Delete and insert an element from/to array bag. Why boolean array instead of int? - c++

I am implementing bag using array in C++. I can not figure out how to let the deleteElement function work. It is suppose to delete given element from the array.
I also don't understand why the array is initialized with bool and how the insert function works.
So, I got three questions:\
How to make the deleteElement function work?
Why is the array initialized with bool?
How does the insert function work? It looks like it only adds true value to the array, but when this program prints the array, you will see that the x value is printed out, I can not figure this out.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// cin -> add 0 qry 0 del 0 qry 0 quit
// cout -> TF
// add x -> Adds the number x to the bag
// qry x -> Checks if x belongs to the bag then output T, otherwise output F
// del x -> If there is an element x in the bag, remove it, otherwise do nothing.
// quit -> Stops the program
// Exercise: Fun with bags 1 (Here the bag is a set of int values).
input: add 1 add 2 add 1 del 1 qry 1 qry 2 quit
output: FT
// enumeration type for actions on the bag
enum action {add, qry, del, quit, none};
// translation of strings into actions
action str2action(string s) {
if (s=="add") return add;
if (s=="qry") return qry;
if (s=="del") return del;
if (s=="quit") return quit;
return none;
#define BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE 10
struct bag {
bool as_array[BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE]; // using arrays
// Simple function to initialise the bag
void initialise(bag &b){
// Array
for(int i=0; i<BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
b.as_array[i] = false;
// function to display the content of the bag
void display_bag(bag b) {
cout << "The bag is : " << endl;
// Array
cout << " - (A) - : " ;
for(int i=0; i<BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
cout << i << " " ;
cout << endl;
void insert(bag &b,unsigned int x){ //add
// Array
b.as_array[x] = true;
void check(bag &b,unsigned int x) //qry
bool q = false;
for(int i = 0; i < BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
q = true;
if(q == true)
cout << "T";
if(q == false)
cout << "F";
cout << endl;
void DeleteElement(bag &b, unsigned int x) //del
int i;
for (i=0; i<BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
if (b.as_array[i] == x)
for (int j=i; j<BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE; j++)
b.as_array[j] = b.as_array[j+1];
// this function deals with actions on a bag
void update(bag &b, action a, unsigned int x){
case add:
case qry:
case del:
case quit:
case none:
int main()
bag my_bag; //We create an array of boolean type.
string my_act_str;
unsigned int x;
initialise(my_bag); //The array is initialised with False, which is 0
bool go_on = true;
cout << "What's next? (actions = add x ,qry x ,del x ,quit)" << endl;
cin >> my_act_str;
action act = str2action(my_act_str);
if(act == quit)
go_on = false;
if(act == add)
cin >> x;
if(act == qry)
cin >> x;
if(act == del)
cin >> x;
return 0;
I found out solution for the delete function. It is very easy one:
void delete_element(bag &b, unsigned int x)
b.as_array[x] = false;

Your three questions actually come from the fact that this is not really a bag. What you have here is more like a "Boolean mask" that indicates if numbers from zero to BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE - 1 are true or false. That is why you have a Boolean array as the storage and all elements in it are initialized with false. That is, the mask is not set for any of the numbers from zero to BAG_AS_ARRAY_SIZE - 1.
Your deleteElement function then only needs to set the corresponding array position of the mask to false to "delete" that number and "inserting" a number corresponds to setting that specific position in the mask to true.
In the display_bag function, notice that you are not print the content of the array (which obviously can only be either true or false), but the index of the positions in the array that have a true value.


Incorrect count output / Having difficulty trying to create a HashTable/Set using open addressing

