Similar to C# I have used a working snippet such as:
QString text = "Hello";
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui.textEdit_ConnectionStatus, "setText", Qt:QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, text));
... in order to change GUI elements not from the main thread. However, it does not appear to be working in the same way with setPalette for the textEdit.
QPalette pal = palette();
pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt:darkGreen);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui.textEdit_ConnectionStatus, "setPalette", Qt:QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(const QPalette&, pal));
How does one go about to change the color of this gui element from another thread?
I forgot to mention the output spits out:
"QMetaObject::invokeMethod No such Method QTextEdit:setpalette(const QPalette&)"
The OP used the QMetaObject::invokeMethod() which relies on registered slots (as they were usual in Qt4). QTextEdit::setText() is such a slot but QTextEdit::setPalette() is not.
Hence, the QTextEdit::setPalette() cannot be found at runtime by its name given as string.
With Qt5, the signal-slot concept was extended to support the connection of signals and slots with compile-time checking.
Out of curiosity, I had a look into the doc. and found QMetaObject::invokeMethod() which accepts a functor:
template <typename Functor, typename FunctorReturnType> bool QMetaObject::invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor function, Qt::ConnectionType type = Qt::AutoConnection, FunctorReturnType *ret = nullptr)
This is an overloaded function.
Invokes the function in the event loop of context. function can be a functor or a pointer to a member function. Returns true if the function could be invoked. Returns false if there is no such function or the parameters did not match. The return value of the function call is placed in ret.
Note: This function is thread-safe.
This function was introduced in Qt 5.10.
Thereby, I would like to emphasize Note: This function is thread-safe.
So, I made an MCVE to check this out:
// standard C++ header:
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
// Qt header:
#include <QtWidgets>
// main application
int main(int argc, char **argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// setup GUI
QTextEdit qTextEdit(QString(
"<p>Hello world.</p>"
"<p>Hello Qt.</p>"
"<p>Hello Stack Overflow.</p>"));;
// a separate thread to manipulate qTextEdit
std::thread threadPal([&qTextEdit]() {
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
const QColor qColors[] = { Qt::red, Qt::green, Qt::blue, Qt::white };
QColor qColor;
for (const QColor &qColor_ : qColors) {
qColor = qColor_;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&qTextEdit, [&qTextEdit, qColor]() {
QPalette qPal = qTextEdit.palette();
qPal.setColor(QPalette::Base, qColor);
// runtime loop
const int ret = app.exec();
// done
return ret;
Please, note that I (carefully) did every access to qTextEdit exclusively
either in the main thread
or inside the lambda which is passed to QMetaObject::invokeMethod().
Qt widgets are by default not thread-safe. So, I have to ensure that the accesses to widgets happen in the GUI thread only (or had to be appropriately guarded).
The reference of qTextEdit is captured in the functor of threadPal. It is used to provide the address of qTextEdit to QMetaObject::invokeMethod() as context. That's necessary to make QMetaObject::invokeMethod() aware that the provided functor has to be executed in a different thread (the GUI thread to which qTextEdit is associated to). (In opposition to qTextEdit itself, the address of qTextEdit is immutable while the thread is running. Hence, an unguarded access is thread-safe.)
As per Qt Documentation, invokeMethod() invokes the member (a signal or a slot name) on the object.
Since in the first case, setText() is a slot of QTextEdit and hence it works perfect.
However in the second case, setPalette() is neither a signal nor a slot and hence you get "QMetaObject::invokeMethod No such Method QTextEdit:setpalette(const QPalette&)" as output.
Moreover it returns false if there is no such member (a signal or a slot name) or the parameters did not match.
see here
If you're using Qt 5.10 or later, you can call invokeMethod on any invokable, such as a lambda:
QPalette pal = palette();
pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt:darkGreen);
auto setPalette = [this, pal] { m_ui.textEdit_ConnectionStatus->setPalette(pal); };
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui.textEdit_ConnectionStatus, setPalette, Qt:QueuedConnection);
can someone tell me how exactly signals with parameters work? I mean... if i have declared signal f.e.:
void sign1(int)
how should i specify what integer i want to send with that signal? Also, can i declare signal with multiple arguments? Like:
void sign2(int, int)
And again... i want to send with sign2 two out of four variables that i have. Is that possible, and how it should be done? To specify my question below is a little more detailed example:
class Board
void clicked(int, int);
int x1{4}; int x2{4}; int x3{5}; int x4{8};
and there is board.ui file with pushbutton. After pushbutton is clicked i want to send to the slot for example x1 and x3. Example:
connect(ui->button, SIGNAL(clicked(int, int)), obj2, slot2);
I hope that it's somehow clear. I will really appreciate your help.
QObject::connect() works like this (in the general case, not using lambda):
connect(obj1, obj1_signal, obj2, ob2_slot)
Since there is no signal clicked(int, int) in the class QPushButton (which I assume you are using), it cannot be use for the connection.
If you want to have the signal clicked(int, int) in a button, you can subclass QPushButton, add the signal, and using emit to send the signal where the click event is handled.
However, that is not a good design, since you will have to store a Board object (or at least a reference to it) in the button class, which is irrelevant to the class.
Instead, you can have a slot Board::buttonClicked(), connected to QPushButton::clicked(bool). Then in that slot, you can do emit Board::clicked(int, int).
The rule for signal/slot connection may be formulated as the following:
You can ignore signal arguments, and you cannot create slot arguments from nothing
What does it mean?
If your signal has n arguments, your slot shall have at most n arguments as well (beware of the types). See tabular below.
On first line, you have a signal with two arguments, thus, your slot can have two arguments (using all the signal arguments), or one argument (ignoring one argument of the signal) or no argument (ignoring both signal arguments)
On the second line, you have a signal valueChanged(int) with one argument. Your slot may have one or no argument (ignoring the signal argument) but may not have two
or more arguments as you cannot create values.
On the third line the signal textChanged(QString) cannot be connected with setValue(int) because we cannot create an int value from from QString.
The fourth line follow these rules. If the signal has no argument, the connected signal cannot create new arguments, thus update() is correct, setValue(int) isn't.
Another point that shall be looked at is overloading of signal/slots. It is the case where many signals/slots with the same name but with different numers or different types of arguments.
You may have the class QLCDNumber, where the slot display has many overload. In this cas, you have to explicitly defined which pair of signals slots, you would like to use as explained here
You can try out the following example:
Example :
#include <QtWidgets>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget *window = new QWidget();
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(window);
//Set up of GUI
QSlider *slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal);
slider->setRange(0, 100);
QSpinBox *spin = new QSpinBox;
spin->setReadOnly( true );
QHBoxLayout *horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
// using pointer to member function
QObject::connect(slider, &QSlider::valueChanged,
spin, &QSpinBox::setValue);
// set the slider position and hence the QSpinBox value too
// Uncommenting the following connect will result in a compile time error.
// The signal passes no arguments whereas the slot is expecting a single
// argument.
// By using function pointers we get compile time parameter list checking.
// Using the old-style SIGNAL/SLOT macros this would have been detected
// as a run time warning only.
//QObject::connect(slider, &QSlider::sliderPressed,
// spin, &QSpinBox::setValue);
QTextEdit *textEdit = new QTextEdit();
// Uncommenting the following connect will result in a compile time error.
// The signal is passing an incompatible parameter to the slot.
// By using function pointers we get compile time parameter type conversion.
// Using the old-style SIGNAL/SLOT macros this would have been detected
// as a run time warning only.
//QObject::connect(slider, &QSlider::sliderMoved,
// textEdit, &QTextEdit::setFontFamily);
return app.exec();
I wish to update a progress bar widget from a QtConcurrent function and stuck on the following problem:
a) If I declare this function as:
void myRunFunction(QString str)
then I successfully program it as concurrent by:
QFuture<void> t1 = QtConcurrent::run(myRunFunction, QString("A"));
BUT I cannot access to any Qt widget of my GUI from inside the function ("unable to resolve identifier 'widget' ").
b) If I declare this function as:
void mainForm::myRunFunction(QString str)
then I successfully access my widgets inside it
BUT cannot longer program it as concurrent getting the compiler error:
error: invalid use of non-static member function ‘void mainForm::myRunFunction(QString)’
at line:
QFuture<void> t1 = QtConcurrent::run(myRunFunction, QString("A"));
How can I solve the problem ?
