wget: unable to resolve host address 'github.com' - dockerfile

I am building my dockerfile using Redhat UBI image, and when I build the image I get the wget: unable to resolve host address'github.com'.
I have tried adding a different URL that does not start with GitHub and that works. Not sure what the problem is.
Below are the errors logs i get when i build the docker file with : wget: unable to resolve host address 'github.com'
Step 11/25 : RUN set -ex; apk update; apk add -f acl dirmngr gpg lsof procps wget netcat gosu tini; rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; cd /usr/local/bin; wget -nv https://github.com/apangin/jattach/releases/download/v1.5/jattach; chmod 755 jattach; echo >jattach.sha512 "d8eedbb3e192a8596c08efedff99b9acf1075331e1747107c07cdb1718db2abe259ef168109e46bd4cf80d47d43028ff469f95e6ddcbdda4d7ffa73a20e852f9 jattach"; sha512sum -c jattach.sha512; rm jattach.sha512
---> Running in 3ad58c40b25a
+ apk update
fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
v20200917-1125-g7274a98dfc [https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main]
v20200917-1124-g01e8cb93ff [https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community]
OK: 13174 distinct packages available
+ apk add -f acl dirmngr gpg lsof procps wget netcat gosu tini
(1/12) Installing libacl (2.2.53-r0)
(2/12) Installing acl (2.2.53-r0)
(3/12) Installing lsof (4.93.2-r0)
(4/12) Installing libintl (0.20.2-r0)
(5/12) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.2_p20200918-r1)
(6/12) Installing ncurses-libs (6.2_p20200918-r1)
(7/12) Installing libproc (3.3.16-r0)
(8/12) Installing procps (3.3.16-r0)
(9/12) Installing tini (0.19.0-r0)
(10/12) Installing libunistring (0.9.10-r0)
(11/12) Installing libidn2 (2.3.0-r0)
(12/12) Installing wget (1.20.3-r1)
Executing busybox-1.32.0-r3.trigger
OK: 9 MiB in 26 packages
+ rm -rf '/var/lib/apt/lists/*'
+ cd /usr/local/bin
+ wget -nv https://github.com/apangin/jattach/releases/download/v1.5/jattach
wget: unable to resolve host address 'github.com'
The command '/bin/sh -c set -ex; apk update; apk add -f acl dirmngr gpg lsof procps wget netcat gosu tini; rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; cd /usr/local/bin; wget -nv https://github.com/apangin/jattach/releases/download/v1.5/jattach; chmod 755 jattach; echo >jattach.sha512 "d8eedbb3e192a8596c08efedff99b9acf1075331e1747107c07cdb1718db2abe259ef168109e46bd4cf80d47d43028ff469f95e6ddcbdda4d7ffa73a20e852f9 jattach"; sha512sum -c jattach.sha512; rm jattach.sha512' returned a non-zero code: 4
Here is my docker file that I have which I build to create the image
FROM alpine: edge as BUILD
LABEL maintainer="Project Ranger team <mbyousaf#deloitte.co.uk>"
LABEL repository="https://github.com/docker-solr/docker-solr"
ARG SOLR_SHA512="0a43401ecf7946b2724da2d43896cd505386a8f9b07ddc60256cb586873e7e58610d2c34b1cf797323bf06c7613b109527a15105dc2a11be6f866531a1f2cef6"
ARG SOLR_KEYS="E58A6F4D5B2B48AC66D5E53BD4F181881A42F9E6"
# If specified, this will override SOLR_DOWNLOAD_SERVER and all ASF mirrors. Typically used downstream for custom builds
# Override the solr download location with e.g.:
# docker build -t mine --build-arg SOLR_DOWNLOAD_SERVER=http://www-eu.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr .
RUN set -ex; \
apk add --update; \
apk add -f install acl dirmngr gpg lsof procps wget netcat gosu tini; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \
cd /usr/local/bin; wget -nv https://github.com/apangin/jattach/releases/download/v1.5/jattach; chmod 755 jattach; \
echo >jattach.sha512 "d8eedbb3e192a8596c08efedff99b9acf1075331e1747107c07cdb1718db2abe259ef168109e46bd4cf80d47d43028ff469f95e6ddcbdda4d7ffa73a20e852f9 jattach"; \
sha512sum -c jattach.sha512; rm jattach.sha512