I'm trying to create a program that opens a .txt file containing a speech and assigns each word to a space in the array/set based on the hash value. Collisions are accounted for using open addressing method. The program should be able to perform the following functions: add(), remove(), find(), count() which keeps count of the elements IN the array/set, and loadfactor(). A template header.h file was provided that required some filling in, but my unfamiliarity with that style of coding was making it difficult for me to understand it. Below I have provided the code I have so far, and everything seems to be working except the mCount. The speech contains about 300 words but when I run the code, the count output shows 17. I'm assuming the error is in my resizing function but I am unsure.
//hashset.h file
#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
template <typename TValue, typename TFunc>
class HashSet
// Unlike Java, the C++ hashtable array won't be full of null references.
// It will be full of "Entry" objects, each of which tracks its current state
// as EMPTY, FULL (with a value), or NIL (value was once here, but was removed).
class Entry
enum EntryState { EMPTY, FULL, NIL };
TValue value;
EntryState state;
Entry() : value(), state(EMPTY) {}
Entry(const TValue& v) : value(v), state(EMPTY) {}
TFunc mHash;
std::vector<Entry> mTable;
std::size_t mCount;
// Constructs a hashtable with the given size, using the given function for
// computing h(k).
// hash must be a callable object (function, functor, etc.) that takes a parameter
// of type TValue and returns std::size_t (an integer).
HashSet(int size, TFunc hash) : mHash(hash)
// initialize count
mCount = 0;
// hashtable array cannot be same data type as that of what is being stored (cannot be string)
// requirement #4 - if user inputs array size that is not a power of 2, constructor must round to nearest power of 2 value
size = pow(2, (int(log(size - 1) / log(2)) | 1));
mTable.resize(size); // resizes the vector to have given size.
// Each element will be default-constructed to have state EMPTY.
void resize(int new_size) {
HashSet aux{ new_size, mHash }; //double the size, same hash function
for (const auto& entry : mTable)
if (entry.state == Entry::FULL && entry.state == Entry::EMPTY && entry.state == Entry::NIL) //there is an element
aux.add(entry.value); //insert it on the new set
*this = aux;
// Inserts the given value into the set.
void add(const TValue& value)
// Use the type std::size_t for working with hash table indices.
// Invoke the mHash function, passing the key to calculate h(k), as in
// size_t hashCode = mHash(value);
// Mod down to size.
// Go to the table at that index and do the insertion routine.
// Note, if table is full when trying to add an element, it should double in size
// to keep table size a power of 2
if (double(mCount) / mTable.size() > 0.8) // load factor comparison
this->resize(2 * mTable.size()); // call resize function if array is too small to accommodate addition
size_t hashCode = mHash(value) % mTable.size(); // mod value by table size to get starting index
if (mTable[hashCode].state == Entry::EMPTY || mTable[hashCode].state == Entry::NIL) { // NIL space CAN be replaced with value
mTable[hashCode].value = value; // store value in vector index specified by hashCode
mCount++; // increment counter when word is added
else {
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < mTable.size(); i++) {
// use open addressing to find next open space
if (mTable[hashCode].state != Entry::EMPTY) {
hashCode = ((mHash(value) % mTable.size()) + ((int)(pow(i, 2) + i) >> 1)) % mTable.size(); // h(k) + f(i) or h(k) + ((i^2 + i)) / 2
else if (mTable[hashCode].value == value) { // account for duplicates
break; // exit for-loop
else if (mTable[hashCode].state == Entry::EMPTY || mTable[hashCode].state == Entry::NIL) { // NIL space CAN be replaced with value
mTable[hashCode].value = value; // store value in vector index specified by new hashCode
mCount++; // increment counter when word is added
