Idiomatic way to check std::chrono duration is less than 0 - c++

I know I can do this
if (timeLeft.count() < 0)
But I wonder what is the best way since I could also do:
if (timeLeft<std::chrono::seconds(0)) // or milliseconds or nanonseconds...
note: I assume both checks are the same, but I am not a chrono expert.
edit:full example:
int main(){
const std::chrono::nanoseconds timeLeft(-5);
return 47;
edit2: potential problem with std::chrono::seconds(0) is that novice programmer might assume it involves rounding although it does not.

One of the ways to express this is by using std::chrono::duration literals ( It's short and clean:
int main(){
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
const auto timeLeft = -5ns;
return 47;


Need help creating a program to factorize numbers

The task is to create a program that can do the maximum factorial possible by the machine using "for" cycle.
I understood i have to use bigger data types (the biggest one is "long long", correct me if i'm wrong), and i also understood the concept of the factorial.
Otherwise, i really do not know how to apply what i know in c++.
these is the idea at the base of what i wrote down as of now:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
include namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
long long i, factorial;
for(long long i=1; i=factorial; i++)
Problems are:
I don't know if the code it's wrote correctly
by doing "factorial=factorial*i", the "i=factorial" in the "for" cycle doesn't make sense, since it will stop the program before it has to.
This being said, I would like to point out that i am in high school, my programming knowledge is really poor, and for this reason every kind of advice and information is very well accepted :).
Thanks in advance
Maybe you want to compute the maximum factorial that will fit in an unsigned long long data type.
But let us look at the horrible program. I add comments with the problems.
#include <cstdlib> // Not to be used in C++
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h> // Not needed
include namespace std; // Completely wrong statement. But even if you would have done it syntactically correct, it should never be used
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) // Neither args nor argv is used
long long i, factorial; // i will be redefine later. factorial is not initialized
cin<<factorial; // You want to stream somethin into std::cin?
for(long long i=1; i=factorial; i++) // Thats heavy stuff. i=factorial? Nobody know, what will happen
factorial=factorial*i // Semicolon missing
system("PAUSE"); // Do not use in C++
return EXIT_SUCCESS; // EXIT_SUCCESS is not defined
Maybe the below could give you an idea
#include <iostream>
int main() {
unsigned long long number{};
unsigned long long factorial{1};
std::cin >> number;
for (unsigned long long i{ 1 }; i <= number; ++i)
factorial = factorial * i;
std::cout << factorial;

C++ auto on int16_t casts to integer

I am pretty new to C++17 and am attempting to understand the decltype keyword and how it pairs with auto.
Below is a snippet of code that produces an unexpected result.
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int16_t mid = 4;
auto low = mid - static_cast<int16_t>(2);
auto hi = mid + static_cast<int16_t>(2);
int16_t val;
cin >> val;
val = std::clamp(val,low,hi);
return 0;
Surprisingly, the compiler tells me there is a mismatch in clamp and that low and high are int. If I change auto to int16_t all is good in the world and all the types are int16_t as expected.
The question I'm posing is, why does auto cast low and hi to int when all of the types are int16_t? Is this a good use case for decltype?
Even after reading, I don't fully understand how decltype works, so excuse my ignorance.
The problem isn't with auto here. When you subtract two int16_t values, the result is an int. We can demonstrate it with this code here:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
void print_type(T) {
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
int main() {
int16_t a = 10;
int16_t b = 20;
print_type(a - b);
return 0;
a and b are both short ints, but when you add or subtract them it produces a regular int. This is to help prevent overflow / and is also for backwards compatibility.
This phenomenon is called the usual arithmetic conversions. It is defined in the C and C++ standards and (roughly said) converts anything smaller than an int to an int. It converts larger types as well. Take some time and read about it, you'll need it quite often.

Terse conversion from double seconds to std::chrono::steady_clock::duration?