I would check whether you can resolve github.com on your host where you're doing this build, and I would cat /etc/resolv.conf to see the resolvers of your host. If github.com resolves on your host (which you can see via nslookup github.com), then I would try to use the resolvers explicitly by either configuring the Docker daemon to use it as seen here and here or I would try to do it at a per command level as suggested in an answer here, which is kind of creative.
RUN echo "nameserver XX.XX.XX.XX" > /etc/resolv.conf && \


AWS CloudWatch is supporting Alpine Docker?

Has anyone ever installed the AWS CloudWatch in the Alpine docker? Seems to me it is not supporting for all the installation packages AWS provided.
We can install in this way:
RUN apk update && apk add ca-certificates curl rpm
RUN wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazoncloudwatch-agent/amazon_linux/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm
RUN rpm -ihv --nodeps ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm
But it is not functioning correctly. If I want to check its status
~/test # /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -m ec2 -a status
I get the error.
/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl: line 469: systemctl: not found
For me, I don't think it is not compatible in Alpine (I am using alpine:3.14). Anyone has some idea on this?
#To install aws-cloudwatch-agent
RUN apk update && apk add ca-certificates curl rpm
RUN wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazoncloudwatch-agent/amazon_linux/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm
RUN rpm -ihv --nodeps ./amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm
#To setup repo for k6 and install k6
RUN wget https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/cloudposse-dev/packages/alpine/any-version/main/x86_64/k6-0.34.1-r0.apk
RUN apk add --allow-untrusted k6-0.34.1-r0.apk ```
Thanks in advance!
Seems just need to use the docker multiple stages to build what you want:
If we want to do the integration of K6 and AWS CloudWatch (to make them in one docker files with Alpine.
Checkout git#github.com:grafana/k6.git
Update the docker files to
FROM golang:1.17-alpine as builder_k6
WORKDIR $GOPATH/src/go.k6.io/k6
ADD . .
RUN apk --no-cache add git
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go install -a -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w -X go.k6.io/k6/lib/consts.VersionDetails=$(date -u +"%FT%T%z")/$(git describe --always --long --dirty)"
FROM debian:latest as builder_cw
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN curl -O https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazoncloudwatch-agent/debian/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb && \
dpkg -i -E amazon-cloudwatch-agent.deb && \
rm -rf /tmp/* && \
rm -rf /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard && \
rm -rf /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl && \
rm -rf /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config-downloader
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=builder_cw /tmp /tmp
COPY --from=builder_cw /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
COPY --from=builder_cw /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent
COPY --from=builder_k6 /go/bin/k6 /usr/bin/k6
ADD statsd.json /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/default_linux_config.json
ADD statsd.json /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/statsd.json
ADD credentials /root/.aws/credentials
ADD config /root/.aws/config
#startup the agent
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/start-amazon-cloudwatch-agent"]

AWS Session Manager in docker output ^# indefinitely

I've build a custom docker image from python:3.6 with awscli and session manager:
FROM python:3.6
RUN pip3 install -U awscli
RUN apt-get update -y && \
apt-get install groff less curl -y && \
curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/session-manager-downloads/plugin/latest/ubuntu_64bit/session-manager-plugin.deb" -o "session-manager-plugin.deb" && \
dpkg -i session-manager-plugin.deb && \
rm -f session-manager-plugin.deb
RUN curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/session-manager-downloads/plugin/latest/ubuntu_64bit/session-manager-plugin.deb" -o "session-manager-plugin.deb" && \
dpkg -i session-manager-plugin.deb && \
rm -f session-manager-plugin.deb
I've created a custom executable file under /usr/bin/aws:
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":"/app" -v "/root/.aws/":"/root/.aws" python-aws "$#"
When I run aws ssm start-session --target i-*** the output is:
Do you know how to solve the issue?
Just found the solution will writing the question.
I added -it (interactive) to the docker run command.
So the the command is now:
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":"/app" -v "/root/.aws/":"/root/.aws" python-aws "$#"
Problem solved.

