Proper sphere collision resolution in C++ - c++

I am implementing a sphere to sphere collision resolution and I am a little confused on where to start. First question, is there a standard way that games/engines do sphere to sphere collision resolution? Is there only like a couple standard ways to do it? Or does the resolution vary very heavily based on whats needed?
I want to implement this in my engine and I wrote a basic one that pushes a sphere and another sphere (so basically the one interacting can push the other) but this was just a super simple concept. How exactly can I improve this to make it more accurate? (Mind you the code isn't optimized since I am still testing)
It seems like there is a lack of solid documentation on collision resolution in general as it's a more niche topic. Most resources I found only concern the detection part.
bool isSphereInsideSphere(glm::vec3 sphere, float sphereRadius, glm::vec3 otherSphere, float otherSphereRadius, Entity* e1, Entity* e2)
float dist = glm::sqrt((sphere.x - otherSphere.x) * (sphere.x - otherSphere.x) + (sphere.y - otherSphere.y) * (sphere.y - otherSphere.y) + (sphere.z - otherSphere.z) * (sphere.z - otherSphere.z));
if (dist <= (sphereRadius + otherSphereRadius))
//Push code
e1->move(-e1->xVelocity / 2, 0, -e1->zVelocity / 2);
e2->move(e1->xVelocity / 2, 0, e1->zVelocity / 2);
return dist <= (sphereRadius + otherSphereRadius);

Using std::sqrt is unnecessary and it's probably a lot quicker to compare the squared length against (sphereRadius + otherSphereRadius)2.
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
auto squared_length(const glm::vec3& v) {
return std::abs(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z);
class Sphere {
Sphere(const glm::vec3& Position, float Radius) :
position{Position}, radius(Radius) {}
bool isSphereInsideSphere(const Sphere& other) const {
auto dist = squared_length(position - other.position);
// compare the squared values
if(dist <= (radius + other.radius) * (radius + other.radius)) {
// Push code ...
return true;
return false;
glm::vec3 position;
float radius;
int main() {
Sphere a({2, 3, 0}, 2.5);
Sphere b({5, 7, 0}, 2.5);
std::cout << std::boolalpha << a.isSphereInsideSphere(b) << '\n'; // prints true

Here is a simpler example (without involving new classes).
bool isSphereInsideSphere(glm::vec3 sphere, float sphereRadius, glm::vec3 otherSphere, float otherSphereRadius, Entity* e1, Entity* e2)
auto delta = otherSphere - sphere;
auto r2 = (sphereRadius + otherSphereRadius)*(sphereRadius + otherSphereRadius);
if (glm::dot(delta,delta) <= r2)
//Push code
return true;
return false;


weird inaccuracy in line rotation - c++

I have programmed a simple dragon curve fractal. It seems to work for the most part, but there is an odd logical error that shifts the rotation of certain lines by one pixel. This wouldn't normally be an issue, but after a few generations, at the right size, the fractal begins to look wonky.
I am using open cv in c++ to generate it, but I'm pretty sure it's a logical error rather than a display error. I have printed the values to the console multiple times and seen for myself that there is a one-digit difference between values that are intended to be the exact same - meaning a line may have a y of 200 at one end and 201 at another.
Here is the full code:
const int width=500;
const int height=500;
const double PI=std::atan(1)*4.0;
struct point{
double x;
double y;
point(double x_,double y_){
cv::Mat img(width,height,CV_8UC3,cv::Scalar(255,255,255));
double deg_to_rad(double degrees){return degrees*PI/180;}
point rotate(int degree, int centx, int centy, int ll) {
double radians = deg_to_rad(degree);
return point(centx + (ll * std::cos(radians)), centy + (ll * std::sin(radians)));
void generate(point & r, std::vector < point > & verticies, int rotation = 90) {
int curRotation = 90;
bool start = true;
point center = r;
point rot(0, 0);
std::vector<point> verticiesc(verticies);
for (point i: verticiesc) {
double dx = center.x - i.x;
double dy = center.y - i.y;
//distance from centre
int ll = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
//angle from centre
curRotation = std::atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / PI;
//add 90 degrees of rotation
rot = rotate(curRotation + rotation, center.x, center.y, ll);
//endpoint, where the next centre will be
if (start) {
r = rot;
start = false;
void gen(int gens, int bwidth = 1) {
int ll = 7;
std::vector < point > verticies = {
point(width / 2, height / 2 - ll),
point(width / 2, height / 2)
point rot(width / 2, height / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < gens; i++) {
generate(rot, verticies);
//draw lines
for (int i = 0; i < verticies.size(); i += 2) {
cv::line(img, cv::Point(verticies[i].x, verticies[i].y), cv::Point(verticies[i + 1].x, verticies[i + 1].y), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 1, 8);
int main() {
cv::imshow("", img);
return 0;
First, you use int to store point coordinates - that's a bad idea - you lose all accuracy of point position. Use double or float.
Second, your method for drawing fractals is not too stable numericly. You'd better store original shape and all rotation/translation/scale that indicate where and how to draw scaled copies of the original shape.
Also, I believe this is a bug:
for(point i: verices)
Changing size of vertices while inside such a for-loop might cause a crash or UB.
Turns out it was to do with floating-point precision. I changed
and it works.

