I have a .txt file that contains lines with different file paths. I want to simple exclude lines containing certain file paths.
The problem is that I don't get around the regex format that is used with the common tools.
sudo cat serv_list.txt | awk '!/C:\\Windows\\system32/' > serv2.txt
sudo cat serv_list.txt | awk '!/"C:\\Windows\\system32"/' > serv2.txt
sudo cat serv_list.txt | grep -a -v "C:\Windows\system32\"
I also tried to escape the slashes, but it hasn't worked.
The file looks something like this:
Name PathName ProcessId StartMode
Dhcp C:\Windows\system32\svchost... 784 Auto
ehRecvr C:\Windows\ehome\ehRecvr.exe 543 Auto
defragsvc C:\Windows\system32\svchos... 456 Manual
Audiosrv C:\Windows\System32\svchost.e.. 123 Manual
The output should be:
Name PathName ProcessId StartMode
ehRecvr C:\Windows\ehome\ehRecvr.exe 543 Auto
Can someone please help me on how I have to modify the awk or grep expression to exclude all lines containing the system32 directory path.
Thank you :)
File Extract from Command Line:
File Extract from Editor:
Last lines of output:
cat -v serv_list2.txt
FALSE Windows Update Normal 0 wuauserv C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs 856 0 Share Process TRUE Auto LocalSystem Running OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE FALSE Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework 0 Win32_Service Manages user-mode driver host processes. FALSE Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Normal 1077 wudfsvc C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted 0 0 Share Process FALSE Manual LocalSystem Stopped OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE FALSE WWAN AutoConfig 0 Win32_Service This service manages mobile broadband (GSM & CDMA) data card/embedded module adapters and connections by auto-configuring the networks. It is strongly recommended that this service be kept running for best user experience of mobile broadband devices. FALSE WWAN AutoConfig Normal 1077 WwanSvc C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetwork 0 0 Share Process FALSE Manual NT Authority\LocalService Stopped OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
Output extract from
kali#kali:~$ awk -v IGNORECASE=1 '
' serv_list2.txt
FALSE WLAN AutoConfig Normal 1077 Wlansvc C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted 0 0 Share Process FALSE Manual LocalSystem Stopped OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE TRUE WMI Performance Adapter 0 Win32_Service Provides performance library information from Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers to clients on the network. This service only runs when Performance Data Helper is activated. FALSE WMI Performance Adapter Normal 0 wmiApSrv C:\Windows\system32\wbem\WmiApSrv.exe 1436 0 Own Process TRUE Manual localSystem Running OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE FALSE Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service 0 Win32_Service Shares Windows Media Player libraries to other networked players and media devices using Universal Plug and Play FALSE Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service Normal 1077 WMPNetworkSvc "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmpnetwk.exe" 0 0 Own Process FALSE Manual NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService Stopped OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE FALSE Parental Controls 0 Win32_Service This service is a stub for Windows Parental Control functionality that existed in Vista. It is provided for backward compatibility only. FALSE Parental Controls Normal 1077 WPCSvc C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted 0 0 Share Process FALSE Manual NT Authority\LocalService Stopped OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE FALSE Portable Device Enumerator Service 0 Win32_Service Enforces group policy for removable mass-storage devices. Enables applications such as Windows Media Player and Image Import Wizard to transfer and synchronize content using removable mass-storage devices. FALSE Portable Device Enumerator Service Normal 0 WPDBusEnum C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted 0 0 Share Process FALSE Manual LocalSystem Stopped OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE TRUE Security Center 0 Win32_Service The WSCSVC (Windows Security Center) service monitors and reports security health settings on the computer. The health settings include firewall (on/off), antivirus (on/off/out of date), antispyware (on/off/out of date), Windows Update (automatically/manually download and install updates), User Account Control (on/off), and Internet settings (recommended/not recommended). The service provides COM APIs for independent software vendors to register and record the state of their products to the Security Center service. The Action Center (AC) UI uses the service to provide systray alerts and a graphical view of the security health states in the AC control panel. Network Access Protection (NAP) uses the service to report the security health states of clients to the NAP Network Policy Server to make network quarantine decisions. The service also has a public API that allows external consumers to programmatically retrieve the aggregated security health state of the system. FALSE Security Center Normal 0 wscsvc