How does musl's GCC wrapper differ from musl's cross-compiler? - c++

I am trying to compile various programs such as MariaDB with a musl toolchain. That is, I don't want any dependencies on glibc or GNU's linker after compilation has finished.
Thus far, I have been using musl's GCC wrapper, musl-gcc to compile things. But, with larger programs like MariaDB I struggle to get all the necessary libraries and headers and symlinking or adding environment variables for the compilation doesn't really help.
I see mention of building a cross-compiler targeting musl libc with additional documentation and code at this GitHub repo. From the documentation on the cross-compiler:
This gives you a full, relocatable musl-targeting toolchain, with C++ support and its own library paths you can install third-party libraries into.
It sounds like this could help me, but I am not sure how this is very different from musl's GCC wrapper, which as I understand, just alters where GCC looks for libraries and headers etc.
Ultimately, I am unsure how different this cross-compiler really is from the GCC wrapper and if it would be useful in my case. Why would I need my own library paths to install third-party libraries into when I can just symlink to existing libraries and use the GCC wrapper? Is the cross-compiler the way I should be compiling things, especially bigger code bases?

All the wrapper does is remove the default library and include paths and add replacement ones. Otherwise, it relies on the compiler's view of the ABI being sufficiently matched that a GCC that thinks it's targeting glibc (*-linux-gnu) works with a musl (*-linux-musl) target.
A full GCC toolchain has a number of "target libraries" - libraries that are linked into the output program to provide some functionality the compiler offers. This includes libgcc (software multiply or divide, software floating point, etc. according to whether the target arch needs these things, and unwinding support for exception handling), libstd++ (the C++ standard library), and a number of other things like libgomp (GNU OpenMP runtime implementation for use with #pragma OMP ...). In theory all of these possibly depend on the specific target ABI, including the libc, and potentially link to symbols from libc. In practice, for the most part libgcc doesn't, and is "safely" reusable with a different libc as long as the basic type definitions and a few other ABI things match.
For the other libraries with more complex dependencies on libc, it's generally not expected that a build against one libc would work with a different one. musl libc provides some degree of ABI-compat for using glibc-linked libraries, so there's some hope that they'd work anyway, but you'd need to copy them to the new library path. However, GCC's C++ standard library headers also seem to have some heavy dependency on the (libc) system headers for the target, and when setup for glibc do not seem to work with musl. There is probably some way to make this work (i.e. to add C++ support to the wrapper), but it's an open problem exactly how to do it.
Even if this could be made to work, though, the deeper you go, the more reasons you're likely to find that you'd rather just have a proper cross-compiler toolchain that knows it's targeting musl. And nowadays these are easy enough to build. But if you find you're needing additonal third party libraries too, and don't want to build them yourself, it probably makes more sense to just use a Docker image (or other container) with a distro that provides library binaries for you.


Is there any potential problem I should be aware of when linking to dynamic libraries compiled by old version g++?

There are dynamic libraries provided by others, which are out of my control. What I know is that most of the aforementioned libraries are compiled
by g++4.9.4 & g++4.8.4 with C++11 support, and few libraries are
compiled by g++11.1.0 with C++14 support. And I have to use newer g++ which supports C++17 to compile my project. I intend to use g++11.3.0 on Ubuntu20.4.
Is there any potential problem I should be aware of when linking to dynamic libraries compiled by the said old version g++?
TL;DR: the dynamic library linkage you describe should "just work", provided you link the executable using the newer version of g++.
Both versions of GNU g++ you mention use libstdc++ (specifically*) to implement the support libraries needed for C++11/C++17.
For the most part, newer versions of libstdc++ maintain what their ABI policy manual calls "forward compatibility":
Versioning gives subsequent releases of library binaries the ability to add new symbols and add functionality, all the while retaining compatibility with the previous releases in the series. Thus, program binaries linked with the initial release of a library binary will still run correctly if the library binary is replaced by carefully-managed subsequent library binaries. This is called forward compatibility.
There are a few caveats, for unusual cases (which are probably irrelevant to your situation):
This assumes all the objects are built with compatible CPU ABI/architecture flags (i.e. -march, -mcpu, -m64, etc. if any), which is a general requirement for correctly linking libraries together (regardless of compiler version). The compiler defaults for these options should select compatible settings for your system, so this challenge usually only arises with cross-compilation scenarios where you've deliberately changed to a non-default ABI.
The internal representation of some C++ library classes (eg std::string, std::list) have changed over time, which can lead to problems if two libraries are sharing access to the same C++ object. This should only be a problem if you pass C++ library objects or references to them across the library interface where the g++ version differs.
Versions of gcc before 5.1 did not fully support C++11. They could not possibly. The ABI needed to support C++11 was not ready.
See this article for more information.
If you have object files compiled with gcc <5.1 and object files compiled with gcc >=5.1 (on default ABI settings), and they somehow share data that contain std::string and/or std::list objects, then they cannot work together. You need to recompile at least some of them.
In many cases you will get linker errors, and in some other (rare) cases the program will compile, link, and have mysterious crashes at run time. You probably should not worry about these cases as they are unlikely to occur naturally with normal libraries.
If there are no shared std::string or std::list involved, then you might be able to get away with it. However there are corner cases.
If you have a shared library dynamically linked with libstdc++.5.x. and another one dynamically linked to libstdc++.6.x, the final executable will be indirectly linked with both. This could be a problem in some cases. Try LD_PRELOADing one or the other to establish precedence.

If you use a newer gcc than the one that comes with your distro, are system libraries a concern?

My question specifies the version numbers of my scenario, but I'm interested in a general to the question.
I'd like to use gcc 11 on Alma Linux/Red Hat 8 (identical ABI), which come with gcc 8, in order to use C++20/23 features in my own programs. The programs I compile with it (all userspace applications) would run on the same system.
I'm thinking of compiling gcc11 from source, installing it in /usr/local/gcc11/, and calling it when I need it. I don't want to replace/remove the system gcc, since various tools that support a given distro will be expecting that compiler. I would just call a wrapper script to use gcc11 when I need it.
I expect gcc11 will compile just fine, and so will programs I compile with it. But any non-trivial program tends to link against libc, libm, libdl, libpthread, libgcc_s, libstdc++, and so on. I would be using gcc11 with relatively old versions of these system libraries. These are all system libraries which I've never had to deal with directly.
The situation that worries me is if some new dependency I use was written around libpthread version Z but my system has version X, and despite the ABI being unchanged (which allows my program to link successfully against the system libpthread), the behavior is different due to bugfixes, and I end up with subtle runtime bugs.
Is this a valid worry? Or am I golden as soon as my application compiles/launches successfully?
The only existing discussion on this that I could find ( Is there any issue in upgrading GCC version to other than the ones come with distro? ) is light on info, and the warnings given don't apply to me since I don't intend to touch the system gcc/libs.
It depends which features you're compiling against. This article from has more details on which c++ features for each language version are supported by which c++ runtime.
Since you're talking about compiling with gcc, you're going to want to look at the libstdc++ runtime library. It looks like not even every feature of c++20 is even supported by version 8 of the runtime library. But it is most things.
To work around this you could
install the runtime version of libstdc++ you want
package and distribute the libstdc++ runtime library along with your code
statically link against libstdc++, which I don't recommend
Keep in mind that there is theoretically an option to compile against libstdc++ statically, but you're not guaranteed to get those symbols at runtime depending on your situation. It also makes a difference if you're compiling an application vs a library. Loading a library my cause your libraries symbols to conflict with what's already been loaded (probably by libstdc++). This post does a good job explaining some things to look out for
(Also, Android is weird

what is the difference between lib-mingw and lib-vc2019

I'm new to Windows programming and found that lots of prebuilt libraries for Windows offer libraries like lib-mingw, lib-vc2019, lib-vc2017...
Could anyone help to point out
what is the difference? Which library should I use in what case?
If I want to use Clang on Windows, which one should I use?
Why these different libraries rarely seen on Linux (let's say
Ubuntu), does package managers like apt hide this detail? In other word, why there's no such thing like lib-gcc.a, lib-clang.a on Linux platform?
Mingw (GCC), VC2019 and VC2017 are different compilers. Use the library corresponding to your compiler.
I'm not sure but I think none of them will work with Clang. At least on Linux GCC and Clang are very similar. I mean they are mostly binary compatible, many same compiler flags, many same compiler extensions. Clang tried to make it possible to easily replace GCC in your build pipeline. But all these information is for Linux.
These libraries are not seen on Linux because all these compilers are Windows compilers
You can always build a library with your compiler to use it in your project with your compiler (if you have the sources).
If it's a third party closed source library and you are a paying customer you can ask if they build it for you. It's usually better the add a new compiler to the build pipeline than to lose a customer.

How do I make a C++ (shared) library compatible with clang and GCC?

