For finding top K elements using heap, which approach is better - NlogK or KLogN? - heap

For finding top K elements using heap, which approach is better?
NlogK, use Minheap of size K and remove the minimum element so top k elements remain in heap
KlogN, use Maxheap, store all elements and then extract top K elements
I did some calculations and at no point, I see that NLogK better than KlogN.
N= 16 (2^4), k = 8 (2^3)
O(Nlog(K)) = 16* 3 = 48
O(Klog(N)) = 8 * 4 = 32
N= 16 (2^4), k = 12 (log to base 2 = 3.5849)
O(Nlog(K)) = 16* 3.5849 = 57.3584
O(Klog(N)) = 12 * 4 = 48
N= 256 (2^8), k = 4 (2^2)
O(Nlog(K)) = 256* 2 = 512
O(Klog(N)) = 4 * 8 = 32
N= 1048576 (2^20), k = 16 (2^4)
O(Nlog(K)) = 1048576* 4 = 4194304
O(Klog(N)) = 16 * 20 = 320
N= 1048576 (2^20), k = 1024 (2^10)
O(Nlog(K)) = 1048576* 10 = 10485760
O(Klog(N)) = 1024 * 20 = 20480
N= 1048576 (2^20), k = 524288 (2^19)
O(Nlog(K)) = 1048576* 19 = 19922944
O(Klog(N)) = 524288 * 20 = 10485760
I just wanted to confirm that my approach is correct and adding all elements to heap and extract top k elements is always the best approach. (and also simpler one)

I did some calculations and at no point, I see that NLogK better than KlogN.
Since, K <= N, NlogK will always be more than or equal to KlogN.
That does not mean, min heap approach is going to take more time than max heap approch.
Need to consider the below,
In Min heap approach, we will update the heap only if the next value is larger than the head. If the array is in ascending order, we will do it (N-K) times, if it is descending order we will not update it at all. On average, the number of times the tree gets updated is considerable less than N.
In Max heap, you need to heapify the tree of size N. If K is negligibly small when compared to N, then this time can become a dominant factor. While in the case of min heap, heapify works on the smaller set of K. Also as mentioned in point 1, most of the value of N will not trigger an update of the tree.
I wrote a small program to compare both the approach. The source can be accessed here.
Results for an array ranging from 0 to 1M in random order is below:
Test for Array size: 1000000
k MinHeapIterations MinHeapTime(ms) MaxHeapTime(ms) MaxTime/MinTime
1 15 6.07 72.03 11.88
10 114 3.85 70.09 18.19
100 913 4.11 69.60 16.93
1000 6874 5.32 72.94 13.71
10000 46123 16.52 79.89 4.83
100000 230385 78.19 132.27 1.69
1000000 0 35.86 453.57 12.65
As you can see,
Min heap does outperforms Max heap for all values of K
The no of tree updates incase of Min heap (MinHeapIterations) is very much less than (N-K)


Looking for a solution for the question below

Using a for loop, write code which populates this array with 100 evenly
spaced values of the function
𝑓(𝑥) = 3𝑥^3 + 2𝑥^2 − 9
over the range 0 ≤ 𝑥 < 10

