Why my Manageiq Integerated with openstack is not getting refreshed? - refresh

My ManageIQ is been integrated with Openstack, previously refreshing was working fine. But after some migrations happened in Openstack, after then the changes is not reflecting in ManageIQ.


Django Templates Not Updating with CSS Changes

I am currently working on a project using Django and Django Templates.
For this project, I had to adjust the design and tweak some of the CSS in the static files.
I had previously been running the server on a Google profile for a while.
However, after completing my changes, and running the server on that same Google profile, none of the changes I've made was displayed.
When I run the server on a guest account, change my Google profile, or run the server on Safari, the changes appear.
I'm curious to know why this is happening.
Any ideas?

Expo Updates Custom Server

I have been trying to implement the custom server for expo updates as explained in this repo for my App
The expo-updates-server code I haven't touched, just changed the path in sripts/publish.sh and scripts/exportClientExpoConfig.js to point to my App rather than expo-updates-client
The issue which I am facing is that when my app is loading I am not sure whether or not its calling the server running at http://localhost:3000/api/manifest because its not logging any request in logs
Is there a way to debug this thing to be completely sure about whether or not this is the issue.
In my client app I have done the following things before making the release version of my App using eas build
I have installed expo-updates in my client app
Added runtimeVersion=1 in my app.json
Also I have copied the updates block in my client app from expo-update-client app
I am attaching screenshots of my app.json file
Please note that my dist folder is successfully created and update is being copied in expo-updates-server/updates/1 folder
Has anyone implemented this before? Any Kind of help is appreciated

Application Error while my Django app successfully deployed

I am leaving a question of why I got an application error after deploying Django successfully. It seems like I could deploy my Django app to Heroku, but I got an error when I wanted to see my app by pressing the "open app" button on the Heroku dashboard.
I am ignoring the database, which is Postgres, now. If I only care about the app without any data, I think I should be able to run the code on the Internet. Here is my source code on github, so I want you to check this out. Thanks so much in advance.
Here is the error message from Heroku.

When deploying updated Django code on server, the database resets

I have built an app which uses Django as a Rest API (Django rest framework). After having deployed the code on digital ocean using production grade services, everything works well. The postgresql database populates itself correctly . There is no reset of the server like on Heroku.
Except, if I change a file and push the change through gitlab(Digital ocean picks up the change and automatically deploys the updated version of the server), the database resets to its original state. I would like the server to stay as.
I have removed all migration files before pushing updates, but to no avail. I imagine it has to be something rather trivial but I can't find it.
The database is hosted also by digital ocean. I havent done any configuration. Wouldn't it be managed automatically as DO deploys the code on its servers?
I figured out what went wrong. Using the sqlite db while developping is one thing, but assuming when deploying your django app on a service provider that it will handle the whole db management is a 1000 steps too far.
Logically, whenever I pushed a new update to the server, the db would reset using the sqlite local db file of the project.
So I created a specific db on digital ocean, change the database config on the settings file of my django project to connect to it. Making the project use the external db. then I Just had to migrate project db structure to the external db.
And Voila. problem resolved

Rocketeer deploy to AWS EC2 instance not execute the latest release

I have an Laravel application, and I use Rocketeer to deploy the app. After deploy
It showing that the symlink is actually pointed to the latest release, but then, when I refresh the page, it still refer to the older release.
I really have no idea what is going on. Because this issue doesn't happen in DigitalOcean as well as other hosting.
Please help