Ray transformation in a Ray - OBB intersection test

I've implemented an algorithm that tests for a Ray - AABB intersection and it works fine. But when I try to transform Ray to the AABB's local space (making this a Ray - OBB test), I can't get correct results. I've studied several forums and other resources, but still missing something. (Some sources suggesting to apply inverted transformation to the ray origin and its end, and only then calc. direction, other - to apply transformation to origin and direction). Can someone point in the right direction (no pun intended)?
Here goes two functions responsible for the math:
1) Calculating inverses and other things to perform tests
bool Ray::intersectsMesh(const Mesh& mesh, const Transformation& transform) {
float largestNearIntersection = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
float smallestFarIntersection = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
glm::mat4 modelTransformMatrix = transform.modelMatrix();
Box boundingBox = mesh.boundingBox();
glm::mat4 inverse = glm::inverse(transform.modelMatrix());
glm::vec4 newOrigin = inverse * glm::vec4(mOrigin, 1.0);
newOrigin /= newOrigin.w;
mOrigin = newOrigin;
mDirection = glm::normalize(inverse * glm::vec4(mDirection, 0.0));
glm::vec3 xAxis = glm::vec3(glm::column(modelTransformMatrix, 0));
glm::vec3 yAxis = glm::vec3(glm::column(modelTransformMatrix, 1));
glm::vec3 zAxis = glm::vec3(glm::column(modelTransformMatrix, 2));
glm::vec3 OBBTranslation = glm::vec3(glm::column(modelTransformMatrix, 3));
printf("trans x %f y %f z %f\n", OBBTranslation.x, OBBTranslation.y, OBBTranslation.z);
glm::vec3 delta = OBBTranslation - mOrigin;
bool earlyFalseReturn = false;
calculateIntersectionDistances(xAxis, delta, boundingBox.min.x, boundingBox.max.x, &largestNearIntersection, &smallestFarIntersection, &earlyFalseReturn);
if (smallestFarIntersection < largestNearIntersection || earlyFalseReturn) { return false; }
calculateIntersectionDistances(yAxis, delta, boundingBox.min.y, boundingBox.max.y, &largestNearIntersection, &smallestFarIntersection, &earlyFalseReturn);
if (smallestFarIntersection < largestNearIntersection || earlyFalseReturn) { return false; }
calculateIntersectionDistances(zAxis, delta, boundingBox.min.z, boundingBox.max.z, &largestNearIntersection, &smallestFarIntersection, &earlyFalseReturn);
if (smallestFarIntersection < largestNearIntersection || earlyFalseReturn) { return false; }
return true;
2) Helper function (probably not needed here as its relates only to AABB tests and works fine)
void Ray::calculateIntersectionDistances(const glm::vec3& axis,
const glm::vec3& delta,
float minPointOnAxis,
float maxPointOnAxis,
float *largestNearIntersection,
float *smallestFarIntersection,
bool *earlyFalseRerutn)
float divident = glm::dot(axis, delta);
float denominator = glm::dot(mDirection, axis);
if (fabs(denominator) > 0.001f) {
float t1 = (divident + minPointOnAxis) / denominator;
float t2 = (divident + maxPointOnAxis) / denominator;
if (t1 > t2) { std::swap(t1, t2); }
*smallestFarIntersection = std::min(t2, *smallestFarIntersection);
*largestNearIntersection = std::max(t1, *largestNearIntersection);
} else if (-divident + minPointOnAxis > 0.0 || -divident + maxPointOnAxis < 0.0) {
*earlyFalseRerutn = true;
As it turned out, the ray's world -> model transformation was correct. The bug was in the intersection test. I had to completely replace the intersection code, because I wasn't able to identify the bug in the old code, unfortunately.
Ray transformation code:
glm::mat4 inverse = glm::inverse(transform.modelMatrix());
glm::vec4 start = inverse * glm::vec4(mOrigin, 1.0);
glm::vec4 direction = inverse * glm::vec4(mDirection, 0.0);
direction = glm::normalize(direction);
And the Ray - AABB test was stolen from here

