In Naoqi 2.5, one can subscribe and use ALNotificationManager to obtain diagnoses such as some of my motors are too hot in my xx.
How can we get such diagnoses using QiSDK? We want to operate Pepper remotely and need this information to handle timely.
Check out ALDiagnosis, and more precisely getDignosisStatus.
It returns serializable data describing the detected issues.
I know I'm asking a dumb question, but I'm quite of a zwave/openzwave beginner, so I wanted to get some help on that.
My zwave network is already up, and I have two nodes:
the key itself to control the other nodes
a sensor for temperature and humidity (the ST814, from Everspring)
Now, I want to display the temperature and the humidity in my console, but I'm not really understanding how it works. From what I understood, I need to configure the auto-report of my sensor (doc is here, see page 6), and get the notifications every X minutes, but I'm not sure.
Does someone already did that or know how to do it?
Thank you a lot,
Imagine there's a room full of people from Sweden, and they're all talking to each other in Swedish. Even though you can hear what they're saying, it doesn't mean anything to you because you don't speak Swedish. If you had the ability to speak Swedish, you would understand exactly what was going on.
Now imagine there's a network full of devices and a controller that all speak Z-Wave. Sensors are reporting temperature and humidity at regular intervals to the controller. But, even though you can hear what they're saying, it doesn't mean anything to you because you don't speak Z-Wave.
OpenZWave is a library that enables you to understand and speak Z-Wave. You can use it to create software that listens to the conversations, decides what action to take and even barks out orders in Z-Wave to devices (e.g., motion detection -> call the police). OpenZWave comes with sample applications that show you how to construct your own home automation software using the OpenZWave library. You can also use a software package such as Domoticz, HomeSeer, OpenHAB or SmartThings. These applications provide a broad set of home automation features and functionality so you don't have to program them yourself.
To use the least amount of battery, a device such as the ST814 spends most of its time sleeping. At user-defined regular intervals (for example, every hour), the device wakes up, reports the temperature and humidity to the controller and checks to make sure there are no other commands or requests waiting for it. Then it goes back to sleep. You determine how often the device wakes up and can set it according to the instructions you referenced.
If you want to intercept the temperature and humidity report from the ST814 to the controller and output it to the console with OpenZwave, you need to write some code or use someone else's program. The latter is easier, but might not enable you to do exactly what you want to do. Using OpenZWave is harder, but provides the capability to do just about anything you want to do.
i need to write a battery model that is able to discharge and charge at specified times in a simulated wireless sensor network in omnet++ using inet modules.
as far as i got i did understand that i need to build an IBattery implementation to provide battery specifications and maybe recharging capabilities and some other module/way to begin discharging and charging periods.
one idea was to implement the IPowerControl interface but it does not seem to have control over the type of event (e.g. charging or discharging)
what should i look for? i am a bit overwhelmed by inet source code dimension and got lost...
How does ZeroC ICE compare to 0MQ? I know that 0MQ/Crossroads and DDS are very similar, but cant seem to figure out where ICE comes in.
I need to quickly implement a system that offloads real-time market-data from C++ to C#, as a first phase of my project. The next phase will be to implement an Event Based architecture with an underlying Pub/Sub design.
I am willing to use TCP.. but the the system is currently running on a single 24 core server.. so an IPC option would be nice. From what I understand ICE is only TCP, while DDS and 0mq have an IPC option.
Currently ,I am leaning towards using Protobuf with either ICE or Crossroads IO. Got turned off from the OpenSplice DDS website. Ive done lots research on the various options, was originally considering OpenMPI + boost:mpi, but there does not seem to be MPI for .NET.
My question is:
How does ICE compare to 0MQ? I cant wrap my head around this. Was unable to find anything online that compares the two.
thanks in advance.
More about my project:
Currently using CMAKE C++ on Windows, but the plan is to move to CentOS at some point. An additional desired feature is to store the tic data and all the messages in a "NoSql" database such as Hbase/Hadoop or HDF5. Do any of these middleware/messaging/pub-sub libraries have any database integration?
