Update ecs agent permanently? - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to update ecs container agent described in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/agent-update-ecs-ami.html
I did essentially
sudo yum update -y ecs-init
sudo systemctl restart docker
Agent seems to be upgraded , so far so good.
However when a new instance is created (for autoscale group or whatever reason), the agent associated with the new instance seems to be still the old version.
How can I permanently update ecs container agent?

i would suggest using the latest ami in your asg config, the last ami release always contains the latest ecs agent. afaik - the agent releases happen via ami releases.
aws ssm get-parameters --names /aws/service/ecs/optimized-ami/amazon-linux-2/recommended can be used to retrieve the latest al2 ecs ami. check these ecs ami docs


How do I get my EC2 Instance to connect to ECS Cluster?

I have an ECS cluster defined in AWS and an Auto Scaling Group that I use to add/remove instance to handle tasks as necessary. I have the ASG setup so that it is creating the EC2 instance at the appropriate time, but it won't connect to the ECS Cluster unless I manually go in and disable/enable the ECS service.
I am using the Amazon Linux 2 ami on the EC2 machines and everything is in the same region/account etc.
I have included my user data below.
yum update -y
amazon-linux-extras disable docker
amazon-linux-extras install -y ecs
echo "ECS_CLUSTER={CLUSTERNAME}" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
systemctl enable --now ecs
As mentioned this installs the ECS service and sets the config file properly but the enable doesn't actually connect the machine, but running the same disable/enable commands on the machine once running connects without problem. What am I missing?
First thing, the correct syntax is
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "ECS_CLUSTER=CLUSTER_NAMe" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
Once you update the config better to restart the ECS agent.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "ECS_CLUSTER=CLUSTER_NAME" >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
sudo yum update -y ecs-init
#this will update ECS agent, better when using custom AMI
/usr/bin/docker pull amazon/amazon-ecs-agent:latest
#Restart docker and ECS agent
sudo service docker restart
sudo start ecs
I ended up solving this using the old adage, turn it off and on again.
e.g. I added shutdown -r 0 to the bottom of the user data script to restart the machine after it was "configured" and it connected right now.

How to run codedeploy agent installation script in AWS ECS?

I have an AWS ECS cluster defined with a service that uses Replica service type. It creates an EC2 isntance with a docker container. I can access it through browser and all this stuff...
The issue is that I have to connect through ssh to the EC2 instance and run:
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install-y ruby
sudo yum install-y wget
cd /home/ec2-user
wget https://aws-codedeploy-eu-west-1.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/latest/install
chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
It install codedeploy agent, so I can connect github to the instance and CI/CD code.
I would like to set up this automatically in every server that the ECS definition creates. For example if i stop the EC2 instance, the cluster raises a new EC2 instance, which doesn't have this agent...
I saw that I should configure your Amazon ECS container instance with user data, but first of all is that I am not able to find this option, and I am not quite sure if it runs into the EC2 isntance or in the docker itself.
Based on the comments.
The solution was to use Launch Template or Launch Configurations.

TeamCity Agent - AWS CLI

I have deployed TeamCity server and Agent to AWS using JetBrains Stack Template (https://www.jetbrains.com/help/teamcity/running-teamcity-stack-in-aws.html)
All seems to be good, my server starts, agent is functional, I have created several builds, etc.
I came to a point, where I want to deploy my application to AWS environment using aws-cli commands.
I am struggling to enable/install aws-cli into agent. My build steps are erroring out with aws: command not found
Does anyone have any ideas?
My progress so far: I have connected to agent EC2 machine via ssh bastion ec2, and I am able to invoke aws --version as ec2-user, but the build agent cannot see aws.
Turns out, my TeamCity agent runs in AWS ECS via docker image https://hub.docker.com/r/jetbrains/teamcity-agent
What I ended up doing is creating my own docker image by using jetbrains one as a base.
I uploaded my docker image to AWS ECS Repository. Afterwards I created a new revision for original task definition. This new revision uses my image instead of original one, therefore I have aws-cli there.
I then added my AWS profile to EC2 host machine and added volume to docker container (via task definition) so that container would be able to access .aws/credentials file.
Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM jetbrains/teamcity-agent
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-pip
RUN pip install awscli --upgrade --user
ENV PATH="~/.local/bin:${PATH}"
I added the aws-cli in team city agent using remote desktop connection as I used window agent of team city. In the build steps I used Runner Type as command line and executed the aws commands.
for more information you can refer below link where I answered the question:
How to deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk on successful Teamcity build

ECS migration from AL1 to AL2 - ECS service not starting

I have recently changed AMI on which my ECS EC2 instances are running from Amazon Linux to Amazon Linux 2 (in both cases I am using ECS optimized images). I am deploying my instances using cloudformation and having a real headache as those new instances sometimes are being run successfully and sometimes not (same stack, no updates, same code).
On the failed instances I see that there is an issue with ECS service itself after executing ecs-logs-collector.sh I see in ecs file log "warning: The Amazon ECS Container Agent is not running". Also directory "/var/log/ecs" doesn't even exist!.
I have correct IAM role attached to an instance.
Also as mentioned, it is the same code being run, and on 75% of attempts it fails with ECS service, I have no more ideas, where else to look for some issues/logs/errors.
AMI: ami-0650e7d86452db33b (eu-central-1)
Solved. If someone will fall into this issue adding this to my userdata helped:
cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/ecs.service /etc/systemd/system/ecs.service
sed -i '/After=cloud-final.service/d' /etc/systemd/system/ecs.service
systemctl daemon-reload

How to auto create new hosts in Logentries for AWS EC2 autoscaling group

What's the best way to send logs from Auto scaling groups (of EC2) to Logentries.
I previously used the EC2 platform to create EC2 log monitoring for all of my EC2 instances created by an Autoscaling group. However according to Autoscaling rules, new instance will spin up if a current one is destroyed.
Now how do I create an automation for Logentries to create a new hosts and starting getting logs. I've read this https://logentries.com/doc/linux-agent-with-chef/#updating-le-agent I'm stuck at the override['le']['pull-server-side-config'] = false since I don't know anything about Chef (I just took the training from their site)
For an Autoscaling group, you need to get this baked into an AMI, or scripted to run on startup. You can get an EC2 instance to run commands on startup, after you've figured out which script to run.
The Logentries Linux Agent installation docs has setup instructions for an Amazon AMI (under Installation > Select your distro below > Amazon AMI).
Run the following commands one by one in your terminal:
You will need to provide your Logentries credentials to link the agent to your account.
sudo -s
tee /etc/yum.repos.d/logentries.repo <<EOF
name=Logentries repo
yum update
yum install logentries
le register
yum install logentries-daemon
I recommend trying that script once and seeing if it works properly for you, then you could include it in the user data for your Autoscaling launch configuration.