Why do I get "No data is available for the selected time frame"? - google-cloud-platform

I have a Books API project, and the GCP shows "No data is available for the selected time frame" for the last 30 days. This message appears on both the "Metrics" and "Quotas" pages. See screenshots below.
Clearly there is data, which I can see via my app analytics reports.
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
Following are some points that were missing on the original post:
The Google Books API is used by an iOS app, which is available on the App Store and widely used across many iOS devices (iPhone and iPads) in many countries.
There are thousands of iOS devices running my app so the Google Books API calls are invoked from thousands of endpoints with different locations and different IPs. All endpoints are using the same API_KEY.
The Google Books API calls are performed successfully from the iOS devices and there is no API issue (I can clearly see that using analytics tool).
The only issue I have, is with GCP console not showing the number of the API calls (and other metrics) associated with my API_KEY. As you can see in the previous screenshots, I get "No data is available for the selected time frame" anywhere.
This is a regression issue since until recently I could successfully view the actual data of the API usage. I didn't change anything in this period.
When going to GCP > IAM & Admin > Quotas, you can clearly see that the app indeed consumes API calls (see screenshot below).
Any suggestion why would the GCP console tell that no data is available, while data is indeed available?

As the documentation [1], Google Books respects copyright, contract, and other legal restrictions associated with the end user's location. As a result, some users might not be able to access book content from certain countries. For example, certain books are "previewable" only in the United States; we omit such preview links for users in other countries. Therefore, the API results are restricted based on your server or client application's IP address.
On the other hand, I hope link [2] could be helpful for you which seems similar to the issue you are facing. Also, documentation [3] [4] could be helpful for us to have more information about books API to use in the Google Cloud Platform.
[1] https://developers.google.com/books/docs/v1/using#UserLocation
[2] Google books api always returns nothing
[3] https://developers.google.com/books/docs/v1/using
[4] https://developers.google.com/books/docs/v1/getting_started


BigQuery API Listed Twice in APIs & Services Dashboard

does anyone happen to know why the BigQuery API would be listed twice in the APIs & Services Dashboard in Google Clout Platform?
BigQuery seems to be functioning properly I just thought it was strange this is the only API that seems to be listed twice.. I don't think it could be enabled twice as both the links lead to the same overview page and all the metrics are the same.
Duplicate Bigquery API listed in dashboard
This behavior is apparently caused by the fact that bigquery-json.googleapis.com is an alias for bigquery.googleapis.com.
The BigQuery engineering team is aware of this issue and are working on resolving it. All further updates should occur on this Public report.

Firebase migration for China [duplicate]

