How can I use ssh with AWS ssm sessions and multi profiles? - amazon-web-services

With the explosion of multi-account AWS configuration, and ssh being snuffed out in favor of session manager, I need ssh functionality and multi-profile ProxyCommand.
From aws docs it's simple enough. But I can see now way to add extra args to specify a profile. All I can think of is essentially concatenating the profile to the instanceid and creating dedicated commands.
The question:
How can I support multiple profiles using aws ssm when the proxycommand doesn't seem to offer me extra args?
Example that I would like: ssh ec2-user#i-18274659f843 --profile dev
Because the i-* doesn't indicate what account profile to use

Assuming you're using the example below in your ssh/config, you can just define AWS_PROFILE environmental variable before connecting to the desired instance
host i-* mi-*
ProxyCommand sh -c "aws ssm start-session --target %h --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters 'portNumber=%p'"
$ export AWS_PROFILE=bernard
$ ssh i-12345


Have SSM start-session use bash

I'm using AWS Simple Session Manager along with the AWS CLI to SSH into instances. When I call aws ssm start-session --target INSTANCE_ID, it starts sh on the server, not bash. Is there any way to customize the command that is run on instance start?
You can do it using an AWS provided configuration document, like so:
aws ssm start-session --target INSTANCE_ID --document-name AWS-StartInteractiveCommand --parameters command="bash -l"
Source: a github issue on the topic

Passing command once logged through aws ssm start session in AWS CLI

I need to pass "sudo su - < user >" command once i logged though AWS CLI using aws ssm?
aws ssm start-session --target "instance ID" ??????? "sudo su - < user >"
Is there any way? Passing as parameters or something?
It is possible to get into an EC2 instance from the command line without SSH. Whenever you can avoid using SSH, and use more cloud-native approaches such as System Manager's Session Manager, that is recommended.
The documentation says:
Example 1: To start a Session Manager session
This start-session example establishes a connection with an instance
for a Session Manager session. Note that this interactive command
requires the Session Manager plugin to be installed on the client
machine making the call.
aws ssm start-session \
--target "i-1234567890abcdef0"
Starting session with SessionId: Jane-Roe-07a16060613c408b5
So you can get into your EC2 instance that way, and then enter "sudo su - < user >".
However, passing in parameters with the aws ssm start-session AWS CLI command is currently not supported, as that same documentation page says:
--parameters (map)
Reserved for future use.
key -> (string)
value -> (list)

aws cli command using profile as variable

currently i am using tasks in ansible .The task include aws cli command like below:
command: aws ec2 describe-instances --region myregion --profile myawsprofile --filters
It works perfectly when ran through
ansible-playbook my.yml
Now my question is : I have multiple aws profiles and don't want hard code in the aws cli commands(in tasks).
wanted to use variable for profile,so whatever variable passed to profile it will execute task and run ansible-playbook.
Request anyone to suggest how to proceed for this.
I looked at Environment Variables in aws cli , but didn't helped much.
If you really want to use the command task and not the ec2_instance tasks then you could this:
command: aws ec2 describe-instances --region myregion --profile {{ myawsprofile }} --filters
and then to run your playbook
ansible-playbook my.yml -e "myawsprofile=production"
You have two options (change the [profile name] below with the actual value):
Either provide the --profile [profile name] as a command option for every command.
Alternatively, set the profile to be used as an environment variable. On Mac and Linux using either AWS_PROFILE or AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE
$ export AWS_PROFILE=[profile name]
or on Windows
C:\> setx AWS_PROFILE [profile name]
The advantage of using the latter method is that once configured it keeps its value for the duration of the terminal session (or until it is being replaced with another profile name).
Reference: the Named Profiles chapter of the AWS CLI documentation

Pass AWS credentials (IAM role credentials) to code running in Docker container

When running code on an EC2 instance, the SDK I use to access AWS resources, automagically talks to a locally linked web server on and gets that instances AWS credentials (access_key, secret) that are needed to talk to other AWS services.
Also there are other options, like setting the credentials in environment variables or passing them as command line args.
What is the best practice here? I really prefer to let the container access the (by routing the requests) or even better run a proxy container that mimics the behavior of the real server at
Is there already a solution out there?
The EC2 metadata service will usually be available from within docker (unless you use a more custom networking setup - see this answer on a similar question).
If your docker network setup prevents it from being accessed, you might use the ENV directive in your Dockerfile or pass them directly during run, but keep in mind that credentials from IAM roles are automatically rotated by AWS.
Amazon does have some mechanisms for allowing containers to access IAM roles via the SDK and either routing/forwarding requests through the ECS agent container or the host. There is way too much to copy and paste, but using --net host is the LEAST recommended option because without additionally filters that allows your container full access to anything it's host has permission to do.
declare -a ENVVARS
get_aws_creds_local () {
# Use this to get secrets on a non AWS host assuming you've set credentials via some mechanism in the past, and then don't pass in a profile to gitlab-runner because it doesn't see the ~/.aws/credentials file where it would look up profiles
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(aws --profile $awsProfile configure get aws_access_key_id)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(aws --profile $awsProfile configure get aws_secret_access_key)
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(aws --profile $awsProfile configure get aws_session_token)
get_aws_creds_iam () {
TEMP_ROLE=$(aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-role" --role-session-name AWSCLI-Session)
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(echo $TEMP_ROLE | jq -r . Credentials.RoleAccessKeyID)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo $TEMP_ROLE | jq -r . Credentials.RoleSecretKey)
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(echo $TEMP_ROLE | jq -r . Credentials.RoleSessionToken)
# passing creds into GitLab runner
gitlab-runner exec docker stepName $(printf " --env %s" "${ENVVARS[#]}")
# using creds with a docker container
docker run -it --rm $(printf " --env %s" "${ENVVARS[#]}") amazon/aws-cli sts get-caller-identity

How to use multiple AWS accounts from the command line?

