7Zip CLI Compress file with LZMA - compression

I try to compress a file in the console with LZMA.
7z a -t7z output input
7z a -t7z -m0=lzma output input
However, I cannot open it on the client.
How can compress a file as an LZMA archive in the console?
It is possible the problem to be that the above commands add a file in an archive. However, I want to compress data in a data file without file structure.
Is there an option to compress a data file to a compressed data file with LZMA?
I see downvotes, which means the question is "not correct" in some way.
So I'll try to explain what I want to achieve.
I compress data serverside and use them on a client application. I successfully do it in Node.js like that:
const lzma = require('lzma');
lzma.compress(inputBuffer, 1, callback);
function callback(data, err) {
writefile(outputPath, Buffer.from(data));
However, it is very slow. So I want to call 7Zip for the compression.
My .NET server also compresses it in a similar way.
byte[] barData;
using (var barStream = dukasDataHelper.SerializeLightBars(lightBars.ToArray()))
using (var zippedStream = zipLzma.Zip(barStream))
barData = zippedStream.ToArray();
My problem is that I cannot set the correct options in CLI in order to be able to read the file in the client.
My client code C# is:
using (var blobStream = new MemoryStream(blobBytes))
using (var barStream = new ZipLzma().Unzip(blobStream))
SaveDataSet(barStream, localPath);
I have this error message when compress via CLI:
$exception {"Data Error"}
Data: {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}
at SevenZipLzma.LZMA.Decoder.Code(Stream inStream, Stream outStream, Int64
inSize, Int64 outSize, ICodeProgress progress)
at SevenZipLzma.ZipLzma.Unzip(Stream stream)
Since the code works as I compress with Node.js and doesn't work when compressing via CLI, it means something is wrong.

7zip makes an archive of files and directories, whereas LZMA generates a single stream of compressed data. They are not the same format. LZMA can be used inside a 7zip archive to compress an entry (or LZMA2 or Deflate or several other compression methods).
You can try the xz command to generate LZMA streams with xz --format=lzma.


Problems decompressing gzip

I'm trying to use a gzip c++ library to decompress some text that i compressed using this website that had a tool to do it, but when i try to decompress it in my project it says that its not compressed and fails to decompress. Am i just misunderstanding these compression formats because the names are the same or is this some other issue that i'm not aware of?
//'test message' compressed using the website
std::string test_string = R"(eJwrSS0uUchNLS5OTE8FAB8fBMY=)";
//returns false
bool is_compressed = gzip::is_compressed(test_string.data(), test_string.size());
std::string decompressed = gzip::decompress(test_string.data(), test_string.size());
Website outputs a Base64 encoded string as ASCII, instead of the byte array. I need to decode the Base64 encoding before trying to decompress.

How to convert ogg file to mp3 using python?

I am trying to convert the Ogg file to mp3/wav formats. I used:
But nothing worked out.
Also, I am trying to first read the ogg data from an HTTP URL then want to convert it to mp3/wav, and then using speech_recognition converting to text.
If I don't use any method I get the following error.
Error: Audio file could not be read as PCM WAV, AIFF/AIFF-C, or Native FLAC; check if the file is corrupted or in another format.
Please suggest any libraries.
Code snippet:
audio_data = Data.get("audio")
if '.wav'or'.mp3' not in audio_data:
file = ("newspeech.mp3")
new_audio = urllib.request.urlretrieve(audio_data,file)

Convert Raw to Wav Streams in NodeJS

I am using a nodeJS library naudio —link— to record sound from a 2 microphones (total 4 channel audio with each microphone being stereo). This library spits out a .raw file in the following specs: 16 BIT, 48000Hz Sample Rate, Channel Count 4
// var portAudio = require('../index.js');
var portAudio = require('naudiodon');
var fs = require('fs');
//Create a new instance of Audio Input, which is a ReadableStream
var ai = new portAudio.AudioInput({
channelCount: 4,
sampleFormat: portAudio.SampleFormat16Bit,
sampleRate: 48000,
deviceId: 13
ai.on('error', console.error);
//Create a write stream to write out to a raw audio file
var ws = fs.createWriteStream('rawAudio_final.raw');
//Start streaming
process.once('SIGINT', ai.quit);
Instead of the .raw file, I am trying to convert this to two individual .wav files. With the above encoding and information, what would be the best way to do so? I tried to dig around for easy ways to deinterleaving and getting .wav but seem to be hitting a wall.
The addon is a wrapper around a C++ library called portaudio which according to its documentation supports writing to a WAV file.
What you could do is extend the addon and bind a NodeJS function to the underlying C++ function that write to WAV.
This will give you a good performance if it is an issue.
If you want something easier you could look up utilities that do the conversion and call them from within your script using ex like this
Look similar to this question.
You may also take a look here to know how to create wav file from javascript.