C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted 784 0 Share Process TRUE Auto NT AUTHORITY\LocalService Running OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE TRUE Windows Search 0 Win32_Service Provides content indexing, property caching, and search results for files, e-mail, and other content. FALSE Windows Search Normal 0 WSearch C:\Windows\system32\SearchIndexer.exe /Embedding 2324 0 Own Process TRUE Auto LocalSystem Running OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE TRUE Windows Update 0 Win32_Service Enables the detection, download, and installation of updates for Windows and other programs. If this service is disabled, users of this computer will not be able to use Windows Update or its automatic updating feature, and programs will not be able to use the Windows Update Agent (WUA) API. FALSE Windows Update Normal 0 wuauserv C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs 856 0 Share Process TRUE Auto LocalSystem Running OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE FALSE Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework 0 Win32_Service Manages user-mode driver host processes. FALSE Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Normal 1077 wudfsvc C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalSystemNetworkRestricted 0 0 Share Process FALSE Manual LocalSystem Stopped OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
FALSE FALSE WWAN AutoConfig 0 Win32_Service This service manages mobile broadband (GSM & CDMA) data card/embedded module adapters and connections by auto-configuring the networks. It is strongly recommended that this service be kept running for best user experience of mobile broadband devices. FALSE WWAN AutoConfig Normal 1077 WwanSvc C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNoNetwork 0 0 Share Process FALSE Manual NT Authority\LocalService Stopped OK Win32_ComputerSystem ELS-PC 0 0
Could you please try following, written and tested with shown samples in GNU awk.
awk '!/[cC]:\\[wW][iI][nN][dD][[oO][wW][sS]\\[sS][yY][sS][tT][eE][mM]32/' Input_file
awk 'tolower($0) !~ /c:\\windows\\system32/' Input_file
Looks like OP's system doesn't have IGNORECASE option so going with above approach where matching small and capita letter both cases for matching.
Didn't know that it would end up here, since OP's samples were keep changing. Or use grep's ignore option too here.
I was streaming Kafka on AWS EC2 CentOS 7. My Session Manager Idle Timeout is set to 60min. And yet, after running for much less than that, the terminal got frozen, saying My session has been terminated. Of course, the Kafka streaming for disrupted as well.
When I tried to restart a new session with a new terminal, I got this error popup
Your session has been terminated for the following reasons: Plugin with name Standard_Stream not found. Step name: Standard_Stream
and I am still unable to restart a terminal.
What does this error mean and how to resolve it? Thanks.
So far you need to access the EC2 using SSH with key-pem to debug
(ask your admin)
Running tail -f got issue
tail: inotify resources exhausted
tail: inotify cannot be used, reverting to polling
Restart ssm-agent service also got issue No space left on device
but it's not about disk space
[root#env-test ec2-user]# systemctl restart amazon-ssm-agent.service
Error: No space left on device
[root#env-test ec2-user]# df -h |grep dev
devtmpfs 32G 0 32G 0% /dev
tmpfs 32G 0 32G 0% /dev/shm
/dev/nvme0n1p1 100G 82G 18G 83% /
So the error itself means that system is getting low on inotify
watches, that enable programs to monitor file/dirs changes. To see
the currently set limit (including output on my machine)
$ cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
Check which processes using inotify to improve your apps or increase max_user_watches
for foo in /proc/*/fd/*; do readlink -f $foo; done | grep inotify | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
5 /proc/1/fd/anon_inode:inotify
2 /proc/7126/fd/anon_inode:inotify
2 /proc/5130/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/4497/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/4437/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/4151/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/4147/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/4028/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/3913/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/3841/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/31146/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/2829/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/21259/fd/anon_inode:inotify
1 /proc/1934/fd/anon_inode:notify
Notice that the above inotify list include PID of ssm-agent
processes, it explains why we got issue with SSM when
max_user_watches reached limit
ps -ef | grep ssm-ag
root 3841 1 0 00:02 ? 00:00:05 /usr/bin/amazon-ssm-agent
root 4497 3841 0 00:02 ? 00:00:33 /usr/bin/ssm-agent-worker
Final Solution: Permanent solution (preserved across restarts)
echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1048576" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sysctl -p
$ aws ssm start-session --target i-123abc456efd789xx --region ap-northeast-2
Starting session with SessionId: userdev-03ccb1a04a6345bf5
This issue comes from EC2 instance not about SSM agent Go to link to
undestanding SSM agent.
