Should I disable EC2 to access external network to improve safety? - amazon-web-services

I want to use Kubernetes on some clouds (maybe Amazon, Google, etc). Should I disallow my EC2 machines from accessing the external network? My guess is as follows, and I wonder whether it is correct or wrong?
I should disallow EC2 from accessing the external network. Otherwise, hackers can attack my machines more easily. (true?)
How to do it: I should use a dedicated load balancer (maybe Ingress) with the external IP that my domain name is bound to. The load balancer will then talk with my actual application (which has no external IP and can only access internal network). (true?)
Sorry I am new to Ops, and thanks for any help!

Allowing or disallowing your EC2 instances from accessing external networks, ie keeping the rule that allows all outgoing traffic in your security group won't be of much use keeping hackers out, that's what the incoming traffic rules are for. It will, however, prevent unwanted traffic from going out after the hacker has reached your instance and has been able to install whatever malicious software on it, and then it would try to initiate outgoing communication.
That outgoing traffic rule is usually kept to allow things like getting software installs and updates, but it won't affect how your instances respond to incoming requests (legitimate or not).
It is a good idea to have a load balancer in front of your instances and have it be the only allowed point of entry to your services. It's a good pattern to follow, and your instances will not need to have an external IP address.
Having a bastion host is a good idea as well, and use it to manage the instances themselves. And I would also recommend Systems Manager's Session Manager for this task.


Restrict access to some endpoints on Google Cloud

I have a k8s cluster that runs my app (gce as an ingress) and I want to restrict access to some endpoints "/test/*" but all other endpoints should be publically available. I don't want to restrict for specific IP's to have some flexibility and ability to access restricted endpoints from any device like phones.
I considered IAP but it restricts access to the full service when I need it only for some endpoints. Hence extra.
I have thought about VPN. But I don't understand how to set this up, or would it even resolve my issues.
I have heard about proxy but seems to me it can't fulfill my requirements (?)
I can't tell that solution should be super extensible or generic because only a few people will use this feature.
I want the solution to be light, flexible, simple, and fulfill my needs at the same time. So if you say that there are solutions but it's complex I would consider restricting access by the IP, but I worry about how the restricted IP's approach is viable in the real life. In a sense would it be too cumbersome to add the IP of my phone every time I change my location and so on?
You can use API Gateway for that. It approximatively meets your needs, it's not so flexible and simple.
But it's fully managed and can scale with your traffic.
For a more convenient solution, you have to use software proxy (or API Gateway), or go to the Bank and use Apigee
I set up OpenVPN.
It was not a tedious process because of the various small obstacles but I encourage you to do the same.
Get a host (machine, cluster, or whatever) with the static IP
Setup an OpenVPN instance. I do docker (follow instructions but update a host -u YOUR_IP)
Ensure that VPN setup works from your local machine
To the routes you need limit IP access to the VPN one. Nginx example
allow x.x.x.x;
deny all;
Make sure that nginx treats IP right. I had an issue that the nginx was having Load Balancer IP as client IP's, so I have to put some as trusted.
Test the setup

Connecting cluster to external DB: Fixed node IP Addresses to be whilisted?

I have a cluster running in DigitalOcean, and need to connect a RDS hosted Database. What I would normally do is just to whitelist the IP addresses of the machines that would be accessing the database in the AWS Security Groups, and then have clear access to the Database.
The thing is that DigitalOcean Kubernetes nodes get recycled every now and then, and the IP changes. I can manually change the IP to allow connection from every node in my cluster, but this doesn't seem like a very solid solution.
How would I go about fixing the IP of the cluster, or maybe making some sort of gateway with a fixed IP that every outgoing connection from the cluster would go through that? I have been studying but I'm completely ignorant in networking, so anything that could help me point to the right direction would be great.
I've seen there are Forward Proxies (Gateways from what I've read), but I couldn't find much information on that, much of my research ends up in API Gateway (like Kong or something), which I understand is the exact opposite of what I need.
Any help?

