Lucky / Crystal init error: undefined method 'signal' for Process - crystal-lang

I'm trying to start a new Lucky project and getting an error. I init the project, then cd and ./scripts/setup. Eventually I see the error
In tasks/
154 | process.signal(:term) unless process.terminated?
Error: undefined method 'signal' for Process
This is OSX 10.15.7, Lucky 0.23.1, crystal 0.34.0.

I also posted on the Forum, but my guess is something related to the version of Crystal. If you're able to upgrade both Lucky and Crystal to the latest version, that should fix it.


SDL test project Build Failure Error Message using Eclipse C/C++ IDE 2020-06 on Windows 10

*This is my first programming course in over 20 years, so I am basically clueless.
I am trying to complete the last project in the course which includes installing and configuring SDL. Right now all I have is the basic "Hello World" code. I get the error when I add #include .
When I installed SDL, I copied the SDL2 folder and the entire lib folder to MinGW-w64 - as instructed by a tutorial.
I have MinGW-w64 installed. Here is the build error:
C:/MinGW64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/8.1.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/../lib/libmingw32.a(lib64_libmingw32_a-crt0_c.o):crt0_c.c:(.text.startup+0x2e): undefined reference to `WinMain'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I've been googling for hours and cannot seem to find any help.*
Thank you both so much for your quick responses.
Here is what I did in settings:
Do I need to put an 'l' in front of these items?
I got some help elsewhere and added #define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED. This allowed the project to build, but it still doesn't run. I get nothing at all when I try to run it. I tried calling SDL_GetError(), but still nothing.
also make sure your main has the following signature:
int main(int, char**) - SDL is pretty militant about it

iOS - Address Sanitizer and Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer compiler error

When we try to compile our C++ iOS game app with these two profilers in Xcode, we're getting the following linker error.
Ditto /Users/Max/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TowerDuel-dsejjkbvgengpngaqrfokeoaquvx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ /Users/Max/Documents/XcodeWorkspace/TowerDuelWorkspace/TowerDuel/lib/clang/8.1.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.asan_ios_dynamic.dylib
cd /Users/Max/Documents/XcodeWorkspace/TowerDuelWorkspace/TowerDuel/proj.ios_mac
export PATH="/Applications/"
/usr/bin/ditto -rsrc /Users/Max/Documents/XcodeWorkspace/TowerDuelWorkspace/TowerDuel/lib/clang/8.1.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.asan_ios_dynamic.dylib /Users/Max/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TowerDuel-dsejjkbvgengpngaqrfokeoaquvx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
ditto: can't get real path for source '/Users/Max/Documents/XcodeWorkspace/TowerDuelWorkspace/TowerDuel/lib/clang/8.1.0/lib/darwin/libclang_rt.asan_ios_dynamic.dylib'
Command /usr/bin/ditto failed with exit code 1
It seems like it's trying to use some iOS 8.1 library, even though our deployment target is iOS 9.
How can we fix this?
EDIT: Just to clarify, the issue also happens when only using ONE of these at the same time.

how to get started with PCM?

I wanted to work on Intel PCM. I follwed the below link:
I downloaded the code, i started to study example pcm.cpp. But Im not getting any proper understanding. Documentation is not that much clear.
I tried to run , pcm.x ,it gave basic information then showed some error like:
"Trying to use Linux perf events...
Linux Perf: Error on programming generic event #0 error: Invalid argument
Access to Intel(r) Performance Counter Monitor has denied (Unknown error)."
Unknown error! I cant figure out why its not accessible. I used with sudo also(root privileges).
Any suggestions how I can start working with it? Where to start?
Found a workaround here by Roman Dementiev that worked for me:
As a workaround you can disable perf usage in the PCM Makefile by removing "-DPCM_USE_PERF".

Repast HPC in Xcode 5.1 parse issue error

I’d like to ask a question about the error I encounter when I try to use Repast HPC in Xcode 5.1.
(Repast HPC is an agent-based simulation library based on C++. For more information, go to
For testing, I tried to build and run the Repast HPC Tutorial Demo code from tutorial page(
I succeeded to run Demo00 Step 04, which seems to mean that my preference setting is correct, but failed to run Demo00 Step 05. The major difference between those two is “RepastProcess.h” is included in Step 05.
The error occurs in 50th line of “logger.h” file, which is included "RepastProcess.h". The line of error is,
typedef enum _LogLevel {DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL} LOG_LEVEL;
The error is 'parse issue error' and the message says "Expected '}'" and the location of error seems to be 'DEBUG' because there is a tiny triangle under the word.
I googled a lot, but I couldn’t find any issue in the code.
Does anybody face similar error? Is it the problem of Xcode setting?
Many thanks in advance.

Rcpp error, learning Rcpp and C++ on mac

I've decided to start learning Rcpp and C++ so I can make aspects of my R code faster. For a start I'm using the tutorial hadley has in the devtools wiki. I have a c++ compiler on this machine in that it's a mac and I have xcode installed on it - I'm told that puts the c++ compiler on the machine. I try to run the first example:
int one(){
return 1;
However, what happens is:
sh: make: command not found
Error in sourceCpp(code = code, env = env, rebuild = rebuild, showOutput = showOutput, :
Error 1 occurred building shared library.
I'm guessing I have a setup issue, but what to do I'm not sure. For a general C++ knowlege I've started reading Absolute C++ by Savitch, which so far does not actually tell you anything about setting up a machine with compiler etc, because you're instructed to use something called MyProgrammingLab which just tells you if you got the answer right or not and gives output, you don't go through the compilation or anything like that.
Ben W.
Errors of the type sh: foo: command not found are pretty obvious. You are lacking the make command. Install it, and try again. Or if Xcode installs it outside of the path, add it to the path.