I can do this:
double period_in_seconds = 3.4;
auto as_duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::steady_clock::duration>(std::chrono::duration<double>(period_in_seconds));
But I'm sure you'll agree that is quite ridiculous. Is there a terser way?
Edit: Beside the obvious using namespace std::chrono.
There is good reason to be fanatic about discouraging use of using namespaces at file scope, especially in headers. However at function scope, especially with the <chrono> lib, using namespace std::chrono is your friend.
Just this step gets you from:
double period_in_seconds = 3.4;
auto as_duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::steady_clock::duration>(std::chrono::duration<double>(period_in_seconds));
double period_in_seconds = 3.4;
using namespace std::chrono;
auto as_duration = duration_cast<steady_clock::duration>(duration<double>(period_in_seconds));
I recommend the use of round when casting from a floating point duration to an integral duration. Not only will this give the "expected" answer more often, but it is slightly less verbose than duration_cast. std::chrono::round is new with C++17. But you can grab it from various places like here or here and start using it today. Also if you use {} for constructors it helps distinguish object construction from function calls, making the code a little easier to read:
double period_in_seconds = 3.4;
using namespace std::chrono;
auto as_duration = round<steady_clock::duration>(duration<double>{period_in_seconds});
Finally, don't hesitate to create a custom duration, even if in a local scope to improve readability:
double period_in_seconds = 3.4;
using namespace std::chrono;
using dsec = duration<double>;
auto as_duration = round<steady_clock::duration>(dsec{period_in_seconds});
Edit: And if for some reason (say a misplaced style guide) you can't using a function-local using namespace std::chrono, then you can make up for that with more specific type aliases and using declarations:
double period_in_seconds = 3.4;
using dsec = std::chrono::duration<double>;
using duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::duration;
using std::chrono::round;
auto as_duration = round<duration>(dsec{period_in_seconds});
If this code is intended to be at file scope and you don't want these usings at file scope (which is perfectly understandable), just create a function to encapsulate them:
get_period(double period_in_seconds)
using dsec = std::chrono::duration<double>;
using duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::duration;
using std::chrono::round;
return round<duration>(dsec{period_in_seconds});
auto constexpr as_duration = get_period(3.4);
Above I've even demonstrated that this particular example can all be done at compile time. clang -O3 -S reduces the above down to the following assembly:
.globl _as_duration ## #as_duration
.p2align 3
.quad 3400000000 ## 0xcaa7e200

How to Make Generic Precision ISO Timestamp Generator

I am writing a utility function that returns the current time in ISO format. However, I would like to be able to specify the precision:
2017-04-28T15:07:37Z //s
2017-04-28T15:07:37.035Z //ms
2017-04-28T15:07:37.035332Z //us
I have working code to do this, however, I can't seem to find a way to make it generic:
string getISOCurrentTimestamp_us()
char iso_buf[30];
auto now = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto s = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::seconds>(now.time_since_epoch());
time_t seconds = (time_t) s.count();
strftime(iso_buf, sizeof(iso_buf), "%FT%T", gmtime(&seconds));
string iso_timestamp(iso_buf);
auto us = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(now.time_since_epoch());
auto us_diff = us - chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(s);
char buffer[8];
std::snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ".%06d", (int) us_diff.count());
iso_timestamp += string(buffer);
iso_timestamp += "Z";
return iso_timestamp;
As you can see, this one only returns the microsecond version. I have a separate function using chrono:milliseconds for the millisecond version. Seems like a DRY violation to have so much similar code when the only difference is the duration template parameter and the zero-padding.
Yet being able to specify the duration is tricky. I think I'm not quite understanding function templates, because I tried something like getISOCurrentTimestamp<chrono::microseconds>(), to no avail:
template <class T>
string getISOCurrentTimestamp() {
auto t = chrono::duration_cast<T>(now.time_since_epoch());
auto t_diff = t - chrono::duration_cast<T>(s);
Another problem is deducing the amount of zero padding based on T which doesn't seem trivial either (i.e. microseconds should be zero-padded up to 6, milliseconds up to 3, etc.
How can I make this ISO String function generic? Am I approaching this the wrong way?
Edit: Using #HowardHinnant's library, I was able to write a generic wrapper:
template <class Precision>
string getISOCurrentTimestamp()
auto now = chrono::system_clock::now();
return date::format("%FT%TZ", date::floor<Precision>(now));
Invoked using:
string timestamp = getISOCurrentTimestamp<chrono::seconds>()
This free, open-source, header-only library does this by adjusting the precision of the chrono::time_point that is input into the format function. Feel free to inspect the code to see how this is done. I think you'll be especially interested in decimal_format_seconds which is responsible for computing how many fractional decimal digits to output (if any). Or feel free to just use this code.
Here is what using it looks like:
#include "date.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
using namespace date;
system_clock::time_point now = sys_days{2017_y/04/28} + 15h + 7min + 37s + 35332us;
cout << format("%FT%TZ\n", floor<seconds>(now));
cout << format("%FT%TZ\n", floor<milliseconds>(now));
cout << format("%FT%TZ\n", floor<microseconds>(now));
with the output:

