Computing gradients for outputs taken from intermediate layers and updating weights using optimizer - computer-vision

I am trying to implement below architecture and not sure in applying gradient tape properly.
In the above architecture we can see, outputs taken from multiple layers in the blue boxes. Each blue box is termed as loss branch in the paper which contains two losses namely cross entropy and l2 loss. I wrote architecture in tensorflow 2 and using gradient tape for custom training purpose. One thing I am not sure is how should I update the losses using gradient tape.
I have two queries,
How am I supposed to use gradient tape for multiple losses in this scenario. I am interested in seeing code!
For instance, consider the 3rd blue box(3rd loss branch) in the above image, where we will take inputs from conv 13 layer and get two outputs, one for classification and other for regression.
So after computing the losses how I am supposed to update the weights, should I update all the layers above(from conv 1 to conv 13) or should I only update the layers weights which fetched me conv 13 (conv 11, 12 and 13).
I am also attaching a link where I posted a question yesterday in detail.
Below is the snippet which I have tried for gradient descent. Please correct me if I am wrong.
images =[0]
images = (images - 127.5) / 127.5
targets = batch.label
with tensorflow.GradientTape() as tape:
outputs =
loss = self.loss_criterion(outputs, targets)
self.scheduler(i, self.optimizer)
grads = tape.gradient(loss,
Below is the code for custom loss function which is used as loss_criterion above.
losses = []
for i in range(self.num_output_scales):
pred_score = outputs[i * 2]
pred_bbox = outputs[i * 2 + 1]
gt_mask = targets[i * 2]
gt_label = targets[i * 2 + 1]
pred_score_softmax = tensorflow.nn.softmax(pred_score, axis=1)
loss_mask = tensorflow.ones(pred_score_softmax.shape, tensorflow.float32)
if self.hnm_ratio > 0:
pos_flag = (gt_label[:, 0, :, :] > 0.5)
pos_num = tensorflow.math.reduce_sum(tensorflow.cast(pos_flag, dtype=tensorflow.float32))
if pos_num > 0:
neg_flag = (gt_label[:, 1, :, :] > 0.5)
neg_num = tensorflow.math.reduce_sum(tensorflow.cast(neg_flag, dtype=tensorflow.float32))
neg_num_selected = min(int(self.hnm_ratio * pos_num), int(neg_num))
neg_prob = tensorflow.where(neg_flag, pred_score_softmax[:, 1, :, :], \
tensorflow.zeros_like(pred_score_softmax[:, 1, :, :]))
neg_prob_sort = tensorflow.sort(tensorflow.reshape(neg_prob, shape=(1, -1)), direction='ASCENDING')
prob_threshold = neg_prob_sort[0][int(neg_num_selected)]
neg_grad_flag = (neg_prob <= prob_threshold)
loss_mask = tensorflow.concat([tensorflow.expand_dims(pos_flag, axis=1),
tensorflow.expand_dims(neg_grad_flag, axis=1)], axis=1)
neg_choice_ratio = 0.1
neg_num_selected = int(tensorflow.cast(tensorflow.size(pred_score_softmax[:, 1, :, :]), dtype=tensorflow.float32) * 0.1)
neg_prob = pred_score_softmax[:, 1, :, :]
neg_prob_sort = tensorflow.sort(tensorflow.reshape(neg_prob, shape=(1, -1)), direction='ASCENDING')
prob_threshold = neg_prob_sort[0][int(neg_num_selected)]
neg_grad_flag = (neg_prob <= prob_threshold)
loss_mask = tensorflow.concat([tensorflow.expand_dims(pos_flag, axis=1),
tensorflow.expand_dims(neg_grad_flag, axis=1)], axis=1)
pred_score_softmax_masked = tensorflow.where(loss_mask, pred_score_softmax,
tensorflow.zeros_like(pred_score_softmax, dtype=tensorflow.float32))
pred_score_log = tensorflow.math.log(pred_score_softmax_masked)
score_cross_entropy = - tensorflow.where(loss_mask, gt_label[:, :2, :, :],
tensorflow.zeros_like(gt_label[:, :2, :, :], dtype=tensorflow.float32)) * pred_score_log
loss_score = tensorflow.math.reduce_sum(score_cross_entropy) /
tensorflow.cast(tensorflow.size(score_cross_entropy), tensorflow.float32)
mask_bbox = gt_mask[:, 2:6, :, :]
predict_bbox = pred_bbox * mask_bbox
label_bbox = gt_label[:, 2:6, :, :] * mask_bbox
# l2 loss of boxes
# loss_bbox = tensorflow.math.reduce_sum(tensorflow.nn.l2_loss((label_bbox - predict_bbox)) ** 2) / 2
loss_bbox = mse(label_bbox, predict_bbox) / tensorflow.math.reduce_sum(mask_bbox)
# Adding only losses relevant to a branch and sending them for back prop
losses.append(loss_score + loss_bbox)
# losses.append(loss_bbox)
# Adding all losses and sending to back prop Approach 1
# loss_cls += loss_score
# loss_reg += loss_bbox
# loss_branch.append(loss_score)
# loss_branch.append(loss_bbox)
# loss = loss_cls + loss_reg
return losses
I am not getting any error but my losses aren't minimizing. Here is the log for my training.
Someone please help me in fixing this.


