AWS Glue table Map data type for arbitratry number of fields and challenges faced - amazon-web-services

We are working on a Data-Lake project and we are getting the data from the cloudwatch logs, which in turn is going to be sent to S3 through the help of Kinesis service. Once this is in S3, we need to create a table to see the data through Athena, we have JSON files. We have 3 fields one is timestamp and the other one is properties, which in turn is an object which may hold arbitrary number of fields and differs on case to case, hence while creating the table, I defined it to be map<string,string>, based on some research and advises. Now the challenge is while querying through Athena, it always says zero records returned when there is data for sure. To confirm this, I have create a table this time through crawler and I am able to see the data through Athena, but only difference is the properties column is defined as struct with specific fields inside it, but where manual table has map<string,string> to handle arbitrary fileds coming in. Appreciate for any help to identify the root cause against this. Thank you.
Below is sample JSON line which is sitting in S3.
{"streamedAt":1599012411567,"properties":{"timestamp":1597998038615,"message":"Example Event 1","processFlag":"true"},"event":"aws:kinesis:record"}

Zero records returned usually means the table's location is wrong, or that you have a partitioned table but haven't added any partitions. I assume you would have figured it out if it was the former, so I suspect the latter. When you run a crawler it will add partitions it finds in addition to creating the table.
If you need help adding partitions please edit your question and provide examples of how your data is structured on S3.
This is a case where using a Glue crawler will probably not work very well, it will try too hard to figure out the schema of the properties column and it's never going to get it right. Glue crawlers are in general pretty bad at things that aren't very basic (see this question for a similar use case to yours when Glue didn't work out).
I think you'll be fine with a manually created table that uses map<string,string> as the type for the properties column. When you know the type of a property and want to use it as that type you just cast the value at query time. An alternative is to use string as the type and use the JSON functions to extract values at query time.


Automatically generate data documentation in the Redshift cluster

I am trying to automatically generate a data documentation in the Redshift cluster for all the maintained data products, but I am having trouble to do so.
Is there a way to fetch/store metadata about tables/columns in redshift directly?
Is there also some automatic way to determine what are the unique keys in a Redshift table?
For example an ideal solution would be to have:
Table location (cluster, schema, etc.)
Table description (what is the table for)
Each column's description (what is each column for, data type, is it a key column, if so what type, etc.)
Column's distribution (min, max, median, mode, etc.)
Columns which together form a unique entry in the table
I fully understand that getting the descriptions automatically is pretty much impossible, but I couldn't find a way to store the descriptions in redshift directly, instead I'd have to use 3rd party solutions or generally a documentation outside of the SQL scripts, which I'm not a big fan of, due to the way the data products are built right now. Thus having a way to store each table's/column's description in redshift would be greatly appreciated.
Amazon Redshift has the ability to store a COMMENT on:
You can use these comments to store descriptions. It might need a bit of table joining to access.
See: COMMENT - Amazon Redshift

Glue Crawler does not recognize Timestamps

I have JSON files in an S3 Bucket that may change their schema from time to time. To be able to analyze the data I want to run a glue crawler periodically on them, the analysis in Athena works in general.
Problem: My timestamp string is not recognized as timestamp
The timestamps currently have the following format 2020-04-06T10:37:38+00:00, but I have also tried others, e.g. 2020-04-06 10:37:38 - I have control over this and can adjust the format.
The suggestion to set the serde parameters might not work for my application, I want to have the scheme completely recognized and not have to define each field individually. (AWS Glue: Crawler does not recognize Timestamp columns in CSV format)
Manual adjustments in the table are generally not wanted, I would like to deploy Glue automatically within a CloudFormation stack.
Do you have an idea what else I can try?
This is a very common problem. The way we got around the problem when reading text/json files is we had an extra step in between to cast and set proper data types. The crawler data types are a bit iffy sometimes and is based on the data sample available at that point in time

How to create AWS Athena table via Glue crawler when the s3 data store has both json and .gz compressed files?