What is correct working IBM repository for Liberty profile docker image

I am trying to build docker image with Liberty profile.Using below location Docker file.
FROM ibmjava:8-jre
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends unzip \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
#Install WebSphere Liberty
RUN LIBERTY_URL=${LIBERTY_URL:-$(wget -q -O - https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/websphere/wasdev/downloads/wlp/index.yml | grep $LIBERTY_VERSION -A 6 | sed -n 's/\s*kernel:\s//p' | tr -d '\r' )} \
&& wget $DOWNLOAD_OPTIONS $LIBERTY_URL -U UA-IBM-WebSphere-Liberty-Docker -O /tmp/wlp.zip \
&& unzip -q /tmp/wlp.zip -d /opt/ibm \
&& rm /tmp/wlp.zip
ENV PATH=/opt/ibm/wlp/bin:$PATH
# Set Path Shortcuts
ENV LOG_DIR=/logs \
RUN mkdir /logs \
&& ln -s $WLP_OUTPUT_DIR/defaultServer /output \
&& ln -s /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer /config
# Configure WebSphere Liberty
RUN /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server create \
&& rm -rf $WLP_OUTPUT_DIR/.classCache /output/workarea
COPY docker-server /opt/ibm/docker/
EXPOSE 9080 9443
CMD ["/opt/ibm/docker/docker-server", "run", "defaultServer"]**
When I build docker image using this code we are getting error like below.Looks like this repository is not active now.Can anyone provide valid repository.
CWWKF1219E: The IBM WebSphere Liberty Repository cannot be reached. Verify that your computer has network access and firewalls are configured correctly, then try the action again. If the connection still fails, the repository server might be temporarily unavailable.
The URL is correct.
As the error message indicates, try checking your network config. To do that you can try to reach this link in a web browser. (this URL is simply from the script)
Also, you could testing your connection to the repository outside of the docker environment by doing:
$WLP_HOME/bin/installUtility testConnection
If you are able to ping the repo from your computer, but not within the docker container, then perhaps your docker container has no internet access.
To fix the "docker can't access internet" issue, it looks like the solution from the above link was to do:
service docker restart

Installing CPhalcon on an AWS Docker image

I have a docker image that installs phalcon onto a Docker image. Here is the Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:trusty
MAINTAINER Fernando Mayo <fernando#tutum.co>, Feng Honglin <hfeng#tutum.co>
# Install packages
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get -y install supervisor php5-dev libpcre3-dev gcc make php5-mysql git curl unzip apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php5-mysql pwgen php-apc php5-mcrypt php5-curl && \
echo "ServerName localhost" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
# Add image configuration and scripts
ADD start-apache2.sh /start-apache2.sh
ADD start-mysqld.sh /start-mysqld.sh
ADD run.sh /run.sh
RUN chmod 755 /*.sh
ADD my.cnf /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf
ADD supervisord-apache2.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord-apache2.conf
ADD supervisord-mysqld.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord-mysqld.conf
ADD php.ini /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
ADD 000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
ADD 30-phalcon.ini /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/30-phalcon.ini
ADD 30-phalcon.ini /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/30-phalcon.ini
#RUN rm -rd /var/www/html/*
#RUN git clone --depth=1 git://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon.git /var/www/html/cphalcon
#RUN chmod 755 /var/www/html/cphalcon/build/install
RUN git clone --depth=1 git://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon.git /usr/local/src/cphalcon
RUN cd /usr/local/src/cphalcon/build && ./install ;\
echo "extension=phalcon.so" > /etc/php5/mods-available/phalcon.ini ;\
php5enmod phalcon
RUN sudo service apache2 stop
RUN sudo service apache2 start
# Remove pre-installed database
RUN rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*
# Add MySQL utils
ADD create_mysql_admin_user.sh /create_mysql_admin_user.sh
RUN chmod 755 /*.sh
# config to enable .htaccess
RUN a2enmod rewrite
# Copy over private key, and set permissions
ADD .ssh /root/.ssh
# Get aws stuff
RUN curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cli/awscli-bundle.zip" -o "awscli-bundle.zip"
RUN unzip awscli-bundle.zip
RUN ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws
RUN rm -rd /var/www/html/*
RUN git clone ssh://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/Demo-Server /var/www/html
#Environment variables to configure php
# Add volumes for MySQL
VOLUME ["/etc/mysql", "/var/lib/mysql" ]
EXPOSE 80 3306
CMD ["/run.sh"]
When I run this Docker image locally it works fine, but when I run it on Elastic Beanstalk I get the error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Phalcon\Loader' not found. To debug this I checked phpinfo() both locally and on the AWS server. Locally it shows all of the phalcon files installed, but on AWS I don't get any info about CPhalcon. How could the Docker image install Phalcon correctly when running on my local machine but not on Elastic Beanstalk?