I've got two different apps that I am hosting (well the second one is about to go up) on Amazon EC2.
How can I work with both accounts at the command line (Mac OS X) but keep the EC2 keys & certificates separate? Do I need to change my environment variables before each ec2-* command?
Would using an alias and having it to the setting of the environment in-line work? Something like: alias ec2-describe-instances1 = export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=/path; ec2-describe-instances
You can work with two accounts by creating two profiles on the aws command line.
It will prompt you for your AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key and desired region, so have them ready.
$ aws configure --profile account1
$ aws configure --profile account2
You can then switch between the accounts by passing the profile on the command.
$ aws dynamodb list-tables --profile account1
$ aws s3 ls --profile account2
If you name the profile to be default it will become default profile i.e. when no --profile param in the command.
More on default profile
If you spend more time using account1, you can make it the default by setting the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE environment variable. When the default environment variable is set, you do not need to specify the profile on each command.
Linux, OS X Example:
$ export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=account1
$ aws dynamodb list-tables
Windows Example:
$ set AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=account1
$ aws s3 ls
How to set "manually" multiple AWS accounts ?
1) Get access - key
AWS Console > Identity and Access Management (IAM) > Your Security Credentials > Access Keys
2) Set access - file and content
3) Set profile - file and content
[profile {{profile_name}}]
4) Run - file with params
Install command-line app - and use AWS Command Line it, for example for product AWS EC2
aws ec2 describe-instances -- default
aws ec2 describe-instances --profile {{profile_name}} -- [{{profile_name}}]
IMHO, the easiest way is to edit .aws/credentials and .aws/config files manually.
It's easy and it works for Linux, Mac and Windows. Just read this for more detail (1 minute read).
.aws/credentials file:
.aws/config file:
[profile user1] <-- 'profile' in front of 'profile_name' (not for default)!!
You should be able to use the following command-options in lieu of the EC2_PRIVATE_KEY (and even EC2_CERT) environment variables:
-K <private key>
-C <certificate>
You can put these inside aliases, e.g.
alias ec2-describe-instances1 ec2-describe-instances -K /path/to/key.pem
Create or edit this file:
vim ~/.aws/credentials
List as many key pairs as you like:
Set a local variable to select the pair of keys you want to use:
export AWS_PROFILE=user1
Do what you like:
aws s3api list-buckets # any aws cli command now using user1 pair of keys
You can also do it command by command by including --profile user1 with each command:
aws s3api list-buckets --profile user1
# any aws cli command now using user1 pair of keys
More details: Named profiles for the AWS CLI
The new aws tools now support multiple profiles.
If you configure access with the tools, it automatically creates a default in ~/.aws/config.
You can then add additional profiles - more details at: Getting started with the AWS CLI
I created a simple tool, aaws, to switch between AWS accounts.
It works by setting the AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE in your shell. Just make sure you have some entries in your ~/.aws/credentials file and it will easily switch between multiple accounts.
$ aws s3 ls
Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure".
$ aaws luk3
[luk3] 🔐 /tmp
$ aws s3 ls
2013-11-05 21:40:04
I wrote a toolkit to switch default AWS profile.
The mechanism is physically moving the profile key to the default section in config and credentials files.
The better solution today should be one of the following ways:
Use aws command option --profile.
Use environment variable AWS_PROFILE.
I don't remember why I didn't use the solution of --profile, maybe I was not realized its existence.
However the toolkit can still be useful by doing other things. I'll add a soft switch flag by using the way of AWS_PROFILE in the future.
$ xsh list aws/cfg
[functions] aws/cfg/move
[functions] aws/cfg/set
[functions] aws/cfg/activate
[functions] aws/cfg/get
[functions] aws/cfg/delete
[functions] aws/cfg/list
[functions] aws/cfg/copy
curl -s | bash && . ~/.xshrc
xsh load xsh-lib/aws
xsh aws/cfg/list
xsh aws/cfg/activate <profilename>
You can write shell script to set corresponding values of environment variables for each account based on user input. Doing so, you don't need to create any aliases and, furthermore, tools like ELB tools, Auto Scaling Command Line Tools will work under multiple accounts as well.
To use an IAM role, you have to make an API call to STS:AssumeRole, which will return a temporary access key ID, secret key, and security token that can then be used to sign future API calls. Formerly, to achieve secure cross-account, role-based access from the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), an explicit call to STS:AssumeRole was required, and your long-term credentials were used. The resulting temporary credentials were captured and stored in your profile, and that profile was used for subsequent AWS API calls. This process had to be repeated when the temporary credentials expired (after 1 hour, by default).
More details: How to Use a Single IAM User to Easily Access All Your Accounts by Using the AWS CLI