break; // exit for-loop
break; // exit for-loop
// Returns true if the given value is present in the set.
bool find(const TValue& key)
size_t hashCode = mHash(key) % mTable.size(); // mod value by table size to get starting index to do retrace
if (mTable[hashCode].value == key)
return true;
else if (mTable[hashCode].state != Entry::EMPTY || mTable[hashCode].state == Entry::NIL) { // check that set is not empty or has a NIL state
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < mTable.size(); i++) {
// use open addressing again to find key
if (mTable[hashCode].value != key)
hashCode = ((mHash(key) % mTable.size()) + ((int)(pow(i, 2) + i) >> 1)) % mTable.size();
else if (mTable[hashCode].value == key) {
return true; // value found at speecified location
break; // exit for-loop as first instance of value has been found
//else if (i == mTable.size()) // end of table reached, element not in set
//return false;
else // end of table reached, element was not in set
return false;
// Removes the given value from the set.
void remove(const TValue& key)
size_t hashCode = mHash(key) % mTable.size(); // mod value by table size to get starting index to do retrace
if (mTable[hashCode].value == key) {
mTable[hashCode].value = Entry::NIL; // replace value with NIL so find() op does not return a false when searching for element
mCount--; // decrement element counter
else if (mTable[hashCode].state != Entry::EMPTY || mTable[hashCode].state != Entry::NIL) { // check that there is a value to be removed
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < mTable.size(); i++) {
// use open addressing again to find key
if (mTable[hashCode].value != key) {
hashCode = ((mHash(key) % mTable.size()) + ((int)(pow(i, 2) + i) >> 1)) % mTable.size();
else {
mTable[hashCode].value = Entry::NIL; // if found after open addressing, replace with NIL
mCount--; // decrement element counter
int count() {
return mCount;
double loadFactor() {
double a = double(mCount) / mTable.size();
return a;
// main function
#include "hashset.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
string testline;
vector<string> word;
HashSet<std::string, std::hash<std::string> > obj1{ 50, std::hash<std::string>{} };
ifstream Test("speech.txt");
if (!Test)
cout << "There was an error opening the file.\n";
return 0;
//store words in vector
while (Test >> testline) {
//output whole vector with position numbers for each entry
cout << "Array contents:\n";
for (int i = 0; i < word.size(); i++) {
cout << word[i] << "(" << i << ")" << endl;
cout << "current count: " << obj1.count() << endl;
obj1.add("abcd"); // should hash to 4
if (obj1.find("abcd"))
cout << "abcd is in the set " << endl;
cout << "abcd is not in set " << endl;
obj1.add("adcb"); // should hash to 4 then 5 after probing
if (obj1.find("adcb"))
cout << "adcb is in the set " << endl;
cout << "adcb is not in set " << endl;
obj1.add("acde"); // should hash to 4 then 7 after probing
if (obj1.find("acde"))
cout << "acde is in the set " << endl;
cout << "acde is not in set " << endl;
obj1.remove("adcb"); // 5 should have NIL
if (obj1.find("adcb"))
cout << "adcb is in the set " << endl;
cout << "adcb is not in set " << endl;
if (obj1.find("acde"))
cout << "acde is still in the set " << endl;
cout << "acde is not in set " << endl;
cout << "final count: " << obj1.count() << endl;
The errors around NIL are because the enum defining NIL is part of the Entry class. You need to prefix NIL with the class name so the compile knows where the keyword comes from.
else if (mTable[hashCode] != NULL || mTable == Entry::NIL) { // getting error NIL identifier not found
The HashSet variable declaration is complaining because you are passing the wrong types. HashSet constructor takes a size and and a hash function. You are passing it a size and a string. Note the comment above the HashSet constructor
// hash must be a callable object (function, functor, etc.) that takes a parameter
// of type TValue and returns std::size_t (an integer).
This is your clue how to construct a HashSet object.

