I have a text.
The overall system blur must be smaller than 12 mrad and diameter shall be less than 20 meters.
I want to extract:
must be 12
I'm using:
^(.*?(\bmust be\b[\s*?\D]*\d+)[^$]*)$
And I get
must be smaller than 12
Any way to do this directly? Or better to try to do different groups somehow?
In the pattern that you tried, \D matches any char except a digit, so this [\s*?\D]* could be shortened to just \D.
This part [^$]* matches any char except a dollar sign. If you intend to match the rest of the line, you can use .* instead.
You can use 2 capturing groups instead.
^.*?\b(must be)\b\D*(\d+).*$
Regex demo
In the replacement use the 2 capturing groups like for example $1 $2
I need to write a regular expression that has to replace everything except for a single group.
OK THT PHP This is it 06222021
This is it
NO MTM PYT Get this content 111111
Get this content
I wrote the following Regular Expression: (\w{0,2}\s\w{0,3}\s\w{0,3}\s)(.*?)(\s\d{6}(\s|))
This RegEx creates 4 groups, using the first entry as an example the groups are:
This is it
Space Charachter
I need a way to:
Replace Group 1,2,4 with String.Empty
Get Group 3, ONLY
You don't need 4 groups, you can use a single group 1 to be in the replacement and match 6-8 digits for the last part instead of only 6.
Note that this \w{0,2} will also match an empty string, you can use \w{1,2} if there has to be at least a single word char.
^ Start of string
\w{0,2}\s\w{0,3}\s\w{0,3}\s Match 3 times word characters with a quantifier and a whitespace in between
(.*?) Capture group 1 match any char as least as possible
\s\d{6,8} Match a whitespace char and 6-8 digits
\s? Match an optional whitespace char
$ End of string
Regex demo
Example code
Dim s As String = "OK THT PHP This is it 06222021"
Dim result As String = Regex.Replace(s, "^\w{0,2}\s\w{0,3}\s\w{0,3}\s(.*?)\s\d{6,8}\s?$", "$1")
This is it
My approach does not work with groups and does use a Replace operation. The match itself yields the desired result.
It uses look-around expressions. To find a pattern between two other patterns, you can use the general form
This will only return find as match, excluding prefix and suffix.
If we insert your expressions, we get
where I simplified (\s|) as \s?. We can also drop it completely, since we don't care about trailing spaces.
Note that this works also if we have more than 6 digits because regex stops searching after it has found 6 digits and doesn't care about what follows.
This also gives a match if other things precede our pattern like in 123 OK THT PHP This is it 06222021. We can exclude such results by specifying that the search must start at the beginning of the string with ^.
If the exact length of the words and numbers does not matter, we simply write
If the find part can contain numbers, we must specify that we want to match until the end of the line with $ (and include a possible space again).
Finally, we use a quantifier for the 3 ocurrences of word-space:
This is compact and will only return This is it or Get this content.
string result = Regex.Match(#"(?<=^(\w+\s){3}).*?(?=\s\d+\s?$)").Value;
For the example i have these four ip address:; wrong; good; good; wrong
The task has simple rules. In the 3rd place cant be 0, and the 4rd place cant be a solo 1.
I need to select they from an ip table in different routers and i know only this rules.
My solution:
but in this case every number with 1 like 10, 100 etc is missing, so in this way this solution is wrong.
This solve the problem of the single 1, but make another one.
From the rules you have given, this regex should work:
it also matches 3rd position number containing a 0 but not in the first place.
so will match as well as
I don't know if it's the intended behavior since I'm not familiar with ip adress.
The last part \.([^1]$|\d{2,}) reads like this:
"after the 3rd dot is either
a character which is not 1 followed by the end of the line
or two or more digits"
If you want to avoid malformed string containing non-digit character like 10.100.12.a to be match you should replace [^1] by [023456789] or lazier (and therefore better ;) by [02-9]
I use https://regex101.com to debug regex. It's just awesome.
Here is your regex if you want to play with it
You might use
The pattern matches
^ Start of string
10\.100\. Match 10.100. (note to escape the dot to match it literally)
[1-9]{1,3} Match 3 times a digit 1-9
\. Match a dot
(?: Non capture group
[02-9] Match a digit 0 or 2-9
| Or
\d{2,3} Match 2 or 3 digits 0-9
) Close the group
$ End of string
Regex demo
I have an Url formatted as follow : https://www.mywebsite.com/subdomain/123456789.htm. I know that the webpage number is built with exactly 9 or 10 digits. I would like to extract this number using a Regex.
