Google Speech to text available offline? - google-cloud-platform

I would like to leverage Google's Speech to text service for a desktop app, but I would like it to be offline. Is this possible?
They have on-prem solutions but can it be offline so no data is sent?

Google's Speech to Text API only works through the cloud, it is not possible to work offline, this is because Speech API and Text to Speech API make request using REST or RPC calls.
The Speech-to-Text On-Prem allows you to deploy the Speech to Text API through a container or any GKE cluster, but that doesn't mean you can do it in your local desktop.

Google Speech-to-text API is available offline only for English in several devices. If You want this API to work for you offline for other languages, you should install that Specific language on you device - otherwise it won't work.
Basically Google Speech Recognition requires internet access to make REST and RPC calls. If you have a working with internet access, it will work on every Language you want. But in offline mode it only works on device-specific language, most probably English.


How Should I integrate Amazon RDS in Flutter? Any native dart support package?

how to use AWS RDS in flutter dart code?
I went through - this post
It says -
I work on the AWS SDK team. I am not aware of any plans to support Flutter at this point. I will take this to my team as a feature request and will post back
Should I do as suggested here?
Build your own service layer using HTTP, gRPC that talks to some backend service that provides access to a data store. You can do this with Express, Rails, CloudFunctions, etc.
You can either use dart code to do HTTP/gRPC, or use Platform channel to wrap dart code around native iOS and Android code of AWS official SDK.
On another note, I'm highly concerned when you connect directly from mobile (Flutter) to database (AWS RDS). Please be aware that anything on mobile app can be reversed engineer, and your database connection credential is not safe. It's recommended to have only backend proxy, or at least severless (such as AWS lambda function) connect directly to database (not mobile or web frontend). The only exception is with Firebase Realtime Database because it has seamless integration with Firebase Authentication

Confusion with Google Cloud Platform and Google Cloud Storage API's

I am new with google cloud platform and trying to get started. I am interested in using Google Cloud storage.
Following this link:
datastore reference I can see available client libraries (c++ is not one of them)
Now there is google api c++ client:
google api c++ client
and it has "Google Cloud Datastore API" as one of the service api's available.
And then there is this link:
which just says:
"The Google APIs C++ Client Library is no longer available. Thank you for your interest."
That got me a bit confused. As I would like to use cloud DataStore via native c++ api.
If you're willing to do quite a bit of work you can interact with the REST API directly using whatever technology you like. You'll need to do understand how to generate an OAUTH2 credential and how the OAUTH2 scopes etc. work. You can then create an OAUTH2 cookie for the Authorization header. Once you're on top of the that the Google APIs helps you navigate the APIs and work out the expected requests and responses:
The REST guide lets you try out calls yourself too.

Bypassing speech recognition in Amazon AVS

As I understand AVS you send an audio clip to the API which is parsed for speech recognition and then interprets that text and gives you some result based on what you asked.
What I want to do is make kind of a cli version of Alexa where you type in what you would normally say out loud to Amazon echo.
So what I'm wondering if there is some way to bypass the speech recognition step using some amazon api so I can just send the text.
I thought about implementing the ai myself but it would be nice to use all the available skills for Alexa.
No chance.
For your own skills you can do that by calling them directly. Finally it's a simple HTTPS call with a JSON Payload. But it's not possible for other skills except the owner publish is as HTTP Endpoint.
But you have to handle also the user sessions etc.
For a "CLI - Echo" have a look at the different Bot Frameworks. Most of the Companies with an Alexa App have also a documented REST Backend which you can use directly. See Twitter, Facebook etc.

How would I call a web-service from Google Glass

I was exploring Google glass. From the dev guides it is clear that to call web services I need to Mirror Apis. But mirror APIs seems to me a platform that helps inserting cards into Glass timeline from remote location.
Can Mirror API help me to get the data from some remote server and return a JSON or XML response ? Or Otherwise via Mirror API I need to parse the response and prepare a Card there to push it to Glass Timeline.
Anyone please help me out on this query.
Neither API, Mirror or GDK, will actually do the work of calling the remote server and getting a response - those are normal things that you should be able to do with the underlying tools they are built on (whatever platform you choose to develop with, if you're using Mirror, or Android if you're using the GDK).
What both APIs support, however, is helping you deliver that information to Glass in the most appropriate way possible.
The Mirror API is good for Glassware that is accessed over the Internet and work with the native timeline operations that Glass provides. The GDK is useful for more immersive or dynamic applications that don't necessarily work with the timeline or the network.
It's the second one: Otherwise via Mirror API I need to parse the response and prepare a Card there to push it to Glass Timeline. . This answer discusses the notion of accessing web services from the Mirror API, but to answer your question, your web server will need to get and parse the XML/JSON data, create a card (using the data) and push it to your Glass device.

Is there a way to get reporting on Google Voice usage?

Is there a way I can leverage the Google APIs to get a report on Google Voice usage in my domain? We just turned it on and wanted to see if any of our users were using the service.
Google Voice is not a core service within Google Apps and does not fall under Google's SLA. There are also no official APIs that allow access to Google Voice data. There is however at least one unofficial Python library to interact with Google Voice programatically.