Taking screenshots of widgets on a separate thread QT C++ - c++

I'm trying to periodically take screenshots of a list of widgets. I've connected a slot to a timer and once the timer ends the slot below is executed.
void SlotUpdateScreenshots()
QtConcurrent::run([=]() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_Mutex);
QList<Workspace*> workspaces = GetAllWorkspaces();
for (int i = 0; i < workspaces.size(); i++) {
std::map<WorkspacePoint, Layout*>layoutMap = workspaces.at(i)->GetlayoutMap();
//Declare a list out layouts
QList<Layout*> LayoutList;
for (auto layout : layoutMap)
for (int j = 0; j < LayoutList.size(); j++)
QPixmap pix = LayoutList.at(j)->grab();
This slot goes through the widgets in question and takes screenshots of them by using the "grab" function. This works perfectly without the concurrency but it does clog up the main thread and causes the UI to freeze if there are lots of widgets to take screenshots of, which is why I want to move this to a thread.
However once I attempt to run this slot on a thread the grab function causes a crash as the widgets are created and owned by another thread;
ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread. Current thread 0x0x23ce917b2a0. Receiver 'qt_scrollarea_hcontainer' (of type 'QWidget') was created in thread 0x0x23ce408b650", file kernel\qcoreapplication.cpp, line 577
How can I take screenshots of these widgets from the thread I'm currently in without causing a crash?
I'd appreciate any input.


How to solve the problem that multithreaded drawing is not smooth?

I wrote a data acquisition program with Qt. I collect data using the child threads of the dual cache region written by QSemphore.
void QThreadShow::run() {
m_stop=false; // when start thread,m_stop=false
int n=fullBufs.available();
if (n>0)
while (!m_stop) {
fullBufs.acquire(); // wait fo full buffer
QVector<double> dataPackage(BufferSize);
double seq=bufNo;
if (curBuf==1)
for (int i=0;i<BufferSize;i++){
dataPackage[i]=buffer2[i]; // copy data from full buffer
for (int i=0;i<BufferSize;i++){
for (int k=0;k<BufferSize;k++) {
emptyBufs.release(); // release a buffer
QVariant variantBufferData;
emit newValue(variantBufferData,seq); // send data to main thread
When a cache of sub-threads has collected 500 data, the data is input into a QVector and sent to the main thread and is directly assigned to a lineseries in qchartview every 20ms for drawing. I use QtChart to chart the data.
void MainWindow::onthreadB_newValue(QVariant bufferData, double bufNo) {
// Analysis of QVariant data
CH1.hardSoftDataPointPackage = bufferData.value<QVector<QPointF>>();
if (ui->CH1_Source->currentIndex()==0) {
for (int p = 0;p<CH1.hardSoftDataPointPackage.size();p++) {
There is a timer in the main thread.The interval is 20ms and there is a double time (time = time +1), which controls the X-axis.
void MainWindow::drawAxis(double time) {
// dynamic draw x axis
if (time<100) {
axisX->setRange(0, TimeBase/(1000/FrameRate) * 10);
// FrameRate=50
} else {
axisX->setRange(time-TimeBase/(1000/FrameRate) * 10, time);
But when I run my program, there is a problem that every time the subthread sends data to the main thread, the main thread gets stuck for a few seconds and the plot also gets stuck for a few seconds. I added a curve in the main thread getting data from the main thread, and found that both two curves will be stuck at the same time. I don't know how to solve this problem.
Besides, I want the main thread to draw the data from the child thread evenly within 20ms, instead of drawing all the points at once.
Your main thread stucks because you copy (add to series) a lot of data at one time. Instead this you can collect all your data inside your thread instance without emitting a signal. And from main thread just take little pieces of collected data every 20 ms.
Something like this:
//QVariant variantBufferData;
//emit newValue(variantBufferData,seq);//send data to main thread
//instead this just store in internal buffer
Read method
QVector<QPointF> QThreadShow::takeDataPiece()
int n = 4;
QVector<QPointF> piece;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
QPointF point = m_internalBuffer.takeFirst();
return piece;
And in Main thread read in timeout slot
void MainWindow::OnDrawTimer()
QVector<QPointF> piece = m_childThread.takeDataPiece();
//add to series

