OCaml: Using fold_right to implement map - ocaml

I am trying to implement map using List.fold_right in OCaml, in which my function has the same signature and behaviour as List.map. I am not allowed to use pattern matching or any other list functions.
SIGNATURE: fold_map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'b list -> 'b list = <fun>
EXAMPLE: fold_map (fun x -> x + 1) [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] = [2; 3; 4; 5; 6]
My attempt:
let fold_map f =
List.fold_right(fun x acc -> (f x) :: acc) []
This type checks, however, when I run my function on the example, it returns the original list. I am not sure why this is happening, so any clarification would be appreciated.
The problem is taken from the forums of Coursera's programming languages course, which is in SML.

Check the List.fold_right documentation. It first takes the list to fold on and then the initial value. Therefore, your code is folding over the empty list and immediately returns the initial value, which is the list that you really want to fold over.


Can I simplify this recursive concat function using List.fold_left?

I have created a working solution for concat, but I feel that I can reduce this using List.fold_lift.
Here is my current code:
let rec concat (lists : 'a list list) : 'a list =
match lists with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl -> hd # concat tl ;;
Here is what I have tried:
let concat (lists : 'a list list) : 'a list =
List.fold_left # lists ;;
This gives me the error: This expression has type 'a list list but an expression was expected of type
'a list
I think this is because the return value of list.fold_left gives us a list, but we are feeding it a list of lists so it then returns a list of lists again. How can I get around this without matching?
I was also playing around with List.map but with no luck so far:
let concat (lists : 'a list list) : 'a list =
List.map (fun x -> List.fold_left # x) lists ;;
Consider the type signature of List.fold_left:
('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a
List.fold_left takes three arguments.
A function.
An initial value.
A list to iterate over.
List.fold_left # lists
You're making two mistakes.
First off, this parses as (List.fold_left) # (lists).
You're looking for List.fold_left (#) lists. But that's still not quite right, because...
You're only passing two arguments, with lists being the initial value, while List.fold_left expects three.
I think that you're looking for something like:
let concat lists = List.fold_left (#) [] lists
utop # let concat lists = List.fold_left (#) [] lists in
concat [[1;2;3]; [4;5;6]; [7;8;9]];;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9]
It is possible to write concat as fold_left while avoiding quadractic complexity by switching temporarily to different representation of list
If I have a list l, I can easily lift into an append function:
let to_append l = fun new_list -> l # new_list
I can also get back a list from an append function with
let to_list append = append []
And since for any list l, I have to_list ## to_append l = l, this means that the to_append is one-to-one: it does not lose any information.
Moreover concatenating two appends functions is exactly function composition
let append_concat f g l = f (g l)
Since we are not building yet any concrete list, append_concat has a constant cost (we are delaying the time complexity to the moment where we will call the append function).
We can use this better behavior of append_concat to write a linear concat' function that maps a list of lists to an append function:
let concat' l =
(fun append l -> append_concat append (to_append l))
(to_append [] (* aka Fun.id *))
Note that this concat' is not yet building a list, it is building a closure which records the list of append functions to call later.
Building concat from concat' is then a matter of transforming back my append function to a list:
let concat l = to_list (concat' l)
And it is the call of to_list which will have a time complexity equal to the size of the final list.
To check that we got the right complexity, we can test that flattening the following list
let test =
List.init 1_000_000
(fun i ->
List.init 4 (fun k -> k + 4 * i)
(* this is [[0;1;2;3]; [4;5;6;7]; ... [...; 3_999_999]] *)
let flattened = concat test
is nearly instant.