Sorted list: must have class/struct/union

so i have been working on a code for over two weeks and its not going too well. here are the instructions and the code is below it, as well as errors:
Task 1: Create one instance of this class. (the sorted list; he also had other instructions on HOW to start the code, but its already been done by me below in the code such as typedef...) You also need to read in data from one data file: float.dat, which contains the following numbers:
Data in float.dat contains floating numbers, which should be inserted into the object of SortedList. Note that you do not have any prior knowledge about data values in float.dat, but we assume that there are 10 elements in the data file.
Task 2: Use GetNextItem( ) to print out all the elements in the list in sorted sequence on computer screen.
Task 3: Use GetNextItem( ) to output all the elements in the list in sorted sequence onto a data file, output.dat.
Task 4: Design your test cases to demonstrate InsertItem( ), DeleteItem( ) and RetrieveItem( ) are working as expected.
here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#define MAX_ITEMS 10
typedef float ItemType;
class SortedList
int length;
ItemType values[MAX_ITEMS];
int currentPos;
enum RelationType { LESS, GREATER, EQUAL };
SortedList() {length = 0; currentPos = -1;}
int getLength() {return length;}
RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType x)
if (length > x.getLength())
return LESS;
else if (length == x.getLength())
return GREATER;
return EQUAL;
void MakeEmpty() {length = 0;}
void InsertItem(ItemType x)
int first = 0, last = length --;
bool moreToSearch = (first <= last);
int location = 0;
int midpoint= (first + last) / 2;
while (moreToSearch)
switch (x.ComparedTo(values[location]))
case LESS: //search in 1st half
moreToSearch = (first <= last);
moreToSearch = (location < length);
for (int index = length; length > location; index--)
values[index] = values[index - 1];
values[location] = x;
void DeleteItem(ItemType x)
int location = 0;
while (x.ComparedTo(values[location]) != EQUAL)
for (int index = location ++; index < length; index++)
values[index --] = values[index];
void RetrieveItem(ItemType &x, bool & found)
int midpoint;
int first = 0, last = length - 1;
bool moreToSearch = (first <= last);
found = false;
int index = 0;
while (moreToSearch && !found)
midpoint = (first + last) / 2;
switch (x.ComparedTo(values[index++]))
case LESS: //search in 1st half
moreToSearch = (first <= last);
last = midpoint - 1;
case GREATER: //Search in 2nd half
first = midpoint + 1;
moreToSearch = (first <= last);
case EQUAL: //x has been found
found = true;
int LengthIs() {return length;}
void ResetList() {currentPos = -1;}
bool IsFull()
if (length < 9)
return false;
return true;
void GetNextItem(ItemType &x)
x = values[currentPos];
cout << x;
int main()
SortedList x;
ifstream inFile; ofstream output;
string line;
bool allAboutLists;
int i = 0;
int size = 0;"float.txt");
float values[10];
while (!inFile.eof()) // write or read data from inFile into values
inFile >> values[i];
size++; // this will count how many values there are in the array
cout << "The following is the list that's been made:" << endl << endl;
cout << endl;
x.RetrieveItem(7.1, allAboutLists);
cout << endl;
cout << endl << "The length is: "; x.LengthIs(); cout << endl;
cout << "Is the list full?: " << boolalpha << x.IsFull() << endl;
cout << "The next item is: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << x.GetNextItem << endl;
for (int f = 0; f < 10; f++)
output << x.GetNextItem << endl;
return 0;
and the compiler keeps saying this:
(25) error C2228: left of '.getLength' must have class/struct/union [they mean the x. its red lined under, same for the rest of those left of etc..]
(27) error C2228: left of '.getLength' must have class/struct/union
(44) error C2228: left of '.ComparedTo' must have class/struct/union
(66): error C2228: left of '.ComparedTo' must have class/struct/union
-and also, 7.1 in main has something about refernce type mistake.
I am in extereme hurry as i have been working on it for 2 weeks now and its driving me crazy ! I have the code done as seen and more than wnough and just need to know what to change exactly because I am following everything I have been searching and researching yet its no good. so precise details or code specifically taken from mine and fixed would be appreciated.
You are passing x as ItemType which is a float.
float doesn't have those methods... looks like you wanted to pass it as a SortedList
The compare function needs two parameters in order to do a compare. Instead of ComparedTo, you may want to call it CompareToLocation.
RelationType CompareToLocation(ItemType x, size_t location){
if(x < values[location]) return LESS;
if(x == values[location]) return EQUAL;
return GREATER;}
An example usage would be:
result = CompareToLocation(x, location);
// ...
You defined ComparedTo as a method for SortedList, yet everytime you call that function, you call it on ItemType objects, which are actually floats.
As you can see in the definition of the method, you are trying to use, once again, SortedList methods on float Objects:
RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType x)
if (length > x.getLength())
return LESS;
else if (length == x.getLength())
return GREATER;
return EQUAL;
Your problem is not really a compiling one, but a conceptual one, since you don't seem to grasp what your are actually coding.
I'd recommend have your declarations and implementations separate, so you can see at a glance how does your class work.
Your class declaration should look something like this:
class SortedList
int length;
ItemType values[MAX_ITEMS];
int currentPos;
enum RelationType { LESS, GREATER, EQUAL };
int getLength();
RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType x) ;
void MakeEmpty();
void InsertItem(ItemType x) ;
void DeleteItem(ItemType x);
void RetrieveItem(ItemType &x, bool & found);
int LengthIs();
void ResetList();
bool IsFull();
void GetNextItem(ItemType &x);
You should focus on each method, making clear what each one of them is trying to achieve, and what does it need to achieve it (parameters).
For example:
RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType x) ;
Your SortedList class has this function, which receives an ItemType (float) as a parameter.
What is this trying to achieve? How do you compare a whole ordered list to a single element?
How can a single number be greater, less or EQUAL to a set of numbers?
Maybe what you really want to do is compate parameter X with an element inside the list?
If this is the case, how do you know which element in the list must be compared to parameter X? You should add another parameter telling you which element inside your ordered list to compare X to.
I quess this doesn't really solve your problem, but at least I hope this helps you understand better what your problem is.

