Does AWS ECS Control Plane i.e Cluster cost any thing? - amazon-web-services

On looking at the EKS Pricing page, its very clear that the cluster i.e control plane as of today costs $.10/hour. Quote from -
You pay $0.10 per hour for each Amazon EKS cluster that you create.
But on looking at ECS pricing page -, I am not able to figure out the cluster i.e control plane cost. So before creating an ECS cluster and leaving it there irrespective of usage, I want to know how I will be billed.
Please share your thoughts!!!!
Also, my understanding is, for EKS cluster, I will be charged for the cluster irrespective of the usage i.e the cluster is used for deployments/pods/services etc or just left doing nothing. Please correct if wrong.

No, ECS does not have a control plane/cluster fee. You only pay for the EC2 or Fargate resources ECS runs your containers on.
Your understanding about the EKS cluster costs is correct.
Note: There are other fees an ECS cluster can generate, such as CloudWatch Logs and Metrics fees, but that's true for all the AWS compute services, including EKS, Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, etc.


How can I understand `Nodes` in EKS Fargate?

I deployed a EKS cluster and a fargate profile. Then I deployed a few application to this cluster. I can see these fargate instances are launched.
when I click each of this instance, it shows me some information like os, image etc. But it doesn't tell me the CPU and memory. When I look at fargate pricing: It is calculated based on CPU and Memory.
I have used ECS and it is very clear that I need to provision CPU/Memory in service/task level. But I can't find anything in EKS.
How do I know how much resources they are consuming?
With Fargate you don`t have provision, configure or scale virtual machines to run your containers so that they become fundamental compute primitive.
This solution model is called serverless where you are being charged for only the compute resources and storage that are need to execute some piece of your code. It does not mean that there are not server involved in this, it just you don`t need to care about those.
To monitor there those you can use CloudWatch. Below documents describe how this can be achieved:
How do I troubleshoot high CPU utilization on an Amazon ECS task on
How can I monitor high memory utilization for Amazon ECS tasks on
It is worth to mention that Fargate is just a launch type for ECS (Another one is EC2). Please have a look at the diagram in this document for clear image of how those are connected. The CloudWatch metrics are collected automatically for Fargate. If you are using the AKS with Fargate you can monitor them with usage of metrics-addon or prometheus inside your kubernetes cluster.
Here's an example of monitoring Fargate with Prometheus. Notice that it scrapes the metrics from CloudWatch.

Is AWS Fargate better than Amazon EKS managed node groups?

Amazon EKS managed node groups automate the provisioning and lifecycle management of nodes (Amazon EC2 instances) for Amazon EKS Kubernetes clusters.
AWS Fargate is a technology that provides on-demand, right-sized compute capacity for containers. With AWS Fargate, you no longer have to provision, configure, or scale groups of virtual machines to run containers. This removes the need to choose server types, decide when to scale your node groups, or optimize cluster packing.
So, Is AWS Fargate better than Amazon EKS managed node groups? When should I choose managed node groups?
We chose to go with AWS Managed Node groups for the following reasons:
Daemonsets are not supported in EKS Fargate, so observability tools like Splunk and Datadog have to run in sidecar containers in each pod instead of a daemonset per node
In EKS Fargate each pod is run in its own VM and container images are not cached on nodes, making the startup times for pods 1-2 minutes long
All replies are on point. There isn't really "better" here. It's a trade-off. I am part of the container team at AWS and we recently wrote about the potential advantages of using Fargate over EC2. Faster pod start time, images caching, large pods configurations, special hw requirements e.g. GPUs) are all good reasons for needing to use EC2. We are working hard to make Fargate a better place to be though by filling some of the gaps so you could appreciate only the advantages.
There is no better than other. Your requirements (and skills) makes a product better than another!
The real difference in Fargate is that it's serverless, so you don't need for example to care about the EC2 instances right-sizing, you won't pay the idle time.
To go straight to the point: unless you are a K8S expert I would suggest Fargate.

