writing file bytes to a file client side c++ - c++

I have a server (python) that sends bytes from a file to a client in c++. I am using libcurl to make requests to the python server and flask to do all of the "hard" work for me in python. After i get the file bytes from the server, i want to write it to a zip file on the client side. Initially, i was going to use libcurl to do it for me, but i decided i didn't want to do that as it would require an extra function in my wrapper which is not necessary.
FILE* zip_file = fopen(zip_name, "wb");
//make request and store the bytes from the server in a string
fwrite(response_information.first.c_str(), sizeof(char), sizeof(response_information.first.c_str()), zip_file);
//response_information is a pair . First = std::string, Second = curl response code
I do plan on switching to fopen_s (safe version of fopen), but i want to get a working program first. This is part of a bigger project so i can't provide code that can be run. Some things to note that i think can be causing this: storing response as string then attempting to get the c string version and write it to the file. When storing the return value/code of fwrite, i get "8" which means "*" bytes written apparently. Also, when im on windows, it says that the file was modified after i run my program, but nothing is in the zip file itself. How can i write the response bytes to a file?

The third parameter in fwrite is a count of items to write. So sizeof doesn't seem to be the thing you need. response_information.first.c_str() is a pointer, so sizeof(response_information.first.c_str()) returns a pointer size. Here it should be:
fwrite(response_information.first.c_str(), sizeof(char), strlen(response_information.first.c_str()), zip_file);
fwrite(response_information.first.c_str(), sizeof(char), response_information.first.length(), zip_file);


Cannot read .jpg binary data, buffer only has 4 bytes of data

My question almost exactly the same as this one which is unanswered. I am trying to read the binary data of a .jpg to send as an HTTP response on a simple web server using C++. The code for reading the data is below.
FILE *f = fopen(file.c_str(),"rb");
int length = ftell(f);
char* buffer = (char*)malloc(length+1);
int b = fread(buffer,1,length,f);
std::cout << "bytes read: " << b << std::endl;
buffer[length] = '\0';
return buffer;
return NULL;
When the request for the image is made and this code runs, fread() returns 25253 bytes being read, which seems correct. However, when I perform strlen(buffer) I get only 4. Of course, this gives an error on a browser when the image tries to display. I have also tried manually setting the HTTP content length to 25253 but I then a receive a curl error 18, indicating the transfer ended early (as only 4 bytes exist).
As the other poster mentioned in their question, the 5th byte of the image (and I assume most .jpg images) is 0x00, but I am unsure if this has an effect on saving to the buffer.
I have verified the .jpg images I am loading are in the directory, valid, and display properly when opened normally. I have also tried 2 different methods of loading the binary data, and both also give only 4 bytes, so I am really at a loss. Any help is much appreciated.
When the request for the image is made and this code runs, fread()
returns 25253 bytes being read, which seems correct. However, when I
perform strlen(buffer) I get only 4.
Well there is your problem: You read binary data, not text, meaning that special characters like newline or the null character is not a something that indicates the structure of a text, its simple numbers.
strlen is a function to give you the count of characters other than '\0' or simply 0. However in a binary file like jpeg there a dozen of zeros usually in there, and because of a binary header structure, there seems to be always a zero at position 5 so, so strlen will stop at the first it found and return 4.
Also you seem confused by the fact that you try to send this "text interpreted" jpeg to a HTTP server. Of course it will complain, because you can not simply send binary data as text in HTTP, you either have to encode it, base64 is very popular, or set the content length header. Of course you also have to tell the HTTP client/server the type by setting the proper MIME header.

Cannot Send Image File (image/jpg) Using Winsock WSABUF

I'm stuck and I need help.
I'm trying to write the correct code for sending back an image file so the web browser can render it. It can send back text/html just fine, but image/* is not working.
You can see the code and the URL is shown below.
What the browser is receiving is just a few bytes of image data.
I tried vector, std::string and const char* to set the values of WSABUF, but still the same few bytes are sent over.
Please let know what is the missing piece to make this one work.
Thanks in advance.
Here's your problem:
PerIoData->LPBuffer = _strdup(str.c_str());
The _strdup function only copies up until the first null, so it cannot be used to copy binary data. Consider using malloc and memcpy if you don't want to use the C++ library.
The alternate implementation (in the false branch) is also incorrect, because it saves the data in an object (vc) that goes out of scope before the I/O is completed. You could instead do something like
vector<char> * vc = new vector<char>;