Create UV Texture map from DensePose Output

I am trying to generate a single UV-texture map in the format of the SURREAL dataset. There is a notebook in the original DensePose repository that discusses how to apply texture transfer using an image from SMPL:
However, in this case I am trying to use the outputs we get from DensePose directly:
In dump mode, I get the uv coordinates in data[0]['pred_densepose'][0].uv with dimensions: torch.Size([2, 1098, 529])
I overlayed the output from running inference on an image with dp_u,dp_v visualization on a black background. Here is the link to the image:
This is the command I used to get this inference: python3 show configs/densepose_rcnn_R_101_FPN_DL_WC2M_s1x.yaml model_final_de6e7a.pkl input.jpg dp_u,dp_v -v --output output.png
This is the link to the original image:
Using these components, I am trying to generate the 24 part uv texture map in the same format as SMPL:
It would be extremely helpful if someone can share how to solve this problem. Please let me know if additional information is needed.
I don't know if the problem still persists or you were able to find a solution. In case that anyone else would challenge the same issues, here is my solution. I put together several different codes and ideas from official github issue page for densepose (
I assume that we already have output of utility from github denspose repository. From your post it is a data output (one you were able to obtain data[0]['pred_densepose'][0].uv from).
Let's do some coding:
import copy
import cv2
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# I assume the data are stored in pickle, and you are able to read them
results = data[0]
IMAGE_FILE = 'path/to/image.png'
def parse_iuv(result):
i = result['pred_densepose'][0].labels.cpu().numpy().astype(float)
uv = (result['pred_densepose'][0].uv.cpu().numpy() * 255.0).astype(float)
iuv = np.stack((uv[1, :, :], uv[0, :, :], i))
iuv = np.transpose(iuv, (1, 2, 0))
return iuv
def parse_bbox(result):
return result["pred_boxes_XYXY"][0].cpu().numpy()
def concat_textures(array):
texture = []
for i in range(4):
tmp = array[6 * i]
for j in range(6 * i + 1, 6 * i + 6):
tmp = np.concatenate((tmp, array[j]), axis=1)
texture = tmp if len(texture) == 0 else np.concatenate((texture, tmp), axis=0)
return texture
def interpolate_tex(tex):
# code is adopted from
valid_mask = np.array((tex.sum(0) != 0) * 1, dtype='uint8')
radius_increase = 10
kernel = np.ones((radius_increase, radius_increase), np.uint8)
dilated_mask = cv2.dilate(valid_mask, kernel, iterations=1)
region_to_fill = dilated_mask - valid_mask
invalid_region = 1 - valid_mask
actual_part_max = tex.max()
actual_part_min = tex.min()
actual_part_uint = np.array((tex - actual_part_min) / (actual_part_max - actual_part_min) * 255, dtype='uint8')
actual_part_uint = cv2.inpaint(actual_part_uint.transpose((1, 2, 0)), invalid_region, 1,
cv2.INPAINT_TELEA).transpose((2, 0, 1))
actual_part = (actual_part_uint / 255.0) * (actual_part_max - actual_part_min) + actual_part_min
# only use dilated part
actual_part = actual_part * dilated_mask
return actual_part
def get_texture(im, iuv, bbox, tex_part_size=200):
# this part of code creates iuv image which corresponds
# to the size of original image (iuv from densepose is placed
# within pose bounding box).
im = im.transpose(2, 1, 0) / 255
image_w, image_h = im.shape[1], im.shape[2]
bbox[2] = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
bbox[3] = bbox[3] - bbox[1]
x, y, w, h = [int(v) for v in bbox]
bg = np.zeros((image_h, image_w, 3))
bg[y:y + h, x:x + w, :] = iuv
iuv = bg
iuv = iuv.transpose((2, 1, 0))
i, u, v = iuv[2], iuv[1], iuv[0]
# following part of code iterate over parts and creates textures
# of size `tex_part_size x tex_part_size`
n_parts = 24
texture = np.zeros((n_parts, 3, tex_part_size, tex_part_size))
for part_id in range(1, n_parts + 1):
generated = np.zeros((3, tex_part_size, tex_part_size))
x, y = u[i == part_id], v[i == part_id]
# transform uv coodrinates to current UV texture coordinates:
tex_u_coo = (x * (tex_part_size - 1) / 255).astype(int)
tex_v_coo = (y * (tex_part_size - 1) / 255).astype(int)
# clipping due to issues encountered in denspose output;
# for unknown reason, some `uv` coos are out of bound [0, 1]
tex_u_coo = np.clip(tex_u_coo, 0, tex_part_size - 1)
tex_v_coo = np.clip(tex_v_coo, 0, tex_part_size - 1)
# write corresponding pixels from original image to UV texture
# iterate in range(3) due to 3 chanels
for channel in range(3):
generated[channel][tex_v_coo, tex_u_coo] = im[channel][i == part_id]
# this part is not crucial, but gives you better results
# (texture comes out more smooth)
if np.sum(generated) > 0:
generated = interpolate_tex(generated)
# assign part to final texture carrier
texture[part_id - 1] = generated[:, ::-1, :]
# concatenate textures and create 2D plane (UV)
tex_concat = np.zeros((24, tex_part_size, tex_part_size, 3))
for i in range(texture.shape[0]):
tex_concat[i] = texture[i].transpose(2, 1, 0)
tex = concat_textures(tex_concat)
return tex
iuv = parse_iuv(results)
bbox = parse_bbox(results)
image = cv2.imread(IMAGE_FILE)[:, :, ::-1]
uv_texture = get_texture(image, iuv, bbox)
# plot texture or do whatever you like