The Regex I use to perform this operation is :
The problem is that when the number is 10 digits long, I get a match which is good but only the last 9 digits are captured. For example : https://www.mywebsite.com/subdomain/1234567890.htm captures 234567890 only.
I could easily create two regexes (one with 9 digits and one with 10) and take the longest number if both matches, but is there any elegant way to solve this problem using Regex?
Following remarks which have been made below, there is actually a mistake in my original Regex : the first character group matches the first digit of the 10, and leaves only the 9 others for the capturing group. I've added a screenshot below. Adding a forward slash to the Regex before the capturing group solved the issue, thanks!
As per #TheFourthBird, you are missing a match on the forward slash. Maybe a slightly different approach to yours would be a non-capturing group:
The character class [A-Za-z0-9_.-~/]+ matches all the character that follow until the end of the line.
This part ([0-9]{9,10}). will then backtrack until it can match the resulting digits, which it can starting from 9 digits and that will be in the capturing group.
Note to either escape the hyphen \- or place it at the start or end of the character class or else it could possible match a range.
One option is to use a word bounary \b before matching the digits
Regex demo
Another way could be matching the / right before the digits.
Regex demo
If there can also be chars a-zA-Z or an underscoe before the digits and a lookbehind is supported, you could also assert that there is not a digit before (?<!\d)
Regex demo
One more approach. This gets all the numbers between / and htm
Say i give a pattern 123* or 1234* , i would like to match any 10 digit number that starts with that pattern. It should have exactly 10 digits.
Pattern : 123 should match 1234567890 but not 12345678
I tried this regex : (^(123)(\d{0,10}))(?(1)\d{10}).. obviously it didn't work. I tried to group the pattern and remaining digits as two different groups. It matches 10 digits after the captured group (https://regex101.com/). How do i check the captured group is exactly 10 digits? Or is there any good knacks here. Please guide me.
Sounds like a case for the positive lookahead:
This will match any sequence of exactly 10 digits but only if prefixed with 123. Test it here.
Similarly for prefix 1234:
Of course, if you know the prefix length upfront, you can use 123\d{7}, but then you'll have to change range limits with each prefix change (for example: 1234\d{6}).
Additionally, to ensure only isolated groups of 10 digits are captured, you might want to anchor the above expression with a (zero-length) word boundary \b:
or, if your sequence can appear inside of the word, you might want to use negative lookbehind and lookahead on \d (as suggested in comments by #Wiktor):
I would keep it simple:
import re
text = "1234567890"
match = re.search("^123\d{7}$|^1111\d{6}$", text)
if match:
print ("matched")
Just throw your 2 patterns in as such and it should be good to go! Note that 123* would catch 1234* so I'm using 1111\d{6} as an example
I have a string like:
$str1 = "12 ounces";
$str2 = "1.5 ounces chopped;
I'd like to get the amount from the string whether it is a decimal or not (12 or 1.5), and then grab the immediately preceding measurement (ounces).
I was able to use a pretty rudimentary regex to grab the measurement, but getting the decimal/integer has been giving me problems.
Thanks for your help!
If you just want to grab the data, you can just use a loose regex:
([\d.]+): [\d.]+ will match a sequence of strictly digits and . (it means 4.5.6 or .... will match, but those cases are not common, and this is just for grabbing data), and the parentheses signify that we will capture the matched text. The . here is inside character class [], so no need for escaping.
Followed by arbitrary spaces \s+ and maximum sequence (due to greedy quantifier) of non-space character \S+ (non-space really is non-space: it will match almost everything in Unicode, except for space, tab, new line, carriage return characters).
You can get the number in the first capturing group, and the unit in the 2nd capturing group.
You can be a bit stricter on the number:
The only change is (\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+), so I will only explain this part. This is a bit stricter, but whether stricter is better depending on the input domain and your requirement. It will match integer 34, number with decimal part 3.40000 and allow .5 and 34. cases to pass. It will reject number with excessive ., or only contain a .. The | acts as OR which separate 2 different pattern: \.\d+ and \d+(?:\.\d*)?.
\d+(?:\.\d*)?: This will match and (implicitly) assert at least one digit in integer part, followed by optional . (which needs to be escaped with \ since . means any character) and fractional part (which can be 0 or more digits). The optionality is indicated by ? at the end. () can be used for grouping and capturing - but if capturing is not needed, then (?:) can be used to disable capturing (save memory).
\.\d+: This will match for the case such as .78. It matches . followed by at least one (signified by +) digit.
This is not a good solution if you want to make sure you get something meaningful out of the input string. You need to define all expected units before you can write a regex that only captures valid data.
use this regular expression \b\d+([\.,]\d+)?
To get integers and decimals that either use a comma or a dot plus the next word, use the following regex: