Hasura on Google Cloud Run - Monitoring - google-cloud-platform

I would like to have a monitoring on my Hasura API on Google Cloud Run. Actually I'm using the monitoring of Google Cloud but It is not really perfect. I have the count of 200 code request. But I want for example, the number of each query / mutation endpoint request.
I want :
count 123 : /graphql/user
count 234 :/graphql/profil
I have :
count 357 : /graphql
If you have an idea.

You can't do this with GraphQL unfortunately. All queries are sent to the /v1/graphql endpoint on Hasura, and the only way to distinguish the operations is by parsing the query parameter of the HTTP request and grabbing the operation name.
If Google Cloud allows you to query properties in logs of HTTP requests, you can set up filters on the body, something like:
"Where [request params].query includes 'MyQueryName'"
Otherwise your two options are:
Use Hasura Cloud (https://hasura.io/cloud), which gives you a count of all operations and detailed metrics (response time, variables, etc) on your console dashboard
Write and deploy a custom middleware server or a script for a reverse proxy that handles this


AWS OpenSearch Serverless PUT results in 404

When using the Dev Tool to PUT data to a newly created index in OpenSearch the response is 404.
Request failed to get to the server
I am following the AWS tutorial using timeseries data instead.
// Works
PUT analytics-index
// Resolves to 404
PUT analytics-index/_doc/1
"foo": "bar",
Have you created a time-series collection? In that case,
For time series collections, you can't index by custom document ID. This operation is reserved for search use cases.

Why do I get ThrottlingException - Rate Exceeded status:400 when making AWS Athena API call from API server?

We have an S3 data lake in AWS (with Lake Formation, Glue etc.) The end goal is to query the S3 data sources using SQL in Athena.
When making the query in the AWS Athena console - everything works
fine, results are provided,see screenshot: https://share.getcloudapp.com/NQuNBr5g
When making the query through the official API
application domain (Symfony5 RESTful api that uses aws-sdk-php vendor), the
query doesn't even get to Athena, error returned is 400: https://share.getcloudapp.com/xQuqQLrq
in CloudTrail events, I can only see
errorcode= ThrottlingException and errormessage='Rate exceeded', there's no query execution id.
Weird thing I don't get is, when making the same call in my localhost setup of the API app, the call is again successful: https://share.getcloudapp.com/jkuv8ZGy
The call made is StartQueryExecution on Athena API, error as shown on the API app's side:
Error executing \"GetQueryExecution\" on \"https://athena.us-west-2.amazonaws.com\"; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `POST https://athena.us-west-2.amazonaws.com` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:\n{\"__type\":\"ThrottlingException\",\"message\":\"Rate exceeded\"}\n ThrottlingException (client): Rate exceeded - {\"__type\":\"ThrottlingException\",\"message\":\"Rate exceeded\"}", "class": "Aws\\Athena\\Exception\\AthenaException"
The API app server and the datalake etc. are on the same VPC, and I created a VPC endpoint from the server's VPC to athena us-west-2 endpoint, but it didn't help. I don't think it's Athena Quota issues, since on localhost the query works just fine. Any insight would be very helpful, thank you!
The solution was a combination of actions. Athena just doesn't work like that. So it's not okay to expect data from an Athena query over an S3 datalake as if querying a relational database. What helped get results consistently and not have this error was:
update the PHP SDK AthenaClient constructor, and also pass config for retries.
... other AthenaClient constructor params...
'retries' => [
'mode' => 'standard',
'max_attempts' => 3
Athena and other elastic services (e.g. dynamodb) work asynchronously. You issue the query, but the result will not be delivered synchronously. As example - I saw in my early tests always receiving the initial "throttlingException" but in Athena Query console, the result of that exact same query came slightly later, but successfully. It looks like the PHP SDK for aws is done with this in mind so doing retries and exponential backoff is also what AWS recommends: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html
Partition your data, and in a relevant way, in order to scan as less data as possible. Which helps with more consistent and faster results. - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/partitions.html // either on the glue table directly, or via Glue ETL job where partitioning keys are specified. If your query on athena is looking for something where country={country}, a good partitioning scheme is per country.
avoid 'select *' - always name exactly the columns needed + add limit + queries over Athena should be relatively simple select queries, if you need joins or other more complex query types, Redshift is better suited for that.