How to install the Google Cloud SDK in a Docker Image?

How can I build a Docker container with Google's Cloud Command Line Tool/SDK?
The script at the url https://sdk.cloud.google.com appears to require user input so doesn't work in a docker file.
Adding the following to my Docker file appears to work.
# Downloading gcloud package
RUN curl https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/release/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz > /tmp/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz
# Installing the package
RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/gcloud \
&& tar -C /usr/local/gcloud -xvf /tmp/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz \
&& /usr/local/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/install.sh
# Adding the package path to local
ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/local/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/bin
Use this one-liner in your Dockerfile:
RUN curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
Doing it with alpine:
FROM alpine:3.6
RUN apk add --update \
python \
curl \
which \
RUN curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
ENV PATH $PATH:/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin
RUN curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com > /tmp/gcl && bash /tmp/gcl --install-dir=~/gcloud --disable-prompts
This will download the google cloud sdk installer into /tmp/gcl, and run it with the parameters as follows:
--install-dir=~/gcloud: Extract the binaries into folder gcloud in home folder. Change this to wherever you want, for example /usr/local/bin
--disable-prompts: Don't show any prompts while installing (headless)
To install gcloud inside a docker container please follow the instructions here.
Basically you need to run
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y curl gnupg && \
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg] http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt cloud-sdk main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list && \
curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg add - && \
apt-get update -y && \
apt-get install google-cloud-sdk -y
inside your dockerfile. It's important you are user ROOT when you run this command, so it may necessary to add USER root before the previous command.
As an alternative, you could use the docker image provided by google namely google/cloud-sdk. https://hub.docker.com/r/google/cloud-sdk/
FROM centos:7
RUN yum update -y && yum install -y \
curl \
which && \
yum clean all
RUN curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
ENV PATH $PATH:/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin
docker build . -t google-cloud-sdk
Then run gcloud:
docker run --rm \
--volume $(pwd)/assets/root/.config:/root/.config \
google-cloud-sdk gcloud
...or run gsutil:
docker run --rm \
--volume $(pwd)/assets/root/.config:/root/.config \
google-cloud-sdk gsutil
The local assets folder will contain the configuration.
apk upgrade --update-cache --available && \
apk add openssl && \
apk add curl python3 py-crcmod bash libc6-compat && \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash > /dev/null
export PATH=$PATH:/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin
gcloud components update kubectl
I was using Python Alpine image python:3.8.6-alpine3.12 as base and this worked for me:
RUN apk add --no-cache bash
RUN wget https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/downloads/google-cloud-sdk-327.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz \
-O /tmp/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz | bash
RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/gcloud \
&& tar -C /usr/local/gcloud -xvzf /tmp/google-cloud-sdk.tar.gz \
&& /usr/local/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/install.sh -q
ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/local/gcloud/google-cloud-sdk/bin
After building and running the image, you can check if google-cloud-sdk is installed by running docker exec -i -t <container_id> /bin/bash and running this:
bash-5.0# gcloud --version
Google Cloud SDK 327.0.0
bq 2.0.64
