CMake doesn't link the actual object to the resulting dll [duplicate] - c++

How do I define a preprocessor variable through CMake?
The equivalent code would be #define foo.

For a long time, CMake had the add_definitions command for this purpose. However, recently the command has been superseded by a more fine grained approach (separate commands for compile definitions, include directories, and compiler options).
An example using the new add_compile_definitions:
add_compile_definitions(OPENCV_VERSION=${OpenCV_VERSION} WITH_OPENCV2)
The good part about this is that it circumvents the shabby trickery CMake has in place for add_definitions. CMake is such a shabby system, but they are finally finding some sanity.
Find more explanation on which commands to use for compiler flags here:
Likewise, you can do this per-target as explained in Jim Hunziker's answer.

To do this for a specific target, you can do the following:
target_compile_definitions(my_target PRIVATE FOO=1 BAR=1)
You should do this if you have more than one target that you're building and you don't want them all to use the same flags. Also see the official documentation on target_compile_definitions.

The other solutions proposed on this page are useful for some versions of Cmake > 3.3.2. Here the solution for the version I am using (i.e., 3.3.2). Check the version of your Cmake by using $ cmake --version and pick the solution that fits your needs. The cmake documentation can be found on the official page.
With CMake version 3.3.2, in order to create
#define foo
I needed to use:
add_definitions(-Dfoo) # <--------HERE THE NEW CMAKE LINE inside CMakeLists.txt
add_executable( ....)
and, in order to have a preprocessor macro definition like this other one:
#define foo=5
the line is so modified:
add_definitions(-Dfoo=5) # <--------HERE THE NEW CMAKE LINE inside CMakeLists.txt
add_executable( ....)
PLEASE NOTE (as #squareskittles suggests in one of the comment): "if you are using CMake 3.3.2, you have to use add_definitions() or target_compile_definitions(). The more modern command, add_compile_definitions(), was not added until CMake 3.12."

1.) target_compile_definitions
If you are using CMake 3.X your first choice for adding a preprocessor macro should be target_compile_definitions.
The reason you should prefer this approach over any other approach is because it granularity is target based. IE the macro will only be added to your exe/library.
Here is a common example:
if (WIN32)
target_compile_definitions(my_lib PRIVATE
# Prevents Windows.h from adding unnecessary includes
# Prevents Windows.h from defining min/max as macros
2.) add_compile_definitions
New in version 3.12.
Find more explanation on which commands to use for compiler flags here:
add_compile_definitions applies macros to any targets that are defined after the call.
Here is the same logic as above with add_compile_definitions.
add_compile_definitions(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN NOMINMAX)
If you use this approach be careful if you are the top level project.
Otherwise if users consume your library using add_subdirectory they may have issues.
3.) The other less recommended ways
These approaches really aren't recommended anymore. Due to not being modular, not scaling well, not supporting generator expressions, etc.
Why is target_compile_definitions better/preferred?
It's much more clear to readers of your CMake code how it works.
Allows usage of PRIVATE/PUBLIC/INTERFACE if needed. Which can make life easier for consumers of your library.
It's much more modular.
Applying pre-processor flags (Or any compiler flag) globally can create hidden dependencies in your build.
Essentially think of add_compile_definitions as globals in C/C++. Sometimes you need them, but be careful.

i'd like to recommend use target_*** operations instead of add_*** operations when your solution include many projects.

here is an example where you can pass values from CMAKE to C++ code. Say, you want to pass:
flag, here: BOOST ("true" or "false")
software version string (e.g.: "1.0.0")
I recommend to pass them as strings.
So, when you build software with CMAKE, you can pass parameters like for example if it was built using boost library, software version pulled from CMAKE variable (so that you change that number only in one place)
See below.
In CMakeLists.txt:
In your .cpp code:
std::cout << "Software version is: " << Software_VERSION << " BOOST: " << BOOST << "\n";
Hope this helps. Regards.


How can I link a library that contains conditional types/variables definition based on global variables defined through CMake?