How to get the angle (pitch/yaw) between two 3D vectors for an autoaim

I'm trying to get the angles between two vectors (My Camera Position and Enemy Position) to create an autoaim/aimbot.
The game is Unity based, it uses the left handed coordinate system. X Y Z is right, up, forward.
The game also uses degrees.
Here is the pseudocode I am trying but its failing to give me the proper pitch/yaw.
diff = camera_position - enemy_position
hypotenuse = sqrt(diff.x*diff.x + diff.y*diff.y)
angle.x = asinf(diff.z / hypotenuse) * (180 / PI);
angle.y = atan2(diff.y / diff.x) * (180 / PI);
angle.z = 0.0f;
Can someone help me with this? I am terrible at math.
I'm trying to get the angles between two vectors (My Camera Position
and Enemy Position)
In Unity:
Use the Angle function from Vector3 structure.
float angle = Vector3.Angle(camera_position, enemy_position);
Or Individual angles:
float angleX = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(camera_position.x, 0, 0), new Vector3(enemy_position.x, 0, 0));
float angleY = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(0, camera_position.y, 0), new Vector3(0, enemy_position.y, 0));
float angleZ = Vector3.Angle(new Vector3(0, 0, camera_position.z), new Vector3(0, 0, enemy_position.z));
I'm not using the Unity engine. This is a separate module I am
creating to rig my own autoaim. I'm trying to do get the proper math
In C++:
The code is explained in the Angle function below which is the last function
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric> //for inner_product
#include <vector> //For vector
#include <math.h> //For sqrt, acos and M_PI
float Dot(std::vector<float> lhs, std::vector<float> rhs);
float magnitude(std::vector<float> vec3);
float Angle(std::vector<float> from, std::vector<float> to);
std::vector<float> normalise();
int main()
std::vector<float> from{3, 1, -2};
std::vector<float> to{5, -3, -7 };
float angle = Angle(from,to);
std::cout<<"Angle: "<<angle<<std::endl;
return 0;
//Find Dot/ Scalar product
float Dot(std::vector<float> lhs, std::vector<float> rhs){
return std::inner_product(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), 0);
//Find the magnitude of the Vector
float magnitude(std::vector<float> vec3)//<! Vector magnitude
return sqrt((vec3[0] * vec3[0]) + (vec3[1] * vec3[1]) + (vec3[2] * vec3[2]));
//Normalize Vector. Not needed here
std::vector<float> normalise(std::vector<float> vect)
std::vector<float> temp{0, 0, 0};
float length = magnitude(vect);
temp[0] = vect[0]/length;
temp[1] = vect[1]/length;
temp[2] = vect[2]/length;
return temp;
float Angle(std::vector<float> from, std::vector<float> to){
//Find the scalar/dot product of the provided 2 Vectors
float dotProduct = Dot(from, to);
//Find the product of both magnitudes of the vectors then divide dot from it
dotProduct = dotProduct / (magnitude(from) * magnitude(to));
//Get the arc cosin of the angle, you now have your angle in radians
float arcAcos = acos(dotProduct);
//Convert to degrees by Multiplying the arc cosin by 180/M_PI
float angle = arcAcos * 180 / M_PI;
return angle;
To calculate the angle between two 3d coordinates, in degrees you can use this CalcAngle Function:
#include <algorithm>
#define PI 3.1415927f
struct vec3
float x, y, z;
vec3 Subtract(vec3 src, vec3 dst)
vec3 diff;
diff.x = src.x - dst.x;
diff.y = src.y - dst.y;
diff.z = src.z - dst.z;
return diff;
float Magnitude(vec3 vec)
return sqrtf(vec.x*vec.x + vec.y*vec.y + vec.z*vec.z);
float Distance(vec3 src, vec3 dst)
vec3 diff = Subtract(src, dst);
return Magnitude(diff);
vec3 CalcAngle(vec3 src, vec3 dst)
vec3 angle;
angle.x = -atan2f(dst.x - src.x, dst.y - src.y) / PI * 180.0f + 180.0f;
angle.y = asinf((dst.z - src.z) / Distance(src, dst)) * 180.0f / PI;
angle.z = 0.0f;
return angle;
Not all games use the same technique for angles and positions. Min and Max values for x, y and z angles can be different in every game. The basic idea is the same in all games, they just require minor modification to match each game. For example, in the game the code was written for, the X value has to be made negative at the end for it to work.
Another complication is X, Y and Z don't always represent the same variables in both coordinates and angle vec3s.