Nested for loop being ignored after if-else chain

I am programming a MARIE assembler for one of my classes and I've ran into a logical error involving my control structure for one of my functions.
What I'm trying to accomplish is taking in all the data that was inserted into my vectors and then that data is being used to create integer opcode data for display. Yet for whatever reason my nested for loop is being ignored after my if-else chain.
The code within the nested for-loop seems to be working properly aside from this one logic error.
Please note that instructions, hexNums, secondPassData, valueZ, and symBols are my vectors.
For some clarification:
The If-Else chain is just used to read instruction words and to set basedInt to the proper decimal number for later hexadecimal conversion.
There are a few special conditions in the code below which are marked.
If there is no special condition then the code checks the valueZ vector at to see if the valueZ element is in symBols.
If it is a symBol element through character checks, it takes its hexNums position and adds it to the basedInt.
If it is not, it instead has its corresponding valueZ element converted from string to int and then added to the basedInt.
Those elements are added to the secondPassData vector.
int basedInt;
int newInt;
int pushInt;
string temp;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < instructions.size(); ++i) //if i is less then instructions.size(), follow through with the statement
if( == "JNS") //sets basedInt to a decimal version of its hexidecimal opcode
basedInt = 0;
else if( == "HALT") //a special condition where the number is plugged into the secondPassData vector automatically
else if( == "CLEAR") //same as above
else if( == "ADDL")
else if( == "ORG")
else if( == "HEX") //checks for the HEX psuedo-OP.
temp =; //converts it at position i to a string
basedInt = atoi(temp.c_str()); //converts that string to an int.
secondPassData.push_back(basedInt);//pushes into vector.
else if( == "DEC")
temp =;
basedInt = atoi(temp.c_str()); //similar function as above.
cout << "Beep Boop, program borked!" << endl;
//for some reason the code below is getting ignored.
cout << i << endl;
for(unsigned int a = 0; a < instructions.size(); ++a) //works
cout << i << " " << a << endl;
string valFind =;
string symFind =; //works
temp =;
if(symFind[0] == valFind[0])
newInt =;
pushInt = basedInt + newInt;
else if(symFind[0] != valFind[0]) //works
temp =;
newInt = atoi(temp.c_str()); //works
pushInt= basedInt + newInt;
secondPassData.push_back(pushInt); //works
If you hit a continue in your else-if chain your main for loop will jump to its next iteration and will skip the rest of your code (in this case your nested for loop)