how can we find the nth 3 word combination from a word corpus of 3000 words

I have a word corpus of say 3000 words such as [hello, who, this ..].
I want to find the nth 3 word combination from this corpus.I am fine with any order as long as the algorithm gives consistent output.
What would be the time complexity of the algorithm.
I have seen this answer but was looking for something simple.
(Note that I will be using 1-based indexes and ranks throughout this answer.)
To generate all combinations of 3 elements from a list of n elements, we'd take all elements from 1 to n-2 as the first element, then for each of these we'd take all elements after the first element up to n-1 as the second element, then for each of these we'd take all elements after the second element up to n as the third element. This gives us a fixed order, and a direct relation between the rank and a specific combination.
If we take element i as the first element, there are (n-i choose 2) possibilities for the second and third element, and thus (n-i choose 2) combinations with i as the first element. If we then take element j as the second element, there are (n-j choose 1) = n-j possibilities for the third element, and thus n-j combinations with i and j as the first two elements.
Linear search in tables of binomial coefficients
With tables of these binomial coefficients, we can quickly find a specific combination, given its rank. Let's look at a simplified example with a list of 10 elements; these are the number of combinations with element i as the first element:
1 C(9,2) = 36
2 C(8,2) = 28
3 C(7,2) = 21
4 C(6,2) = 15
5 C(5,2) = 10
6 C(4,2) = 6
7 C(3,2) = 3
8 C(2,2) = 1
120 = C(10,3)
And these are the number of combinations with element j as the second element:
2 C(8,1) = 8
3 C(7,1) = 7
4 C(6,1) = 6
5 C(5,1) = 5
6 C(4,1) = 4
7 C(3,1) = 3
8 C(2,1) = 2
9 C(1,1) = 1
So if we're looking for the combination with e.g. rank 96, we look at the number of combinations for each choice of first element i, until we find which group of combinations the combination ranked 96 is in:
1 36 96 > 36 96 - 36 = 60
2 28 60 > 28 60 - 28 = 32
3 21 32 > 21 32 - 21 = 11
4 15 11 <= 15
So we know that the first element i is 4, and that within the 15 combinations with i=4, we're looking for the eleventh combination. Now we look at the number of combinations for each choice of second element j, starting after 4:
5 5 11 > 5 11 - 5 = 6
6 4 6 > 4 6 - 4 = 2
7 3 2 <= 3
So we know that the second element j is 7, and that the third element is the second combination with j=7, which is k=9. So the combination with rank 96 contains the elements 4, 7 and 9.
Binary search in tables of running total of binomial coefficients
Instead of creating a table of the binomial coefficients and then performing a linear search, it is of course more efficient to create a table of the running total of the binomial coefficient, and then perform a binary search on it. This will improve the time complexity from O(N) to O(logN); in the case of N=3000, the two look-ups can be done in log2(3000) = 12 steps.
So we'd store:
1 36
2 64
3 85
4 100
5 110
6 116
7 119
8 120
2 8
3 15
4 21
5 26
6 30
7 33
8 35
9 36
Note that when finding j in the second table, you have to subtract the sum corresponding with i from the sums. Let's walk through the example of rank 96 and combination [4,7,9] again; we find the first value that is greater than or equal to the rank:
3 85 96 > 85
4 100 96 <= 100
So we know that i=4; we then subtract the previous sum next to i-1, to get:
96 - 85 = 11
Now we look at the table for j, but we start after j=4, and subtract the sum corresponding to 4, which is 21, from the sums. then again, we find the first value that is greater than or equal to the rank we're looking for (which is now 11):