Get all items in DynamoDB with API Gateway's Mapping Template

Is there a simple way to retrieve all items from a DynamoDB table using a mapping template in an API Gateway endpoint? I usually use a lambda to process the data before returning it but this is such a simple task that a Lambda seems like an overkill.
I have a table that contains data with the following format:
roleAttributeName roleHierarchyLevel roleIsActive roleName
"admin" 99 true "Admin"
"director" 90 true "Director"
"areaManager" 80 false "Area Manager"
I'm happy with getting the data, doesn't matter the representation as I can later transform it further down in my code.
I've been looking around but all tutorials explain how to get specific bits of data through queries and params like roles/{roleAttributeName} but I just want to hit roles/ and get all items.
All you need to do is
create a resource (without curly braces since we dont need a particular item)
create a get method
use Scan instead of Query in Action while configuring the integration request.
Configurations as follows :
enter image description here
now try test...you should get the response.
to try it out on postman deploy the api first and then use the provided link into postman followed by your resource name.
API Gateway allows you to Proxy DynamoDB as a service. Here you have an interesting tutorial on how to do it (you can ignore the part related to index to make it work).
To retrieve all the items from a table, you can use Scan as the action in API Gateway. Keep in mind that DynamoDB limits the query sizes to 1MB either for Scan and Query actions.
You can also limit your own query before it is automatically done by using the Limit parameter.
AWS DynamoDB Scan Reference

Akamai Media Services Live Api: limit results from stream query

I am trying to get a list of our streams from Akamai's Media Services API v1; however, I'm only getting a 504 Gateway Timeout. I believe this is due to the amount of streams being queried for, as I can get a single stream when I give the ID for the GET stream/{streamId} endpoint.
I am using the edgegrid node module and have tried adding query parameters such as limit, pageSize/page-size, and stream-name/streamName to limit my results to no avail.
Is there a way to limit the results in a query for this API?
We are using v1 of the API
If you're using v2 of the API, it should automatically return the results paged. The API endpoint /config-media-live/v2/msl-origin/streams includes the ability to specify query string parameters page and pageSize. page is an integer that tells the API which page number to return. pageSize is also an integer referring to the number of entries the page should contain.
Example: /config-media-live/v2/msl-origin/streams?page=2&pageSize=10&sortKey=createdDate&sortOrder=ASC

Monitor AWS Service Status using Splunk

Dependency on AWS Services status
If you depend on Amazon AWS service to operate, you need to keep a close eye on the status of their services. Amazon uses the website http://status.aws.amazon.com/, which provides links to RSS feeds to specific services in specific regions.
Potential Errors
Our service uses S3, CloudFront, and other services to operate. We'd like to be informed on any service that might go down during hours of operations, and automate what we should do in case something goes wrong.
Splunk Logging
We use Splunk for Logging all of our services.
For instance, if errors occurs in the application while writing to S3, we'd like to know if that was caused by a potential outage in AWS.
How to monitor the Status RSS feed in Splunk?
Is there an HTTP client for that? A background service?
You can use the Syndication Input app to collect the RSS feed data from the AWS Status
Create a query that fetches the RSS Items that have errors and stores in Splunk indexes under the syndication sourcetype.
Create an alert based on the query, a since field so that we can adjust the alerts over time.
Ask your Splunk team to install the app "Syndication Input" on the environments you need.
After that, just collect each of the RSS feeds needed and add them to the Settings -> Data Input -> Syndication Feed. Take all the URLs from the Amazon Status RSS feeds and use them as Splunk Data Input, filling out the form with certain interval:
When you are finished, the Syndication App has the following:
Use the search for the errors when the occur, adjusting the “since” date so that you can create an alert for the results. I added a day in the past just for display purpose.
since should be some start day you will start monitoring AWS. This helps the query to result in any new event when Amazon publishes new errors captured from the text Informational message:.
The query should not return anything new because the since will not return any date.
Since the token RESOLVED is appended to a new RSS feed item, we exclude them from the alerts.
sourcetype=syndication "Informational message:" NOT "RESOLVED"
| eval since=strptime("2010-08-01", "%Y-%m-%d")
| eval date=strptime(published_parsed, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
| rex field=summary_detail_base "rss\/(?<aws_object>.*).rss$"
| where date > since
| table aws_object, published_parsed, id, title, summary
| sort -published_parsed
Create an Alert with the Query. For instance, to send an email: