Resolving C/C++ library version conflicts, mainly on Linux - c++

I have a situation more or less as illustrated here; it exists both on Windows and Linux, but I’ll draw it using Linux notation which is slightly clearer: and contain procedures with the same names and signatures but different behaviours. If I link the applications ‘naïvely’, then symbols from the library that is loaded last will ‘hide’ the ones from the one that is loaded first (at least, if I understand this reference correctly) and I have no way of using both libraries at the same time nor determining which library’s symbols actually get used on the day.
Certainly, the error messages I’m getting at runtime are consistent with this mental model.
Now, if I could recompile all the libraries, then as described in the reference I could use the –default-symver option (at least when compiling with and linking with gcc) to disambiguate fully the symbols from each library, and force to look for the function and the application to look for the function with no ambiguity.
What, though, if I can only recompile my application and Will ignore the function, or will it look no further than the baz part of it and, potentially, still use it instead of the one in
It’s a full cross-platform application so I have exactly the same issue to address on Windows. Here, I have an inkling that I may be able to use the SxS mechanism as the situation isn’t all that different from, say, having an application compiled in VS2019 that links to a library compiled in VS2013; so that the application would need to link to one version of the runtimes and the library would need to link to the other. But whilst I know how to handle this with system libraries, I’m less sure how to proceed with other libraries.


Merge Mach-O executable with a static lib?

Suppose you have
a pre-built iOS executable app (for simulator or device).
a pre-built static archive library static library which among other things contains c++ static initializers.
Now it should be possible to merge the two built products to produce the a new iOS executable which is like the old one, except that it is now also linked with the additional static library, and on execution will run the static library's static initializers.
Which tool (if any) could help solve this merge problem?
Edit: An acceptable solution is also to dynamically load the library using dlopen. The whole purpose of this is for application testing, so the re-linked app will never see app store.
How a compiler work (in a simple explanation)
The most popular C++ compilers (like say, GCC), work by translating all the C++ (and Obj-C, C, etc...) code to ASM.
Then it calls the appropriate assembler for the target processor, and create the object binaries.
Then it calls the linker, that search on those binaries for the symbols that explain what links with what. A common optimisation that linkers can do, is also strip of the final binary anything from the statically linked libraries that was not used, other common optimisation is not attempt to link at all unused libraries.
Also finally, the linker removes the things that only it needed.
What this mean in your case
You have a library, the library has the linking symbols. You also has a executable, that one had its linking symbols stripped, in fact depending on how it was optimised the internal jumps might be only a couple of jmp instructions to arbitrary addresses on the code. No machine, can do what you want in a automatic manner, because you don't have the needed information on the executable.
How to do it anyway
You need to disassemble the executable, figure on your own where are the function calls, and then manually reassemble it with your library, changing those functions call to jump to addresses in your library instead.
This process is sometimes used by game moders to change the video drivers of old games (for example to update their OpenGL version, or to force Glide games to use some newer drivers, and so on).
So if you want to do that anyway (I warn you: it is absurdly crazy to do though...) ask those guys :) I don't remember right now anyone to point to you, but they exist.
When you are in normal linking phase, the compiled object files are like a source code that the machine understands, full of function calls as needed.
After it is compiled, all function calls became goto.
So if you are a linker tasked in doing what you want to do, imagine that you would be reading a source code filled with goto to random places in the code (sometimes even to inside loops) and that you have to somehow figure what ones of those you want to change to jump to the new part you are trying to paste there.

C++ Linker issues, is there a generalized way to troubleshoot these?

I know next to nothing about the linking process, and it almost always gets in the way when I am trying to start a new project or add a new library. Whenever I search for fixes to these type of errors, I will find people with a similar problem but rarely any sort of fix.
Is there any generalized way of going about finding what the problem is, and fixing it?
I'm using visual studio 2010, and am statically linking my libraries into my program. My problems always seem to stem from conflicts with LIBCMT(D).lib, MSVCRT(D).lib, and a few other libraries doublely defining certain functions. If it matters at all, my intent is to avoid using "managed" C++.
If your error is related to LIBCMT(D).lib and the like, usually that depends from the fact that you are linking against a library that uses a different CRT version than yours. The only real fix is to either use the library compiled for the same version of the CRT you use (often there is the "debug" and "release" version also for this reason), either (if you are desperate) change the CRT version you use to match the one of the library.
What is happening behind the scenes is that both your program and your library need the CRT functions to work correctly, and each one already links against it. If they are linking against the same version of it nothing bad happens (the linker sees that it's the same and doesn't complain), otherwise there are multiple conflicting implementations of the same functions, so the linker doesn't know which are right for which object modules (and also, since they are probably not binary compatible, internal data structures of the two CRTs will be incompatible).
The specific link errors you mentioned (with LIBCMT(D).lib, MSVCRT(D).lib libraries) are related to conflicts in code generation options between modules/libraries in your program.
When you compile a module, the compiler automatically inserts in the resulting .obj some references to the runtime libraries (LIBCMT&MSVCRT). Now, there is one version of these libraries for each code generation mode (I'm referring to the option at Configuration properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library). So if you have two modules compiled with a different mode, each of them will reference a different version of the library, the linker will try to include both, and of course there'll be duplicated symbols, since essentially all the symbols are the same in these libraries, only their implementations differ.
The solution comes in three parts. First, make sure all the modules in a project use the same mode. Second, if you have dependencies between projects, all of them have to use the same mode. Third, if you use third-party libraries, you have to either know which mode they use (and adopt it) or be able to recompile them with the desired mode.
The last one is the most difficult. Sometimes, libraries come pre-compiled, and not always the provider gives information about the mode used. Worse, if you're using more than one third-party library, they may have conflicting modes. In those cases, you have no better option than trial-and-error.
Also notice that each Visual Studio version has its own set of runtime libraries, so when using third-party libraries you have to use those compiled with the same version of Visual Studio you're using. If the provider doesn't offer it, your only choice is to recompile yourself.

How can I link with a directory which might not exist while running?

I'm writing a library for Linux which has some functionality which relies on the a shared library
I'm trying to case where doesn't exist into consideration. I have a well defined behavior for such a case, but I don't know how to properly implement it, linkage wise.
Currently, my library is shipped compiled against, when a client tries to compile it's code against it on an environment which doesn't include he gets linkage errors.
My question is, how can I build my library in such a way that it would compile even if doesn't exist, but behave differently. The only solution I was able to come up with myself is to branch from it a version which doesn't support foo, but there must be a better way...
Thanks in advance
A follow up due to the given answer:
It seems that not linking against libfoo but rather dynamically loading it with dlopen solves the problem, but it requires me to manually export all the symbols, and is limited in scope... Is there any "less painful" to achieve that?
There are two different problems that kind of fit the description, depending on whether the presence of the library is to be detected at compile time or at runtime.
At compile time you will have to use some tool to detect whether the library is present and modify the build scripts to pass that information down to the code (think defines).
At runtime, you can avoid linking against the library, and rather dynamically load it. The code should handle failures to locate/load the library and fall back to the alternative version.

Can multiple versions of a same (Boost) DLL co-exist in same process?

My (C++, cross-platform) app is heavily using Boost libraries (say version 1.x), and I want to also link against a 3rd-party (vendor)'s SDK (no source), itself using Boost (but version 1.y).
So, we both link dynamically against our own version of Boost DLLs, CRT being identical. Consequently, at run-time my app would have to load both DLL of Boost 1.x & 1.y.
What are the potential issues & gotchas associated?
I can't change vendor's SDK, but I can change my app. Maybe I should try to link statically against my Boost 1.x?
PS: Name of Boost's DLL include their version, so no name collision, both are identifiable. Not the usual DLL-hell.
As far as using the DLLs for different versions there should be no problem. At least not on Windows.
This is true if the SDK is using boost internally. If the SDK uses boost constructs in its interface, for example: it has a function that returns a boost::optional, then having multiple versions can cause problems. It could still work fine, dependent on the changes between the versions, but that will definitely be a risk. I don't know of any good solution in that case. This is also true if you include a SDK header file that includes a boost header file.
This is a big problem.
Do a search on DLL hell.
Basically the DLL (or shared libs in Linux) are loaded but not all the names are resolved at load time. What happens is a lazy evaluation, so the names are evaluated on first use. The problem is that if 2 dll have the same name then the location where the name is resolved to depends on the what order the DLL are searched in (which depends on load order).
If you statically link then you will not have problems with method calls as yours will all be resolved at compile time and the third party will be resolved at runtime from the DLL. But what about structures that are created by version-1 boost. If you then pass these to the third party library that then passes it to the version-x boost. Are the structures layed out in the same way?
This is a very tricky area and when problems occur very hard to de-bug.
So try and use the same version.
If you write a function foo, and export it from F.dll, and another function foo exported from G.dll, would you expect problems?
When AF.exe is linked, the linker is told: put some code in there that loads the address of function foo from F.dll. Now BG.dll is linked to retrieve the foo address from G.dll. I still see no problem.
Now replace AF.exe with your app, BG.dll with your vendor's app, F.dll with your boost version, G.dll with the vendor's boost version.
Concluding: I see no problems if the dll names are different.