How to convert mouse coordinate on screen to 3D coordinate

I'm creating a 3D application using GLUT in C++.
Now, I want to implement a method similar to this:
Vector3* MyClass::get3DObjectfromMouse(int mouseX, int mouseY);
How can I implement this method?
As it was commented by Andon M. Coleman, one way you can achieve this is by doing a ray/object intersection test, with unprojected screen coordinates. This technique is commonly known as picking.
A pseudo-C++ code for picking:
Assume we have a 3D object type/class:
class Object3D { ... };
A 3D picking function would return a list of all objects that are intersected by a line going from the given 2D point in the near plane to the same point in the far plane.
struct LineSegment
Vector3 start;
Vector3 end;
Object3D[] Pick(float x, float y)
LineSegment lineSeg;
Object3D[] intersectedObjs;
// Do both un-projections for z-near (0) and z-far (1).
// This produces a line segment going from z-near to far.
UnProject(x, y, /* z = */ 0.0, modelViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewport, lineSeg.start);
UnProject(x, y, /* z = */ 1.0, modelViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, viewport, lineSeg.end);
// Iterate all object in the scene or in the current view:
for (Object3D obj : scene)
if (TestLineIntersection(obj, lineSeg))
// This object is crossed by the picking line.
// Optionally you might want sort them from distance
// to the camera/viewer before returning the intersections.
return intersectedObjs;
And the UnProject() function would look like this:
bool UnProject(float winX, float winY, float winZ,
const Matrix4 & modelView, const Matrix4 & projection,
const ScreenRect viewport, Vector3 & worldCoordinates)
// Compute (projection x modelView) ^ -1:
const Matrix4 m = inverse(projection * modelView);
// Need to invert Y since screen Y-origin point down,
// while 3D Y-origin points up (this is an OpenGL only requirement):
winY = viewport.Height() - winY;
// Transformation of normalized coordinates between -1 and 1:
Vector4 in;
in[0] = (winX - viewport.X()) / viewport.Width() * 2.0 - 1.0;
in[1] = (winY - viewport.Y()) / viewport.Height() * 2.0 - 1.0;
in[2] = 2.0 * winZ - 1.0;
in[3] = 1.0;
// To world coordinates:
Vector4 out(m * in);
if (out[3] == 0.0) // Avoid a division by zero
worldCoordinates = Vector3Zero;
return false;
out[3] = 1.0 / out[3];
worldCoordinates[0] = out[0] * out[3];
worldCoordinates[1] = out[1] * out[3];
worldCoordinates[2] = out[2] * out[3];
return true;
To clarify, TestLineIntersection() does a line vs AABB intersection test. The bounding box should be transformed to world-space, since it is usually expressed as a set of points in local model-space.
bool TestLineIntersection(const Object3D & obj, const LineSegment & lineSeg)
AABB aabb = obj.GetAABB();
return aabb.LineIntersection(lineSeg.start, lineSeg.end);
// AABB.cpp:
bool AABB::LineIntersection(const Vector3 & start, const Vector3 & end) const
const Vector3 center = (mins + maxs) * 0.5;
const Vector3 extents = maxs - center;
const Vector3 lineDir = 0.5 * (end - start);
const Vector3 lineCenter = start + lineDir;
const Vector3 dir = lineCenter - center;
const float ld0 = Mathf::Abs(lineDir[0]);
if (Mathf::Abs(dir[0]) > (extents[0] + ld0))
return false;
const float ld1 = Mathf::Abs(lineDir[1]);
if (Mathf::Abs(dir[1]) > (extents[1] + ld1))
return false;
const float ld2 = Mathf::Abs(lineDir[2]);
if (Mathf::Abs(dir[2]) > (extents[2] + ld2))
return false;
const Vector3 vCross = cross(lineDir, dir);
if (Mathf::Abs(vCross[0]) > (extents[1] * ld2 + extents[2] * ld1))
return false;
if (Mathf::Abs(vCross[1]) > (extents[0] * ld2 + extents[2] * ld0))
return false;
if (Mathf::Abs(vCross[2]) > (extents[0] * ld1 + extents[1] * ld0))
return false;
return true;