optional link
In my case, extend the disk space works!
(syslog full of my case)
In my case too extending the disk space worked as my /var/logs was huge.
i am trying to send udp packets from the dpdk machine using pktgen-dpdk to the DUT. but i cannot see any thing sent in the stats and also nothing received on the DUT.
here is the configuration i am using :
dpdk verion: DPDK 20.11.0
pkt-gen version: 20.11.3
ena driver version: 2.4.0
os :amazon linux 2 aws ec2 instance
the pkt-gen pkt file is as following:
stop 0
set 0 dst mac 02:EC:BC:CD:C7:D6 # i try both dst mac address for the gateway and for the DUT
set 0 src ip
set 0 dst ip
set 0 sport 22
set 0 dport 22
set 0 type ipv4
set 0 proto tcp
set 0 size 64
start 0
i also tried multiple diffrent protocols and even a simple icmp by enabling icmp for the port and using ping4 but nothing is sent. the port status is as follwoing:
port o status
in addition to that when i try to use testpmd to send traffic
i get this :
---------------------- Forward statistics for port 0 ----------------------
RX-packets: 11 RX-dropped: 0 RX-total: 11
TX-packets: 231819494 TX-dropped: 2029505748 TX-total: 2261325242
+++++++++++++++ Accumulated forward statistics for all ports+++++++++++++++
RX-packets: 11 RX-dropped: 0 RX-total: 11
TX-packets: 231819494 TX-dropped: 2029505748 TX-total: 2261325242
seems all transmissions are immediately dropped
Issue lies in pkt-gen not able identify the DPDK NIC ENA, because it is build in shared library mode. To fix the issue
identify the folder where the ENA PMD is located with find / -name "librte_*.so" | grep ena
set the environment with path with export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=[path to pmd folder]
make sure to run pktgen with arguments -d librte_net_ena.so -l 1-3 -- -P -m "2.0, 3.1"
note: solved the issue via live debug too.
I have C application that is using DPDK 19.11. Currently, the application is running with root permissions (using sudo command). In addition my application is running with huge pages (1GB).
Network devices using DPDK-compatible driver:
0000:02:00.0 'Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE backplane 1581'
drv=igb_uio unused=
I would like to run my application without the root permissions - get rid from "sudo" command.
I change permission for those files/folders:
when I run my application without "sudo"- I run in a problems with rte_eal_init function. I got this error:
EAL: FATAL: Cannot use IOVA as 'PA' since physical addresses are not available
EAL: Cannot use IOVA as 'PA' since physical addresses are not available
My OS is Ubuntu 18.04, kernel 4.15.0-128-generic I noticed that at DPDK docs there is a remark about Running DPDK Applications Without Root Privileges - "since version 4.0, the kernel does not allow unprivileged processes to read the physical address information from the pagemaps file, making it impossible for those processes to be used by non-privileged users. In such cases, using the VFIO driver is recommended."
After reading comments I tried to use vfio-pci.
I load the module using:
sudo modprobe vfio-pci enable_unsafe_noiommu_mode=1
I also changed permission for /dev/hugepages/* and /dev/vfio/*
running with vfio-pci and sudo was successfully.
when running without sudo i got the same error:
EAL: FATAL: Cannot use IOVA as 'PA' since physical addresses are not available
EAL: Cannot use IOVA as 'PA' since physical addresses are not available
See also: https://doc.dpdk.org/guides/linux_gsg/enable_func.html#running-dpdk-applications-without-root-privileges
I wonder if someone has experience to run DPDK application without root with kernel 4.0 and above?
