All the IIS sites are already configured by some other version of ColdFusion - coldfusion

We recently did an update to 2016 for ColdFusion. After the update my application was not working. It shows Access Forbidden error. I checked the WS.config file to see if ColdFusion and IIS are connected. At that time I could see it was empty. When I tried to add it then it shows the error All the IIS sites are already configured by some other version of ColdFusion.
Can anyone please help me with this problem?

We got the error message All the IIS sites are already configured by some other version of ColdFusion. when switched to another Coldfusion version. We tried many of the solutions which didn't work out for us.
Finally, we uninstalled IIS windows feature entirely(we were able to do that since it was a dev machine) restarted as prompted, and installed IIS feature again which resolved the problem.


Has anyone experienced this message ... Coveo Entreprise Search seems to be unavailable. Please make sure that the service is installed and started

I am getting this message. We just upgraded Coveo for Sitecore to 4.0, now our DEV site is experiencing this message every time we try to do a search or even rebuild the indexes. I have verified that the service is running on the Coveo Server.
Since, there doesn't seem to be a lot of information on this error, I thought I would try this forum. Our version of Sitecore is 7.2.
"Coveo Entreprise Search seems to be unavailable. Please make sure that the service is installed and started."

ColdFusion 2016 Developer Edition on Windows Case Sensitivity

I just installed ColdFusion 2016 Developer Edition on my Windows 7 laptop and configured it to use the built-in web server. Previously I was using ColdFusion 11.
Now I have a case-sensitivity problem, but only for non-ColdFusion (.cfm) resources. For example, all css and js references are now case-sensitive, whereas they weren't when I was using ColdFusion 11. The same is true for calls to images and plain html files. All cfm files load just fine.
I modified the context.xml file (in the /cfusion/runtime/conf folder) to include <Context AllowLinking="true" caseSensitive="true"> (and yes, I also tried caseSensitive="false") and have restarted several times, but no luck yet.
The 404 error messages specify Apache Tomcat/8.5.11.
Any ideas on how to restore case-insensitivity? Thanks in advance for any help.
I seem to have "fixed" this. I enabled IIS on my laptop and used the Web Server Configuration tool to set it up with ColdFusion. (I also changed the path for the default website in IIS to /cfusion/wwwroot since that's where all my code is.) Everything seems to be working well now, with no case sensitivity for cfm or non-cfm pages. I no longer need to include the port (8500) in the URL for my applications, but do need to include it to reach the CF Administrator.

ColdFusion 11 gives IIS 500.0 error when accessing a .cfc

We are testing our cf code (which all works fine on a CF9 Windows Server 2008 machine) for migration to a CF11 Windows 2012 R2 machine. We have a test machine setup and all the code moved over and so far the cfm pages seem to work fine as well as the Application.cfc page but when we call a cfc via AJAX or we visit the cfc methods directly we get an IIS 500.0 error Application could not be found. If I look in the application.log for CF all I see for the error is "Application could not be found. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: ""
Anybody else run into this?
We had the same problem. We upgraded the Java SE Runtime Environment to 1.8.0_91 from 1.8.0_66, restarted ColdFusion and it fixed the issue. Find your upgrade here:
Renshi, (or for others finding this in the future), is the request which is failing one where your URL referred to a folder off your webroot called /api?
If so, then the error you got is due to a change in CF11 (update 11) which effectively made/api a "reserved url" for CF, in support of the REST services feature added in CF11.
You can implement a workaround to the problem (assuming you don't intend to use CF's REST feature in ANY CF app) by commenting out the few lines that refer to the "/api" servlet-mapping in CF's web.xml file. For more details, see this blog post:

ContentBox giving error on installation

I am currently trying to install ContentBox 2 on my machine.
I am using ColdFusion 9.0.2, MySQL 5.6 and IIS 7 on Windows 7 Professional.
I have created database named “contentbox” and created a datasource named “contentbox” for it
as mentioned by the ContentBox documentation.
When I try to setup ContentBox, I’m presented with a datasource wizard page.
The wizard successfully verifies the datasource and gives me option to continue the setup.
On clicking the “continue installation” button I get the following error message:
Table cb_entry defined for cfc contentbox.model.content.Entry does not exist.
I’ve already given read/write permission to all the mentioned files and folders.
Can you help me sort out this issue.
I finally got the problem solved.
I contacted Ortus Solutions support. They advised to use ContentBox version 2.1 (Bleeding edge release) as Version 2.0 has some issues with CF9.
I have downloaded and installed the new version.
And it seems to be working fine.

How do I properly uninstall and reinstall SharePoint 2013? (Avoiding 503 Error)

I have looked in quite a few places but all the information I have seen does not address my scenario. Please note that I can probably just make a new server for my SharePoint 2013 installation but I think this might be one of those gems for people who do not have that luxury and facing the same problem.
I uninstalled a functional SharePoint 2013 setup by
uninstalling SharePoint 2013 on the SharePoint Server and
manually deleting the databases on the remote SQL Server.
When I tried to reinstall SharePoint 2013 though I kept getting a 503 Error on the Central Administration page which appears to be due to the Central Administration AppPool stopping.
Check the password of the account running the AppPool service.
I did that and the account have Domain Administrator privileges and is capable of logging into the SQL Server without issue using the same password.
Try uninstalling IIS.
I uninstalled and reinstalled IIS and it made still gave the 503 error.
I read on a blog post (let me know if I can send the link) that "[he] need[ed] to clean up the content db, virtual directory and app pool properly next time."
I believe I did this but I may be missing something and that bit of stuck information is probably what is causing the issue.
Any thoughts?