How do I fit a pymc3 model when each person has multiple data points?

I'm trying to practice using pymc3 on the kinds of data I come across in my research, but I'm having trouble thinking through how to fit the model when each person gives me multiple data points, and each person comes from a different group (so trying a hierarchical model).
Here's the practice scenario I'm using: Suppose we have 2 groups of people, N = 30 in each group. All 60 people go through a 10 question survey, where each person can response ("1") or not respond ("0") to each question. So, for each person, I have an array of length 10 with 1's and 0's.
To model these data, I assume each person has some latent trait "theta", and each item has a "discrimination" a and a "difficulty" b (this is just a basic item response model), and the probability of responding ("1") is given by: (1 + exp(-a(theta - b)))^(-1). (Logistic applied to a(theta - b) .)
Here is how I tried to fit it using pymc3:
traces = {}
for grp in range(2):
group = prac_data["Group ID"] == grp
data = prac_data[group]["Response"]
with pm.Model() as irt:
# Priors
a_tmp = pm.Normal('a_tmp',mu=0, sd = 1, shape = 10)
a = pm.Deterministic('a', np.exp(a_tmp))
# We do this transformation since we must have a >= 0
b = pm.Normal('b', mu = 0, sd = 1, shape = 10)
# Now for the hyperpriors on the groups:
theta_mu = pm.Normal('theta_mu', mu = 0, sd = 1)
theta_sigma = pm.Uniform('theta_sigma', upper = 2, lower = 0)
theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu = theta_mu,
sd = theta_sigma, shape = N)
p = getProbs(Disc, Diff, theta, N)
y = pm.Bernoulli('y', p = p, observed = data)
traces[grp] = pm.sample(1000)
The function "getProbs" is supposed to give me an array of probabilities for the Bernoulli random variable, as the probability of responding 1 changes across trials/survey questions for each person. But this method gives me an error because it says to "specify one of p or logit_p", but I thought I did with the function?
Here's the code for "getProbs" in case it's helpful:
def getProbs(Disc, Diff, THETA, Nprt):
# Get a large array of probabilities for the bernoulli random variable
n = len(Disc)
m = Nprt
probs = np.array([])
for th in range(m):
for t in range(n):
p = item(Disc[t], Diff[t], THETA[th])
probs = np.append(probs, p)
return probs
I added the Nprt parameter because if I tried to get the length of THETA, it would give me an error since it is a FreeRV object. I know I can try and vectorize the "item" function, which is just the logistic function I put above, instead of doing it this way, but that also got me an error when I tried to run it.
I think I can do something with pm.Data to fix this, but the documentation isn't exactly clear to me.
Basically, I'm used to building models in JAGS, where you loop through each data point, but pymc3 doesn't seem to work like that. I'm confused about how to build/index my random variables in the model to make sure that the probabilities change how I'd like them to from trial-to-trial, and to make sure that the parameters I'm estimating correspond to the right person in the right group.
Thanks in advance for any help. I'm pretty new to pymc3 and trying to get the hang of it, and wanted to try something different from JAGS.
EDIT: I was able to solve this by first building the array I needed by looping through the trials, then transforming the array using:
p = theano.tensor.stack(p, axis = 0)
I then put this new variable in the "p" argument of the Bernoulli instance and it worked! Here's the updated full model: (below, I imported theano.tensor as T)
group = group.astype('int')
data = prac_data["Response"]
with pm.Model() as irt:
# Priors
# Item parameters:
a = pm.Gamma('a', alpha = 1, beta = 1, shape = 10) # Discrimination
b = pm.Normal('b', mu = 0, sd = 1, shape = 10) # Difficulty
# Now for the hyperpriors on the groups: shape = 2 as there are 2 groups
theta_mu = pm.Normal('theta_mu', mu = 0, sd = 1, shape = 2)
theta_sigma = pm.Uniform('theta_sigma', upper = 2, lower = 0, shape = 2)
# Individual-level person parameters:
# group is a 2*N array that lets the model know which
# theta_mu to use for each theta to estimate
theta = pm.Normal('theta', mu = theta_mu[group],
sd = theta_sigma[group], shape = 2*N)
# Here, we're building an array of the probabilities we need for
# each trial:
p = np.array([])
for n in range(2*N):
for t in range(10):
x = -a[t]*(theta[n] - b[t])
p = np.append(p, x)
# Here, we turn p into a tensor object to put as an argument to the
# Bernoulli random variable
p = T.stack(p, axis = 0)
y = pm.Bernoulli('y', logit_p = p, observed = data)
# On my computer, this took about 5 minutes to run.
traces = pm.sample(1000, cores = 1)
print(az.summary(traces)) # Summary of parameter distributions