Also, as an alternative solution is to launch simple DPDK application with root privileges that will init DPDK. In parallel run another application without root privileges - this application will consume the packet and perform the business logic, is it possible?
First, it makes sense to check if you really need to use the unsafe mode with vfio-pci. Perhaps you just need to add intel_iommu=on iommu=pt to the kernel parameters for making the device work safely, i.e.:
modprobe vfio-pci
I haven't used the unsafe mode so far, perhaps the kernel even unconditionally disallows mappings for the vfio device, if unsafe mode is enabled, for (obvious?) security reasons.
For running a dpdk application without root privileges you need to adjust the permissions of the right vfio device. For example, when the permissions look like this
# ls -l /dev/vfio/
total 0
crw-------. 1 root root 235, 0 2021-08-21 15:13 17
crw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 10, 196 2021-08-21 15:13 vfio
then /dev/vfio/17 is the device you've bound for dpdk, thus adjust its permission like this:
chown juser /dev/vfio/17
A user process doesn't need extra permission for mapping huge pages. You don't even have to mount the hugetblfs, if you supply the --in-memory option to your dpdk program.
However, some hugepages must be reserved by root, e.g. during system boot. Example:
echo 4096 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
echo 8 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-1048576kB/nr_hugepages
Besides permissions, the default resource limits likely are too low. Especially, the memlock ones. If it's too low kernel logs something like this when starting the dpdk application:
kernel: vfio_pin_pages_remote: RLIMIT_MEMLOCK (65536) exceeded
And the dpdk application prints:
EAL: cannot set up DMA remapping, error 12 (Cannot allocate memory)
EAL: 0000:05:00.1 DMA remapping failed, error 12 (Cannot allocate memory)
Increasing the limits fixes this issue, e.g.:
cat /etc/security/limits.d/24-memlock.conf
# memlock unit: KiB
juerr hard memlock 16777216
juser soft memlock 1048576
DPDK should detect if you should use IOVA VA or PA. Using the switch enable_unsafe_noiommu_mode=1 is telling DPDK that you have no iommu and that you will use IOVA PA.
The problem is, that running in PA mode requires root privileges as you need access to the physical address.
That dpdk.org document you cited should do the trick. I was able to get DPDK running without root privileges in 20.02 in a docker container. However, there was another problem with the software we were running on top of DPDK and its interaction with the hugepage backing.
In the end, we decided to still run DPDK as root, however, we limited the capabilities of the container to the bare minimum set needed to run DPDK.
I performed a cluster node installation using this guide [OpenStack Charms Deployment Guide].(https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/install-maas.html), where the type of network is a Flat network and the components used are:
My lab is composed by following devices:
1 IBM System 3540 M4 Maas (500GB HDD - 8GB RAM - 1 Nic)
1 IBM System 3540 M4 Juju (500GB HDD - 8GB RAM -1 Nic)
4 IBM System 3540 M4 Openstack (500GBx2 HDD - 16GB RAM - 2 Nic)
1 Palo Alto Network Firewall
Public Network - Private Network
Instance: - (floating)
network plan
vlan81 vlan81 vlan81
| | || | | |
+--------------+ +------------+ +------------------+
|Maas+Juju |Juju Gui| |Openstack
| | |
+--------------+ +-------------+ +------------------+
Private Subnet-1 Public Subnet-2
+---+----+--+ +----+------+
| | +----+ |
| | | | |
| +--------+ VR +-------------+
| | |
+--+-+ +----+
| |
| VM |
| .9 |
| |
On my lab, the nodes for Openstack present two eth interface, the first one (eno2) the single external network used as floating IP, then the other one (eno3) for the private network.
On Juju gui I've that:
bridge-mappings: physnet1:br-ex
data-port: br-ex:eno2
flat-network-providers: physnet1
I've opened this post https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/119783/no-route-to-instance-ssh-and-ping-no-route-to-host/ to resolve the problem about the Ping and Ssh connection to my instance, but during same check I've seen this issue on neutron-gateway:
error: "could not add network device eno2 to ofproto (Device or resource busy)"
Maybe that is the cause of my first issue, but I don't understand how I can fix it.