I've written a fairly substantial C++11 library, and I'm planning to allow download of pre-compiled versions from my website.
So I've set up an automated build which compiles the library with clang and make it available for download, but this has exposed a problem: if I try to use the clang-compiled library with GCC I get undefined references (mainly related to std::string). I think this is related to the GCC dual-ABI changes in GCC 5.1 but I'm not sure how to fix it.
My question is, what flags should I set, or practices should I follow to make a C++ library compatible with both clang and GCC?
Or should I give up and compile two separate libraries?
As already mentioned in several places (eg. here) libc++ is not fully binary compatible with libstdc++.
There are several options, but some of them are somewhat not-so-straightforward.
Compile two separate libraries - always working solution.
Remove incompatible containers from your interface (eg. std::string) - but this might be lot of work and sometimes not a good idea.
Instruct your library GCC users that you link with libc++ and that they need to do the same, basic steps here. But I guess most GCC users do not want to do this.
Use clang with libstdc++ using -stdlib=libstdc++ flag to be compatible with libstdc++ (as suggested in other answer). This solution might be harder to setup on some platforms though.
I would suggest as already mentioned in comments to go with option 1.
There are several options:
Don't distribute it in binary form. Instead, make it easy to build everywhere (e.g. by using CMake, or autotools or ...)
Make it header only. This is by far the simplest solution but might not be what you want. It only really makes sense for templated code, and incurs a heavy impact on compile-time performance of your library.
Tell people to link with libstdc++ when using Clang and your library. Suboptimal solution (I for one like to check my code against libc++ as well as libstdc++), but (virtually) every Linux user has libstdc++ installed anyway. Make sure to pick a slightly older version (the one shipped in the latest Debian Stable distro is a good choice), because newer versions might introduce new symbols olders versions are missing. New versions should be ABI compatible anyway.
Note the situation for Visual Studio users is even worse, where every single compiler release mandates a new binary because they guarantee absolutely nothing with respect to the C++ libraries' or compiler's ABI.
Another option is for your shared library to not expose any C++ standard library types in its interface. And have a header file supplied with your shared library that converts std::string to types consumed by your library, such as struct my_string_span { char const *begin, *end; }; and other standard containers as necessary.

Linking Statically with glibc and libstdc++

I'm writing a cross-platform application which is not GNU GPL compatible. The major problem I'm currently facing is that the application is linked dynamically with glibc and libstdc++, and almost every new major update to the libraries are not backwards compatible. Hence, random crashes are seen in my application.
As a workaround, I distribute binaries of my application compiled on several different systems (with different C/C++ runtime versions). But I want to do without this. So my question is, keeping licensing and everything in mind, can I link against glibc and libstdc++ statically? Also, will this cause issues with rtld?
You don't need to.
Copy the original libraries you linked against to a directory (../lib in this example) in your application folder.
Rename you app for something like app.bin. Substitute your app for a little shell script that sets the enviroment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the library path (and concatenate the previous LD_LIBRARY_PATH contents, if any). Now ld should be able to find the dynamic libraries you linked against and you don't need to compile them statically to your executable.
Remember to comply with the LGPL adding the given attribution to the libraries and pointing in the documentation where the source can be downloaded.
glibc is under the LGPL. Under section 6. of LGPL 2.1, you can distribute your program linked to the library provided you comply with one of five options. The first is to provide the source code of the library, along with the object code (source is optional, not required) of your own program, so it can be relinked with the library. You can alternatively provide a written offer of the same. Your own code does not have to be under the LGPL, and you don't have to release source.
libstdc++ is under the GPL, but with a major exception. You can basically just distribute under the license of your choice without providing source for either your own code or libstdc++. The only condition is that you compile normally, without e.g. proprietary modifications or plugins to GCC.
IANAL, and you should consider consulting one if you need real legal advice.
Specifying the option -static-libgcc to the linker would cause it to link against a static version of the C library, if available on the system. Otherwise it is ignored.
I must question what the heck you are doing with the poor library functions?
I have some cross platform software as well. It runs fine on Linux systems of all sorts. Build with the oldest version of software that you want to support. The glibc and libstdc++ libraries are really very backward compatible.
I have built on CentOS 4 and run it on RHEL 6 beta. No problems.
I can build on stable Debian and run it on testing.
Now, I do sometimes have trouble with some libraries if I try to build on, say old Debian and try to run it on CentOS 5.4. That is usually due to distribution configuration choices that are different, like choosing threading or non-threading.