Fixed IP address for service behind aws application load balancer

our company just moved to a new office and therefore also got new network equipment. Es it turns out, our new firewall does not allow pushing routes over VPN that it first has to look up ip addresses for.
As we all know, amazon aws does not allow static ip addresses for its application load balancer.
So our idea was to simply put a network load balancer in front of the application load balancer (there is a pretty hacky way described by aws itself ( that seemed to work fine (even if I don't really like the approach with the lambda script registering and deregistering targets)
So here is our problem: as it turns out, the application load balancer only gets to see the network load balancers ip address. This prevents us to use security groups for ip whitelisting which we do quite heavily. On top of that some of our applications (Nginx/PHP based) also do ip address verification and the alb used to pass the clients ip address as an x-forwarded-for header. Now our application only sees the one from the nlb.
We know of the possibility to use the global accelerator but that is a heavy investment as we don't really need what the GA is trying to solve.
So how did you guys solve this problem ?
Thankful for any help :)
You could get the list of AWS IP addresses for the region your ALB is located, and allow for them in your firewall. They do publish the list and you can filter through it
I haven't done this myself and I'm unsure if the addresses for ALB are included under the EC2 category of you would take the whole of AMAZON service "to be safe".
Can you expand on this? "We know of the possibility to use the global accelerator but that is a heavy investment as we don't really need what the GA is trying to solve."
GA should give you better, more consistent performance, especially if your office is far away from the AWS Region where the ALB is running

How to setup EC2 Security Group to allow working with Firebase?

I am preparing a system of EC2 workers on AWS that use Firebase as a queue of tasks they should work on.
My app in node.js that reads the queue and works on tasks is done and working and I would like to properly setup a firewall (EC2 Security Group) that allows my machines to connect only to my Firebase.
Each rule of that Security Group contains:
port range
and destination (IP address with mask, so it supports whole subnets)
My question is - how can I setup this rule for Firebase? I suppose that IP address of my Firebase is dynamic (it resolves to different IPs from different instances). Is there a list of possible addresses or how would you address this issue? Can some kind of proxy be a solution that would not slow down my Firebase drastically?
Since using node to interact with Firebase is outbound traffic, the default security group should work fine (you don't need to allow any inbound traffic).
If you want to lock it down further for whatever reason, it's a bit tricky. As you noticed, there are a bunch of IP addresses serving Firebase. You could get a list of them all with "dig -t A" and add all of them to your firebase rules. That would work for today, but there could be new servers added next week and you'd be broken. To try to be a bit more general, you could perhaps allow all of 75.126.., but that is probably overly permissive and could still break if new Firebase servers were added in a different data center or something.
FWIW, I wouldn't worry about it. Blocking inbound traffic is generally much more important than outbound (since to generate outbound traffic you have to have already managed to somehow run software on the box)

Possible solution to ELB lacking A record support?

Hey guys I was wondering if this seems like a viable solution to the age old problem of Amazon Elastic Load Balancer's lacking a dedicated IP, and thus A record support.
What if I created a micro/small instance and hooked it to an elastic IP. I can then use that IP as my A record address for my website. That instance will forward 100% of its traffic to an ELB load balancer address (Haproxy?), which will then operate normally and forward that traffic to my server pool.
With this architecture I can use my A-record and an ELB.
Are there any downsides to this aside from the cost of the initial instance that forwards its traffic to the ELB?
Will this double forwarding create too much lag or is it really negligible since they're all in AWS?
Thanks for feedback.
If you are currently using Route53 for you DNS, it does have support for handling zone apex.
Not sure if this answers your question since you didn't mention why you need a dedicated ip.
Are there any downsides to this aside from the cost of the initial instance that forwards its traffic to the ELB?
Er, yes. You're loosing about 99.9% of the benefits of ELB.
Will this double forwarding create too much lag or is it really negligible since they're all in AWS?
No, the lag should be small (sub-milisecond). The two main problems are:
1) Your instance will become a bottleneck when your traffic increases. You won't be able to survive a sudden rush, such as being linked from a high-traffic website like Slashdot or Oprah.
The whole point of ELB is that they can manage scaling (the frontend and the backend) for you. If you insert a single box in the flow, it kinda prevents ELB from doing anything useful.
Also, the micro instance can take very little traffic. You have to go to at least a m1.large if you won't want your network packets throttled.
2) Your instance will become a Single Point Of Failure. When your box dies, your website will be down. ELB can prevent problems on both the front and backend with redundancy.
Perhaps if you explained why you needed an A record?
(It is also possible to run your own front-end(s): Just create a box with an EIP, and put nginx and/or HAProxy on it. But as with everything, there are trade-offs.)