Physical Boost.Units User Defined Literals

Now that we soon have user defined literals (UDL), in GCC 4.7 for example, I'm eagerly waiting for (physical) unit libraries (such as Boost.Units) using them to ease expression of literals such as 1+3i, 3m, 3meter or 13_meter. Has anybody written an extension to Boost.Units using UDL supporting this behaviour?
No one has come out with such an extension. Only gcc (and possibly IBM?) has UDL so it might be a while. I'm hoping some kind of units makes it into tr2 which is starting about now. If that happens I'm sure UDL for units will come up.
This works:
// ./bin/bin/g++ -std=c++0x -o units4 units4.cpp
#include <boost/units/unit.hpp>
#include <boost/units/quantity.hpp>
#include <boost/units/systems/si.hpp>
using namespace boost::units;
using namespace boost::units::si;
quantity<length, long double>
operator"" _m(long double x)
{ return x * meters; }
quantity<si::time, long double>
operator"" _s(long double x)
{ return x * seconds; }
auto l = 66.6_m;
auto v = 2.5_m / 6.6_s;
std::cout << "l = " << l << std::endl;
std::cout << "v = " << v << std::endl;
I think it wouldn't be too hard to go through you favorite units and do this.
Concerning putting these in a library:
The literal operators are namespace scope functions. The competition for suffixes is going to get ugly. I would (if I were boost) have
namespace literals
Then Boost users can do
using boost::units::literals;
along with all the other using decls you typically use. Then you won't get clobbered by std::tr2::units for example. Similarly if you roll your own.
In my opinion there is not much gain in using literals for Boost.Units, because a more powerful syntax can still be achieved with existing capabilities.
In simple cases, looks like literals is the way to go, but soon you see that it is not very powerful.
For example, you still have to define literals for combined units, for example, how do you express 1 m/s (one meter per second)?
auto v = 1*si::meter/si::second; // yes, it is long
but with literals?
// fake code
using namespace boost::units::literals;
auto v = 1._m_over_s; // or 1._m/si::second; or 1._m/1_s // even worst
A better solution can be achieved with existing features. And this is what I do:
namespace boost{namespace units{namespace si{ //excuse me!
namespace abbreviations{
static const length m = si::meter;
static const time s = si::second;
// ...
}}} // thank you!
using namespace si::abbreviations;
auto v = 1.*m/s;
In the same way you can do: auto a = 1.*m/pow<2>(s); or extend the abbreviations more if you want (e.g. static const area m2 = pow<2>(si::meter);)
What else beyond this do you want?
Maybe a combined solution could be the way
auto v = 1._m/s; // _m is literal, /s is from si::abbreviation combined with operator/
but there will be so much redundant code and the gain is minimal (replace * by _ after the number.)
One drawback of my solution is that it polutes the namespace with common one letter names. But I don't see a way around that except to add an underscore (to the beginning or the end of the abbreviation), as in 1.*m_/s_ but at least I can build real units expressions.