I am trying to use Toulbar2 as a C++ library in my CMake project, however I am having much trouble linking it to my main executable.
I found many similar questions on this topic, both here and on other similar website, but none of them helped me with my specific issue. I tried literally everything and I did not menage to make it work, I was hoping that some of you may help me with that.
I am running Ubuntu 18.04, CMake version 3.23 and in my project I am using the standard C++11. I am a proficient programmer, but I am just an beginner/intermediate user of both C++ and CMake.
What I've already tried to do
I cannot list all my attempts, so I will only mention those I think are my best ones, to give you an idea of what I may be doing wrong.
1) In my first attempt, I tried to use the same approach I used for any non-standard library I imported, i.e. using find_package() in CMakeLists.txt to then link the found LIBRARIES and include the found INCLUDE_DIRS. However, I soon realised that Toulbar2 provides neither a Find<package>.cmake or <name>Config.cmake file. So, this approach could not work.
2) My second attempt is the one that in my opinion brought me the closest to the solution I hoped for. You can easily compile Toulbar2 as a dynamic library using the command: cmake -DLIBTB2=ON .. in an hypothetical build directory you previously created. After compiling with make you have your .so file in build/lib/Linux. After installation, you can make CMake find this library by itself using the command find_library. So, my CMakeLists.txt ended up looking like this:
find_library(TB2_LIBRARIES tb2)
set(all_depends ${all_depends} ${TB2_LIBRARIES})
message("Compiling without Toulbar2, if you want to use it, please install it first")
target_link_libraries(main ${all_depends})
This code works to some extent, meaning that CMake correctly finds the library and runs the linking command, however if I try to #include <toulbar2lib.hpp> the header is not found. So I figured out I should have told CMake where to find that header, so I ended up adding a
However, I still have another problem. The header is found, but a lot of names used in the header are not found at compilation time. The reason is that in Toulbar2 some variables/types are defined conditionally by using preprocessing directives like #ifdef or #ifndef, and in turn the global variables used in these conditions are defined through CMake at compilation time. If you are interested in an example, I can mention the Cost type that is used in the mentioned header file. I see that there's a piece missing in the puzzle here, but I cannot figure out which one. Since I pre-compiled the library those definitions should exist when I include the header file, because I am correctly linking the correspondent library that contains those definitions.
3) My third attempt is less elegant than the the other two I mentioned, but I was desperately trying to find a solution. So, I copied the whole toulbar2 cloned folder inside my project and I tried to add it as a subdirectory, meaning that my main CMakeLists.txt contains the line:
It provides a CMakeLists.txt too, there should be no problem in doing it. Then I include the src directory of toulbar2, that contains the header file I need, and I should be okay. Right? Wrong. I got the same problem that I had before with (2), i.e. some variables/types conditionally defined were not actually defined when I tried to compile my project, even though the subproject toulbar2 was correctly (no errors) compiled.
I just wanted to mention that any answer is welcome, however if you could help me figure out an elegant solution (see 1 or 2) for this problem it would be way better, as this code is intended to be published soon or later. Thank you in advance for your help.
Solution 2) looks fine. You just need to add the following compilation flags -DNDEBUG -DBOOST -DLONGDOUBLE_PROB -DLONGLONG_COST when compiling your project with toulbar2lib.hpp. See github/toulbar2 how to compile without cmake for those flags (except WCSPFORMATONLY that should not by used in this context).

Cmake: target_compile_definitions with find_package

I have a package, libtorch, that depends on libraries that use the keyword slots for some function (e.g. in Aten). In the meantime, the project that I am using is based on Qt, which use slots as a special keyword (macro), which then interferes with torchlib.
The solution to avoid such interference is to add the QT_NO_KEYWORDS definition when importing the external library that enters in conflict with Qt: Turning the no_keyword (Qt option) ON in a cmake file to work with boost::signals
It has then to be done only on the code that depends on libtorch and not the rest, so I tried several ways to add it, like CMake Add and Remove a Macro definition to compile Shared Library/Executable and Add target properties to an existing imported library in CMake, but I can't get it to work.
target_compile_definitions seems to be available after cmake 3.11 on "IMPORTED targets"(on cmake terminology).
So why the following cmakelist extract doesn't work? (in that case, the normal QT slots code are not properly recognized as a macro):
find_package (Torch REQUIRED PATHS ${Torch_DIR})
add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${header_files} ${source_files} ${hpp_files} ${moc_list} ${generated_ui_files} ${generated_qrc_files} )
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${Qt_LINK_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${TORCH_LIBRARIES})
target_compile_definitions(torch INTERFACE QT_NO_KEYWORDS)
Possible Solutions
Option 1:
Use QT_NO_KEYWORDS and replace slots and other keywords with their equivalent uppercase macros, e.g. Q_SLOTS.
Option 2:
Don't use QT_NO_KEYWORDS and wrap the parts of your C++ code with conflicting keywords like this:
#undef slots
#include <torch/torch.h>
#define slots Q_SLOTS
The INTERFACE keyword in target_compile_definitions() tells CMake that all targets that depend on the torch library need the QT_NO_KEYWORDS macro defined as well. This is why all sources of your executable will be compiled with -DAT_NO_KEYWORDS and the slots keyword will not be defined.
I suppose you tried to fix your problem with the commented out add_definitions()/remove_definitions() calls. Several reason why those don't work as expected:
They only affect compilation not linking. Putting them around target_link_libraries() has no effect.
They manipulate the compile flags of all targets created in the current scope (current CMakeLists.txt), no matter if they were created before or after the command gets invoked, see the docs. This means calling add_definitions() and subsequently remove_definitions() with the same arguments will result in no flags being added at all no matter at which point in your CMakeLists.txt you call them.
You should also note that commands operating on the directory level (add_*/remove_*) are considered "old style" CMake. Modern CMake aims to only operate on the target level (target_* commands). Some more "Modern CMake" suggestions:
Use target_sources() instead of variables like header_files, source_files, etc. to add sources to your targets.
Always use target_link_libraries() with a PRIVATE, PUBLIC or INTERFACE keyword. Excerpt from Craig Scotts Professional CMake book:
The target_link_libraries() command also has a few other forms, some of which have been part of CMake from well before version 2.8.11. [...] Their use is generally discouraged for new projects. The full form shown previously with PRIVATE, PUBLIC and INTERFACE sections should be preferred, as it expresses the nature of dependencies with more accuracy. [...] The above form [(without PRIVATE/PUBLIC/INTERFACE)] is generally equivalent to the items being defined as PUBLIC, but in certain situations, they may instead be treated as PRIVATE. In particular, if a project defines a chain of library dependencies with a mix of both old and new forms of the command, the old-style form will generally be treated as PRIVATE.

Custom compilation flag to enable specific feature

I have a Qt project which requires a library (gphoto2) to enable some features that are not essential. I'd like to add some sort of configuration option to my qmake or make call to enable features using this library, so I can compile without it being installed.
What is the best way to configure something like this?
I guess I need some way to add a define based on a compiler parameter, which I can query in my code using #ifdef ...
I assume you use make (without qmake). It is reasonable and quite easy to use GNU make (alone) on Qt projects. You could use some other build automation tool like ninja.
Then you could decide to enable that Gphoto feature by compiling your code with -DWITH_GPHOTO and using #if WITH_GPHOTO in your C++ code.
You would compile by adding
in your Makefile
I won't call that a "custom compiler flag" (e.g. like GCC plugins can provide) but a preprocessor flag. It is pretty standard practice.
Maybe you also want to pass such flags to moc. Then your Makefile is running moc thru some rule and command, which you could tailor too.
BTW, you might consider GNU autoconf or some other Makefile generator like cmake. I don't think you should spend too much time on these...
PS. I don't know how that idea translates into qmake and leave you to find out.
Assuming, you are using qmake, you can add a preprocessor definition depending on the existence of a file or an environment variable.
You could add a qmake project for compiling your external library and place it relative to your own project by default.
isEmpty(LIBGPHOTO2_PATH): LIBGPHOTO2_PATH = ../../libgphoto2
exists($$LIBGPHOTO2_PATH/libgphoto2.pri): include($$LIBGPHOTO2_PATH/libgphoto2.pri)
In libgphoto2.pri you add a preprocessor definition to indicate the presence of libgphoto2, add include and linker paths etc.:
In the code of your dependent project, you check for the presence using #ifdef.
Instead of creating a qmake-project to compile, you could also check for the presence of the compiled library at a given path and set values directly (I don't know how libgphoto compiles, so I assume a default directory structure with include/, lib/ etc):
isEmpty(LIBGPHOTO2_PATH): LIBGPHOTO2_PATH = ../../libgphoto2
exists($$LIBGPHOTO2_PATH/include) {
LIBS += -L$$LIBGPHOTO2_PATH/lib -lgphoto2
You should however consider to move to something more modern like qbs, which is a lot faster, more flexible and easier to read.

Including libsimdpp in a CMake project

I decided to use libsimdpp for vectorization of my C++ code. Problem is, there is next to no documentation on how to get started.
Í assumed inclusion would be simple given that it's also CMake based like the project I'm doing, so I just tried to copy over the directory and set the include path. Well, turns out this is not enough: You need to define the appropriate flags to specify which SIMD flavor you want to compile for. libsimdpp includes a CMake macro just for that and it works wonders. I'm not sure however how to get going from here and it feels like I'm working against CMake rather than with it by copying things around and deleting stuff.
Would anyone with a firm understanding of CMake set out to explain what to do in a step-by-step fashion? Thanks!
You should check out the simdpp/test/CMakeLists.txt file where the tests of libsimdpp are compiled. The relevant parts are these:
add_executable(test1 EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL
Basically, TEST1_ARCH_SOURCES contains the code that uses libsimdpp. simdpp_multiarch copies the sources around and sets appropriate compile flags for them, so that implementations for e.g. SSE2 and AVX2 can be linked into the same executable. Then these generated sources (TEST1_ARCH_GEN_SOURCES) are added into the executable.

Correct installation of config.h for shared library using autotools

I am converting a C++ program which uses the autotools build system to use a shared library, introducing the use of libtool. Most of the program functionality is being placed in the shared library, which is loaded by the main program, so that the common code can be accessed by other programs in future.
Throughout the program and library sources the autoheader generated config.h is used with the usual macro:
# include <config.h>
In I use the macro to generate it:
My question is, do I need to install config.h for others to be able to use my library, and if so, what is the appropriate way to do it, and should it be renamed to avoid conflicts etc?
The most information I have found on this is here:
But this is hardly an official source.
Never ever install autoheader's config.h.
The last thing the users of your library need is interference from the macros leaking out of your config.h. Your library may have HAVE_FOOBAR, but my software might be compiled in a way that foobar is disabled, so that HAVE_FOOBAR will break my compilation.
The AX_PREFIX_CONFIG macro from the archive is a workaround, where everything gets prefixed.
A better approach is to create a template file (e.g. with lines like:
typedef #BLARG_TYPE# blarg_int_t;
And then AC_SUBST() those variables in
AC_SUBST(BLARG_TYPE, ["unsigned short"])
AC_SUBST(BLARG_RANDOM_INCLUDE, ["#include <somerandomheader.h>"])
Then list it as an output file:
The .h file should be listed with nodist_include_HEADERS; the file will be automatically distributed because it's listed in AC_CONFIG_FILES.
Destination for such files is commonly $libdir/packagename/include. See GLib for example, although they generate glibconfig.h without a template (by writing the whole creation code inline in, as the autobook suggests). I find this approach less maintainable than using AC_SUBST, but it's more flexible.
Of course, to help the compiler find the platform-dependent header you'll probably also want to write a pkgconfig script, like GLib does.
You will need to install config.h if it affects the interface. In practical terms, if the #define's are required by the header(s), not just the .cc implementation / compilation units.
If config.h is a problem, you can specify another name in the AC_CONFIG_HEADERS macro. e.g., AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([foo_config.h]).
The easiest way to install the header, assuming automake, is with:
nodist_include_HEADERS = foo_config.h
in the top-level the nodist prefix tells automake that foo_config.h is generated rather than distributed with the package.
If not using automake, install foo_config.h in $includedir. $exec_prefix/include is arguably a more correct location for a generated header, but in practice the former location is fine.
I avoid using config.h, by passing relevant definitions in CPPFLAGS or foo_CPPFLAGS along with AC_SUBST to for source builds, or AC_SUBST to to generate headers at configure-time. A lot of config.h is test-generated noise. It requires more infrastructure, but it's what I prefer. I wouldn't recommend this approach unless you're comfortable with the autotools.