How to log api calls into databse using django? - django

I don't know how to log all the API calls like API name, API call time, API call success/fail status into my sqlite3 database. Please help me I have no idea about this.

You can try with this Stack Overflow question. It creates a middleware which is a layer that interacts with every incoming request and every returning response. It can be used to perform certain action for incoming request - in this case save request details to the database.


In the backend, can you access data from previous requests?

This is more of a theory question, so I'm not going to post any code.
On the frontend, the user types in a search command. On the backend (Django in my case), it hits an API, the results of the search are saved into a Django View in On the frontend, the user interacts with this returned data and sends another request. On the backend, is the data from the first Django View still available for use? How do you access it?
(The data is also in the frontend and I can send it with the second request. But if it's still stored on the backend then I wouldn't need to.)
HTTP by it's own nature is a stateless protocol. It does mean that protocol doesn't know what or when should happen any request. Request comes and your API just reacts to this request by your implemented logic.
If you want to persist/save any state/data on your API side, you can do it by persisting them to database or saving to any local/global variable. Then you can access this saved state/data while recieving other requests to your back-end and implement the logic to use of previous state with the new incoming data.

Log http requests in db table with django and tastypie without increase response time

I have android app on which my django server is sending some push notifications using firebase cloud messaging. As soon as client received the notifications, it makes a GET request to my API written using Tastypie.
I want to somehow store this GET request in my Log table so that I can ensure that my android app is working fine and make right requests on receiving notifications from server.
On one of the answers, I read that it can be achieved by overriding the dispatch function for Model Resource in tastypie. Could this logging be achieved without overriding the dispatch because it can potentially increase the response time.

Getting binary response or method not allowed. When tried setting only http endpoint I never got response its just keeping processing for long time

I am using wso2 1.10.0 api manager for first time. I need to access the http backend with simple query parameter. I published the api and tried either by setting as queryparam or json object, it's not giving me the expected result. I will get binary response or method not allowed. When tried setting only http endpoint I never got response its just keeping processing for long time. Please suggest me how do I access simple http backend. Need to show demo in a week.
Please help to solve this.
You get 'method not allowed' when you try to access a resource which was not defined for that method (say backend has POST method supporting resource only and you try to do a GET request)
I guess the issue is with the way you have defined the resources for the api from the publisher application. (invalid HTTP methods for resources)
If you think you have defined them correctly, then the next step to identify the issue is wirelogs. wirelogs provide all the info in request passing through the api manager gateway (request headers, body etc)
Follow this article on how to enable and read them
You can then directly call the backend (say curl -v to the backend) and compare the request from the direct call vs the one going out from
gateway to the backend and check the difference. This would help you start finding the issue
Since you are new to API manager, I would recommend you to do following first
Try out a simple scenario similar to your one. You can google it. This is from official documentation. would recommend to try out a simple scenario first. say
Then use SOAP UI or similar app to directly call the backend web service (not the api manager) and get the SOAP request and SOAP response for the backend.
Then create the api in API manager. you need to do the same thing in the sample i provided. only difference is the soap payload. use the previously collected SOAP messages.
Enable wire logs. for that see the comments in the previous answer. In wirelogs you will see >> and << signs
To read the wire log, first we have to identify message direction.
DEBUG - wire >> - This represent the message coming into API manager from the wire (will notice two set of these. one coming in to the
gateway from the rest client and response coming in to the api manager from the backend. )
DEBUG - wire << - This represents the message going to the wire from API manager (again two sets. request going from api manager to the
backend service and the response sent to the rest client from the api manager.)
the soap message will be printed in this log. check for the request going from api manager to the backend and the response coming from the
backend to the api manager. you can compare that to the onces you collected in the step 2 and do modifications if needed to the sequnces.
the wirelogs will also print the http headers. so check that as well.
hope you could set up a working sample using these steps

Aftership webhook tracking API

I am developing one e-commerce app project where I have to track the order status. I use Aftership Webhook API. Webhook provides a tracking event updates to our specified webhook URL(defined in our server). I read documentation but I dont know the proper approach to test the API. and in documentation it is also not defined. Can anyone tell or suggest me how can I test or track the updates.
To test Aftership API, first, you can follow the API reference to get your API key. And to tracking an order with webhook, your need to do the POST /trackings to beforehand with body like(you can add optional parameter to the request body):
{"tracking": {"tracking_number": "<order tracking number>"}
And then you can follow the webhook documentation and add your webhook URL and configure the types of updates you want to get. At this point, you should be able to see the tracking update HTTP request coming into your webhook URL. Remember it will only send callback request when there is tracking status update.
Also, you can use other tracking APIs to get the status, update the tracking or delete it now.

Salesforce: SOAP Login from Salesforce TO Salesforce

I implemented a batch job which makes a webservice call within the same salesforce instance, which then is supposed to send emails with a pdf attachment,
since you cannot send pdf attachments directly from a batch job. My webservice call looks like this:
public static void callOut(List ids){
InvoiceAttachmentConnector.InvoiceAttachmentService ws = new InvoiceAttachmentConnector.InvoiceAttachmentService();
ws.SessionHeader = new InvoiceAttachmentConnector.SessionHeader_element();
ws.SessionHeader.sessionId = UserInfo.getSessionId();
However in batch jobs UserInfo.getSessionId() returns null, therefore i get a INVALID_SESSION_ID exception.
How can i log in to get a SessionId? So far I found no solution to login from salesforce to salesforce. If u can help I would appreciate it! Thanks!
You cannot get a session Id like this in batch apex as it runs under the system context and so has no specific user info for retrieval.
You have the following options:
Try running the web services wsdl from your Salesforce org through the wsdl to apex generator in your org to generate some classes that may allow you to login. You are only allowed one web service request per execute call.
You could create a sites page that you make a HTTP get request to in your batch apex. This needs to retrieve the Ids of the items you want to send the PDFs for and a particular user to run as for you to use the System.runAs(user) method. You could pass these parameters in the HTTPRequest header or in a custom setting.
Note that neither of these solutions are ideal, you may want to reconsider why you are using Batch apex first of all and see whether you could reimplement it in a different way.