I have two problems in my intended solution:
My S3 store structure is as following:
All json files have the same schema and I want to make a crawler pointing to mainfolder/ which can then create a table in Athena for querying.
I have already tried with just one file format, e.g. if the files are just json or just gz then the crawler works perfectly but I am looking for a solution through which I can automate either type of file processing. I am open to write a custom script or any out of the box solution but need pointers where to start.
The second issue that my json data has a field(column) which the crawler interprets as struct data but I want to make that field type as string. Reason being that if the type remains struct the date/hour partitions get a mismatch error as obviously struct data has not the same internal schema across the files. I have tried to make a custom classifier but there are no options there to describe data types.
I would suggest skipping using a crawler altogether. In my experience Glue crawlers are not worth the problems they cause. It's easy to create tables with the Glue API, and so is adding partitions. The API is a bit verbose, especially adding partitions, but it's much less pain than trying to make a crawler do what you want it to do.
You can of course also create the table from Athena, that way you can be sure you get tables that work with Athena (otherwise there are some details you need to get right). Adding partitions is also less verbose using SQL through Athena, but slower.
Crawler will not take compressed and uncompressed data together , so it will not work out of box.
It is better to write spark job in glue and use

AWS Glue crawler need to create one table from many files with identical schemas

We have a very large number of folders and files in S3, all under one particular folder, and we want to crawl for all the CSV files, and then query them from one table in Athena. The CSV files all have the same schema. The problem is that the crawler is generating a table for every file, instead of one table. Crawler configurations have a checkbox option to "Create a single schema for each S3 path" but this doesn't seem to do anything.
Is what I need possible? Thanks.
Glue crawlers claims to solve many problems, but in fact solves few. If you're slightly outside the scope of what they designed for you're out of luck. There might be a way to configure it to do what you want, but in my experience trying to make Glue crawlers do things that aren't perfectly aligned with it is not worth the effort.
It sounds like you have a good idea of what the schema of your data is. When that is the case Glue crawlers also provide very little value. You probably have a better idea of what the schema should look than Glue will ever be able to figure out.
I suggest that you manually create the table, and write a one off script that lists all the partition locations on S3 that you want to include in the table and generate ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION … SQL, or Glue API calls to add those partitions to the table.
To keep the table up to date when new partition locations are added, have a look at this answer for guidance:
One way to do what you want is to use just one of the tables created by the crawler as an example, and create a similar table manually (in AWS Glue->Tables->Add tables, or in Athena itself, with
`column1` string,
`column2` string, ...
using existing table as an example, you can see the query used to create that table in Athena when you go to Database -> select your data base from Glue Data Catalog, then click on 3 dots in front of the one "automatically created by crawler table" that you choose as an example, and click on "Generate Create table DDL" option. It will generate a big query for you, modify it as necessary (I believe you need to look at LOCATION and TBLPROPERTIES parts, mostly).
When you run this modified query in Athena, a new table will appear in Glue data catalog. But it will not have any information about your s3 files and partitions, and crawler most likely will not update metastore info for you. So you can in Athena run "MSCK REPAIR TABLE tablename;" query (it's not very efficient, but works for me), and it will add missing file information, in the Result tab you will see something like (in case you use partitions on s3, of course):
Partitions not in metastore: tablename:dt=2020-02-03 tablename:dt=2020-02-04
Repair: Added partition to metastore tablename:dt=2020-02-03
Repair: Added partition to metastore tablename:dt=2020-02-04
After that you should be able to run your Athena queries.