$:juju ssh neutron-gateway/0
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-46-generic x86_64)
* Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com
* Management: https://landscape.canonical.com
* Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage
System information as of Tue Mar 19 16:07:19 UTC 2019
System load: 0.64 Processes: 409
Usage of /: 5.7% of 273.00GB Users logged in: 0
Memory usage: 13% IP address for lxdbr0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for br-eno2:
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:
3 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
ovs-vsctl show output
ubuntu#os-compute01:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
Manager "ptcp:6640:"
is_connected: true
Bridge br-ex
Controller "tcp:"
is_connected: true
fail_mode: secure
Port "eno2"
Interface "eno2"
error: "could not add network device eno2 to ofproto (Device or resource busy)"
Port br-ex
Interface br-ex
type: internal
Port phy-br-ex
Interface phy-br-ex
type: patch
options: {peer=int-br-ex}
Bridge br-tun
Controller "tcp:"
is_connected: true
fail_mode: secure
Port patch-int
Interface patch-int
type: patch
options: {peer=patch-tun}
Port br-tun
Interface br-tun
type: internal
Port "gre-0a145118"
Interface "gre-0a145118"
type: gre
options: {df_default="true", in_key=flow, local_ip="", out_key=flow, remote_ip=""}
Bridge br-int
Controller "tcp:"
is_connected: true
fail_mode: secure
Port br-int
Interface br-int
type: internal
Port patch-tun
Interface patch-tun
type: patch
options: {peer=patch-int}
Port "tapb0b04b07-8f"
tag: 2
Interface "tapb0b04b07-8f"
Port int-br-ex
Interface int-br-ex
type: patch
options: {peer=phy-br-ex}
Port "tap2354468c-88"
tag: 4
Interface "tap2354468c-88"
Port "tap6d2b2fe0-47"
tag: 4
Interface "tap6d2b2fe0-47"
ovs_version: "2.10.0"
juju status
$:juju status
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
openstack maas-cloud-controller maas-cloud 2.5.1 unsupported 22:10:17Z
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
ceph-mon 13.2.4+dfsg1 active 3 ceph-mon jujucharms 31 ubuntu
ceph-osd 13.2.4+dfsg1 active 3 ceph-osd jujucharms 273 ubuntu
ceph-radosgw 13.2.4+dfsg1 active 1 ceph-radosgw jujucharms 262 ubuntu
cinder 13.0.2 active 1 cinder jujucharms 276 ubuntu
cinder-ceph 13.0.2 active 1 cinder-ceph jujucharms 238 ubuntu
glance 17.0.0 active 1 glance jujucharms 271 ubuntu
keystone 14.0.1 active 1 keystone jujucharms 288 ubuntu
mysql 5.7.20-29.24 active 1 percona-cluster jujucharms 272 ubuntu
neutron-api 13.0.2 active 1 neutron-api jujucharms 266 ubuntu
neutron-gateway 13.0.2 active 1 neutron-gateway jujucharms 256 ubuntu
neutron-openvswitch 13.0.2 active 3 neutron-openvswitch jujucharms 255 ubuntu
nova-cloud-controller 18.0.3 active 1 nova-cloud-controller jujucharms 316 ubuntu
nova-compute 18.0.3 active 3 nova-compute jujucharms 290 ubuntu
ntp 3.2 active 4 ntp jujucharms 31 ubuntu
openstack-dashboard 14.0.1 active 1 openstack-dashboard jujucharms 271 ubuntu
rabbitmq-server 3.6.10 active 1 rabbitmq-server jujucharms 82 ubuntu
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
ceph-mon/0 active idle 1/lxd/0 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon/1 active idle 2/lxd/0 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon/2* active idle 3/lxd/0 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-osd/0 active idle 1 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd/1 active idle 2 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd/2* active idle 3 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-radosgw/0* active idle 0/lxd/0 80/tcp Unit is ready
cinder/0* active idle 1/lxd/1 8776/tcp Unit is ready
cinder-ceph/0* active idle Unit is ready
glance/0* active idle 2/lxd/1 9292/tcp Unit is ready