I am now developing a social application. But recently I noticed that Firebase is blocked in China. So I want to make sure whether firebase can be used in China?
* EDIT 24 January 2020 *
Some of the information here might be out of date.
Firebase has a China service at https://firebase.google.cn/ which is not blocked in the PRC. (Thanks to #c-an for bringing this up.)
That said, *.google.com and *.googleapis.com are still blocked in China. I'll change/update this as I get more information.
Original Answer
For now Firebase is blocked and can't be used in China, along with other Google services, because the PRC has blocked all URIs with *.google.com and *.googleapis.com.
This also means, for example, that the Play app store can't be accessed from China. If you don't know what's going on between Google and the PRC, here's a primer.
Also, according to Chinese law, user data of Chinese citizens must be stored inside of the PRC. You might be able to get away with only addressing this once you have a significant number of users, but the trend has been for the CCP to crack down more and more on foreign information, even busting VPNs and declaring them illegal despite complaints of academics who say that they need, you know, real information.
As we're now in the run-up to the 19th Party Congress this autumn, we can expect the situation to get worse before it gets better. Maybe 2018 will leave room for relaxation?
For now, very sadly, forget anything Google in China, and be prepared to store user data of PRC citizens on servers located inside the Great Firewall. Also be prepared for seemingly random degradations of your service within China, or to be blocked altogether, along with these other blocked services.
Update 2017-11-23: The 19th Party Congress has come and gone and, if anything, Google services look less likely than ever to become available in China. The great firewall is likely to continue to be strengthened as the Chinese Communist Party extends its role into corporations, and foreign firms are generally disadvantaged.
Update 2018-08-05: Google plans to open a censored version of its search in China, according to leaked documents. It seems reasonable to assume that if a censored Google Search becomes available in the PRC, then Firebase and other Google Cloud products may as well. The censored search plan, code-named Dragonfly, has reportedly been in the works since December 2017, possibly a result of meetings that month between Google CEO Sundar Pichai and an unnamed top Chinese official when they met at the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, China, where PRC General Secretary and President Xi Jinping gave a speech.
Update 2018-12-23: It appears that Google's Project Dragonfly is now on hold if not outright abandoned. This implies that the outlook for Firebase in China has worsened.
You can build your own Rest API server outside of China, and make the server talks to Firebase rest api endpoints of Realtime db or Authentication, https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/database. So you web app talks to your rest api server (accessible from China), and your rest api server talks to Firebase.
The answer is NO :
Using a huge part of Firebase services, I contacted the support, this is the answer :
I'm glad you are considering Firebase for your project. However, in
accordance with current U.S. policies, it is not possible to use
Firebase from within certain countries. For more information about
these restrictions, please refer to the U.S. Department of the
Treasury website. The current list is of blocked countries is listed
here. If you have end-users located within China, it's quite difficult
to access Firebase there since the use of Firebase requires Google
Play Services, which most of the devices in China don't have. We
understand that access to our products has been problematic from
within mainland China. We believe it may have been caused by
networking conditions in China, rather than Google's own services.
Since access to services is determined by the respective country's
government and they don't report to Google, the Transparency Report is
the most authoritative it can be.
I just tested and I am able to access my realtime database hosted on the Singapore region in China mainland. No need to modify anything. Whatever works overseas, works in China. Tested in Beijing.
Facing the same problem, if you are in china, install Astrill VPN and change from openweb to StealthVPN, connect to a server like USA for china one and login to firebase. It will work successfully.

Google Vision privacy: image deletion

I'm planning to use Google Vision for document recognition.
For example, I will upload driver license and I should get all text data and verify that it is driver license and not the cover of a magazine.
The question is: does Google Vision has API for deletion of uploaded images?
Does Google Vision fit my case if I have some security requirements?
If you use Google's mobile vision API, text and face detection is done on device rather than being uploaded:
For those who wondering the same problem, You can check their data policy here.
My reading of Google APIs Terms of Service indicates that you will not be able to delete the images.
5b. Submission of Content
Some of our APIs allow the submission of content. Google does not acquire any ownership of any intellectual property rights in the content that you submit to our APIs through your API Client, except as expressly provided in the Terms. For the sole purpose of enabling Google to provide, secure, and improve the APIs (and the related service(s)) and only in accordance with the applicable Google privacy policies, you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, sublicensable, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to Use content submitted, posted, or displayed to or from the APIs through your API Client. "Use" means use, host, store, modify, communicate, and publish. Before you submit content to our APIs through your API Client, you will ensure that you have the necessary rights (including the necessary rights from your end users) to grant us the license.
Being able to "publish" your driver's licenses is probably not something you want.
The above terms are also completely at odds with the GDPR where the user has the right to delete and modify their data.
7a. Google Privacy Policies
By using our APIs, Google may use submitted information in accordance with our privacy policies.
Note that those privacy policies are the ones that govern normal users, not cloud specifically. In plain text, and IANAL, it means that Google assumes that for whatever content you give them, the user has agreed to anything that Google does for a user that directly use, say Google Docs.
That's another indication that it's impossible to use their APIs and be GDPR compliant.
This should solve your issue
tl;dr "The stored image is typically deleted in a few hours."
Will the image I send to the Cloud Vision API, the results or other
information about the request itself, be stored on Google servers? If
so, how long and where is the information kept, and do I have access
to it? When you send an image to Cloud Vision API, we must store that
image for a short period of time in order to perform the analysis and
return the results to you. The stored image is typically deleted in a
few hours. Google also temporarily logs some metadata about your
Vision API requests (such as the time the request was received and the
size of the request) to improve our service and combat abuse.
Some of the other answers a bit outdated so adding my own answer. The data usage FAQ states
When you send an image to Vision API, we must store that image for a short period of time in order to perform the analysis and return the results to you. For asynchronous offline batch operations, the stored image is typically deleted right after the processing is done, with a failsafe Time to live (TTL) of a few hours. For online (immediate response) operations, the image data is processed in memory and not persisted to disk.
If you use the synchronous Vision API methods, the image is never persisted in Vision API and so there is nothing to delete. If you use the asynchronous Vision API methods, the image is only persisted during the operation and is deleted immediately after the operation completes with a fail-safe of a few hours. Again there is nothing for the user to delete, Vision API takes care of deleting the data for you.
A related question that sometimes comes up is about enforcing usage to take palce in a particular region. You can see the answer here: Google Vision: How to enforce processing in EU
Depends on your security requirements, and the exact privacy law one needs to abide by. In my case, it was HIPAA, one needs to jump through a lot of hoops, but according to https://cloud.google.com/security/compliance/hipaa, Google Cloud Vision API is a HIPAA covered product.