6 30 - 21 = 9 11 > 9
7 33 - 21 = 12 11 <= 12
So we know that j=7; we subtract the previous sum corresponding to j-1, to get:
11 - 9 = 2
So we know that the second element j is 7, and that the third element is the second combination with j=7, which is k=9. So the combination with rank 96 contains the elements 4, 7 and 9.
Hard-coding the look-up tables
It is of course unnecessary to generate these look-up tables again every time we want to perform a look-up. We only need to generate them once, and then hard-code them into the rank-to-combination algorithm; this should take only 2998 * 64-bit + 2998 * 32-bit = 35kB of space, and make the algorithm incredibly fast.
Inverse algorithm
The inverse algorithm, to find the rank given a combination of elements [i,j,k] then means:
Finding the index of the elements in the list; if the list is sorted (e.g. words sorted alphabetically) this can be done with a binary search in O(logN).
Find the sum in the table for i that corresponds with i-1.
Add to that the sum in the table for j that corresponds with j-1, minus the sum that corresponds with i.
Add to that k-j.
Let's look again at the same example with the combination of elements [4,7,9]:
i=4 -> table_i[3] = 85
j=7 -> table_j[6] - table_j[4] = 30 - 21 = 9
k=9 -> k-j = 2
rank = 85 + 9 + 2 = 96
Look-up tables for N=3000
This snippet generates the look-up table with the running total of the binomial coefficients for i = 1 to 2998:
function C(n, k) { // binomial coefficient (Pascal's triangle)
if (k < 0 || k > n) return 0;
if (k > n - k) k = n - k;
if (! C.t) C.t = [[1]];
while (C.t.length <= n) {
var l = C.t.length - 1;
for (var i = 1; i < l / 2; i++)
C.t[l].push(C.t[l - 1][i - 1] + C.t[l - 1][i]);
if (l % 2 == 0)
C.t[l].push(2 * C.t[l - 1][(l - 2) / 2]);
return C.t[n][k];
for (var total = 0, x = 2999; x > 1; x--) {
total += C(x, 2);
document.write(total + ", ");
This snippet generates the look-up table with the running total of the binomial coefficients for j = 2 to 2999:
for (var total = 0, x = 2998; x > 0; x--) {
total += x;
document.write(total + ", ");
Code example
Here's a quick code example, unfortunately without the full hardcoded look-up tables, because of the size restriction on answers on SO. Run the snippets above and paste the results into the arrays iTable and jTable (after the leading zeros) to get the faster version with hard-coded look-up tables.
function combinationToRank(i, j, k) {
return iTable[i - 1] + jTable[j - 1] - jTable[i] + k - j;
function rankToCombination(rank) {
var i = binarySearch(iTable, rank, 1);
rank -= iTable[i - 1];
rank += jTable[i];
var j = binarySearch(jTable, rank, i + 1);
rank -= jTable[j - 1];
var k = j + rank;
return [i, j, k];
function binarySearch(array, value, first) {
var last = array.length - 1;
while (first < last - 1) {
var middle = Math.floor((last + first) / 2);
if (value > array[middle]) first = middle;
else last = middle;
return (value <= array[first]) ? first : last;
var iTable = [0]; // append look-up table values here
var jTable = [0, 0]; // and here
// remove this part when using hard-coded look-up tables
function C(n,k){if(k<0||k>n)return 0;if(k>n-k)k=n-k;if(!C.t)C.t=[[1]];while(C.t.length<=n){C.t.push([1]);var l=C.t.length-1;for(var i=1;i<l/2;i++)C.t[l].push(C.t[l-1][i-1]+C.t[l-1][i]);if(l%2==0)C.t[l].push(2*C.t[l-1][(l-2)/2])}return C.t[n][k]}
for (var iTotal = 0, jTotal = 0, x = 2999; x > 1; x--) {
iTable.push(iTotal += C(x, 2));
jTable.push(jTotal += x - 1);
document.write(combinationToRank(500, 1500, 2500) + "<br>");
document.write(rankToCombination(1893333750) + "<br>");