C++ WinINet InternetReadFile function refresh

I am trying to get the content of a file using WinHTTP in C++. The file is a XML File and is generated by a executable on a server.
The code for init, connect and even read a file on the specified server address is working.
// Connect to internet.
// Check if worked.
if( !m_hInternet )
// Connect to selected URL.
m_hUrl = InternetOpenUrlA(m_hInternet, strUrl.c_str(), NULL, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_RESYNCHRONIZE, 0);
// Check if worked.
if( !m_hUrl )
if( InternetReadFile(m_hUrl, buf, BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesread) && bytesread != 0 )
// Put into std::string.
strData = std::string(buf,buf+bytesread);
Now I want to update the file (same address). The server update the file at 50Hz and I want my code to be able to ReadFile only if it has been updated by the server. Can InternetReadFile do that kind of thing? Maybe with a FLAG but I didn't find a thing on MSDN.
Thanks for your help.
There is no way in the HTTP protocol for you directly do that, hence there is no such function in WinHTTP. The easiest solution might be to download the file and see if it's changed, if the file is relatively small, or if the file is large, let the server which writes the file, also write a timestamp, checksum or counter increment file next to it.
Then your code would download the checksum file, see if it's changed, and in that case download the original file.
Or another solution would be to put a timestamp or similar data in the beginning of the XML file, and stop downloading the file if the timestamp (or checksum) is not updated. (This comes with its own drawbacks of course, you may have to write your own parser.)
If HTTP server has a page with info (e.g. timestamp) on this file (no matters that a file is generated; the page may be generated too), you may examine this page.
As you know that server updates the file with (nearly) constant speed, your app may just use the timer.
P.S. I doubt if there's really a sense in reading some file 50 times every second.

iOS file size during write using only C/C++ APIs

Purpose: I am monitoring file writes in a particular directory on iOS using BSD kernel queues, and poll for file sizes to determine write ends (when the size stops changing). The basic idea is to refresh a folder only after any number of file copies coming from iTunes sync. I have a completely working Objective-C implementation for this but I have my reasons for needing to implement the same thing in C++ only.
Problem: The one thing stopping me is that I can't find a C or C++ API that will get the correct file size during a write. Presumably, one must exist because Objective-C's [NSFileManager attributesOfItemAtPath:] seems to work and we all know it is just calling a C API underneath.
Failed Solutions:
I have tried using stat() and lstat() to get st_size and even st_blocks for allocated block count, and they return correct sizes for most files in a directory, but when there is a file write happening that file's size never changes between poll intervals, and every subsequent file iterated in that directory have a bad size.
I have tried using fseek and ftell but they are also resulting in a very similar issue.
I have also tried modified date instead of size using stat() and st_mtimespec, and the date doesn't appear to change during a write - not that I expected it to.
Going back to NSFileManager's ability to give me the right values, does anyone have an idea what C API call that [NSFileManager attributesOfItemAtPath:] is actually using underneath?
Thanks in advance.
It appears that this has less to do with in-progress write operations and more with specific files. After closer inspection there are some files which always return a size, and other files that never return a size when using the C API (but will work fine with the Objective-C API). Even creating a copy of the "good" files the C API does not want to give a size for the copy but works fine with the original "good" file. I have both failures and successes with text (xml) files and binary (zip) files. I am using iTunes to add these files to the iPad's app's Documents directory. It is an iPad Mini Retina.
Update 2 - Answer:
Probably any of the above file size methods will work, if your path isn't invisibly trashed, like mine was. See accepted answer on why the path was trashed.
Well this weird behavior turned out to be a problem with the paths, which result in strings that will print normally, but are likely trashed in memory enough that file descriptors sometimes didn't like it (thus only occurring in certain file paths). I was using the dirent API to iterate over the files in a directory and concatenating the dir path and file name erroneously.
Bad Path Concatenation: Obviously (or apparently not-so-obvious at runtime) str-copying over three times is not going to end well.
char* fullPath = (char*)malloc(strlen(dir) + strlen(file) + 2);
strcpy(fullPath, dir);
strcpy(fullPath, "/");
strcpy(fullPath, file);
long sizeBytes = getSize(fullPath);
Correct Path Concatenation: Use proper str-concatenation.
char* fullPath = (char*)malloc(strlen(dir) + strlen(file) + 2);
strcpy(fullPath, dir);
strcat(fullPath, "/");
strcat(fullPath, file);
long sizeBytes = getSize(fullPath);
Long story short, it was sloppy work on my part, via two typos.

Storing audio file into an array/stringstream C++

I would like to send the contents of an audio file to another system over the network using socket. Both systems run on Windows operating system. Is there a tutorial on some way to store the audio contents into a C++ array or Stringstream datatype, so that it will be easier to send it to a different node.
I basically want to know how to extract data bytes from an audio file.
The easiest thing to do is to simply send the data in chunks of bytes. If you are starting with an audio file, just open it like any other binary file with something like file = fopen(filename, "rb"); (where filename is the name of the audio file). Then enter a loop to read a chunks of bytes until you reach the end of the file. Just use something like bytes_read = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), read_size, file); where buffer should probably be a char array of at least size read_size, which could be, say, 1024. After each fread, you can make your network send call. Alternately, you could read the whole file first and then send it chunk by chunk. Your call. Either way, when you reach the end of the file, send some sort of signal that you have reached the end. The receiving system should take these chunks and call fwrite to create a new audio file. You can either append each chunk as it comes in or buffer it all until you reach the end and then write it all out.
soundfile++ can be used if you have wav files only. Check the readtest and writetest demo programs here http://sig.sapp.org/doc/examples/soundfile/