What is the best tool to use for real-time web statistics?

I operate a number of content websites that have several million user sessions and need a reliable way to monitor some real-time metrics on particular pieces of content (key metrics being: pageviews/unique pageviews over time, unique users, referrers).
The use case here is for the stats to be visible to authors/staff on the site, as well as to act as source data for real-time content popularity algorithms.
We already use Google Analytics, but this does not update quickly enough (4-24 hours depending on traffic volume). Google Analytics does offer a real-time reporting API, but this is currently in closed beta (I have requested access several times, but no joy yet).
New Relic appears to offer a few analytics products, but they are quite expensive ($149/500k pageviews - we have several times this).
Other answers I found on StackOverflow suggest building your own, but this was 3-5 years ago. Any ideas?
Heard some good things about Woopra and they offer 1.2m page views for the same price as Relic.
If that's too expensive then it's live loading your logs and using an elastic search service to read them to get he data you want but you will need access to your logs whilst they are being written to.
A service like Loggly might suit you which would enable you to "live tail" your logs (view whilst being written) but again there is a cost to that.
Failing that you could do something yourself or get someone on freelancer to knock something up for you enabling logs to be read and displayed in a format you recognise.
If the metrics that you need to track are just limited to the ones that you have listed (Page Views, Unique Users, Referrers) you may think of collecting the logs of your web servers and using a log analyzer.
There are several free tools available on the Internet to get real-time statistics out of those logs.
Take a look at www.elastic.co, for example.
Hope this helps!
Google Analytics offers real time data viewing now, if that's what you want?
I believe their API is now released as we are now looking at incorporating this!
If you have access to web server logs then you can actually set up Elastic Search as a search engine and along with log parser as Logstash and Kibana as Front end tool for analyzing the data.
For more information: please go through the elastic search link.
Elasticsearch weblink

Facebook Graph API-Account suspension

I have a .Net application that uses list of names/email addresses and finds there match on Facebook using the graph API. During testing, my list had 900 names...I was checking facebook matches for each name in in a loop...The process completed...After that when I opened my Facebook page...it gave me message that my account has been suspended due to suspicious activities?
What am I doing wrong here? Doesn't facebook allow to search large number requests to their server? And 900 doesn't seem to be a big number either..
per the platform policies: https://developers.facebook.com/policy/ this may be the a suspected breach of their "Principals" section.
See Policies I.5
If you exceed, or plan to exceed, any of the following thresholds
please contact us by creating confidential bug report with the
"threshold policy" tag as you may be subject to additional terms: (>5M
MAU) or (>100M API calls per day) or (>50M impressions per day).
Also IV.5
Facebook messaging (i.e., email sent to an #facebook.com address) is
designed for communication between users, and not a channel for
applications to communicate directly with users.
Then the biggie, V. Enforcement. No surprise, it's both automated and also monitored by humans. So maybe seeing 900+ requests coming from your app.
What I'd recommend doing:
Storing what you can client side (in a cache or data store) so you make fewer calls to the API.
Put logging on your API calls so you, the developer, can see exactly what is happening. You might be surprise at what you find there.