Many thanks in advance,
In Qt all widgets should live in the main GUI thread. All other threads shouldn't directly access widgets from the main thread, Qt doesn't guarantee thread safety here.
What is the solution? To use Qt's builtin queued mechanisms. There are two methods.
If there is a QObject derived class in your second thread, you can use a Qt::QueuedConnection Qt::signal/slot connection. You can also use Qt::AutoConnection, which is default, but I prefer to explicitly state what I need.
From documentation:
(Qt::AutoConnection) If the receiver lives in the thread that emits the signal,
Qt::DirectConnection is used. Otherwise, Qt::QueuedConnection is used.
The connection type is determined when the signal is emitted.
If you do not have any QObjects in your second thread - use QMetaObject::invokeMethod.
How to provide the caller with the pointer to callee? I would recommend using a closure (a lambda with capture).
But be careful about lifetimes of your objects. It is your responsibility now to check that captured pointer to the widget points to the valid widget longer than the lifetime of non-GUI thread.
According to your code, the second variant is suited better for you. There is a small example:
// guiwidget.h
class GuiWidget : public QWidget
GuiWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
~GuiWidget() {};
// public function for variant 2
void function(int data) {
// update widget
// slot for variant 1
public slots:
void function_slot(int data) {
// update widget
And somewhere in you .cpp file:
GuiWidget *widget = new GuiWidget(this);
// declare a lambda
auto f = [widget] (QString str)
for (int i = 0; i < str.toInt(); ++i) {
// do some job
// ...
// job is done
// send progress data to mainwidget
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(widget, [widget, i] ()
}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
auto t1 = QtConcurrent::run(f, "100");
I'm currently updating an existing codebase designed to be used with a GTK GUI to QT, so that it can implement multi threading, as the functions take hours to complete.
This codebase makes frequent calls to a function display(std::string), for the purpose of updating a text display widget. I redefined this function for the new QT version:
In Display.cpp:
void display(std::string output)
MainWindow * gui = MainWindow::getMainWinPtr(); //Gets instance of GUI
gui->DisplayInGUI(output); //Sends string to new QT display function
In MainWindow.cpp:
void MainWindow::DisplayInGUI(std::string output)
//converts output to qstring and displays in text edit widget
void MainWindow::mainFunction(){
//calls function in existing codebase, which itself is frequently calling display()
void MainWindow::on_mainFunctionButton_released()
QFuture<void> future = QtConcurrent::run(this,&MainWindow::mainFunction);
If I run the main function in a new thread, display(std::string) won't update the GUI until the thread completes. I understand why; the GUI can only be updated in the main thread. Everything else functions as intended.
What I want to implement, but I'm not sure how, is having display(std:string) send a signal back to the main thread to call MainWindow::DisplayInGUI(output_text) with the string that was passed to the display() function. I believe this is the correct way to do it, but correct me if I'm wrong. I want to avoid changing the existing codebase at all costs.
EDIT: I should add that for some dumb reasons entirely out of my control, I am forced to use C++98 (yeah, I know)
You must schedule the code that does UI calls to run in the main thread. I use a simple and easy to use wrapper for that:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <utility>
template<typename F>
void runInMainThread(F&& fun)
QObject tmp;
QObject::connect(&tmp, &QObject::destroyed, qApp, std::forward<F>(fun),
You can now run code (using a lambda in this example, but any other callable will work) in the main thread like this:
runInMainThread([] { /* code */ });
In your case:
void display(std::string output)
runInMainThread([output = std::move(output)] {
MainWindow* gui = MainWindow::getMainWinPtr();
Or you can leave display() as is and instead wrap the calls to it:
runInMainThread([str] { display(std::move(str)); );
The std::move is just an optimization to avoid another copy of the string since you should not pass the string by reference in this case (it would be a dangling reference once the string object goes out of scope.)
