Validating jwt token in REST api - amazon-web-services

I have a doubt regarding the jwt token validation done by the REST api and was not able to find a simple yes/no answer. Assume that everything is being transferred over HTTPS.
I have the following setup
React app
AWS Cognito that handles the user registration/login
When a user wants to login, then the React app would call the AWS Cognito api and validate the credentials. If valid, Cognito will send back a jwt token (that will contain the necessary meta data) that can be passed to the REST API. Now I see two options
the backend verifies that the jwt token was not altered using the rfc spec. If valid, the api extracts the necessary meta data and continues to process the request
The backend verifies the validity of the jwt token, but also calls the Cognito service to verify the metadata in the token.
I think that since everything is handled over HTTPS and the fact that its hard create a valid token then the first point is enough. There is no need to have an extra call over the wire. Am I wrong ?

Found the following question from which pretty much answers my question. Link
The local validation of the JWT token is enough when the token was created with asymmetric encryption.


Using AWS Cognito Hosted UI (Code Grant) what do I do with the token once it is verified? Subsequent API Calls do not have the token

MY goal is to setup the Cognito Hosted UI to validate users after login. I have followed the steps laid out in the OAuth2 blog here:
My steps are as follows.
User logs into the AWS provided login screen.
It redirects to my website and I pull down the authorization code in Angular.
I send the code as part of my headers to the backend Nodejs
I use the code to get a token and then validate the token
This stream works but then what? I want to validate the AWS token for each API call but I have no idea how to access the token.
I am guessing that I am either missing the point of this procedure or that the token is somewhere I am unaware of.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Usually you have your own UI that redirects to Cognito to authenticate, after which the UI sends the access token to the API on every request.
All of the code samples on my Quick Start Page work like this and use Cognito.
If it helps, this is what the OAuth Technical Messages look like. Feel free to ask any follow up questions

How to do log in test using Jmeter for web app which uses Cognito?

While logging in, web app uses Amazon Cognito and gets tokens to authenticate. The problem is, the tokens expire every hour and the test works properly only for an hour. The tokens aren't coming in response in any previous HTTP request so that I could make a correlation. My question is how to get the tokens? I know there is an endpoint described here: but I still don't know how to get the parameters which I have to put in the request.
This Token Endpoint is for exchanging the authorization code for a token.
In its turn authorization code can be obtained from the AUTHORIZATION Endpoint which can return the token by the way.
You need to know only client_id which can be obtained from the User Pool App Client
Check out How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter article for more information, it's about OAuth in general but it's partially applicable for your login challenge.

Securing API's with Multi Factor Authentication

I want to secure my API with Multi-factor-Authentication on top of Auth Token/JWT. I have been searching but couldn't find any package that can work with drf. I am thinking to write my own django app. Any comments on what should be the architecture ?
One solution that comes to my mind is to introduce the token base architecture.If a user is accessing the mfa secured api then the request instance should be saved alongside a token and a sms should be sent to his mobile (In case of mobile as mfa) and response should be a that token. Then another request should be made to a mfa endpoint with token and mfa-code. Once verified, We would take his previous request object and complete the request.

Secure authentication between ReactJS and Django

Been reading and watching quite a bit, and asking a lot of questions regarding ReactJS and Django.
This particularly helped me to understand the the flow of data from Django REST Framework to ReactJS and from ReactJS to Django REST Framework.
Django Forms and Authentication with Front-end Framework (AngularJS/ReactJS)
However, the one thing I am trying to understand is authentication to the Django REST Framework. I understand from the documentation that it has built in authentication. Since this is sensitive data, I would obviously want it protected people retrieving it just by going to
I would need to setup ReactJS to be the only thing that can request data from the API whether that is through a key or username/password credentials. I am just curious how this is handled? Obviously I don't want that hard coded in ReactJS because it will compile with the rest of ReactJS.
Here's how I'd approach it: I'd use a JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication and authorization.
You'd use your back-end to protect ALL API requests from invalid JWT's except for routes where a user won't have a token (ie, registration/log-in pages).
Here's how the flow of the application will go:
A new user registers to your app with standard credentials such as email and password.
Your back-end will create a new user, sign a new JWT token (usually with the user's ID). You'll probably use a third-party library to sign/verify tokens (I don't have experience in the Django community but I am sure a quick Google search will give you answers). Your back-end will send back this token. This is the only time the back-end will receive email, passwords or any other sensitive information on registration.
From this point on React will only use this token for authorization. React will save this token somewhere (ie, localStorage) and send this token along with the other parts of a request to the API routes you created with your back-end. You'll send this token in the authorization headers in the request.
Your back-end will validate this token using a third-party library. If it's invalid the request stops and an unauthorized error is returned. If it's valid the request continues.
This achieves the following:
Your API routes are protected against unauthenticated users
Each request to your API is verified for authorized users which protects anyone from requesting any part of your API.
You can further solidify this by only allowing requests for users to modify their own data. For example, protect Suzy's profile from being modified by people other than herself by only allowing her token with her ID to modify her account/data.
Important Note- Your backend will never save these tokens in storage. It will verify the token on each request. Read more about JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and how it works.
Django Rest Framework has built-in token authentication and a third party package for JWT Token Auth.
If you the standard token auth would work for you, then it could be pretty simple with drf-redux-auth. If you need JWT for some reason, as suggested by Keith above, you could easily fork the above...

Django - Temporarily save request token for OAuth 1.0a flow

The Twitter OAuth 1.0a flow requires authenticated request token to be exchanged with access token at consumer or client side after user has authenticated.
The problem that I'm facing is that generating access token needs authenticated request token, request token secret and verifier but the response from the oauth/authentication api doesn't have request token secret. So how do I temporarily save request token secret from oauth/request_token api call so that I can use it in oauth/access_token api call.
I found some solutions from my explorations like Running a Cache server (Memcached, Redis) or using django session feature. But they all seem to be overkill for this task.
I hope to find a simpler solution.
I'm sure you long ago figured this out, but just for future goolers: I decided to a go a more low tech route and create an OAuth token class which includes fields for the fetched and access token. Basically I take the fetched token, store it, then recall it when accessing (as it's in a different view) and then save the access token. Once (if) that's successful than I delete the fetched token.
There's likely a more glamorous way to do this, but if you're clever with your naming convention you can easily keep them straight (i.e. add a CharField for provider and just save the fetched token as twitter_fetched, and the access token as just twitter).
This has the added benefit of allowing you to create an OAuth1 or OAuth1Session from the stored access token.