httponly cookies not set - cookies

Having this setup:
auth server (keycloak): localhost:9990,
backend: localhost:8080,
frontend (SPA): localhost:3000
Users can "login" / obtain a token on the SPA by sending their username + password to:
Then I call another url on the auth-server that should set the cookies that keycloak needs for SSO/remember-me (it should set some HttpOnly cookies):
.then(t => keycloakInstance.init({
token: t.access_token,
refreshToken: t.refresh_token,
checkLoginIframe: false, // required to init with token
.then((authenticated) => {
console.log('auth', authenticated); // <-- it is true
if (authenticated) {
return fetch('http://localhost:9990/auth/realms/w/custom-sso-provider/sso', { headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${keycloakInstance.token}` } })
// else
The request itself seems fine, the Set-Cookie occurs as I would expect; this is the response header:
I would now expect them to occur in devtools > Application > cookies, but unfortunately no cookies show up. Why? And what can I do about it?

I was missing credentials: 'include' for the fetch call:
return fetch('http://localhost:9990/auth/realms/w/custom-sso-provider/sso', { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${keycloakInstance.token}` }, credentials: 'include' })


fetch() Not setting cookie despite `Set-Cookie` header

My backend-api written in Node and Express.js sets a cookie using res.cookie:'/login', async (req, res) => {
const email =;
const password = req.body.password;
try {
let result = await sqlite.login(email, password);
res.cookie('token', result, {
'maxAge': 3600 * 1000
'token' : result
} catch (err) {
I can make a request to this route, and I do notice the Set-Cookie header is set on the response object within Chrome developer tools:
Set-Cookie: token=[...]; Max-Age=3600; Path=/; Expires=Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:47:08 GMT
However, document.cookie is never set by the browser. From my searching, most people say to specify the credentials field as same-origin. I have done this and it made no change. My cookie is NOT being set as HttpOnly, so I am unsure why it's being set by the browser.
Here is where I call the /login route:
async login(email, password) {
let response = await fetch(apiURL + '/login', {
'method' : 'POST',
'headers' : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
'Accept' : 'application/json'
'credentials' : 'same-origin',
'body' : JSON.stringify({
'email' : email,
'password' : password
return await response.json();
A token is successfully returned in the response, but again document.cookie returns an empty string ''.
From searching this problem, most of the issues seem to suggest that same-origin should fix the issue but it is not the case for myself. Another thing of note is that httpOnly cookies won't show in the browser, but I know that the cookies I am sending are not HttpOnly.
I am using Google Chrome version 103.0.5060.114.
If I set credentials to include, I get a CORS error:
The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'.
I was able to get it working with the following changes:
When initializing npm package cors, specify some options:
app.use(cors({ credentials: true, origin: '' }));
The origin must include the http:// prefix as well as the correct port. Once that was done, set credentials to include when calling fetch() and it should work fine.

Postman - How to use pm.sendRequest without any cookies?

In my Postman collection, I have a pre-request script that ensures I have a valid JWT token available for authentication. It looks similar to the following (I have removed the logic of checking expiration and only fetching a new token if needed):
function get_and_set_jwt() {
let base_url = pm.environment.get("BASE_URL")
url: base_url + '/api/auth/',
method: 'POST',
header: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'cookie': ''
body: {
mode: 'raw',
raw: JSON.stringify({ email: pm.environment.get("USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS"), password: pm.environment.get("USER_PASSWORD") })
}, function (err, res) {
let jwt = res.json().token
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("JWT", jwt)
I am attempting to set 'cookie': '' so that the request from this script will be made with no cookies. The backend I am working with sets a session cookie in addition to returning the JWT, but I want to force all future requests (when I need to renew the JWT) to not include that session information.
Unfortunately, if I check the Postman console, I see that the requests are still being sent with the cookie header, and the session cookie that was set by the earlier response. I have even tried overriding it by setting 'cookie': 'sessionid=""', but that just yields a request that includes two session ids in the cookie header (it looks like sessionid=""; sessionid=fasdflkjawew123sdf123;)
How can I send a request with pm.sendRequest with either a completely blank cookie header, or without the header at all?

how to post using a token in rest-auth with axios? POST http://localhost:8000/rest-auth/password/change/ 401 (Unauthorized)

This is my code in vue,
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('old_password', this.oldPassword);
formData.append('new_password1', this.password1);
formData.append('new_password2', this.password2);'http://localhost:8000/rest-auth/password/change/',
{headers: { 'Authorization' : this.token },
data: {
old_password: this.oldPassword,
new_password1: this.password1,
new_password2: this.password2
where the variable 'token' has a value like that : bbf957d27925a860f8c678546cf0425dbf7ddf98
I do not understand why I get this error, if I try the back part I enter the old password, and the two new passwords and it works. For some reason I it isn't taking the token parameter.
Thanks in advance
You are missing the Bearer. Most of the frameworks by default require you to send the authorization in the following format: Bearer <token>.
If you changed the Bearer word to another you should use that one but if you left it to as default in django-rest-auth you have to use the following:'http://localhost:8000/rest-auth/password/change/',
{headers: { 'Authorization' : `Bearer ${this.token}` },
data: {
old_password: this.oldPassword,
new_password1: this.password1,
new_password2: this.password2
I had a similar issue. I realized I was using the same axios instance for users logged into the app which meant using an authentication token. Of course if you are resetting your password you do not have authentication (and therefore a token). Use a different axios instance for your reset password like this:
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: Store.state.endpoints.baseUrl,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
// xhrFields: {
// withCredentials: true
// },
return instance;
Notice there is no auth token and credential are commented out (could probably set to false too). This worked for me. Why is cy.route not setting a cookie?

I have a cypress test. I want to set the cookies in the response header when the page requests a particular url.
I achieve this using cy.route() and `cy.setCookies'.
However, the cookie is not set if I attempt to set the cookie with cy.route in the headers object. In contrast, other headers are added when I set them in the headers object in cy.route.
I am curious. Why is this?
it('Diverts user', () => {
method: 'POST',
url: '/pay',
response: {},
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/html', // This is set
'Set-Cookie': '999' // This is not set
cy.url.should('eq', '/payment-successful')

Next.js not persisting cookies

I have a server-side rendered Next.js/express app that communicates with a Django API (cross-origin). I login a user like so:
const response = await fetch('localhost:8000/sign-in', {
method: 'POST',
credentials: 'include',
body: JSON.stringify({ email, password }),
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
const result = await response.json();
if (response.status === 200) {
Django successfully logs in the user and returns set-cookie headers for the csrftoken and sessionid cookies, however, when I navigate to a different page (like in the above code when I Router.push), the cookies don't persist.
I assume this has something to do with server-side vs. client-side, but when cookies are set in the browser I expect them to persist regardless.
How can I get these cookies, once set, to persist across all pages on the client side?
It turns out that set-cookie is the old way of doing things. It's controlled by the browser, so it's obfuscated.
I ended up sending the csrftoken and sessionid back to the client in the JSON body, and saving them to localStorage using localStorage.setItem('sessionid', 'theSessionId') and localStorage.setItem('csrftoken', 'theCsrftoken').
Then when I need to make an authenticated request, I include them in the fetch headers:
const response = await fetch(`${API_HOST}/logout`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'X-CSRFToken': localStorage.getItem('csrftoken'),
sessionid: localStorage.getItem('sessionid'),