C++ Member Function Clearing Matrix

I have had a similar issue with quite a few projects I have worked on involving classes containing arrays. I have a class that is supposed to handle a 2 dimensional matrix representing a TicTacToe game. There is an enumeration in the class for the status of the current game and one member function that has an enumeration return type. I cant seem to figure out why I can create the class set values in the matrix and as soon as I call the member function with the enumerated return type the whole array is reinitialized to 0. I think it has something to do with the constructor being called again or something along those lines but I have not been able to find anything after searching for the past few hours. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my header file containing the class information:
#ifndef TTT_H
#define TTT_H
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class TicTacToe
enum Status{WinX, WinO, Continue, Draw};
int **board;
void PrintBoard();
bool ValidMove(int, int);
bool PlayerMove(int, int, int);
Status GameStatus(); //this one causes the problem
void Debug();
Here is the code for CPP file with the member function definitions:
#include "TicTacToe.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
board = new int*[3];
assert(board != 0);
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
cout << "Constructor Ran again" << endl; //for testing
board[i] = new int[3];
assert(board[i] != 0);
for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
board[i][j] = 9;
TicTacToe::TicTacToe(TicTacToe &copy)
board = new int*[3];
assert(board != 0);
delete[] board;
void TicTacToe::PrintBoard()
for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
cout << "| ";
case 0:
cout << "O ";
case 1:
cout << "X ";
case 9:
cout << " ";
cout << "|" << endl;
cout << "------------" << endl;
bool TicTacToe::ValidMove(int row, int col)
bool valid = false;
if(row < 3 && col < 3)
if(board[row][col] == 9)
valid = true;
return valid;
bool TicTacToe::PlayerMove(int player, int row, int col)
bool done = false;
if(ValidMove(row,col) == true)
if(player == 1)
board[row][col] = 1;
board[row][col] = 0;
done = true;
return done;
TicTacToe::Status TicTacToe::GameStatus() //This function is the problem
int check, empty = 0;
bool done = false;
for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
check += board[i][j];
if(board[i][j] = 9)
if(check == 0)
return WinO;
else if(check == 3)
return WinX;
check = 0;
if(empty == 0)
return Draw;
for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
check += board[j][i];
if(check == 0)
return WinO;
else if(check == 3)
return WinX;
check = 0;
check = board[0][0] + board[1][1] + board[2][2];
if(check == 0)
return WinO;
else if(check == 3)
return WinX;
check = 0;
check = board[0][2] + board[1][1] + board[2][0];
if(check == 0)
return WinO;
else if(check == 3)
return WinX;
check = 0;
return Continue;
void TicTacToe::Debug()
//cout << &board[0][0] << endl;
for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
for(int j=0;j<3;++j)
cout << board[i][j];
cout << endl;
Here is the driver file I am using to test:
#include "TicTacToe.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
int main()
int row, col;
bool valid;
enum Status{WinX, WinO, Continue, Draw};
TicTacToe * T;
T = new TicTacToe;
assert(T != 0);
cout << "There are 2 players. P1 is x P2 is o" << endl;
valid = false;
while(valid == false)
cout << "\nP1 choose a cell" ;
cin >> row >> col;
if(T->ValidMove(row, col) == true)
T->PlayerMove(1, row, col);
valid = true;
cout << "Not a valid choice" << endl;
valid = false;
cout << endl;
T->GameStatus(); //<<<<<this is the pain in my butt
valid = false;
while(valid == false)
cout << "\nP2 choose a cell" ;
cin >> row >> col;
if(T->ValidMove(row, col) == true)
T->PlayerMove(2, row, col);
valid = true;
cout << "Not a valid choice" << endl;
valid = false;
while(/*T->GameStatus() == Continue*/ 1==1);
//the call to GameStatus was commented out of the
//while statement for testing
return 0;
I know the code inside of the GameStatus function is far from pretty but the array is messed up before any of those lines are processed.
I left all of the other functions just to show that they work properly without issue.
Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give.
You've got a simple typo in your code..
if(board[i][j] = 9) // will always return true (refp)
Other remarks
When looking at your code a bit more thoroughly I see that you have a few other miss-happens, intentional or unintentional.. that I don't know:
int check is not initialized in TicTacToe::GameStatus
You are not freeing the allocated memory properly, you'll
need to free all entries in board, ie. delete board[i])
I don't like bugs, how can I get rid of the operator= vs operator== problem?
A quite common method to circumvent the problem of making a typo and writing = when you mean to compare (==) two variables is to flip the operands around (if one of them is a constant value, such as 9.
if(9 = board[i][j]) will not compile and such a bug would've never appeared in your code.
I'll have to say that I don't like writing my statements that way.. though it's a quite common method, especially in the "beginner" segment.
check is not initialized in GameStatus() .
if (board[i][j] = 9)
Isn't the above line of code resetting the array contents? You probably want to use == here, instead.
You have a serious issue in memory management. Look:
Your constructor performs 4 allocations (an array of pointers and 3 arrays of ints, to emulate a 2D arrray),
Your destructor performs 1 deallocation (= memory leak),
You have a custom destructor but you don't define (or block) operator= (you need to, see What is The Rule of Three?)
Your copy constructor is incomplete and doesn't create a "valid" object.
Basically the above is likely to cause you some memory problems. I suggest to:
Rewrite the destructor to first free all the arrays of ints, then the array of pointers,
Make the class TicTacToe uncopiable by declaring the copy constructor and the operator= as private.
Also some minor details on that matter:
board = new int*[3];
assert(board != 0);
The assertion is unnecessary. If the allocation fails, the operator new will throw an exception.
delete[] board;
Operators delete and delete[] don't do anything if their argument is a null pointer, so that condition is redundant. Also you have designed your object with the invariant that the board exists as long as the TicTacToe object exists, so that check is totally unnecessary, right?
Keep it safe and simple!

Wrong output C++ ArrayList

When i make ArrayList with size 5 it gives wrong result but when it becomes bigger than 5 it becomes correct!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class list
typedef int ListElemtype;
ListElemtype listArray[6];
bool insert(ListElemtype e)
if (numberOfElements == 5) //It turns wrong result when ListArray equal 5??
cout << "Can't do the insertion" << endl;
return false;
} //Why it return false? I know why i but = instead of == :D
listArray[numberOfElements + 1] = e;
cout << "Done perfectly!" << numberOfElements << endl;
return true;
bool first(ListElemtype &e);
bool next(ListElemtype &e);
int numberOfElements;
int CurrentPosition;
void LIST ()
int main()
list A;
return 0;
Arrays are indexed from zero, not from one. So listArray[numberOfElements+1]=e; should be listArray[numberOfElements]=e;. The first inserted element goes into listArray[0].
Your listArray size is 6 therefore array index would start from 0 till 5. When you have numberOfElements==5 with listArray[numberOfElements + 1] you are trying to store at index 6 which you don't have.
As you may know, C bases its arrays at 0 and not 1. Thus,
else { listArray[numberOfElements+1]=e;
writes to the end of the array contained within list A, when numberOfElements is equal to 5 or higher.