Djang-allauth signup issue on Heroku - django

before I get any deeper I’d just like to ask if any of you have experienced this issue.
When in local environment logging and signing up redirection work fine.
After deploying to Heroku, logging is fine but after signing up, redirection is not working and I’m getting Server Error 500.
Unfortunately, Heroku logs don’t give me any closer description why it is so.
It is just suspicious that locally is everything fine.
Is there any known issue I should be aware of? I haven’t found anything online and already spent days digging.
Many thanks for any help.


How do I know if my Django project is ready to be deployed?

I already finished my project that I made with django, and I want to upload it. I already bought the domain, and they are about to host it for me.. once they give me the host, I just upload it and that's it? Or are there more steps to do within the code? What do I have to do?. that is, once everything is uploaded to the host, will everything be seen?
And the Admin will continue to work, when in the search engine put /admin/ ???.
that is, I wonder what are all the steps to follow so that once I host my page everything can be seen.
that is, what things would have to be configured in the, and other things.
I would appreciate a lot if you give me advice/tips/solutions..
What I know is that I have to change the debug to DEBUG=False ...
And I don't know anything else, once they pass me the port and other host information, I simply upload the files of my project to the host and that's it, nothing more? Isn't it necessary to write more code to show it?
Excuse me, I have never displayed a page
There are a lot of steps involved in deploying your code to production. I suggest you check out a guide like this to get a better idea of what you need to do in order to deploy your website. Additionally, you can run the command python check --deploy for a quick, though insufficient, review of your code to see if it is ready to be pushed to production.
Django is an excellent choice for developing basic to more advanced websites. The web framework works well in local and production environments. Just the same way the local environment server is not suitable for a production environment, there are things you need to configure before deploying your Django website. Take a look at the links below

My django application is not working in customdomain

I recently finished my django project and deployed it successfully without any errors in heroku. It works fine with the domain. But when i tried to add my custom domain, i got a very different problem.
Only my machine can access the page. Weird right! Yes. The page can be accessed only by me in my machine. But i get DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error. Really weird! I guess this is not the problem with the code and i know i'm missing somewhere in the dns configuration. I bought my domain in big rock. So please guide me through this weird problem.
The development site is
The deployed site is (Which you cannot access) :(
And any device connected to my WIFI can open the site. Some serious thing! Please help me out !

Django completely broken even after reinstalling it

Let me preface this by saying that my knowledge on django and web development in general is very superficial.
I was messing around with security configs on my django project, trying to make my website use https (which since then I learned is not that easy to do) but I got it into a redirect loop I believe (the website never loads). I tried to revert all my changes but couldn't get to run the website locally. After looking for answers on google in vain I decided to start the project from scratch (I had just started it anyway). But now even that doesn't work, even the Writing your first app tutorial doesn't work.
After that I reinstalled python and all the dependencies expecting that to clear every possible thing that I had changed but it didn't, still the same problem, websites never load trying to use https.
Where else could the problem in my system be?
Deleted cache and cookies and it solved the problem.

Gdata authorization errors

I have installed the google data python library in order to connect to google docs through python. The problem is that I am constantly getting a 401 error, while running the ./samples/docs/ (as suggested on saying that authorization is required. But this is really strange, because I ran the tests using ./tests/ and everything seemed to be fine (no errors here). Also I put in the right credentials of my google account, while running
Has someone came across this issue before, or does somebody know a solution??
Tnx for your help.

Idiots guide to getting a django project onto the web please

Help! I think i've gone in a bit over my head. I'm making a website for a friend who has already got a domain/hosting on the website 123reg. Keen to learn them i've been picking up python and django as i go, figured getting it online would be no problem because 123reg supports python (unspecified version).
So far i've been doing everything with the django test-server locally, i went to look into uploading it somewhere as a test and realised there's an awful lot i don't know and even with google its a bit overwhelming.
I found this link which will help me later i'm sure but right now, could someone help me understand What is Apache? I thought the server was the hardware a site was physically hosted on but i can't understand it at all now.. So i download Apache and then what? Can i just copy it into the root directory for the website on 123reg? Is their an installer? Will 123reg allow it to "run" or "serve" or whatever word's appropriate or will there be permissions issues?
And then once that's sorted there's mod_wsgi to look into, a cursory glance at the installation guide shows commands to be run, which confuses me further as i was not aware that a standard host like 123reg have any sort of inbuilt console window to be run on in which case how are you expected to execute these commands?
And another thing I didn't really think through, I'm using the built in sqlite database technology.. How will i be able to install it on my webspace? and then how will that effect my django configuration? or maybe i'll have to change to MySql v5 which 123reg says it supports?
I know these must be idiotic questions, I just wasn't sure where best to ask for help and SO has one of the most helpful and knowledgeable communities around. I did try having a google but everything was a bit overly technical for me.
You can't upload a Django site using FTP on a shared hosting provider and expect it to run. You'll need to configure it to run with their installed Apache, including configuration like mod_wsgi.
I very much doubt that 123-reg support this. You are unlikely to be able to run a Django site there. You should look for a more Django-friendly site - I recommend Webfaction.
Apache is the webserver software. It's already running on their machines. Don't try and install it lol, or they will certainly laugh at you.
To "run commands" you need to get a remote shell (console). This is typically done via Secure Shell (SSH). See this page regarding 123reg specifically: How do I connect using SSH (Putty)?
Django supports different databases, including SQLite and MySQL. SQLite is typically for small, simple databases, as the "database" is really just a local file that is manipulated by the SQLite engine. MySQL is the database of choice for many websites.