core 2021.02.05
gsutil 4.58
bash-5.0# gsutil --version
gsutil version: 4.58
If you want a specific version of google-cloud-sdk, you can visit https://storage.cloud.google.com/cloud-sdk-release
curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash -s -- --disable-prompts
and export env
works for me
I got this working with Ubuntu 18.04 using:
RUN apt-get install -y curl && curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
ENV PATH="$PATH:/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin"
You can use multi-stage builds to make this simpler and more efficient than solutions using curl.
FROM bitnami/google-cloud-sdk:0.392.0 as gcloud
FROM base-image-for-production:tag
# Do what you need to configure your production image
COPY --from=gcloud /opt/bitnami/google-cloud-sdk/ /google-cloud-sdk
This work for me.
FROM php:7.2-fpm
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y python && \
curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash
ENV PATH $PATH:/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin
An example using debian as the base image:
FROM debian:stretch
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https gnupg curl lsb-release
RUN export CLOUD_SDK_REPO="cloud-sdk-$(lsb_release -c -s)" && \
echo "cloud SDK repo: $CLOUD_SDK_REPO" && \
echo "deb http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt $CLOUD_SDK_REPO main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list && \
curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add - && \
apt-get update -y && apt-get install google-cloud-sdk -y
I used most of these examples in some form (thanks #KJoe), but I had to do several other things to setup everything so gcloud would work in the environment. Note that it is preferable to limit the number of lines (it limits layers needed to pull)
Here's a more complete example of Dockerfile with gcloud setup and extending a CircleCI image:
FROM circleci/ruby:2.4.1-jessie-node-browsers
# user is circleci in the FROM image, switch to root for system lib installation
USER root
ENV CCI /home/circleci
ENV GTMP /tmp/gcloud-install
ENV GSDK $CCI/google-cloud-sdk
ENV PATH="${GSDK}/bin:${PATH}"
# do all system lib installation in one-line to optimize layers
RUN curl -sSL https://sdk.cloud.google.com > $GTMP && bash $GTMP --install-dir=$CCI --disable-prompts \
&& rm -rf $GTMP \
&& chmod +x $GSDK/bin/* \
&& chown -Rf circleci:circleci $CCI
# change back to the user in the FROM image
USER circleci
# setup gcloud specifics to your liking
RUN gcloud config set core/disable_usage_reporting true \
&& gcloud config set component_manager/disable_update_check true \
&& gcloud components install alpha beta kubectl --quiet
My use case was to generate a google bearer token using the service account, so I wanted the docker container to install gcloud this is how my docker file looks like
FROM google/cloud-sdk
# Setting the default directory in container
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# copies the app source code to the directory in container
COPY . /usr/src/app
CMD ["/bin/bash","/usr/src/app/token.sh"]
If you need to examine a container after it is built but that isn't running use docker run --rm -it <container-build-id> bash -il and type in gcloud --version if installed correctly or not
In Google documentation you can see the best practice
search on the page for "Docker Tip"
eg debian use:
RUN echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg] http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt cloud-sdk main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list && curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg add - && apt-get update -y && apt-get install google-cloud-cli -y
If you're just interested in getting the gcloud CLI available, add this to your Dockerfile:
# Downloading gcloud package
RUN curl https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/downloads/google-cloud-cli-409.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz > /tmp/google-cloud-cli.tar.gz
# Installing the gcloud cli
RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/gcloud \
&& tar -xf /tmp/google-cloud-cli.tar.gz \
&& ./google-cloud-sdk/install.sh --quiet