:
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct thread_info {
int number;
int socket;
int epoll;
void * thread(struct thread_info * arg)
struct epoll_event events[10];
int s;
char buf[512];
sleep(5 * arg->number);
printf("Thread %d start\n", arg->number);
do {
s = epoll_wait(arg->epoll, events, 10, -1);
if (s < 0) {
} else if (s == 0) {
printf("Thread %d No data\n", arg->number);
if (recv(arg->socket, buf, 512, 0) <= 0) {
printf("Thread %d got data\n", arg->number);
} while (s == 1);
printf("Thread %d end\n", arg->number);
return 0;
int main()
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t threads[2];
struct thread_info thread_data[2];
int s;
int listener, client, epollfd;
struct sockaddr_in listen_address;
struct sockaddr_storage client_address;
socklen_t client_address_len;
struct epoll_event ev;
listener = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (listener < 0) {
memset(&listen_address, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
listen_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
listen_address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
listen_address.sin_port = htons(6799);
s = bind(listener,
(struct sockaddr*)&listen_address,
if (s != 0) {
s = listen(listener, 1);
if (s != 0) {
client_address_len = sizeof(client_address);
client = accept(listener,
(struct sockaddr*)&client_address,
epollfd = epoll_create(10);
if (epollfd == -1) {
} = EPOLLIN; = client;
if (epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, client, &ev) == -1) {
perror("epoll_ctl: listen_sock");
thread_data[0].number = 0;
thread_data[1].number = 1;
thread_data[0].socket = client;
thread_data[1].socket = client;
thread_data[0].epoll = epollfd;
thread_data[1].epoll = epollfd;
s = pthread_attr_init(&attr);
if (s != 0) {
s = pthread_create(&threads[0],
if (s != 0) {
s = pthread_create(&threads[1],
if (s != 0) {
pthread_join(threads[0], 0);
pthread_join(threads[1], 0);
return 0;
When data arrives, and both threads are waiting on epoll_wait(), only one will return, but as subsequent data arrives, the thread that wakes up to handle the data is effectively random between the two threads. I wasn't able to to find a way to affect which thread was woken.
It seems likely that a single thread calling epoll_wait makes most sense, with events passed to worker threads to pump the IO.
I believe that the high performance software that uses epoll and a thread per core creates multiple epoll handles that each handle a subset of all the connections. In this way the work is divided but the problem you describe is avoided.
Generally, epoll is used when you have a single thread listening for data on a single asynchronous source. To avoid busy-waiting (manually polling), you use epoll to let you know when data is ready (much like select does).
It is not standard practice to have multiple threads reading from a single data source, and I, at least, would consider it bad practice.
If you want to use multiple threads, but you only have one input source, then designate one of the threads to listen and queue the data so the other threads can read individual pieces from the queue.