Why do loss valued increase after some epochs in sampled_softmax_loss

I'm using Tensorflow to train a word2vec skip gram model. The computation graph is in the code below:
# training data
self.dataset =, batch_size=self.batch_size, column_names=['input', 'output'], header=False, num_epochs=self.epochs)
self.datum = self.dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
self.inputs, self.labels = self.datum['input'], self.datum['output']
# embedding layer
self.embedding_g = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform((self.n_vocab, self.n_embedding), -1, 1))
self.embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.embedding_g, self.inputs)
# softmax layer
self.softmax_w_g = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal((self.n_context, self.n_embedding)))
self.softmax_b_g = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(self.n_context))
# Calculate the loss using negative sampling
self.labels = tf.reshape(self.labels, [-1, 1])
self.loss = tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(
self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(self.loss)
self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(self.cost)
But after 25 epochs, loss values begin to increase. Is there any reason for this?

Joining of curve fitting models

I have this 7 quasi-lorentzian curves which are fitted to my data.
and I would like to join them, to make one connected curved line. Do You have any ideas how to do this? I've read about ComposingModel at lmfit documentation, but it's not clear how to do this.
Here is a sample of my code of two fitted curves.
for dataset in [Bxfft]:
dataset = np.asarray(dataset)
freqs, psd = signal.welch(dataset, fs=266336/300, window='hamming', nperseg=16192, scaling='spectrum')
plt.semilogy(freqs[0:-7000], psd[0:-7000]/dataset.size**0, color='r', label='Bx')
x = freqs[100:-7900]
y = psd[100:-7900]
# 8 Hz
model = Model(lorentzian)
params = model.make_params(amp=6, cen=5, sig=1, e=0)
result =, params, x=x)
final_fit = result.best_fit
print "8 Hz mode"
plt.plot(x, final_fit, 'k-', linewidth=2)
# 14 Hz
x2 = freqs[220:-7780]
y2 = psd[220:-7780]
model2 = Model(lorentzian)
pars2 = model2.make_params(amp=6, cen=10, sig=3, e=0)
pars2['amp'].value = 6
result2 =, pars2, x=x2)
final_fit2 = result2.best_fit
print "14 Hz mode"
plt.plot(x2, final_fit2, 'k-', linewidth=2)
I've used some hints from user #MNewville, who posted an answer and using his code I got this:
So my code is similar to his, but extended with each peak. What I'm struggling now is replacing ready LorentzModel with my own.
The problem is when I do this, the code gives me an error like this.
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\lmfit\ RuntimeWarning:
invalid value encountered in double_scalars [[Model]] spercent =
About my own model:
def lorentzian(x, amp, cen, sig, e):
return (amp*(1-e)) / ((pow((1.0 * x - cen), 2)) + (pow(sig, 2)))
peak1 = Model(lorentzian, prefix='p1_')
peak2 = Model(lorentzian, prefix='p2_')
peak3 = Model(lorentzian, prefix='p3_')
# make composite by adding (or multiplying, etc) components
model = peak1 + peak2 + peak3
# make parameters for the full model, setting initial values
# using the prefixes
params = model.make_params(p1_amp=6, p1_cen=8, p1_sig=1, p1_e=0,
p2_ampe=16, p2_cen=14, p2_sig=3, p2_e=0,
p3_amp=16, p3_cen=21, p3_sig=3, p3_e=0,)
rest of the code is similar like at #MNewville
[![enter image description here][3]][3]
A composite model for 3 Lorentzians would look like this:
from lmfit import Model, LorentzianModel
peak1 = LorentzianModel(prefix='p1_')
peak2 = LorentzianModel(prefix='p2_')
peak3 = LorentzianModel(prefix='p3_')
# make composite by adding (or multiplying, etc) components
model = peak1 + peaks2 + peak3
# make parameters for the full model, setting initial values
# using the prefixes
params = model.make_params(p1_amplitude=10, p1_center=8, p1_sigma=3,
p2_amplitude=10, p2_center=15, p2_sigma=3,
p3_amplitude=10, p3_center=20, p3_sigma=3)
# perhaps set bounds to prevent peaks from swapping or crazy values
params['p1_amplitude'].min = 0
params['p2_amplitude'].min = 0
params['p3_amplitude'].min = 0
params['p1_sigma'].min = 0
params['p2_sigma'].min = 0
params['p3_sigma'].min = 0
params['p1_center'].min = 2
params['p1_center'].max = 11
params['p2_center'].min = 10
params['p2_center'].max = 18
params['p3_center'].min = 17
params['p3_center'].max = 25
# then do a fit over the full data range
result =, params, x=x)
I think the key parts you were missing were: a) just add models together, and b) use prefix to avoid name collisions of parameters.
I hope that is enough to get you started...

Python update the plot limits and multiple lines in the plot

I have some problems the first one is that I can't update the plot limits of the y axis and the second is that I want to see 6 lines from each sensor, as you can see in the picture I see only one if I make some changes I see all the sensors variations in one line
here is the code where I create the plot and a picture of this:
# Flag variables
self.isLogging = False
# Create data buffers
self.N = 70
self.n = range(self.N)
self.M = 6 # just one lead - i.e. 1 number per sample
self.x = 0 * numpy.ones(self.N,
# Data logging file
self.f = 0
# Create plot area and axes
self.x_max = 500
self.x_min = 330
self.fig = Figure(facecolor='#e4e4e4')
self.canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self, -1, self.fig)
self.canvas.SetSize((550,280)) = self.fig.add_axes([0.08,0.1,0.86,0.8]), self.N - 1), self.x_max),self.x)
# Filter taps
self.taps = [0, 0, 0]
# Create timer to read incoming data and scroll plot
self.timer = wx.Timer(self)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.GetSample, self.timer)
And here is where I grab the data and I try to update the limits of the plot
if len(sample_string) != 6:
sample_string = sample_string[0:-1]
self.taps[1:3] = self.taps[0:2]
self.taps[0] = int(array[1])
#value = 0.5 * self.taps[0] + 0.5 * self.taps[2]
value = self.taps[0]
self.x[0:self.N-1] = self.x[1:]
self.x[self.N-1] = value
# print sample to data logging file
if self.f != 0:
# update plot limits
maxval = max(self.x[:])
minval = min(self.x[:])
self.x_max += ((maxval + 10) - self.x_max) / 100.0
self.x_min -= (self.x_min - (minval - 10)) / 100.0
# Update plot, self.N - 1), self.x_max), self.x)
if b7 == True:
p.s I removed the faulty code where I tried to add the other sensors,here is only the working code for the one sensor plot..