keystone/0* active idle 3/lxd/1 5000/tcp Unit is ready
mysql/0* active idle 0/lxd/1 3306/tcp Unit is ready
neutron-api/0* active idle 1/lxd/2 9696/tcp Unit is ready
neutron-gateway/0* active idle 0 Unit is ready
ntp/0* active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
nova-cloud-controller/0* active idle 2/lxd/2 8774/tcp,8775/tcp,8778/tcp Unit is ready
nova-compute/0 active idle 1 Unit is ready
neutron-openvswitch/1 active idle Unit is ready
ntp/2 active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
nova-compute/1 active idle 2 Unit is ready
neutron-openvswitch/2 active idle Unit is ready
ntp/3 active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
nova-compute/2* active idle 3 Unit is ready
neutron-openvswitch/0* active idle Unit is ready
ntp/1 active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
openstack-dashboard/0* active idle 3/lxd/2 80/tcp,443/tcp Unit is ready
rabbitmq-server/0* active idle 0/lxd/2 5672/tcp Unit is ready
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started nbe8q3 bionic Openstack Deployed
0/lxd/0 started juju-26461e-0-lxd-0 bionic Openstack Container started
0/lxd/1 started juju-26461e-0-lxd-1 bionic Openstack Container started
0/lxd/2 started juju-26461e-0-lxd-2 bionic Openstack Container started
1 started pdnc7c bionic Openstack Deployed
1/lxd/0 started juju-26461e-1-lxd-0 bionic Openstack Container started
1/lxd/1 started juju-26461e-1-lxd-1 bionic Openstack Container started
1/lxd/2 started juju-26461e-1-lxd-2 bionic Openstack Container started
2 started yxkyet bionic Openstack Deployed
2/lxd/0 started juju-26461e-2-lxd-0 bionic Openstack Container started
2/lxd/1 started juju-26461e-2-lxd-1 bionic Openstack Container started
2/lxd/2 started juju-26461e-2-lxd-2 bionic Openstack Container started
3 started bgqsdy bionic Openstack Deployed
3/lxd/0 started juju-26461e-3-lxd-0 bionic Openstack Container started
3/lxd/1 started juju-26461e-3-lxd-1 bionic Openstack Container started
3/lxd/2 started juju-26461e-3-lxd-2 bionic Openstack Container started
Any suggestions please. I am still unable to solve the problem. Thanks.
update 26/03/19:
On Juju gui I've that:
bridge-mappings: physnet1:br-ex
data-port: br-ex:eno2
flat-network-providers: physnet1
Before to make the deploy of Openstack I've changed data-port from br-ex:eno2 to br-ex:eno3
bridge-mappings: physnet1:br-ex
data-port: br-ex:eno3
The issue on eno2 is been resolved but the ping to instance is still present.
Hello my company recently switched from SMBv1 to SMBv2 on our Windows Servers as a result our CIFS mounts stopped working. I have searched the internet for a solution but I haven't found one that works....
I have tried adding the following values to the global section of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file:
server max protocol = SMB2 <-- It didn't work
max protocol = SMB2 <-- It didn't work
min protocol = SMB2 <-- It didn't work
protocol = SMB2 <-- It didn't work
All of the above option after attempting to restart the samba service returned the following error:
Failed to restart smb.service: Unit not found.
On the CIFS command I tried to specify vers=2.0 and that doesn't work either....
Any ideas?
I found out by issuing the following command through PowerShell on my Windows server that I needed to be using version 3.0 which I didn't realize
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-SmbConnection
ServerName ShareName UserName Credential Dialect NumOpens
---------- --------- -------- ---------- ------- --------
WINP00092343 Backup US\root US\root 3.02 1
Using these details I updated my Linux mount command in fstab to:
// /mnt/WINP00092343 cifs auto,domain=WINP00092343,username=CIFSuser,password=*************,vers=3.0 0 0
Note the ",3.0" in the above command, I hope this helps people out.