This is not a high performance inter-thread communication mechanism. Every call will result in the construction of a temporary QObject and a temporary signal/slot connection. For periodic UI updates, it's good enough and it allows you to run any code in the main thread without having to manually set up signal/slot connections for the various UI update operations. But for thousands of UI calls per second, it's probably not very efficient.
First of all: there's no way to make the getMainWinPtr method thread-safe, so this pseudo-singleton hack should probably go away. You can pass around some application-global context to all the objects that do application-global things like provide user feedback. Say, have a MyApplication : QObject (don't derive from QApplication, it's unnecessary). This can be passed around when new objects are created, and you'd then control the relative lifetime of the involved objects directly in the main() function:
void main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow win;
MyApplication foo;
// it is now guaranteed by the semantics of the language that
// the main window outlives `MyApplication`, and thus `MyApplication` is free to assume
// that the window exists and it's OK to call its methods
return app.exec();
Of course MyApplication must take care that the worker threads are stopped before its destructor returns.
To communicate asynchronous changes to QObject living in (non-overloaded) QThreads (including the main thread), leverage the built-in inter-thread communication inherent in Qt's design: the events, and the slot calls that traverse thread boundaries.
So, given the DisplayInGUI method, you need a thread-safe way of invoking it:
std::string newOutput = ...;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(mainWindow, [mainWindow, newOutput]{
This takes care of the thread-safety aspect. Now we have another problem: the main window can get hammered with those updates much faster than the screen refresh rate, so there's no point in the thread notifying the main window more often than some reasonable rate, it'll just waste resources.
This is best handled by making the DisplayInGUI method thread-safe, and leveraging the timing APIs in Qt:
class MainWindow : public QWidget {
static constexpr m_updatePeriod = 1000/25; // in ms
QMutex m_displayMutex;
QBasicTimer m_displayRefreshTimer;
std::string m_newDisplayText;
bool m_pendingRefresh;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override {
if (event->timerId() == m_displayRefreshTimer.timerId()) {
QMutexLocker lock(&m_displayMutex);
std::string text = std::move(m_newDisplayText);
m_pendingRefresh = false;
void DisplayInGUI(const std::string &str) {
// Note pass-by-reference, not pass-by-value. Pass by value gives us no benefit here.
QMutexLocker lock(&m_displayMutex);
m_newDisplayText = str;
if (m_pendingRefresh) return;
m_pendingRefresh = true;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &MainWindow::DisplayInGui_impl);
Q_SLOT void DisplayInGui_impl() {
if (!m_displayRefreshTimer.isActive())
m_displayRefreshTimer.start(this, m_updatePeriod);
In a more complex situation you'd likely want to factor out the cross-thread property setting to some "adjunct" class that would perform such operations without the boilerplate.
You could take advantage of the fact that QTimer::singleShot has an overload which, when called with a zero time interval, allows you to effectively schedule a task to be run on a specified thread during that thread's next idle slot...
void QTimer::singleShot(int msec, const QObject *context, Functor functor);
So your MainWindow::mainFunction could be something along the lines of...
void MainWindow::mainFunction ()
std::string output = get_ouput_from_somewhere();
QTimer::singleShot(0, QApplication::instance(),
What is the difference between a slot (a method declared in slots section) and a method in Qt (a method declared with Q_INVOKABLE keyword)? They both can be invoked using QMetaObject::invokeMethod, they are both accepted when connecting to a slot using SLOT macro, however when getting type of metamethod it can be returned either QMetaMethod::Method or QMetaMethod::Slot, so it seems that there is some difference for Qt?
The only difference is whether the method is listed as a slot or as not-a-slot in the class's metadata. In both Qt 4 and Qt 5, connection to either a slot or an invokable succeeds:
#include <QObject>
struct Test : public QObject {
Q_SLOT void slot() {}
Q_INVOKABLE void invokable() {}
int main() {
Test test;
auto c1 = QObject::connect(&test, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), &test, SLOT(slot()));
auto c2 = QObject::connect(&test, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), &test, SLOT(invokable()));
#include "main.moc"
It's up to the user to decide how the difference between a slot and an invokable is interpreted. E.g. if you're exposing the slot list to the user in some way, you won't be exposing the invokable method list unless you choose to do so.
