Google cloud storage favicon for PDF File - google-cloud-platform

I have some pdf files hosted on Google Cloud Storage. These files are public and I open them using their public link.
Is there a way I can customize the favicon shown by the browser when I view those PDF?
Can I put a custom Favicon for my bucket?
See screenshot to see which icon I mean, is the Icon shown in the browser Tab, this is chrome:

Currently, this is not possible. When this kind of features are not available, the best is to open a Feature Request (FR) in the Public Issue Tracker of GCP. Before doing so, please make sure that there are no other existing feature requests similar to yours.
Here's an existing issue tracker.
I would recommend you to "star" it to ensure that you receive updates about it. You can also adjust notification settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner and selecting settings.
The more "stars" in the issue, the most probability to be implemented the feature request. Also, adding this kind of needs makes the GCP Engineering team to have a better visibility of the real/currently needs of the users.


Google Data Studio - How to embed a dashboard that the user can only see the embedded dashboard and not go to the Data Studio page?

Is there a way to remove the bottom Data Studio pop-up of my embedded dashboard?
The reason is that I want to embed a dashboard on my website, but I don't want to the user be able to go to the dashboard on Data Studio and be able to copy the link and send it over to other people for security issues.
You can't do this without violating Google Terms of services. As you can see here.
If you use some script in your page to hide this elements, its considered violating terms of services and it may be identified and they can remove your content, deactivate your account and among other actions.
In summary, its better not. And there are useful links on the footer, as the buttons to change report pages.

Auto refresh Tableau online dashboard using "Auto refresh" Chrome extension

I've created a view in tableau online using a live connection. I want to the page to refresh automaticly every 10 minutes. It can only be done by pressing manually the refresh button in the dashboard/view in tableau online, refreshing the browser page wont refresh the dashboard. I saw a tableau discussion with this tip: "Tip: To continually refresh a view, in the <head> section of the web page, add <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="#">, where # is the number of seconds between refreshes." How can I do this? Can this be done in tableau online?
As a second option I can add parameters to the dashboard URL to fix this issue. I saw this in this discussion: At least the part ":refresh=yes" had to be added to the URL. Since I'm totally unknown in this area I was not able to fix this. Where and how I need to add this to the url so this will permantly works?
I'm also open for other suggestions.
There are a couple of ways you could approach this, which one you choose will depend on your situation, scale, and available resources.
Option 1: Embed with meta tag
This is the first option you were describing. In order to do this, you will need to embed your dashboard into your own custom separate webpage. You can get the embed code from the share button on any dashboard and can customize it using parameters and the JavaScript Embedding API. The meta tag you mentioned would then go in the header of your custom webpage where you are embedding the dashboard. So it would look something like this:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600">
// Your embed code from the dashboard here
You would also want to make sure to include the :refresh tag you mentioned so you always get the latest data.
Pros: Anyone can open the page and have an auto-refreshing dashboard without installing anything.
Cons: You will need to have some form of a webserver to host your custom page. Requires some coding. Hard to scale up the number of dashboards.
Option 2: Chrome Extension
This is the second option you were describing. In this case, a chrome extension in the browser is refreshing the page for you. That means you don't need your own separate webpage. However, it will only work on the browser you install and setup the extension on. It looks like there are a couple of auto-refresh extensions in the chrome web store you can choose from. You would need to configure them to refresh the page, again make sure to include the :refresh tag on the url.
Pros: Don't need a separate webserver. No coding. Easy to scale for multiple dashboards.
Cons: Only works for the browser that the chrome extension is installed on.
Option 3: Dashboard extension
One option you didn't mention but I think is the best would be to use a Dashboard Extension. Dashboard extensions are web apps that you can bring directly into the dashboard. We currently have an Auto-Refresh extension in the gallery built for just this purpose. Once you've downloaded it simply open your dashboard, drag in a new extension object, select the downloaded file and configure for 10 minutes.
Pros: Don't need a separate webserver. No coding. Easy to scale for multiple dashboards. Anyone can open the dashboard and have it auto-refreshing without installing anything.
Cons: Auto-Refresh only works with 2019.4+.
Hope this helps!

How to download the multiple bokeh images as a single report

My application is hosted on Django and one of the html pages shows multiple bar graphs which are drawn using Bokeh. I know we can download each graph separately by using SaveTool icon which comes with Bokeh.
Now my requirement is I want to have a export button in the page, when I click on export button, all the images should be downloaded in a single pdf file or any other format what ever is the easier option to implement.
Please guide me how can I achieve this?
Thanks In Advance.
If this is a Bokeh server application, you could use the export_png function. However, it sounds like it is a Bokeh server application, in which case there is nothing built-in for this. It looks like there is a JavaScript API for screen capture. So you could try using that API in a CustomJS callback for a Button. Note that for security reasons that API will make make users provide active consent every time before allowing a screenshot to be taken.

Does the FedEx shipping API have a SOAP endpoint?

Does the FedEx shipping API have a SOAP endpoint? I'm unable to find the WSDL endpoint.
Their site has changed since the other 2 answers here.
The most direct answer is that they do not have a classic WSDL endpoint, where you just get a URL, Add Service Reference and go.
Instead they have you download a zip file which contains a wsdl file which you then use locally - pretty odd. That wsdl file changes name over time, as does the zip, with every version - but the current file is at:
My guess is you can get at it without logging in given the images subdomain, likely a CDN.
Once that link dies here's how you currently navigate their obtuse Developer section, which they'll probably also change again:
Click FedEx Web Services on the left
Under the unclickable "Document and Downloads" part of the page, click Move to Downloads
Scroll to the bottom - there's a weird table with service names like "Quote Rates." Each time you expand a row, the header row will have some Download text stuffed into it. Clicking "WSDL" gets you the zip file.
Not the worst process for getting a simple WSDL I've seen but, they're definitely in the running.
Yes it would appear so.
I am not sure if they have the WSDLs available remotely, but they do provide the WSDLs for download on their Technical Resources page on their developer solutions page, to which you need a login with FedEx.
You can use this endpoint
i found it from here
Or you can find endpoint on the bottom of WSDL file with name="RateService"

Offline testing of OpenGraph / 'Like'

How can I test the 'Like' button functionality and OpenGraph data embedded in my pages while my site is not publicly accessible?
I have an internal test environment where my site is being built and tested. The environment is locked down by IP to a certain set of machines. I want to be able to verify the end-to-end scenario of performing a 'Like' and seeing the parsed OpenGraph data on a user's Timeline without having to open up my site to public access.
I know there's a user agent for the Facebook crawler, but allowing by user agent is risky as anyone can send any user agent string. Ideally, I'd like to lock it down to Facebook's crawler's IP range without having to parse logs to find what one or two of those IPs might be (I assume there's quite a few machines crawling the web for data).
My problem today is that I can click 'Like' and have it show up with a plain URL back to my site, but the crawler can't reach me since the page effectively doesn't exist for it when it hits my server.
How can I test the 'Like' button functionality and OpenGraph data
embedded in my pages while my site is not publicly accessible?
You really cannot do that. It has to be lint-able by Facebook. See: Be sure your page is publically avaible and able to be linted by the facebook linter tool.
This works fine with four social network previews:
It doesn't support the like button, just the preview.
From my "proof of solution"