Downscale array for decimal factor

Is there efficient way to downscale number of elements in array by decimal factor?
I want to downsize elements from one array by certain factor.
If I have 10 elements and need to scale down by factor 2.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
scaled to
1.5 3.5 5.5 7.5 9.5
Grouping 2 by 2 and use arithmetic mean.
My problem is what if I need to downsize array with 10 elements to 6 elements? In theory I should group 1.6 elements and find their arithmetic mean, but how to do that?
Before suggesting a solution, let's define "downsize" in a more formal way. I would suggest this definition:
Downsizing starts with an array a[N] and produces an array b[M] such that the following is true:
M <= N - otherwise it would be upsizing, not downsizing
SUM(b) = (M/N) * SUM(a) - The sum is reduced proportionally to the number of elements
Elements of a participate in computation of b in the order of their occurrence in a
Let's consider your example of downsizing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 to six elements. The total for your array is 55, so the total for the new array would be (6/10)*55 = 33. We can achieve this total in two steps:
Walk the array a totaling its elements until we've reached the integer part of N/M fraction (it must be an improper fraction by rule 1 above)
Let's say that a[i] was the last element of a that we could take as a whole in the current iteration. Take the fraction of a[i+1] equal to the fractional part of N/M
Continue to the next number starting with the remaining fraction of a[i+1]
Once you are done, your array b would contain M numbers totaling to SUM(a). Walk the array once more, and scale the result by N/M.
Here is how it works with your example:
b[0] = a[0] + (2/3)*a[1] = 2.33333
b[1] = (1/3)*a[1] + a[2] + (1/3)*a[3] = 5
b[2] = (2/3)*a[3] + a[4] = 7.66666
b[3] = a[5] + (2/3)*a[6] = 10.6666
b[4] = (1/3)*a[6] + a[7] + (1/3)*a[8] = 13.3333
b[5] = (2/3)*a[8] + a[9] = 16
Total = 55
Scaling down by 6/10 produces the final result:
1.4 3 4.6 6.4 8 9.6 (Total = 33)
Here is a simple implementation in C++:
double need = ((double)a.size()) / b.size();
double have = 0;
size_t pos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0 ; i != a.size() ; i++) {
if (need >= have+1) {
b[pos] += a[i];
} else {
double frac = (need-have); // frac is less than 1 because of the "if" condition
b[pos++] += frac * a[i]; // frac of a[i] goes to current element of b
have = 1 - frac;
b[pos] += have * a[i]; // (1-frac) of a[i] goes to the next position of b
for (size_t i = 0 ; i != b.size() ; i++) {
b[i] /= need;
You will need to resort to some form of interpolation, as the number of elements to average isn't integer.
You can consider computing the prefix sum of the array, i.e.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
yields by summation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
Then perform linear interpolation to get the intermediate values that you are lacking, like at 0*, 10/6, 20/6, 30/5*, 40/6, 50/6, 60/6*. (Those with an asterisk are readily available).
0 1 10/6 2 3 20/6 4 5 6 40/6 7 8 50/6 9
1 3 15/3 6 10 35/3 15 21 28 100/3 36 45 145/3 55
Now you get fractional sums by subtracting values in pairs. The first average is
(15/3-1)/(10/6) = 12/5
I can't think of anything in the C++ library that will crank out something like this, all fully cooked and ready to go.
So you'll have to, pretty much, roll up your sleeves and go to work. At this point, the question of what's the "efficient" way of doing it boils down to its very basics. Which means:
1) Calculate how big the output array should be. Based on the description of the issue, you should be able to make that calculation even before looking at the values in the input array. You know the input array's size(), you can calculate the size() of the destination array.
2) So, you resize() the destination array up front. Now, you no longer need to worry about the time wasted in growing the size of the dynamic output array, incrementally, as you go through the input array, making your calculations.