Some thoughts about ZeroC:
Very fast; Able to have multiple endpoints; Able to load balance on the endpoints; Able to reconnect to a different endpoint in case one of the node goes down. This is transparent to the end user; Has good tool chain (IceGrid, IceStorm, IceBox, etc); Distributed, high availability, multiple failover, etc
Apart from that, I have used it for hot swapping code modules (something similar to Erlang) by having the client create the proxy with multiple endpoints, and later on bring down each endpoint for a quick upgrade one by one. With the transparent retry to a different endpoint, I could have the system up and running the whole time i did an upgrade. Not sure if this is an advertised feature or an unadvertised side-effect :)
Overall, it is very easy to scale out your servers if need be using ZeroC Ice.
I know ZeroMQ provides a fantastic set of tools and messaging patterns and I would keep using it for my pet projects. However, The problem that i see is that it is very easy to go overboard and lose track of all your distributed components. This is a must have in a distributed environment. How will you know where your clients/server are when you need to upgrade? If one of components down the chain does not receive a message, how to identify where the issue is? the publisher? the client? or any one of the bridges (REP/REQ, XREP/XREQ, etc) in between?
Overall, ZeroC provides a much better toolset and ecosystem for enterprise solutions.
And it is open source :)
If you want real good performance and the only job for Phase 1 of your job is to move data from C++ to C#, then Zmq is the best option.
Having a pub/sub model for event driven architecture is also something that Zmq can help you with, with its in-built messaging pattern.
Zmq also supports your IPC requirements in this case. Eg: you can have one instance of your application that consumes 24 cores by multithreading and communicating via IPC.
ZeroC Ice:
Ice is a RPC framework very much like CORBA.
Socket/ZMQ - You send message over the wire. Read it at the other end, parse the message, do some action, etc.
ZeroC Ice - Create a contract between client and server. Contract is nothing but a template of a class. Now the client calls a proxy method of that class, and the server implements/actions it and returns the value. Thus, int result = mathClass.Add(10,20) is what the client calls. The method, parameters, etc is marshalled and sent to the server, server implements the Add method, returns the result, and the client gets 30 as the result. Thus on the client side, the api is nothing but a proxy for a servant running on a remote host.
ZeroC ICE has some nice enterprisy features which are really good. However, for your project requirements, ZMQ is the right tool.
Hope this helps.
For me.. the correct answer was Crossroads I/O . It does everything I need.. but still unable to pub/sub when using protobufs... im sure ZeroC ICE is great for distributed IPC, but 0MQ/Crossroads, gives you the added flexibility to use Inter-Thread-Communication.
Note: on windows, 0mq does not have IPC.
So, all in all, the crossroads fork of 0mq is the best. but you will have to roll your own windows/ipc (or use tcp::127..) , and publisher side topic filtering features for pub/sub.
nanomsg, from the guy who wrote crossroads and 0mq (i think).
I've done an app to communicate with an arduino board that shows the info i send in a LCD. The problem is that i want to send the CPU temp, i know the best is use lm-sensors (i'm using linux) but don't know how, it doesn't have any example, so, does somebody know how to use it or where i can get an example?
If the lm_sensors modules are already loaded, the temperatures should be accessible in files from sysfs (for example: /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp1_input) that you can read with standard C/C++ file functions.
lm-sensors also provides the libsensor library. This repo shows a way to use libsensors4-dev to get temperature, voltage, and others.
I need one of the drivers to be idle (loaded on the device, but not being used at all) to get some statistics. I need to make sure that no threads/clients are using the driver. I am trying to see if there is a way to achieve this so I can programatically kill/deactivate the clients/threads, if any, that are using the driver to make sure it is idle. Please suggest.
If you are using Windows Embedded Compact 7, you might be able to use a filter driver which can be inserted in front of the driver you are testing. The filter driver can prevent any calls from reaching your driver, hence effectively leaving your driver idle.
Filter drivers are a new feature in Compact 7, so it will not help you if you are using an older version. See for an intro to filter drivers.
I don't fully understand. If you wrote the driver, you are the gatekeeper to every entry point into the driver. You can allow/disallow clients to call in however you want (e.g. semaphore, mutex, boolean flag, etc). You would know if anyone is "using" the driver because maybe someone called Open and not Close. Or a method like Read or Write would have been entered and not yet exited.