Updating Qt Images does not work until exec is called

I need to create a simple GUI which displays images, the images in this example can change and the GUI will need to update it's contents.
I wrote the following update function in my widget class:
void myClass::updatePic() {
QPixmap pix("./pic.png");
int width = ui->picLabel->width();
int height = ui->picLabel->height();
I try to use it in the following manner:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication a(argc, argv);
myClass w;
return a.exec();}
But the window just opens and does not display the images until we get to the a.exec() line, and then it opens the last image. What am I doing wrong?
Clarification, the trigger for changing the images comes from an external program (specifically, the gui will be a node in ros, and will be triggered by another node). Is there a way to push a button not from the gui via an external program? the timer will work but I dislike this "busy wait" style solutions.
Thanks for the suggestions so far
exec runs the QT event loop, which includes rendering widgets.
So move your updatePic call into your widget and activate it by for example a button or in the show event
At first learn more about event loop. In particular, you must know that all events like paintEvent or resizeEvent are usually called on corresponding events handle. The events handle is usually called by the event loop, i.e. inside of exec function.
Let's unite answers of #MohaBou and #RvdK. You need to handle timer shots after the exec call. Use QObject::timerEvent for this.
// This two variables are members of myClass.
_timerId = startTimer(3000);
_updatesCount = 0;
// For any case. As far as I remember, otherwise the late event
// may be handled after the destructor. Maybe it is false, do
// not remember...
if (_timerId >= 0) {
_timerId = - 1;
myClass::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if (event->timerId() == _timerId) {
if (_updatesCount < 2) {
} else {
_timerId = - 1;
The startTimer method here adds especial timer event to the event query every 3 seconds. As all events, it may be handled only when the event loop will take control and all earlier events are handled. Because of it you can have a duration if many "heavy" events are handled.
EDIT: sorry, I didn't understand #MohaBou at first read. His answer with explicit QTimer is also good enough (but I still don't understand a part about modality).
The function exec also renders the child widgets. exec() blocks the application flow while show() doesn't. So, exec is mainly used for modal dialogs.
I recommend to update it in your custom witget by using a refresh timer. Use a QTimer to update the image every 3 secs:
QTimer* timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(timer, SINGAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updatPicture()));
Update your picture in your custom slot:
MainWindow::updatePicture() {
If you want, you could use a lambda function:
connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [&w]() {

How to prevent a long process to hangs wxwidgets window

I have a wxwindows application and in the onclick event of a button, I have a very long process, for example I have something such as this:
for(int i=1;i<100;i++)
Running this code, stops UI to be responsive. I add
just after
but it did not work.
is there any way that I can pump the events?
I am working on Windows using VS 20102
In those cases I use wxYield() like this:
for(int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
// sleep() freezes the program making it unresponsible.
// sleep(1000);
*textOutput << i;
// wxYield stops this function execution
// to process all the rest of stocked events
// including the paint event and resumes immediately.
This stops the current process and lets the application to process the message stack like the paint event.
But I think that the proper way to do this should be using threads.
You can add a wxTimer member in your wxwindows, start it in the window constructor, as such:
then capture the timer event with a function, for example:
void mywindow::OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event)
Make sure you connect the event to the wxTimer member.