Getting Video using Node Js on Ar Drone v1.0

How to get video stream or png stream using node js on the ar drone v1.0
I have been seeing the codes for v2.0 and even the gitHub people say that those libraries of video stream does not work with v1.
is there any other way I could get the png / video stream on the computer?
thanks and regards
Good question. I have struggled with producing a PNG (picture) stream or a TCP (video) stream from my Parrot AR Drones through Node.js. I am going to assume you already have Node.js installed and downloaded Felix Geisendörfer's Node.js package for AR-Drones, and that you have been able to fly it. To get the PNG stream, Make sure that you have 7zip installed (you'll need it) and you will also have to download FFMPEG so that your computer can easily parse the drone's stream before outputting it to your browser. Use 7zip to extract the FFMPEG files after downloading. Create a Node.js file (.js) and copy annd paste the following source code into it:
var arDrone = require('ar-drone');
var http = require('http');
console.log('Connecting png stream ...');
var pngStream = arDrone.createClient().getPngStream();
var lastPng;
pngStream.on('error', console.log).on('data', function(pngBuffer) {
lastPng = pngBuffer
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
if (!lastPng) {
res.end('Did not receive any png data yet.');
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'image/png'
server.listen(8080, function() {
console.log('Serving latest png on port 8080 ...')
Save the file as something like 'video.js' (as long as it ends in .js). Make sure the JavaScript file is set to run using Node.js (software you installed to fly the drone). Then, turn on your drone and connect to its wifi. Then, go through the FFMPEG files until you find a file called 'ff-prompt.bat'. In the prompt of that batch file, type or paste in the file path of your video.js (or whatever you called it). Then press enter and it should start broadcasting onto your localhost ( at port 8080. So go to your browser and type "http://localhost:8080" and you should be able to see an image from your drone. If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment and I'll address it as soon as possible. Thanks!

Decompression and extraction of files from streaming archive on the fly

I'm writing a browser plugin, similiar to Flash and Java in that it starts downloading a file (.jar or .swf) as soon as it gets displayed. Java waits (I believe) until the entire jar files is loaded, but Flash does not. I want the same ability, but with a compressed archive file. I would like to access files in the archive as soon as the bytes necessary for their decompression are downloaded.
For example I'm downloading the archive into a memory buffer, and as soon as the first file is possible to decompress, I want to be able to decompress it (also to a memory buffer).
Are there any formats/libraries that support this?
EDIT: If possible, I'd prefer a single file format instead of separate ones for compression and archiving, like gz/bzip2 and tar.
There are 2 issues here
How to write the code.
What format to use.
On the file format, You can't use the .ZIP format because .ZIP puts the table of contents at the end of the file. That means you'd have to download the entire file before you can know what's in it. Zip has headers you can scan for but those headers are not the official list of what's in the file.
Zip explicitly puts the table of contents at the end because it allows fast adding a files.
Assume you have a zip file with contains files 'a', 'b', and 'c'. You want to update 'c'. It's perfectly valid in zip to read the table of contents, append the new c, write a new table of contents pointing to the new 'c' but the old 'c' is still in the file. If you scan for headers you'll end up seeing the old 'c' since it's still in the file.
This feature of appending was an explicit design goal of zip. It comes from the 1980s when a zip could span multiple floppy discs. If you needed to add a file it would suck to have to read all N discs just to re-write the entire zip file. So instead the format just lets you append updated files to the end which means it only needs the last disc. It just reads the old TOC, appends the new files, writes a new TOC.
Gzipped tar files don't have this problem. Tar files are stored header, file, header file, and the compression is on top of that so it's possible to decompress as the file it's downloaded and use the files as they become available. You can create gzipped tar files easily in windows using winrar (commercial) or 7-zip (free) and on linux, osx and cygwin use the tar command.
On the code to write,
O3D does this and is open source so you can look at the code
The decompression code is in o3d/import/cross/...
It targets the NPAPI using some glue which can be found in o3d/plugin/cross
Check out the boost::zlib filters. They make using zlib a snap.
Here's the sample from the boost docs that will decompress a file and write it to the console:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_streambuf.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/copy.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filter/zlib.hpp>
int main()
using namespace std;
ifstream file("hello.z", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
filtering_streambuf<input> in;
boost::iostreams::copy(in, cout);
Sure, zlib for example uses z_stream for incremental compression and decompression via functions inflateInit, inflate, deflateInit, deflate. libzip2 has similar abilities.
For incremental extraction from the archive (as it gets deflated), look e.g. to the good old tar format.