Is there a way to multiply elements in list of pairs

Hello I'm trying to write a program in OCaml and was wondering if there is a way to get from list of pairs : [(1,2);(2,3);(3;5)] to a list where pairs are multiplied [2;6;15] this is what i have tried but it's giving me Exception: Failure "hd"
let rec mul l=
let x=(List.hd l) and y=(List.tl l) in
((fst x)*(snd x))::(mul y);;
mul [(3, 5); (3, 4); (3, 3);];;
What you want essentially is List.map (uncurry ( * )).
# let uncurry f (a, b) = f a b;;
val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a * 'b -> 'c = <fun>
# List.map (uncurry ( * )) [(3, 5); (3, 4); (3, 3);];;
- : int list = [15; 12; 9]
(uncurry is a basic FP function, but unfortunately it isn't defined in OCaml's fairly sparse standard library. But as you can see the definition is straightforward.)
To be honest, I think there must be simpler methods. Specifically, you have a list of n elements which are pairs (so a list of type (int * int) list) and you want to get a list of the same size, but which is the result of multiplying the two members of the pair. So, going from an (int * int) list to an int list.
As the objective is to preserve the size of the list, you can rephrase the statement by saying "I would like to apply a function on each element of my list". It is possible to do this manually, using, for example, pattern matching (which makes it possible to be explicit about the treatment of the empty list):
let rec mult my_list =
match my_list with
| [] -> (* case if my list is empty *)
[] (* The process is done! *)
| (a, b) :: tail -> (* if I have, at least, one element)
(a * b) :: (mult tail)
But generally, applying a function to each element of a list and preserving its size is called "mapping" (roughly), and fortunately there is a function in the standard OCaml library which allows this, and it is called, logically: List.map, here is its type: val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list which could be translated as: give me a function which goes from 'a to 'b, a list of 'a and I can produce a list of 'b for you.
Here, we would like to be able to apply a function that goes from (int * int) -> int, for example: let prod (x, y) = x * y. So let's try to reimplement mult in terms of map:
let mult my_list =
let prod (x, y) = x * y in
List.map prod my_list
And voila, the pattern captured in the first purpose is exactly the idea behind List.map, for each element of a list, I apply a function and I keep the result of the function application.
Here is a working solution with the least amount of modification to your original code:
let rec mul l =
match l with
| [] -> [] (* <-- Deal with the base case *)
| _ -> (* Same as before --> *)
let x = (List.hd l) and y = (List.tl l) in
((fst x)*(snd x))::(mul y);;
Note that we just need to consider that happens when the list is empty, and we do that by matching on the list. The recursive case stays the same.

Lazy list of x, f x, f (f x),

Batteries.LazyList allows one to define lazy lists. I would like to define a lazy list consisting of x, f x, f (f x), f (f (f x)), etc.
Based on comments in the module documentation, it appears that from_loop is the function I want:
"from_loop data next creates a (possibly infinite) lazy list from the successive results of applying next to data, then to the result, etc."
This description suggests that if I wanted a lazy list of non-negative integers, for example, I could define it like this:
let nat_nums = from_loop 0 (fun n -> n + 1)
However, this fails because the signature of from_loop is
'b -> ('b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a LazyList.t
so the next function has signature ('b -> 'a * 'b). In utop, the error message underlines n + 1 and says
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type 'a * int
I don't understand what 'a is supposed to be. Why is the next function supposed to return a pair? Why is the type of the list supposed to be a 'a LazyList.t? Shouldn't the type of the elements be the same as the type of the argument to the next function? The description of the function doesn't make the answers clear to me.
In case it's helpful, my conception of what I'm trying to do comes from Clojure's iterate. In Clojure I could create the above definition like this:
(def nat-nums (iterate (fn [n] (+ n 1)) 0))
The function passed to from_loop has to return a pair. The first element of the pair is the value you want to return. The second element of the pair is the state required to calculate the next element later on.
Your code:
(fun n -> n + 1)
Just calculates the next element of the lazy list, it doesn't return the state required for the next call. Something like this is what is wanted:
(fun n -> (n, n + 1))
(This will return a list starting with 0, which I think is what you want.)
This formulation is more flexible than your clojure example, because it allows you to maintain arbitrary state distinct from the values returned. The state is of type 'b in the type you give for from_loop.
I don't have Batteries right now, so I can't try this out. But I think it's correct based on the types.
It turns out that the function that I really wanted was LazyList.seq, not from_loop. While from_loop has its uses, seq is simpler and does what I wanted. The only trick is that you have to provide a third argument which is a termination test that returns false when the list should end. I wanted an infinite list. One can create that using use a termination function that always returns true:
let nat_nums = seq 0 (fun n -> n + 1) (fun _ -> true);;
LazyList.to_list (LazyList.take 8 nat_nums);;
- : int list = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]

