Unable to access my site on ec2 instance aws - amazon-web-services

I deployed a web app on an ec2 instance AWS.
I am unable to view my site on a web browser. The site does not load at all, just shows an empty screen.
Please see my inbound rules, perhaps there is something I did not add. I'll appreciate any help.
After running netstat, I get the following response:

This is not an AWS issue.
Your React App has a problem:


AWS fargate tutorial: cannot access webpage hosted in a container on ECS

I am doing this ECS fargate tutorial. I followed prerequisites and each step but cannot access a webpage in step 4. The chrome browser error msg is like
This site can't be reached
container.public.ip.address took too long to respond.
I am not sure where I went wrong but it seems web server does not respond properly.
What I did so far is
Increased resource(both cpu and memory)
checked security group settings
checked the service is supported in my region
changed browser to access the webpage
did a little search here and on the internet
but nothing works out.
Additional info: my region is ap-northeast-1.
Cound you give me some tips?

How to restrict random (unidentified) requests to a DRF based API hosted on an AWS EC2 instance?

I'm running a DRF based API deployed with Docker on an EC2 Instance. After a few days of deploying I started facing an issue where the API stopped responding properly and that's when I noticed unidentified requests to my application, and that too at huge volumes. An example screenshot is attached below:
Although all these requests ultimately return 503 because these pages do not essentially exist, I want to take steps to restrict such requests.
FYR, I have a frontend (React JS Based) app running on AWS Amplify which consumes this API. I was looking for ways to restrict inbound requests to this EC2 to only the Amplify app, but realised that Amplify doesn't offer a Static IP of it's own. Any solution to that would also be appreciated.
I have also put my domain name in the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting in my DRF, I am still receiving such hits.

AWS EC2 + Apache Airflow. How to connect to admin panel in browser?

I installed airflow and started it on EC2 Ubuntu:
airflow webserver
But I cannot get access to admin panel in the browser. I tried:
But I got message:
This site can’t be reached
It needed to tune Inbound Rules in Security Group for the instance with Ubuntu.
Image Description here
Exposing the Airflow UI to the world is not a great idea. I faced this problem few years ago and created this page Airflow on AWS EC2
For added security, creating a user & password to login is advisable.
Also check out Airflow 2.0
Or simply use Airflow on AWS using Amazon MWAA, more on this here

Troubles with deploying Pivotal Cloud Foundry on AWS

I have been trying to install Pivotal Cloud Foundry on AWS and I have troubles with it.
In the section upload-cert mentioned that I need to create SSL Certificates for:
So, I've created domain xxxxx.com on AWS Route53 and created a certificate on AWS ACM for domain and subdomains.
So, my questions are:
do I need to create subdomains (system, login, uaa, apps) in AWS Route53
do I need to bound my domain and subdomain somehow to PCF? Or the installation process had to do it for me?
for now, if I open http://login.xxxxx.com/ it responses with 503. what can be the reason?
what is the correct url to open the PCF UI?
I have such error in Ops Manager. What can be the reason of such error?
The same about logs. When I tried to download logs for failed services it failed too. What can be the reason?
Thank you for the help!
do I need to create subdomains (system, login, uaa, apps) in AWS Route53
do I need to bound my domain and subdomain somehow to PCF? Or the installation process had to do it for me?
You can create a wildcard subdomain (*.xxxxx.com) and alias using the instructions here: https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/1-10/customizing/cloudform-er-config.html#cname
what is the correct url to open the PCF UI?
If you mean Ops Manager, it is whatever DNS entry you created and pointed to the Ops Manager public IP address in this step: https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/1-10/customizing/cloudform-om-deploy.html#create-dns
For the ERT UI, there is the Pivotal Apps Manager https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/1-10/console/index.html
which is usually apps.system.xxxx.com
You can see what system apps are deployed by connecting to Cloud Foundry using the CLI and seeing which apps are in the system org, and what their routes are.
for now, if I open http://login.xxxxx.com/ it responses with 503. what can be the reason?
If the DNS has not been set up, I'm surprised you're getting any response whatsoever. Usually you get 503s when the routers connected to the load balancers are failing for some reason (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/classic/ts-elb-error-message.html#ts-elb-errorcodes-http503)
I have such error in Ops Manager. What can be the reason of such error?
This would explain the 503s if the router is unhealthy. I would SSH into those machines and see what the logs say (in /var/vcap/sys/logs), which should tell you what is going wrong.
The reason of the red instances on the Status page was that my AWS account had limit on number of instances and it failed to create VMs for this nodes.
To find more information open Changelog (https://ops_manager_host/change_log) and the open log of the FAILED setup.

how to run django application on browser which is hosted on aws

I have created a website based on Django framework. I want to run that website through the amazon aws. I have already created an instance on aws and downloaded the code from git in the instance.
The problem I am now facing is I am not able to understand how to run the website made through django on the browser. I have read some blogs about using nginx but is there a way to do it just with wsgi .
If I directly type the attached ip to the browser with the port, it doesnt show anything. Please help me with the deployment.
Thanks in advance