Something is incorrectly set when try to start new thread

I'm trying to create a "responsive gui", which basically means that I have an app, and on the main window there is a button. After I press this button I want the "progress bar window" to get displayed which will show the progress of the work being done, and of course this work is being done in separate thread.
Unfortunately my approach with starting a new thread in ctor of this progress_bar window doesn't seems to work and I got frozen gui.
Here is the link to this project so you can download it and run without the need for copying and pasting anything: http://www.mediafire.com/?w9b2eilc7t4yux0
Could anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?
progress_dialog::progress_dialog(QWidget *parent) :
{/*this is this progress dialog which is displayed from main window*/
working_thread_ = new Threaded;
working_thread_->start();//HERE I'M STARTING THIS THREAD
/*this is run fnc from the threaded class*/
void Threaded::run()
unsigned counter = 0;
emit counter_value(counter);
counter = counter + 1 % 1000000;
Independently from the fact that tight looping is bad, you should limit the rate at which you make changes to the main GUI thread: the signals from your thread are queued as soon they are emitted on the main thread event loop, and as the GUI can't update that fast, repaint events are queued rather than executed in real time, which freezes the GUI.
And anyways updating the GUI faster than the screen refresh rate is useless.
You could try something like this:
void Threaded::run()
QTime time;
unsigned counter = 0;
// initial update
emit counter_value(counter);
counter = (counter + 1) % 1000000;
// 17 ms => ~ 60 fps
if(time.elapsed() > 17) {
emit counter_value(counter);
Do you try to start the thread with a parent object?

Using Custom Events in QT4

I have an app that has a progress bar & spawns a worker thread to do some work & report back progress. The dialog class overrides the customEvent method so that I can process events that are being passed to the gui thread via the worker thread. Before I was using a QThread derived class as the worker thread and I changed it to use ACE_Thread_Manager->spawn() with a static function for the worker.
The problem shows up when I run the app and press the button so the worker is spawned & starts doing work. When it sends the signal to increment the progress bar I get the following errors logged to std out.
QPixmap: It is not safe to use pixmaps outside the GUI thread
This seems to happen when the progressBar->setValue() is called. So it seems like the setting of the progress bar is happening in a different thread than the main gui thread. I'm unclear as to how that's possible. I'm under the impression that I have a main gui thread which has my gui & the customEvent method is on that same thread and the worker is on it's own thread. Is this assumption wrong? And is there any difference when using the QThread derived class versus the static run_svc method?
Any help would be appreciated. The code snippets for the customEvent handler, run_svc, and button handler code are below and the code is attached.
void MyDlgEx::customEvent(QEvent * e)
if (e->type() == IdNumOperations)
NumOperations* pEvt = static_cast<NumOperations*>(e);
_steps = 0;
cout << "Num Operations = " << pEvt->operations() << endl;
else if (e->type() == IdStep)
if (_steps % 10 == 0)
cout << "Step++ = " << _steps << endl;
void* MyDlgEx::run_svc(void* args)
auto_ptr<ThreadArgs> thread_args(static_cast<ThreadArgs*>(args));
QApplication::sendEvent((QObject*)thread_args->m_pDlg, new NumOperations(300));
// does some work that takes time -- ommitted for clarity
// called in a loop
QApplication::sendEvent((QObject*)thread_args->m_pDlg, new Step());
QApplication::sendEvent((QObject*)thread_args->m_pDlg, new Completed());
return 0;
Button Handler
Commented out lines where where I used a QT class derived from QThread. Using ACE has to spawn the thread has uncovered this issue.
void MyDlgEx::btnShowProgress_clicked()
//_pProc = new ProcessThread(this);
auto_ptr<ThreadArgs> thread_args(new ThreadArgs(this));
if (ACE_Thread_Manager::instance()->spawn(
cout << "Failed to spawn thread." << endl;
Try calling QApplication::postEvent(...) instead of QApplication::sendEvent(). The docs say that sendEvent sends the event directly, meaning that it calls the customEvent() function directly from the other thread. postEvent() adds the event to the event queue where it can later be dispatched to customEvent() by the main GUI event loop.
Just because the customEvent() function is a member of an object created in the main GUI thread doesn't mean another thread cannot call the function. I believe that is what is happening when you call QApplication::sendEvent() from another thread.