OCaml - Add a new tuple, containing a list of tuples, to that list

I'm writing an interactive calculator in OCaml with some simple commands. Users should be able, among other things, to define their own simple functions (mathematical functions), for instance
let f(x) = x
let g(x) = 2*f(x)
Now, the functions should be handled like in functional languages, that means they should remember their time-of-creation environment. That means, that with a function I have to keep a closure of its environment, which is functions and variables.
I keep currently defined functions in a list of tuples formed like (functions_present_at_the_time_of_creation, variables_present_at_the_time_of_creation, function_name, function_argument_names, function_formula). When I try to add a new function to the list of functions (let's assume, that it's not currently defined and I don't have to overwrite anything), I recurrently iterate to the end of the list of functions and there would like to add a new tuple.
The problem is, assuming my current functions list is of type (a*b*c*d*e) list when i try to add a tuple with itself to the end of it, it changes its type to ((a*b*c*d*e) list*f*g*h*i) list. What can I do to be able to perform such addition of a list to itself, encapsulated in a tuple?
Here's some simple SSCCE I wrote while trying to find a workaround to this issue.
let rec add_to_end list list_copy dummy = match list with
| [] -> [(list_copy, dummy)]
| h::t -> h::(add_to_end t list_copy dummy)
let add list dummy = add_to_end list list dummy
This one tries to do it with a copy of the list. The following one is written without using of a copy (both of these examples don't work, of course):
let rec add_to_end list dummy = match list with
| [] -> [(list, dummy)]
| h::t -> h::(add_to_end t dummy)
The first example doesn't work when trying to use the function add, but when doing it for instance this way (in the interpreter):
let l = [];;
let l = add_to_end l l 1;;
let l = add_to_end l l 2;;
let l = add_to_end l l 3;;
Then it works fine. I'd appreciate any help, I may think about changing the design also, any proposals are very welcome.
Edit: Here's the output of the above commands:
# let l = [];;
val l : 'a list = []
# let l = add_to_end l l 1;;
val l : ('a list * int) list = [([], 1)]
# let l = add_to_end l l 2;;
val l : (('a list * int) list * int) list = [([], 1); ([([], 1)], 2)]
# let l = add_to_end l l 3;;
val l : ((('a list * int) list * int) list * int) list =
[([], 1); ([([], 1)], 2); ([([], 1); ([([], 1)], 2)], 3)]
It's hard to tell whether you're aware that OCaml lists are immutable. You can't add a value to the end of an existing list. An existing list can never be changed. You can create a new list with a value added to the end. If you do this, I don't see why you would want to add a pair to the end consisting of the list and the new value. I suspect you're thinking about it wrong. Here's a function that takes a list and an integer and adds the integer to the end of the list.
# let rec addi i list =
match list with
| [] -> [i]
| h :: t -> h :: addi i t
val addi : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
# let x = [1;2;3];;
val x : int list = [1; 2; 3]
# addi 4 x;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4]
# x;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3]
The function returns a new list with the value added to the end. The original list isn't changed.
As a side comment, it's much more idiomatic to add values to the front of a list. Repeatedly adding to the end of the list is slow--it gives quadratic behavior. If you want the other order, the usual thing to do is add everything to the front and then reverse the list--this is still linear.
Apparently you really want a function that looks something like this:
let f a list = list # [(list, a)]
This is not realistically possible, the types don't work out right. A list can contain things of only one type. So you can conclude that the type of the list t is the same as the type (t, v) list, where v is the type of a. This is a recursive type, not something you would really want to be working with (IMHO).
You can actually get this type in OCaml using -rectypes:
$ ocaml -rectypes
OCaml version 4.00.0
# let f a list = list # [(list, a)];;
val f : 'a -> (('b * 'a as 'c) list as 'b) -> 'c list = <fun>
But (as I say) it's something I would avoid.
Edit 2
Now that I look at it, your first code sample avoids requiring a recursive type because you
specify two different copies of the list. Until you call the function with the same list, these are potentially different types. So the function type is not recursive. When you call with two copies of the same list, you create a new value with a type that's different than the type of the list. It only works because you're using the same name l for different values (with different types). It won't work in a real program, where you'd need a single type representing your list.
As another side comment: the beauty of adding values to the beginning of a list is that the old value of the list is still there. It's the tail of the new list. This seems lot closer to what you might actually want to do.

ocaml using List.map iterate over list

is there a way to iterate list over the list through List.map?
I know List.map takes single function and list and produce a list that the function applies to all elements. But what if i have a list of function to apply a list and produce list of the list ?
Your question is not very clear, however as far as I understand it, you have a list of functions and a list of values. If you want to apply all functions to all elements then you can write this:
(* // To get one nested list (of results of all functions) for each element *)
List.map (fun element ->
List.map (fun f -> f element) functions) inputs
(* // To get one nested list (of results for all elements) for each function *)
List.map (fun f ->
List.map (fun element -> f element) inputs) functions
In case this is not what you wanted, could you try clarifying the question a little bit (perhaps some concrete example would help)?
Are you allowed to use List.map2? Because then this is simple:
let lista = [(fun x -> x + 1); (fun x -> x + 2); (fun x -> x + 3)];;
let listb = [1; 1; 1];;
let listc = List.map2 (fun a b -> (a b)) lista listb;;
The output would be [2; 3; 4]
Edit: wait, I think I read your problem wrong. You want to get a list of lists, where each list contains a list of a function applied to the initial list? In other words, for the lista and listb above, you'd get:
Is this correct?
You can try this :
let rec fmap fct_list list = match fct_list with
[] -> //you do nothing or raise sth
head::tail -> List.map head list :: fmap tail list;;