How to stop AWS EC2 Container Service (Fargate) from running

I had a container service instance i believe running in ECS/EC2. I deleted the EC2 instance and any ECS cluster around 12:30pm yesterday. Now over 24 hours i noticed that the cost of vCPU usage is still going up even though i deleted the EC2 Instance and ECS Cluster under US East 2 (Ohio) region as that what it states on the bill.
But i still see an increase under the following resource AWS Fargate - vCPU - US East 2 (Ohio) when i navigate to the bills area why?
I double checked everywhere under the various regions and i cannot see anything still running or being consumed. I can only see "inactive" Task Definitions.
So how do i prevent from incurring further costs?
Has anyone come across this before?
Whether you are using EC2 or Fargate launch type, you still need a cluster to host your tasks. So if there is no cluster in your account, you should incur no charges. There might be some problem with console UI that is not showing your cluster correctly, it happened to me that I have deleted cluster from console and there was some error which prevented cluster from being completely deleted and I ended up in a weird state where console indicated that the cluster was deleted while it wasn't.
This stuff actually happened to me more than once and not only with ECS so I would always recommend to use CLI to double check your actions.
Run this command
aws ecs list-clusters --region us-east-2
If the output is not empty then you will need to delete that cluster via CLI
aws ecs delete-cluster --cluster <value> --region us-east-2
If the output is empty then there is no cluster running in your Ohio region and those charges were simply delayed a bit.

How to scale in/out EC2 instances based on ECS cluster resources availability?

I have multiple services running in my ECS cluster. Each service contains one or more tasks based on CPU utilization or a number of users.
I have deployed these containers with EC2 launch type.
Now, I want to increase/decrease the number of EC2 instances based on available resources in the cluster.
Let's say there are four ECS tasks running in two m5.large instances.
Now, if an ECS service increases the number of tasks and there aren't enough resources available in the cluster, how can I spin up an instance and add to the cluster?
And same goes for vice versa. If there is instance running with no ecs task in it, how can I destroy it automatically?
PS - I was using Fargate. Since it's cost is very high, I moved to EC2 instances.
you need to setup your ecs cluster instances in a ASG as #Nitesh says, second you need to set up a cloudwatch alert based in a key metric, with ecs is complex because you need to set up two autoscaling policies one by service another one to scale up your instances, for ec2 the metric that you could use is Cluster CPU reservation and /or Cluster memory reservation.
The scheme works like this your service increases the number of the desired container by an autoscaling rule using a key metric for your service as could be de CPU usage or the number the request in a load balancer and in consequence the Cluster CPU reservation increase this triggers the cloudwatch alert and your ASG increase the number of instaces.
Some tips scale up fast, and scale down slow this could by handle by setting up the time of the alerts
For the containers use Service Auto Scaling and Target tracking policies for more info see
I hope this help

Scaling ECS EC2 instances when a task cannot be placed

I am using an ECS cluster for Jenkins agents/slaves with the Jenkins ECS plugin.
The plugin places a ECS Task when a job requests a build-node. Now I want to scale the EC2 instances in a Autoscaling Group associated with the ECS Cluster according to the demand.
The jenkins is often idle. In this case, I do not want there to be any instances in the autoscaling group.
If a node (and therefore an ECS task) is requested and cannot be placed, I want to add an EC2 instance to the autoscaling group.
If an instance is idle and shortly before an billing hour, I want that instance to be removed.
The 3. point can be accomplished by a cronjob on the EC2 instances that regularly checks if the conditions are met and removes the EC2 instance.
But how can I accomplish the 2. point? I am unable to create a cloudwatch alarm that triggers, if a task cannot be placed.
How can I accomplish this?
A rather hacky way to achieve this: You could use a Lambda function to detect when a service has runningCount + pendingCount < desiredCount for more than X seconds. (I have not tested this yet.)
Similar solutions are proposed here.
There does not seem to be a proper solution to scale only when tasks cannot be placed. Maybe AWS wants us to over-provision our clusters, which might be good practice for high availability, but not always the best or cheapest solution.
When a task cannot be placed it means that placing that task in your ECS cluster would exceed either your MemoryReservation or CPUReservation. You could set up Cloudwatch alarms for one or both of these ECS metrics and an auto scaling policy that will add and remove EC2 instances in your ECS cluster.
This, in combination with an auto scaling policy that scales your ECS services on the ecs:service:DesiredCount dimension should be enough to get you adding the underlying EC2 instances your ECS cluster requires.
For example your ScalingPolicy for an ECS Service might be "when we're using 70% of our allotted memory for this service, add 2 to the DesiredCount". After adding 1 service task, your ECS Cluster MemoryReservation metric might bump up past an "80" threshold, at which point a Cloudwatch alarm would trigger for some threshold on ECS MemoryReservation, with an auto scaling policy adding another EC2 node, on which the 2nd task could now be placed.
For those arriving after January 2020, the way to handle it now is probably Cluster Auto Scaling as documented here: "Amazon ECS cluster auto scaling" with more info here: "Deep Dive on Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling)".
Essentially, ECS now handles most the heavy lifting. Not all, or I wouldn't be here looking for an answer ;)
For point 2, one way to solve this would be to autoscale when there is not enough cpu units for placing a new jenkins slave.
You should use the cpu reservation metric on the cluster to scale.