Amazon Redshift schema design

We are looking at Amazon Redshift to implement our Data Warehouse and I would like some suggestions on how to properly design Schemas in Redshift, please.
I am completely new to Redshift. In the past when I worked with "traditional" data warehouses, I was used to creating schemas such as "Source", "Stage", "Final", etc. to group all the database objects according to what stage the data was in.
By default, a database in Redshift has a single schema, which is named PUBLIC. So, my question to those who have worked with Redshift, does the approach that I have outlined above apply here? If not, I would love some suggestions.
With my experience in working with Redshift, I can assert the following points with confidence:
Multiple schema: You should create multiple schema and create tables accordingly. When you'll scale, it'll be easier for you to pin-point where exactly the table is supposed to be. Let us say, you have 3 schema, named production, aggregates and rough. Now, you know that the table production will contain the tables that are not supposed to be changed (mostly OLTP data) - such as user, order, transactions tables. Table aggregates will have aggregated data built over raw tables - such as number of orders placed per user per day per category. Finally, rough will contain any table that doesn't hold a business logic but is required for some temporary work - let us say to check the genre of movies for a list of 1 lakh users, which is shared with you in an excel file. Simply create a table in rough schema, perform your operations and drop the table. Now you very clearly know where you'll find the tables based on whether they are raw, aggregated or simply temporary tables.
Public schema: Forget it exists. Any table that is not preceded with a schema name, gets created there. A lot of clutter - no point in storing any important data there.
Cross schema joins: There's no stopping here. You may join as many tables from as many schema as required. In fact, it is desirable you create dimension tables and join on a PK later, rather than to keep all the information in a single table.
Spend some quality time in designing the schema and underlying table structure. When you expand, it'll be easier for you to classify things better in terms of access control. Do let me know if I've missed some obvious points.
You can have multiple databases in a Redshift cluster but I would stick with one. You are correct that schemas (essentially namespaces) are a good way to divide things up. You can query across schemas but not databases.
I would avoid using the public schema as managing certain permissions there can be difficult (easier to deny someone access to public than prevent them from being able to create a table for example).
For best results if you have the time, learn about the permissions system up front. You want to create groups that have access to schemas or tables and add/remove users from groups to control what they can do. Once you have that going it becomes pretty easy to manage.
In addition to the other responses, here are some suggestions for improving schema performance.
First: Automatic compression encodings using COPY command
Improve the performance of Amazon Redshift using the COPY command. It will get data into Redshift database. The COPY command is clever enough. It automatically chooses the most appropriate encoding settings for the data it uploads. You don’t have to think about it. However, it does so only for the first data upload into an empty table.
So, make sure to use a significant data set while uploading data for the first time, which Redshift can assess to set the column encodings in the best way. Uploading a few lines of test data will confuse Redshift to know how best to optimize the compression to handle the real workload.
Second: Use Best Distribution Style and Key
Distribution-style decides how data is distributed across the nodes. Applying a distribution style at table level tells Redshift how you want to distribute the table and the key. So, how you specify distribution style is important for good query performance with Redshift. The style you choose may affect requirements for data storage and cluster. It also affects the time taken by the COPY command to execute.
I recommend setting the distribution style to all tables with a smaller dimension. For large dimension, distribute both the dimension and associated fact on their join column. To optimize the second large dimension, take the storage-hit and distribute ALL. You can even design the dimension columns into the fact.
Third: Use the Best Sort Key
A Redshift database maintains data in a table with an arrangement of a sort-key-column if specified. Since it’s sorted in each partition; each cluster node upholds its partition in predefined order. (While designing your Redshift schema, also consider the impact on your budget. Redshift is priced by amount of stored data and by the number of nodes.)
Sort key optimizes Amazon Redshift performance significantly. You can do it in many ways. First, use data filtering. If where-clause filters on a sort-key-column, it skips the entire data blocks. It’s because Redshift saves data in blocks. Each block header records the minimum and maximum sort key value. Filter outside of that range, the entire block may get skipped.
Alternatively, when joining two tables, sorted on their joint keys, the data is read in matching order. Also, you can merge-join without separate sort-steps. Joining large dimension to a large fact table will be easy with this method because neither will fit into a hash table.