The practical differences I know of:
Q_INVOKABLE can have a return value, slot cannot.
Q_INVOKABLE is called on the GUI thread, and blocks the GUI thread. slot's thread depends on which thread the QObject was created on, and therefore can be non-blocking.
So my rule of thumb is, use slot if there are no return values, otherwise use Q_INVOKABLE.
I am currently wondering how to reasonably use the QObject::destroyed(QObject*) signal.
An observation
I noticed that QWidget-derived objects are treated slightly different. Consider the following small self-contained and compiling example:
QT += core gui widgets
CONFIG += c++11
TARGET = sscce
SOURCES += main.cpp
#include <QApplication>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QtDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton;
QObject::connect(button, &QPushButton::destroyed,
[=](QObject *o) { qDebug() << o; });
delete button;
QTimer *timer = new QTimer;
QObject::connect(timer, &QTimer::destroyed,
[=](QObject *o) { qDebug() << o; });
delete timer;
return app.exec();
This is its output:
So presumably, the signal is emitted from QObject's d-tor, so only the QObject base remains when the slot is called for the QTimer. However, QWidget's d-tor seems to intercept as it still identifies itself as a QWidget from the slot.
And the problem
Let's assume we have a timer pool that organizes a couple of timers in a QList<QTimer *>:
struct Pool {
QTimer *getTimer() {
return* some clever logic here */);
QList<QTimer *> timers;
Now an incautious user might delete the timer that was borrowed to him/her. Well, we can react, and simply remove that timer from the list. A slot will do the trick:
Pool::Pool() {
/* for each timer created */
connect(theTimer, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*),
this, SLOT(timerDestroyed(QObject*));
void Pool::timerDeleted(QObject *object) {
QTimer *theTimer = /* hrm. */
But what now? Hrm. When the slot is called, the QTimer already is in destruction and partially destroyed - only its QObject base remains. So I objously cannot qobject_cast<QTimer *>(object).
To resolve this issue, I could think of the following tricks:
Store QObjects in the list. Then I'd have to downcast every time I use an item from the list. This could be done using static_cast, though, as I know there will only be QTimers in the list, so no need for dynamic_cast or qobject_cast.
Insteat of removeOne traverse the list using an iterator and then compare each QTimer item directly to the QObject. Then use QList::erase or such.
static_cast or even reinterpret_cast the QObject to a Qtimer nonetheless.
What should I do?
If you're looking for tricks, you could simply use the base QObject objectName and remove the destroyed timer based on that.
It seems clear that your problem is one of object ownership; in particular, how to convey who is responsible for destroying an object. If your Pool object owns the QTimer objects (and thus the user should not delete them), make it clear through the interface, for example returning a QTimer& instead of a QTimer* from your getTimer method. I'm not really well versed in Qt, but if you actually wanted to transmit ownership of the object returned from a method and thus make the user responsible of its deletion, you'd likely return a std::unique_ptr<QTimer>.
Just do a direct cast:
void Pool::timerDeleted(QObject *object) {
QTimer *theTimer = (QTimer*)object; //qobject_cast doesn't work here
//we are sure that only a timer can be a sender
You could base your list on QPointer instead of raw pointers. I.e. write
QList<QPointer<QTimer>> timers;
Now when one of the timers in the list goes away, the corresponding entry in the list will automagically be cleared. It will not be removed, though! But when you access the timer via your getTimer() method, an entry whose timer has been deleted will now return a nullptr (and not a dangling pointer).
And yes, QWidget emits destroyed() in its own destructor. This is why you see a real QWidget in that case. Everybody else uses QObject's implementation.
The other way around is safe. Cast QTimer * to QObject * instead:
void Pool::timerDeleted(QObject *object) {
const auto it = std::find_if(timers.begin(), timers.end(), [object](QTimer *timer) {
return static_cast<QObject *>(timer) == object;
Q_ASSERT(it != timers.end());
Or use erase_if(QList &list, Predicate pred) introduced in Qt 6.1.