3) So what's left is the actual work: iterating over the input array, and calculating the downsized values.
auto b=input_array.begin();
auto e=input_array.end();
auto p=output_array.begin();
Don't see many other options here, besides brute force iteration and calculations. Iterate from b to e, getting your samples, calculating each downsized value, and saving the resulting value into *p++.

What is the idea of a good random numbers generator?

I am writing a program for card games. There can be several game players (say, from 2 to 7). A deck consists of 54 cards. I need to distribute/deal cards to the players randomly.
We can consider the deck of 54 cards as a char array of 54 elements. Let us suppose that in a certain game each player must be given with 6 cards. The number of players is 2. So, it is necessary to generate two arrays, each of them consists of 6 elements selected from a "big" array of 54 elements. Moreover, in those two generated arrays there should not be shared/duplicate elements.
I tried a recursive algorithm to obtain a sequence of m unique random numbers from 0 to (m - 1).
X(n+1) = (a * X(n) + c) mod m
You need to set the parameters:
m -- module, m > 0
a -- factor, 0 <= a < m
c -- increment, 0 <= c < m
X(0) -- initial value , 0 <= X(0) < m
Numbers c and m must be coprime.
(a - 1) is divisible by p for each prime p that is a divisor of m
If m is divisible by 4 then (a - 1) must be divisible by 4.
Here's the code for this algorithm. As you can see, the parameters a, c, m and X(0) satisfy the mentioned conditions.
int a = 13,
c = 11,
m = 54, // because the total number of cards is 54
x0 = 1;
int x[100];
x[0] = x0;
cout << x[0] << " ";
for (int i = 1; i < m; i++)
x[i] = (a * x[i - 1] + c) % m;
cout << x[i] << " ";
The result is: 1 24 53 52 39 32 49 0 11 46 15 44 43 30 23 40 45 2 37 6 35 34 21 14 31 36 47 28 51 26 25 12 5 22 27 38 19 42 17 16 3 50
13 18 29 10 33 8 7 48 41 4 9 20. Do you think it is random?
What can you say about this algorithm? In general, what should be the idea of ​​a random distribution of cards for each player?
You see, if I integrate this algorithm to my program, it will deal the same sequence of cards as it is shown above each time you launch the program (because the parameters do not change). So I will need to change a, m, c and X(0) between launches of my program. Then I will have another problem: how to set these parameters automatically (and randomly, too) so that they satisfy the necessary conditions (see the bulleted list above).
It seems to me like you're making an unnecessarily complex system.
A much simpler approach is to create an array of all of your elements, shuffle it, and then just remove elements one at a time.
A simple and efficient way of shuffling is to use a Fisher-Yates shuffle:
//Initialize an array/vector/etc. with all the possible values
for (int i = NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS-1; i >= 0; i--)
//Pick a random integer j between 0 and i (inclusive)
//Swap elements i and j
Now, you can just iterate through the shuffled array, picking the next element every time you need a new card.
int pos = 0; //The position of the next card in the deck
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_PLAYERS; j++)
Ideally, you would probably want to wrap some of this into classes, but I've left that out for brevity.
You cannot guarantee randomness the way you put it. It is a generated sequence with low informational enthropy - in other words it is easily hacked.
You can simply use standard rand() from stdlib
I'd recommend using mt19937 comes with std in c++11 or boost one as mentioned in comments.
another way to do it, could be to randomize the action of taking a card instead of a shuffle the container.
something like this :
// first step
// init and fill container
std::vector<int> v;
for (int i = 0; i < 54; ++i)
// second step
// take a random card
srand(time(NULL)); // init seed
int i = std::rand() % v.size();
int card = v[i]; // get card
v.erase(vec.begin() + i); // remove card from deck
return card;
for the second step, you need <ctime> and <cstdlib>. I am not sure it is better than the other solution. Just my two cents.

How does the capacity of std::vector grow automatically? What is the rate?

I had been going through the Book:
C++ Primer, Third Edition By Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, found 1 mistake in the program given under the Article 6.3 How a vector Grows Itself, this program missed a "<" in the couts:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> ivec;
cout < "ivec: size: " < ivec.size() < " capacity: " < ivec.capacity() < endl;
for (int ix = 0; ix < 24; ++ix) {
cout < "ivec: size: " < ivec.size()
< " capacity: " < ivec.capacity() < endl;
Later within that article:
"Under the Rogue Wave implementation, both the size and the capacity
of ivec after its definition are 0. On inserting the first element,
however, ivec's capacity is 256 and its size is 1."
But, on correcting and running the code i get the following output:
ivec: size: 0 capacity: 0
ivec[0]=0 ivec: size: 1 capacity: 1
ivec[1]=1 ivec: size: 2 capacity: 2
ivec[2]=2 ivec: size: 3 capacity: 4
ivec[3]=3 ivec: size: 4 capacity: 4
ivec[4]=4 ivec: size: 5 capacity: 8
ivec[5]=5 ivec: size: 6 capacity: 8
ivec[6]=6 ivec: size: 7 capacity: 8
ivec[7]=7 ivec: size: 8 capacity: 8
ivec[8]=8 ivec: size: 9 capacity: 16
ivec[9]=9 ivec: size: 10 capacity: 16
ivec[10]=10 ivec: size: 11 capacity: 16
ivec[11]=11 ivec: size: 12 capacity: 16
ivec[12]=12 ivec: size: 13 capacity: 16
ivec[13]=13 ivec: size: 14 capacity: 16
ivec[14]=14 ivec: size: 15 capacity: 16
ivec[15]=15 ivec: size: 16 capacity: 16
ivec[16]=16 ivec: size: 17 capacity: 32
ivec[17]=17 ivec: size: 18 capacity: 32
ivec[18]=18 ivec: size: 19 capacity: 32
ivec[19]=19 ivec: size: 20 capacity: 32
ivec[20]=20 ivec: size: 21 capacity: 32
ivec[21]=21 ivec: size: 22 capacity: 32
ivec[22]=22 ivec: size: 23 capacity: 32
ivec[23]=23 ivec: size: 24 capacity: 32
Is the capacity increasing with the formula 2^N where N is the initial capacity? Please explain.
The rate at which the capacity of a vector grows is required by the standard to be exponential (which, IMHO, is over-specification). The standard specifies this in order to meet the amortized constant time requirement for the push_back operation. What amortized constant time means and how exponential growth achieves this is interesting.
Every time a vector's capacity is grown the elements need to be copied. If you 'amortize' this cost out over the lifetime of the vector, it turns out that if you increase the capacity by an exponential factor you end up with an amortized constant cost.
This probably seems a bit odd, so let me explain to you how this works...
size: 1 capacity 1 - No elements have been copied, the cost per element for copies is 0.
size: 2 capacity 2 - When the vector's capacity was increased to 2, the first element had to be copied. Average copies per element is 0.5
size: 3 capacity 4 - When the vector's capacity was increased to 4, the first two elements had to be copied. Average copies per element is (2 + 1 + 0) / 3 = 1.
size: 4 capacity 4 - Average copies per element is (2 + 1 + 0 + 0) / 4 = 3 / 4 = 0.75.
size: 5 capacity 8 - Average copies per element is (3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 0) / 5 = 7 / 5 = 1.4
size: 8 capacity 8 - Average copies per element is (3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0) / 8 = 7 / 8 = 0.875
size: 9 capacity 16 - Average copies per element is (4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0) / 9 = 15 / 9 = 1.67
size 16 capacity 16 - Average copies per element is 15 / 16 = 0.938
size 17 capacity 32 - Average copies per element is 31 / 17 = 1.82
As you can see, every time the capacity jumps, the number of copies goes up by the previous size of the array. But because the array has to double in size before the capacity jumps again, the number of copies per element always stays less than 2.
If you increased the capacity by 1.5 * N instead of by 2 * N, you would end up with a very similar effect, except the upper bound on the copies per element would be higher (I think it would be 3).
I suspect an implementation would choose 1.5 over 2 both to save a bit of space, but also because 1.5 is closer to the golden ratio. I have an intuition (that is currently not backed up by any hard data) that a growth rate in line with the golden ratio (because of its relationship to the fibonacci sequence) will prove to be the most efficient growth rate for real-world loads in terms of minimizing both extra space used and time.
To be able to provide amortized constant time insertions at the end of the std::vector, the implementation must grow the size of the vector (when needed) by a factor K>1 (*), such that when trying to append to a vector of size N that is full, the vector grows to be K*N.
Different implementations use different constants K that provide different benefits, in particular most implementations go for either K = 2 or K = 1.5. A higher K will make it faster as it will require less grows, but it will at the same time have a greater memory impact. As an example, in gcc K = 2, while in VS (Dinkumware) K = 1.5.
(*) If the vector grew by a constant quantity, then the complexity of push_back would become linear instead of amortized constant. For example, if the vector grew by 10 elements when needed, the cost of growing (copy of all element to the new memory address) would be O( N / 10 ) (every 10 elements, move everything) or O( N ).
Just to add some mathematic proof on the time complexity on vector::push_back, say the size of vector is n, what we care about here is the number of copies happened so far, say y, notice the copy happens every time you grow the vector.
Grow by factor of K
y = K^1 + K^2 + K^3 ... K^log(K, n)
K*y = + K^2 + K^3 ... K^log(K, n) + K*K^log(K, n)
K*y-y = K*K^log(K, n) - K
y = K(n-1)/(K-1) = (K/(K-1))(n-1)
T(n) = y/n = (K/(K-1)) * (n-1)/n < K/(K-1) = O(1)
K/(K-1) is a constant, and see the most common cases:
K=2, T(n) = 2/(2-1) = 2
K=1.5, T(n) = 1.5/(1.5-1) = 3
and actually there is a reason of choosing K as 1.5 or 2 in different implementations, see this graph: as T(n) reaching the minimum when K is around 2, there is not much benefit on using a larger K, at the cost of allocating more memory
Grow by constant quantity of C
y = C + 2*C + 3*C + 4*C + ... (n/C) * C
= C(1+2+3+...+n/C), say m = n/C
= C*(m*(m-1)/2)
= n(m-1)/2
T(n) = y/n = (n(m-1)/2)/n = (m-1)/2 = n/2C - 1/2 = O(n)
As we could see it is liner
The capacity of the vector is completely implementation-dependent, no one can tell how it's growing..
Are you using the "Rogue Wave" implementation?
How capacity grows is up to the implementation. Yours use 2^N.
Yes, the capacity doubles each time it is exceeded. This is implementation dependent.
before pushing back an element the vector check if the size is greater than it's capacity like bellow
i will explain it with reserve function :
void push_back(const value_type &val) //push_back actual prototype
if (size_type < 10)
reserve(size_type + 1);
else if (size_type > (_capacity / 4 * 3))
reserve(_capacity + (this->_capacity / 4));
//then the vector get filled with value
size_type : the vector size.
_capacity : the vector _capacity.