Sort points by angle from given axis?

How can I sort an array of points/vectors by counter-clockwise increasing angle from a given axis vector?
For example:
If 0 is the axis vector I would expect the sorted array to be in the order 2, 3, 1.
I'm reasonably sure it's possible to do this with cross products, a custom comparator, and std::sort().
Yes, you can do it with a custom comparator based on the cross-product. The only problem is that a naive comparator won't have the transitivity property. So an extra step is needed, to prevent angles either side of the reference from being considered close.
This will be MUCH faster than anything involving trig. There's not even any need to normalize first.
Here's the comparator:
class angle_sort
point m_origin;
point m_dreference;
// z-coordinate of cross-product, aka determinant
static double xp(point a, point b) { return a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x; }
angle_sort(const point origin, const point reference) : m_origin(origin), m_dreference(reference - origin) {}
bool operator()(const point a, const point b) const
const point da = a - m_origin, db = b - m_origin;
const double detb = xp(m_dreference, db);
// nothing is less than zero degrees
if (detb == 0 && db.x * m_dreference.x + db.y * m_dreference.y >= 0) return false;
const double deta = xp(m_dreference, da);
// zero degrees is less than anything else
if (deta == 0 && da.x * m_dreference.x + da.y * m_dreference.y >= 0) return true;
if (deta * detb >= 0) {
// both on same side of reference, compare to each other
return xp(da, db) > 0;
// vectors "less than" zero degrees are actually large, near 2 pi
return deta > 0;
Most straightforward, but possibly not the optimal way is to shift the cartesian coordinates to be relative to center point and then convert them to polar coordinates. Then just subtract the angle of the "starting vector" modulo 360, and finally sort by angle.
Or, you could make a custom comparator for just handling all the possible slopes and configurations, but I think the polar coordinates are little more transparent.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Point {
static double base_angle;
static void set_base_angle(double angle){
base_angle = angle;
double x;
double y;
Point(double x, double y):x(x),y(y){}
double Angle(Point o = Point(0.0, 0.0)){
double dx = x - o.x;
double dy = y - o.y;
double r = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
double angle = atan2(dy , dx);
angle -= base_angle;
if(angle < 0) angle += M_PI * 2;
return angle;
double Point::base_angle = 0;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, Point& p){
return os << "Point(" << p.x << "," << p.y << ")";
bool comp(Point a, Point b){
return a.Angle() < b.Angle();
int main(){
Point p[] = { Point(-4., -4.), Point(-6., 3.), Point(2., -4.), Point(1., 5.) };
sort(p, p + 4, comp);
for(int i = 0;i< 4;++i){
cout << p[i] << " angle:" << p[i].Angle() << endl;
Point(-4,-4) angle:3.92699
Point(2,-4) angle:5.17604
Point(1,5) angle:1.3734
Point(-6,3) angle:2.67795
Assuming they are all the same length and have the same origin, you can sort on
struct sorter {
operator()(point a, point b) const {
if (a.y > 0) { //a between 0 and 180
if (b.y < 0) //b between 180 and 360
return false;
return a.x < b.x;
} else { // a between 180 and 360
if (b.y > 0) //b between 0 and 180
return true;
return a.x > b.x;
//for comparison you don't need exact angles, simply relative.
This will quickly sort them from 0->360 degress. Then you find your vector 0 (at position N), and std::rotate the results left N elements. (Thanks TomSirgedas!)