Building C++ source code as a library - where to start?

Over the months I've written some nice generic enough functionality that I want to build as a library and link dynamically against rather than importing 50-odd header/source files.
The project is maintained in Xcode and Dev-C++ (I do understand that I might have to go command line to do what I want) and have to link against OpenGL and SDL (dynamically in SDL's case). Target platforms are Windows and OS X.
What am I looking at at all?
What will be the entry point of my
library if it needs one?
What do I have to change in my code?
(calling conventions?)
How do I release it? My understanding
is that headers and the compiled
library (.dll, .dylib(, .framework),
whatever it'll be) need to be
available for the project -
especially as template functionality
can not be included in the library by
What else I need to be aware of?
I'd recommend building as a statc library rather than a DLL. A lot of the issues of exporting C++ functions and classes go away if you do this, provided you only intend to link with code produced by the same compiler you built the library with.
Building a static library is very easy as it is just an collection of .o/.obj files - a bit like a ZIP file but without compression. There is no need to export anything - just include the library in the list of files that your application links with. To access specific functions or classes, just include the relevant header file. Note you can't get rid of header files - the C++ compilation model, particularly for templates, depends on them.
It can be problematic to export a C++ class library from a dynamic library, but it is possible.
You need to mark each function to be exported from the DLL (syntax depends on the compiler). I'm poking around to see if I can find how to do this from xcode. In VC it's __declspec(dllexport) and in CodeWarrior it's #pragma export on/#pragma export off.
This is perfectly reasonable if you are only using your binary in-house. However, one issue is that C++ methods are named differently by different compilers. This means that nobody who uses a different compiler will be able to use your DLL, unless you are only exporting C functions.
Also, you need to make sure the calling conventions match in the DLL and the DLL's client. This either means you should have the same default calling convention flag passed to the compiler for both the DLL or the client, or better, explicitly set the calling convention on each exported function in the DLL, so that it won't matter what the default is for the client.
This article explains the naming issue:
The C++ standard doesn't define a standard ABI, and that's bad news for people trying to build C++ libraries. This means that you get different behavior from your compiled code depending on which flags were used to compile it, and that can lead to mysterious bugs in code that compiles and links just fine.
This extends beyond just different calling conventions - C++ code can be compiled to support or not support RTTI, exception handling, and with various optimizations that can affect the the memory layout of class instances, which C++ code relies on.
So, what can you do? I would build C++ libraries inside my source tree, and make sure that they're built as part of my project's build, and that all the libraries and the code that links to them use the same compiler flags.
Note that name mangling, which was supposed to at least prevent you from linking object files that were compiled with different compilers/compiler flags only mostly works, and there are certain things you can do, especially with GCC, that will result in code that links just fine and fails at runtime.
You have to be extra careful with vendor supplied dynamic C++ libraries (QT on most Linux distributions, for example.) I've seen instances of vendor supplied libraries that were compiled in ways that prevented certain things from working properly. For example, some Redhat Linux releases (maybe all of them) disabled exceptions in QT, which made it impossible to catch exceptions in main() if the exceptions were thrown in a QT callback. Fun.