This is an example of how I went about solving this. It converts to polar to get the angle and then is used to compare them. You should be able to use this in a sort function like so:
std::sort(vectors.begin(), vectors.end(), VectorComp(centerPoint));
Below is the code for comparing
struct VectorComp : std::binary_function<sf::Vector2f, sf::Vector2f, bool>
sf::Vector2f M;
IntersectComp(sf::Vector2f v) : M(v) {}
bool operator() ( sf::Vector2f o1, sf::Vector2f o2)
float ang1 = atan( ((o1.y - M.y)/(o1.x - M.x) ) * M_PI / 180);
float ang2 = atan( (o2.y - M.y)/(o2.x - M.x) * M_PI / 180);
if(ang1 < ang2) return true;
else if (ang1 > ang2) return false;
return true;
It uses sfml library but you can switch any vector/point class instead of sf::Vector2f. M would be the center point. It works great if your looking to draw a triangle fan of some sort.
You should first normalize each vector, so each point is in (cos(t_n), sin(t_n)) format.
Then calculating the cos and sin of the angles between each points and you reference point. Of course:
cos(t_n-t_0)=cos(t_n)cos(t_0)+sin(t_n)sin(t_0) (this is equivalent to dot product)
Only based on both values, you can determine the exact angles (-pi to pi) between points and reference point. If just using dot product, clockwise and counter-clockwise of same angle have same values. One you determine the angle, sort them.
I know this question is quite old, and the accepted answer helped me get to this, still I think I have a more elegant solution which also covers equality (so returns -1 for lowerThan, 0 for equals, and 1 for greaterThan).
It is based on the division of the plane to 2 halves, one from the positive ref axis (inclusive) to the negative ref axis (exclusive), and the other is its complement.
Inside each half, comparison can be done by right hand rule (cross product sign), or in other words - sign of sine of angle between the 2 vectors.
If the 2 points come from different halves, then the comparison is trivial and is done between the halves themselves.
For an adequately uniform distribution, this test should perform on average 4 comparisons, 1 subtraction, and 1 multiplication, besides the 4 subtractions done with ref, that in my opinion should be precalculated.
int compareAngles(Point const & A, Point const & B, Point const & ref = Point(0,0)) {
typedef decltype(Point::x) T; // for generality. this would not appear in real code.
const T sinA = A.y - ref.y; // |A-ref|.sin(angle between A and positive ref-axis)
const T sinB = B.y - ref.y; // |B-ref|.sin(angle between B and positive ref-axis)
const T cosA = A.x - ref.x; // |A-ref|.cos(angle between A and positive ref-axis)
const T cosB = B.x - ref.x; // |B-ref|.cos(angle between B and positive ref-axis)
bool hA = ( (sinA < 0) || ((sinA == 0) && (cosA < 0)) ); // 0 for [0,180). 1 for [180,360).
bool hB = ( (sinB < 0) || ((sinB == 0) && (cosB < 0)) ); // 0 for [0,180). 1 for [180,360).
if (hA == hB) {
// |A-ref|.|B-ref|.sin(angle going from (B-ref) to (A-ref))
T sinBA = sinA * cosB - sinB * cosA;
// if T is int, or return value is changed to T, it can be just "return sinBA;"
return ((sinBA > 0) ? 1 : ((sinBA < 0) ? (-1) : 0));
return (hA - hB);
If S is an array of PointF, and mid is the PointF in the centre:
S = S.OrderBy(s => -Math.Atan2((s.Y - mid.Y), (s.X - mid.X))).ToArray();
will sort the list in order of rotation around mid, starting at the point closest to (-inf,0) and go ccw (clockwise if you leave out the negative sign before Math).